Reincarnation Case of Joanne Stefani Germanotta | Lady Gaga

Proposed by: Lady Gaga

Affirmed by: Spirit Being or Spirit Guide Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

In Shah Rukh Khan Interview, Lady Gaga Says She is her Aunt Reincarnated

I first became aware that Lady Gaga believes in reincarnation when I was posting Shah Rukh Khan’s past life case as Sadhona Bose on the website and looked him up on the Internet to find a link to his movie, Om Shanti Om, which is about reincarnation.

The Times of India attributed the fast track production of this movie to publicity generated by the release of my book, Born Again, in India in 2006.

In my Internet search I learned that Shah Rukh Khan had interviewed Lady Gaga when she visited India. In this interview, Lady Gaga revealed to him that she believes that she is the reincarnation of her paternal aunt, Joanne Germanotta. She also shared that when she talks about reincarnation in the United States, people treat at her as if she is crazy. Lady Gaga’s belief that she is the reincarnation of her aunt Joanne was reported in the Times of India. Click on images to enlarge them.

The Life of Joanne Stefani Germanotta

Reincarnation Case Study-shah-rukh-khan-reincarnation-sadhona-boseLady Gaga’s aunt, Joanne Stefani Germanotta, the sister of her father, Joe Germanotta, was born on March 12, 1955 and died of lupus erythematosus when she was 19 years of age on December 18, 1974.

Lady Gaga, which is her stage name, was born as Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta on March 28, 1986, a little over 11 years after her paternal aunt died of lupus. Though Lady Gaga never met her Aunt Joanne, she feels a very strong connection to her and, as noted, she believes that she is the reincarnation of her Aunt Joanne.

Lady Gaga’s Spiritual Vision: Past Life Talent 

Lady Gaga told Britain’s News of the World, “I realized my father’s sister, Joanne, who’d died at 19, had instilled her spirit in me.” “She was a painter and a poet – and I had a spiritual vision I had to finish her business. I never met her but she’s been one of the most important figures in my life.”

Further, Lady Gaga has stated, “I always wear my Aunt Joanne’s birth certificate around my neck, I’m wearing it now.” The birth certificate is miniaturized and worn on a necklace by Lady Gaga.

A Lady Gaga Family Member Affirms a Past Life Physical Resemblance: Lady Gaga looks like Joanne Germanotta

Lady Gaga has noted, “My middle name is Joanne, which is my dad’s sister’s name, and her middle name is Stephanie, which is my birth name. It all just kind of comes together in this interesting way. Whenever I see my grandmother or my family, they say: ‘You look so much like her.’”

In a personal correspondence in 2016, a family member of Lady Gaga also shared with me that he sees a similarity of facial features between Joanne and Lady Gaga. In the image comparisons provided, Joanne’s face is fuller, which may be due to her disease, lupus, which can cause facial swelling.

Lady Gaga & Spirit Being Intervention

Lady Gaga also attributes her aunt Joanne as intervening from the spirit world to help her emerge from an addition to cocaine and helping her to focus on her career as a singer and artist. If Lady Gaga is the reincarnation of her aunt Joanne, this would have been her own higher self or soul that enacted this intervention.

For A Moment is poem written by her aunt Joanne Germanotta, which Lady Gaga published in her The Fame album booklet. She explained that she did so because her late aunt never had the chance of being published during her life.

Spirit Being Ahtun Re Affirms Lady Gaga is the Reincarnation of Joanne Germonatta

In a session with Kevin Ryerson, I asked Ahtun Re, the spirit guide that Kevin the channels, who has demonstrated the ability to make accurate past life matches, whether Lady Gaga is the reincarnation of her aunt or whether her deceased aunt Joanne is serving as a spirit guide to Lady Gaga.

Ahtun Re responded that Lady Gaga is the reincarnation of her deceased paternal aunt Joanne Germanotta.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases:  Lady Gaga has stated, “Whenever I see my grandmother or my family, they say: ‘You look so much like her.’” As noted, a family member of Lady Gaga also shared with me that he also sees a similarity of facial features. In the images provided, Joanne’s face is fuller than that of Lady Gaga, which, as mentioned, may be due to Joanne’s condition of lupus, which can cause facial swelling. Of course, similarity in facial features can be explained by family genetics.

Innate Past Life Talent: Lady Gaga has noted that her late aunt Joanne Germanotta was a poet and an artist, and that she feels that her aunt’s talent is expressed through her.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: This represents a same family reincarnation case, in which family members have been reunited through reincarnation.

There is very strong evidence that souls can plan lifetimes and be actively involved in the process of conception, as dramatically demonstrated in:

The Power of Souls: Twins in India are Murdered, then Reincarnate as Twins Again

Affinity Case: Lady Gaga is attracted to her own past life persona, Joanne. Other affinity cases include those of Halle Berry and Laurel and Hardy.

View Viral Reincarnation Research Video: Evidence of Reincarnation


Reincarnation Case of Sadhona Bose | Shah Rukh Khan: Overlap of Lifetimes in a Past Life Case & Lady Gaga’s Belief in Reincarnation

 Reincarnation Case Study-shah-rukh-khan-reincarnation-sadhona-boseRevealed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

From: Born Again, Indian Version, by Walter Semkiw, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Past Life of Shah Rukh Khan as a Female Indian Dancer

In sessions with Kevin Ryerson, I asked about Shah Rukh Khan, who has been described as India’s heartthrob. Ahtun Re revealed that Mr. Khan, in a past lifetime, was a well-known female Indian dancer and actress who lived during the early years of Indian cinema. After some research, I found a possible candidate in Sadhona Bose. In as subsequent session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re confirmed that Shah Rukh Khan is the reincarnation of Sadhona Bose, who lived from 1914 to 1973.

