Case Category Change of Religion, Nationality, Race

Total of 39 results found

Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen-From the Holocaust a Child Finds her Past Life Home

From the Holocaust, a child prodigy finds her way home. Barbro Karlen as the reincarnation of Anne Frank.

gordon-keene-reincarnation-past-life-semkiw-portrait with helmet large image

Past Life Story of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene: Spirit Being, Spiritual or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case & How Evidence of Reincarnation can bring Peace

The reincarnation case of John B. Gordon | Jeffrey Keene demonstrates how evidence of reincarnation can help create a more peaceful world. Confederate officer John B. Gordon reincarnates as a Northern Connecticut Yankee, showing how souls can change cultural affiliation and incarnate as a past life enemy. This reincarnation case demonstrates the futility and wastefulness of war.


The Reincarnation Case of a Nazi Bomber Pilot | Carl Edon

A Christian Father’s investigation into his son’s reincarnation stories of being a Nazi pilot in the Second World War named Robert. Carl Edon the reincarnation has very typical German features vastly in contrast to his whole family, Robert was a German and Carl Edon was British.

Reincarnation Japanese Soldier, Gender Identity Issues, P 38

Japanese Soldier Reincarnates as a Woman and Becomes a Lesbian, Understanding Homosexuality & Gender Identity Issues through Reincarnation; Sasha Fleishman

The retention of the mindset of the gender of a prior incarnation is demonstrated in this childhood memory reincarnation case researched by Ian Stevenson, MD. A WW II Japanese soldier in occupied Burma was killed in a strafing run and reincarnated as a Burmese woman, showing how a persecutor can return to life as the persecuted, demonstrating the futility of war.


Reincarnation Case of Pablo Picasso | Alexandra Nechita: Past Life Patterns & Innate Talent

The reincarnation case of Pablo Picasso is so self-apparent, that it almost solved itself. Let us briefly review the histories of Pablo Picasso and Alexander Nechita here where every detail is discussed.


Xenoglossy & Phobia Reincarnation Case of Sharada | Uttara Huddar: A Past Life Personality Preserved Intact within the Soul

Reflections of a Past Lifetime in a Phobia, as well as in Dreams and Literature such as the case involving Uttara Huddar whose past life personality Sharada shows Psychic abilities by taking over Uttara’s consciousness lightly simulating a Spirit’s possession.

physical resemblance reincarnation

Past Life Story of John Elliotson | Norm Shealy, MD: Spiritual Communication or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case

John Elliotson, a 19th century British physician, a medical innovator and pain specialist reincarnated into Norm Shealy a modern internationally renowned neurosurgeon, inventor, writer and specialist in pain management. Shealy is the inventor of TENS Unit, Dorsal Column Stimulator, and the Facet Rhizotomy.


Holocaust Past Life Story with Phobias, Religion Change & Soul Plan: Reincarnation Case of a Jewish Concentration Camp Victim | Teuvo Koivisto

Teuvo Koivisto was born a Lutheran Christian, in Helsinki, Finland on August 20, 1971 but he was the reincarnation of a Jew who had the misfortune of dying in a concentration camp. The reincarnation was announced to his mom in a dream by a man who was holding a copy of the Kabbalah who said “The baby you are expecting is a Jew, and I will save your life.”


Past Life Story with Phobias, Innate Talent & Religion Change: Reincarnation Case of a Young Holocaust Victim | David Llewelyn

David died as a young Jewish boy in a Nazi concentration camp, David reincarnated into a Christian family though David’s biologic father, Solomon, was Jewish, David was not aware of this. If Nazis and German people knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, would the Holocaust still have happened.


Reincarnation Case of Shiv Behari Jain | Ram Prakash: Past Life Case with Change in Religion

Shiv Behari Jain was of the Jain religion, while Ram Prakesh was born into the Hindu faith, Shiv Behari Jain a prosperous merchant lived in Firozabad, northern India. He died and reincarnated as Ram Prakash who was born on April 10, 1966, about 9 months after Shiv Behari Jain died.


Muslim Reincarnation Case of Mushir Ali | Naresh Kumar: A Past Life Case with Change in Religion from Islamic to Hindu

Naresh Kumar, a Hindu was reunited with his past life family, the Muslim family of Haider Ali, who accepted Naresh as the reincarnation of their deceased son,


Xenoglossy Reincarnation Case of Jenson Jacoby | TE Past Life Personality Retained Intact within the Soul

Under hypnosis or past life regression, A physician’s wife starts speaking Swedish. In sessions conducted from 1955 to 1956, Tania’s hypnosis, revealed a personality named Jensen Jacoby who spoke Swedish and claimed to be Tanya’s past life.

Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moon

Islam Reincarnation Case of Oma Devi | Nagina: Past Life Case involving Suicide, Religion Change & Renewed Relationships

Oma Devi committed suicide reincarnated in a little over 3 years after her death, demonstrating that suicide does not end the evolution of the soul. Oma Devi was Hindu, but reborn into a Sunni Muslim family.


