Case Category Suicide

Reincarnation and Suicide-Introduction
Ian Stevenson, MD reincarnartion cases in which suicide was committed in a past lifetime. The symbol for reincarnation cases involving suicide is an X, representing negation, on a green background, which symbolizes life.

Past Life Story with Split Incarnation, Suicide, Karma & Past Life Ability: Reincarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz
Helmut died November 23, 1887, Ruprecht was born October 19, 1887, five weeks before Helmut’s death. Many believe that the soul is involved with the development of the fetus from the time of conception, if this is true this reincarnation case demonstrates evidence of split incarnation or parallel lives.

Islam Reincarnation Case of Oma Devi | Nagina: Past Life Case involving Suicide, Religion Change & Renewed Relationships
Oma Devi committed suicide reincarnated in a little over 3 years after her death, demonstrating that suicide does not end the evolution of the soul. Oma Devi was Hindu, but reborn into a Sunni Muslim family.

Reincarnation Case of Mithilesh Singh | Rajani Singh Past Life Case Involving Suicide, Same Family Incarnation, Reincarnation Birthmarks & Physical Resemblance
A new life reclaimed after a death by suicide of Mithilesh Singh who reincarnated in the same family as Rajani observed to exhibit the same behavior as Mithilesh. A noticeable physical resemblance and demonstrations of similar phobias between the two were also noted.