Reincarnation Case of Jules Verne | David Mitchell & Cloud Atlas


Proposed by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

David Mitchell is the author of Cloud Atlas, which has been made into a film by Lana and Andy Wachowski, along with Tom Tykwer. The Wachowskis are best known for their Matrix movie series. Lana Wachowski was previously Larry Wachowski, as this individual has changed gender from male to female. Transsexualism from the point of view of reincarnation is discussed on the page regarding past lives for Lana and Andy Wachowski (pending).

Halle Berry as the Reincarnation of Dorothy Dandridge

Cloud Atlas involves reincarnation, which makes this movie of great interest to me, especially since one of the stars, Halle Berry, is featured as a reincarnation case in Born Again. She is also featured on the web site at the: Reincarnation Case of Dorothy Dandridge | Halle Berry

David Mitchell has stated, regarding, Cloud Atlas: “All of the [leading] characters are reincarnations of the same soul … identified by a birthmark. … The “cloud” refers to the ever-changing manifestations of the “atlas,” which is the fixed human nature. The book’s theme is predacity … individuals prey on individuals, groups on groups, nations on nations.” (1)

Ian Stevenson, at the University of Virginia, found that individuals who died of a traumatic wound, such as a bullet or stab wound, would have a scar or birthmark in the same anatomic location in a subsequent incarnation. This likely relates to David Mitchell’s use of a birthmark to identify a soul in a series of incarnations.

Cloud Atlas Author David Mitchell as the Reincarnation of Jules Verne

I was intrigued by who the author may have been in a prior lifetime. As I pondered this question, the words “Jules Verne” entered my mind. I found that an image of a young, clean-shaven Verne, which demonstrated a physical similarity between Verne and David Mitchell.

In a subsequent session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re confirmed that David Mitchell is the reincarnation of Jules Verne.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: The facial features of the young Jules Verne correspond to those of David Mitchell.

Innate Past Life Talent: Jules Verne was a pioneer of science fiction, whose talent is evident in the writing of David Mitchell. Travel is prominent in the works of Verne and Mitchell.

Change in Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation: Jules Verne was born in France, while David Mitchell is a native of England.