Soul Plan in the Past Life Story of Poldi Holzmuller | Wolfgang Neurath: Reincarnation Case with Change in Gender

Poldi Holzmuller reincarnates as a boy, a reincarnation case that touches on gender identification.


Reincarnation Xenoglossy Story of Nawal Daw

An Arabic, Muslim girl speaks a past life indian language. Nawal Daw was born in Lebanon on April 25, 1960 to an Arabic, Muslim family but Nawal as a child spoke a language that she never learned by normal means.


Past Life Ability, Spirit Being, Mediumship & Spiritual Guidance in the Reincarnation Case of Rosario Weisz | Henrietta Roos-Weisz

Henrietta Roos was born in 1903 in Amsterdam, Holland. Early on, she demonstrated a natural talent for drawing, painting and music, later in life she was able to patch memories and discovered she had a close connection with Goya in the past lifetime.


Soul Plan in Past Life Story of Angelina Lopes | Alfonso Lopes Reincarnation Case with Phobia & Gender Change

Angelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953, and died when she was 7 years old in a car accident, then she subsequently reincarnated as her younger brother Alfonso and was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures.


Reincarnation Case of Hardevbaksh Singh | Nasruddin Shah: Change of Religion from Hindu to Muslim in a Past Life Case

Hardevbaksh, a Hindu, Reincarnates as a Muslim in Nasruddin. Still Nasruddin identified with the Hindu faith and his past life caste as a Thakur and often this causes conflicts with beliefs of his present lifetime Muslim family.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life Case

Change of Religion, Nationality, Race and Ethnic Affliation in Reincarnation Cases-Introduction

Evidence shows cultural markers of identity, such as religion and nationality, can change across lifetimes. This understanding can make the world a more peaceful place. The symbol for change of religion is a symmetric cross inside a circle. The circle can represent looking up at the dome of a mosque or church. It can also signify that we can incarnate in any culture in our cycle of incarnations.


Past Life Story with Physical Resemblance, Phobia & Geographic Memory: Reincarnation Case of Margaret Kempthorne | Gladys Deacon

A personal account of her experience and the details of a personal interview by Dr. Ian Stevenson were the bases for this child reincarnation story case. Gladys Deacon the person who experienced the child reincarnation detailed her memories of her past life and corroborated it with evidences she has collected. in a story she wrote herself.


Karma in Xenoglossy Past Life Story of a German Woman

Xenoglossy reincarnation story with bad karma, the story of an 1862, hypnotist in Hamburg, Germany, named Ricne Galitian, who hypnotized a poverty stricken German woman who spoke French. She described the events of a previous lifetime to which she attributed her present day life situation equating it as bad karma for an evil deed.


Reincarnation Case of Mandeep Kaur | Pushpa: Change of Religion in a Past Life Case

Mandeep Kaur, a member of the Sikh religion, lived in New Delhi, India, with her husband and on June 2, 1961, Mandeep’s husband stabbed her to death. About 4 years later, a girl named Pushpa was born on June 16, 1965 into a family of Hindu religion.


Jon Stewart Interviews Jesus

“You’re like five fingers on a hand who think they’re separate and make up reasons why not to get along.”


Past Life Story with Soul Plan, Renewal of Past Life Relationships & Geographic Past Life Memory: Muslim Reincarnation Case of Mehmet Cosmen | Suleyman Zeytun

A Soul Plan in Proximity Reincarnation Case that also exhibits a few inherent characteristics of the other types of reincarnation; the best example are those of split reincarnation. This is the reincarnation case of Mehet Cosmen who reincarnated in the child, Suleyman Zeytun who was born in the same village, just a few doors away from Mehet’s home.


Past Life Story with Change in Religion & Geographic Past Life Memory: Reincarnation Case of Gioanna Spontini | Laure Raynaud

Laure Raynaud was born in 1868 in the French village of Aumont, near Amiens. At the age of 17, she decided to work as an alternative healer and was then subsequently employed by Dr. Gaston, which connected her to discovering a past lifetime.


Past Life Story with Innate Talent, Deja Vu, Geographic Memory & Religion Change: Reincarnation Case of an Islamic Persian | Peter Avery

Peter Avery, was born in Derby, England, on May 15, 1923. In World War II, he served in the Royal Indian Navy which he left after the war.He attended the University of London, graduated in 1949 with a degree in Arabic and Persian languages which catapulted him to a career as Training Manager for Arabic and Persian languages for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, and it was this job that gave him the opportunity to discover his past lifetime in Isfahan.


Child Reincarnation Story of Karakas | Kemal Atosoy: Change in Religion-Christian to Muslim

A reincarnation case in which a Muslim boy had spontaneous memories of a past lifetime as a Christian.