Case Category Physical Resemblances

Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen-From the Holocaust a Child Finds her Past Life Home
From the Holocaust, a child prodigy finds her way home. Barbro Karlen as the reincarnation of Anne Frank.

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases-Introduction
Evidence that appearance can be consistent across lifetimes and a theory on how this occurs. The symbol for physical resemblance in reincarnation cases is one face reflected in another.

Reincarnation Case of Pablo Picasso | Alexandra Nechita: Past Life Patterns & Innate Talent
The reincarnation case of Pablo Picasso is so self-apparent, that it almost solved itself. Let us briefly review the histories of Pablo Picasso and Alexander Nechita here where every detail is discussed.

Past Life Story of Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson-Spirit Being or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case with Psychokenisis
In childhood, Wayne Peterson had vivid memories of a lifetime in which women wore nineteenth century clothing and where parties were held in a large sandstone, mansion-like house. Decades later, while working as a US Diplomat and and Director of the Fulbright Scholarship Program, through guidance from the spirit world and an episode of psychokinesis, Wayne was able to identify his past life as Louis Vanderbilt, wife of Frederick Vanderbilt, a member of the American Vanderbilt dynasty which includes CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

Past Life Story of Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson: Spirit Being, Spirit Guide & Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case
Though Wayne never took an art lesson, he found he could create beautiful paintings. His artwork focused on scenes of Venice, reflecting his past lifetime as Francesco Foscari.

Soul Planning from Spirit Realm: Past Life Story of Bessie Gordon | Jenny McLeod
Jenny McLeod was born on November 7, 1949 in Aberdeen, Scotland but prior to that she planned her reincarnation. She was Bessie Gordon. the mother of Margaret, Janet’s mother in her past life, a good proof of same family reincarnation.

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives: The Reincarnation Cases of Charles Parkhurst | Alice Cary | Penney Peirce: Spiritual Communication in Past Life Cases
Through series of three lifetimes as Penney Peirce, Charles Parkhurst and Alice Cary, similarities in physical appearance, writing talent, interests and passions are observed. Change in gender and the phenonmenon of split incarnation or parallel lives are evident, as Penney’s past lives as Alice Cary and Charles Parkhursrt overlapped by 29 years, showing how a soul can animate more that one physical body at a time.

Reincarnation Case of Elsagene | Tikvah Dobsch with Past Life Phobias, Nightmares and a Near Death Experience
Reflections on Reincarnation and a Child’s Life Cut Short was influenced by flashes of memories of a past life that recurs as nightmares on Tikvah Feinstein. She hears about Elsagene, but then she searched for concrete proof that indeed she, Tikvah is Elsagene’s reincarnation.

Reincarnation Case of Nellie Sharp | Karen Frazier and the Wellington, Washington Avalanche and Train Disaster
A Past Life Obsession with the Wellington, Washington Avalanche & Train Derailments was found to have connections with a past life as Nellie Sharp. The facts as researched by herself, all the events agrees or affirms that she, Karen Frazier is the reincarnation of Nellie Sharp.

Past Life Dreams & Memories-ET or Spirit Being Contact: The Reincarnation Story of Belle Starr | Karen Pigott
Karen Pigott has a recurring childhood Past Life Dream. She discovered the truth behind her dreams with the help of a mechanical sounding entity telling her enough information about her dreams bridging it to her present day’s reality.

Reincarnation Stories of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp and Mette Gauguin | Michelle Moshay
This reincarnation case shows how artistic talent and even specific compostions can be carried over from one lifetime to another. Past life resemblance and a relationship renewed through reincarnation is also observed.

Past Life Story of John Elliotson | Norm Shealy, MD: Spiritual Communication or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case
John Elliotson, a 19th century British physician, a medical innovator and pain specialist reincarnated into Norm Shealy a modern internationally renowned neurosurgeon, inventor, writer and specialist in pain management. Shealy is the inventor of TENS Unit, Dorsal Column Stimulator, and the Facet Rhizotomy.

Past Life Story of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene: Spirit Being, Spiritual or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case & How Evidence of Reincarnation can bring Peace
The reincarnation case of John B. Gordon | Jeffrey Keene demonstrates how evidence of reincarnation can help create a more peaceful world. Confederate officer John B. Gordon reincarnates as a Northern Connecticut Yankee, showing how souls can change cultural affiliation and incarnate as a past life enemy. This reincarnation case demonstrates the futility and wastefulness of war.

Past Life Regression Story of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow
A regression of a retired Captain to prove the veracity of memories. The journey into the past is documented in a book, Looking for Carroll Beckwith, a totally honest, humorous and candid recollection of his regression journey.

Reincarnation Case of Mithilesh Singh | Rajani Singh Past Life Case Involving Suicide, Same Family Incarnation, Reincarnation Birthmarks & Physical Resemblance
A new life reclaimed after a death by suicide of Mithilesh Singh who reincarnated in the same family as Rajani observed to exhibit the same behavior as Mithilesh. A noticeable physical resemblance and demonstrations of similar phobias between the two were also noted.

Soul Plan, Same Family Reincarnation & Spirit Being Involvement in the Past Life Story of Kalevi Paasio | Paavo Sorsa
A same family reincarnation of a murdered son Kalevi Paasio, as his younger brother but from another father Paavo forming a closer relationship with his mother in the subsequent lifetime. Paavo manifested protective tendencies towards his mother maybe because of his inability to protect her in his previous lifetime.