The Life of Sadhona Bose

Sadhona was an actress and dancer from Calcutta, a city which is now called Kolkata. Sadhona was trained in classic Indian dance, but she also performed ballet. In 1929, she even worked with Anna Pavlova on a stage version of Alibaba. Her best known movie is Raj Nartaki, which was released in the United States as Court Dancer. Sadhona Bose also produced the show, Rhythm of Victory, an extravaganza which featured 40 dancers.

Past Life Talent: Dancing Ability of Shah Rukh Khan

As a boy, Shah Rukh Khan was described as an extrovert with a mischievous streak. At school, he liked to entertain classmates with imitations of their teachers and celebrities. Shah Rukh Khan was attracted to the theater early on and eventually earned a Master’s degree in film and journalism.

The dancing talent of Sadhona Bose was expressed early on in the career of Shah Rukh Khan, who performed as a dancer under Barry John, an internationally known director and actor. John was producing Annie Get Your Gun with his Theater Action Group in New Delhi. Shah Rukh Khan asked John for a role and was cast as a male dancer in the production. Barry John has remarked on Shah Rukh Khans talent: “His ability to mime and clown, his dancing skills and his gymnastic skills were remarkable.” (1)

Shah Rukh Khan performed in other musicals, including Wizard of Oz, and continues to engage in musical productions. In 2004, he went on a two month song and dance tour which included venues in Europe and North America.

The Love Story of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Chhiba

An interesting part of Shah Rukh Khan’s life is his romance and marriage with Gauri Chhiba. Shah Rukh Khan is Muslim, whereas Gauri Chhiba is Hindu. As such, their romance has a Romeo and Juliet quality, in that their different religions created complications in the relationship.

At one point, Gauri Chhiba went to Mumbai for solitude, without informing Shah Rukh Khan. This unexpected separation led to Rukh Khan’s realization that he must be with Gauri. Though he did not know her specific whereabouts in Mumbai, which is a huge city, he went there to search for her.

Knowing that Gauri liked beaches, on the last day of his expedition to Mumbai he asked a cab driver for a recommendation regarding a beach he might go to in order to find his lady. The driver told Rukh Khan to try Aksa Beach, where he indeed found Gauri. The couple embraced and knew that they were meant to be with one another.

om shanti om born again walter semkiw IISIS Reincarnation CaseGenerally, when there is such a strong pull between people, such as demonstrated in the relationship of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Chhiba, there is usually a past life connection. It would be interesting to investigate the relationship history of these two people over the eons, over many lifetimes.

Walter Semkiw’s Born Again & Om Shanty Om

Of interest, when my book Born Again came out in India in 2006 and I was interviewed in India on CNN-IBN, Shah Rukh Khan was in the middle of making a movie. According to the Times of India, Shah Rukh Khan left that production to capitalize on the publicity that Born Again generated to make a movie on reincarnation. That film was Om Shanty Om, a wonderfully entertaining movie that has enjoyed international distribution.

Om Shanti Om was released in November 2007 and broke box office records, grossing over 1.49 billion worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing Hindi film of all-time.

Lady Gaga & Reincarnation

Also of interest, Lady Gaga was interviewed by Shah Rukh Khan when she was in India. In that interview, as reported in the Times of India and on the website Digital Spy, she expressed her belief in reincarnation.

In Shah Rukh Khan Interview, Lady Gaga says: “I was reincarnated”

“Lady Gaga has told Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan that she believes she was reincarnated. The Born This Way performer was interviewed by the Indian film star during her recent trip to India, reports The Times of India

‘I believe you can be reborn over and over again,’ Gaga explained. ‘I believe I was my father’s sister. My father’s sister died when she was 19 years old and I believe her spirit is with me and so I believe that I am her reincarnation.'”

In session I had with Kevin Ryerson, I asked Ahtun Re, the spirit being channeled through Kevin who has demonstrated an ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy, whether Lady Gaga’s belief that she is the reincarnation of her paternal aunt is valid. Ahtun Re indicated that this is true. To learn more, go to: Reincarnation Case of Joanne Stefani Germanotta | Lady Gaga

Reincarnation Case Study-shah-rukh-khan-reincarnation-sadhona-bosePrinciples of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance: Despite the change in gender, there is similarity in the facial arcitecture of Shah Rukh Khan and Sadhona Bose.

Change in Gender though Reincarnation: Shah Rukh Khan is male while Bose was female.

Change in Religion through Reincarnation: Bose was a Hindu woman, while Shah Rukh Khan is Muslim man.

Innate Past Life Talent: The dancing, singing and acting talent of Sadhona Bose is expressed in the career of Shah Rukh.

Split Incarnation: Sadhona Bose died in 1973, while Shah Rukh Khan was born in 1965, which represents an overlap of eight years. Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia published a number of reincarnation cases in which lifetimes overlapped, which he termed cases with “anomalous dates.”

View Viral Reincarnation Research Video: Evidence of Reincarnation


1. Biswadeep Ghosh, Hall of Fame: Shah Rukh Khan, Magna Publishing Company, 2004, p. 46