Share our Reincarnation Cases and Submit your Cases

world-peopleArticle by Walter Semkiw, MD

Share and Promote our Reincarnation Cases

Help create a more peaceful world by helping spread knowledge of reincarnation research and cases that show objective evidence of reincarnation by:

  • Creating links to
  • Liking our website on Facebook and spreading the word regarding on social media.
  • Promote our reincarnation cases in multiple languages by posting notices in your language, on your websites and blogs, pointing out that is equipped with Google Translate.
  • Translate Born Again and have it published in your language. Book profits will be shared. For more information write to Walter Semkiw, MD at:

Submit your Reincarnation and Spirit Being Cases serves to make evidence of reincarnation available to people around the world. In addition to serving this educational role, our website is a place where new reincarnation cases can be submitted for review and posting.

We are also interested in cases that provide evidence of beings who exist in the spiritual world.

To submit your reincarnation and spirit being cases, please write to Walter Semkiw, MD at: