Case Category Geographic Memory

Total of 29 results found

Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen-From the Holocaust a Child Finds her Past Life Home

From the Holocaust, a child prodigy finds her way home. Barbro Karlen as the reincarnation of Anne Frank.

Eli Lasch Portrait Reincarnation Case Evidence

Reincarnation Case of an Israeli Child who Recalled Being Killed with an Axe & Identifies his Past Life Murderer, Who Confesses

A Druse Boy is born with a past life birthmark, remembers being killed by an ax blow to the head. Investigated by Eli Lasch, MD, a prominent physician in Israel this case was judged anecdotal due to lack of evidential details.

gordon-keene-reincarnation-past-life-semkiw-portrait with helmet large image

Past Life Story of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene: Spirit Being, Spiritual or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case & How Evidence of Reincarnation can bring Peace

The reincarnation case of John B. Gordon | Jeffrey Keene demonstrates how evidence of reincarnation can help create a more peaceful world. Confederate officer John B. Gordon reincarnates as a Northern Connecticut Yankee, showing how souls can change cultural affiliation and incarnate as a past life enemy. This reincarnation case demonstrates the futility and wastefulness of war.


Past Life Story with Split Incarnation, Suicide, Karma & Past Life Ability: Reincarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz

Helmut died November 23, 1887, Ruprecht was born October 19, 1887, five weeks before Helmut’s death. Many believe that the soul is involved with the development of the fetus from the time of conception, if this is true this reincarnation case demonstrates evidence of split incarnation or parallel lives.


Past Life Behavior, Past Life Geographic Memory & Past Life Phobia in Turkish Reincarnation Case of Ahmet Delibalta | Erkan Kilic

Ahmet Delibalta observed the recovery of his body after a plane crash. A reincarnation case study which details how the relationships are renewed through reincarnation. Erkan as a child to played with his own past life son.

reincarnation sri lankan rebels

Sri Lankan Rebels who Reincarnated as Twin Girls

A.K. Nandadasa Johnny was born in 1945 in Unawatuna, a coastal town in the district of Galle, at the southern tip of Sri Lanka.


Past Life Dreams & Memories-ET or Spirit Being Contact: The Reincarnation Story of Belle Starr | Karen Pigott

Karen Pigott has a recurring childhood Past Life Dream. She discovered the truth behind her dreams with the help of a mechanical sounding entity telling her enough information about her dreams bridging it to her present day’s reality.

physical resemblance reincarnation

Past Life Story of John Elliotson | Norm Shealy, MD: Spiritual Communication or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case

John Elliotson, a 19th century British physician, a medical innovator and pain specialist reincarnated into Norm Shealy a modern internationally renowned neurosurgeon, inventor, writer and specialist in pain management. Shealy is the inventor of TENS Unit, Dorsal Column Stimulator, and the Facet Rhizotomy.


Past Life Story of Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson-Spirit Being or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case with Psychokenisis

In childhood, Wayne Peterson had vivid memories of a lifetime in which women wore nineteenth century clothing and where parties were held in a large sandstone, mansion-like house. Decades later, while working as a US Diplomat and and Director of the Fulbright Scholarship Program, through guidance from the spirit world and an episode of psychokinesis, Wayne was able to identify his past life as Louis Vanderbilt, wife of Frederick Vanderbilt, a member of the American Vanderbilt dynasty which includes CNN’s Anderson Cooper.


Muslim Reincarnation Case of Mushir Ali | Naresh Kumar: A Past Life Case with Change in Religion from Islamic to Hindu

Naresh Kumar, a Hindu was reunited with his past life family, the Muslim family of Haider Ali, who accepted Naresh as the reincarnation of their deceased son,


Soul Plan, Spirit Being & Gender Change in Same Family Reincarnation: Past Life Story of Jaako Vuorenlehto | Taru Jarvi

A reincarnation research case that gives proof that a soul can plan future life from the spirit world. The reincarnation of Jaako Vuorenlehto a male as a female Taru Jarvi and she has perfect recall of past life.


Past Life Story of Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson: Spirit Being, Spirit Guide & Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case

Though Wayne never took an art lesson, he found he could create beautiful paintings. His artwork focused on scenes of Venice, reflecting his past lifetime as Francesco Foscari.


Geographic Past Life Memory & Deja Vu in Reincarnation Cases-Introduction

Past life memories stimulated by past life locations and the ability to find past life homes without directions are discussed. How reincarnation can explain deja vu experiences. The symbol for Geographic Memory is the globe, as locations on our planet can stimulate past life memories and emotions.


Past Life Love & Story: Soul Plan, Spirit Being & Geographic Memory Turkish Reincarnation Case of Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altunkalic

Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altunkalic case is one of the best documented of all Turkish reincarnation cases. Sehide was Abit’s pregnant wife, murdered the same time that Abit was, Cevriye Bayri reported having memories of being Sehide, which will be discussed in the Sehide Suzulmus | Cevriye Bayri reincarnation case review.


Reincarnation Xenoglossy Story of Nawal Daw

An Arabic, Muslim girl speaks a past life indian language. Nawal Daw was born in Lebanon on April 25, 1960 to an Arabic, Muslim family but Nawal as a child spoke a language that she never learned by normal means.

Victorian Ghost

Child Reincarnation Story of Ibleto di Challant | Giuseppie Costa: Same Facial Features in Two Incarnations

Fascinating reincarnation case solved through a spirit being that shows facial features can remain the same.


Soul Plan in Past Life Story of Angelina Lopes | Alfonso Lopes Reincarnation Case with Phobia & Gender Change

Angelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953, and died when she was 7 years old in a car accident, then she subsequently reincarnated as her younger brother Alfonso and was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures.


Past Life Story with Physical Resemblance, Phobia & Geographic Memory: Reincarnation Case of Margaret Kempthorne | Gladys Deacon

A personal account of her experience and the details of a personal interview by Dr. Ian Stevenson were the bases for this child reincarnation story case. Gladys Deacon the person who experienced the child reincarnation detailed her memories of her past life and corroborated it with evidences she has collected. in a story she wrote herself.


Past Life Story with Change in Religion & Geographic Past Life Memory: Reincarnation Case of Gioanna Spontini | Laure Raynaud

Laure Raynaud was born in 1868 in the French village of Aumont, near Amiens. At the age of 17, she decided to work as an alternative healer and was then subsequently employed by Dr. Gaston, which connected her to discovering a past lifetime.


Past Life Story with Innate Talent, Deja Vu, Geographic Memory & Religion Change: Reincarnation Case of an Islamic Persian | Peter Avery

Peter Avery, was born in Derby, England, on May 15, 1923. In World War II, he served in the Royal Indian Navy which he left after the war.He attended the University of London, graduated in 1949 with a degree in Arabic and Persian languages which catapulted him to a career as Training Manager for Arabic and Persian languages for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, and it was this job that gave him the opportunity to discover his past lifetime in Isfahan.


A Case of Sudden Past Life Recall: A Boy Finds his Past Life Wife and Treasure

Reincarnation & Preservation of Past Life Personalities Within the Soul case study followed the story of a boy who found his past life wife and led her to a buried chest full of money. A researched and published case by a researcher named Krishanand.