Past life Story of Eeva-Maija Kaartinen | Maria-Liisa Kaartinen: Soul Plan, Reincarnation & Talent, Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives
A girl Eeva-Maija Kaartinen who died at an early age when her mother is pregnant with another baby reincarnated in the baby that her mother was carrying when she died, and was named Marja-Liisa. A reincarnation story with references clearly indicating a renewed sustained lifetime of a former life that was curtailed at a very young age.

Soul Planning from Spirit Realm with Gender Change in a Reincarnation Case: Past Life Story of L. Ennuyer | N. Jegou
A mother’s questions on her son’s accident were finally answered when her son reincarnated as her granddaughter. Lionel Ennuyer reincarnated as Nadege and tells how he died a in a motorcycle accident.

Soul Plan, Spirit Being & Gender Change in Same Family Reincarnation: Past Life Story of Jaako Vuorenlehto | Taru Jarvi
A reincarnation research case that gives proof that a soul can plan future life from the spirit world. The reincarnation of Jaako Vuorenlehto a male as a female Taru Jarvi and she has perfect recall of past life.

Soul Plan, Spirit Being, Past Life Behavior & Same Family Reincarnation in the Past Life Story of Pertti Haikio | Samuel Helander
A child is born again into the same family and perfectly remembers his Past Life and exhibits Past Life Phobias. A research case on child reincarnation implying Past Life Behavior and Soul that Plans abetted by cautionary from Spirit Beings by Dr, Ian Stevenson, Md.

Blanche Bautista Reincarnation Story: A Lullaby from a Past Lifetime
A same family reincarnation research case of Dr. Ian Stevenson tinged with a touch of Xenoglossy. A little girl named Blanche reincarnated as her younger sister who is also named Blanche and at age 5 the second Blanche started singing a French lullaby which a former French servant had sung to the first Blanche.

The Reincarnation Case of a Nazi Bomber Pilot | Carl Edon
A Christian Father’s investigation into his son’s reincarnation stories of being a Nazi pilot in the Second World War named Robert. Carl Edon the reincarnation has very typical German features vastly in contrast to his whole family, Robert was a German and Carl Edon was British.

Past Life Story with Physical Resemblance, Phobia & Geographic Memory: Reincarnation Case of Margaret Kempthorne | Gladys Deacon
A personal account of her experience and the details of a personal interview by Dr. Ian Stevenson were the bases for this child reincarnation story case. Gladys Deacon the person who experienced the child reincarnation detailed her memories of her past life and corroborated it with evidences she has collected. in a story she wrote herself.

Child Reincarnation Story of Ibleto di Challant | Giuseppie Costa: Same Facial Features in Two Incarnations
Fascinating reincarnation case solved through a spirit being that shows facial features can remain the same.

Child Reincarnation Story of Bootlegger Sammy Fernando | Sujith Jayaratne
Same appearance and behaviors across two lifetimes.

Child Reincarnation Stories of Daw Aye Phyu | Ma Nyunt Nyunt San and Daw Sapai | Ma San San Nyunt:
The story of two Burmese sisters Phyu and Saipai who reincarnated as twin sisters San and Nyunt. A proof of reincarnation emphasized by the exceptionally significant physical resemblance of the persons in both lifetime.

Child Reincarnation Story of Alessandrina Samona 1 and 2
A child Alessandrina died of meningitis at a very young age of 5, who later reincarnated as her younger sister. A reincarnation research case showing proof of reincarnation within the same family by Dr. Ian Stevenson, MD.

Reincarnation Case of Suresh Verma | Titu Singh & Video
A child reincarnation story case of Dr. Ian Stevenson MD. with reincarnation birthmarks and physical resemblance. This is the story of the child Sureh Verma who reincarnated as Titu Singh who has the birthmark on the spot of his past life’s injury which had cut short his young life.

Childhood Past Life Memory Reincarnation Story of Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi
Ian Stevenson, MD studied Daniel Jurdi, who had validated spontaneous past life memories of being Rashid Khaddage, as a child in the 1970’s. Dr. Stevenson revisited Daniel in 1998. He found that Daniel, now a full grown adult, has the same facial features as his past life persona, Rashid Khaddege.

Childhood Past Life Memory Reincarnation Story of Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem
Ian Stevenson, MD studied Suzanne Ghanem, who had validated spontaneous past life memories of being Hanan Monsour, as a child in the 1960’s. Dr. Stevenson revisited Suzanne in 1998. He found that Suzanne, now a full grown adult, has the same facial features as her past life persona, Hanan Monsour.

Sri Lankan Rebels who Reincarnated as Twin Girls
A.K. Nandadasa Johnny was born in 1945 in Unawatuna, a coastal town in the district of Galle, at the southern tip of Sri Lanka.

Soul Survivor: Past Life Story of World War II Fighter Pilot James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger
As a young boy, James Leininger had spontaneous memories of a past lifetime as an American fighter pilot. His father, Bruce, through research, was able to establish Little James’s past life identity as James Huston, Jr. Little James eventually was reunited with this past life sister who validated his past life memories.