Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen-From the Holocaust a Child Finds her Past Life Home

From the Holocaust, a child prodigy finds her way home. Barbro Karlen as the reincarnation of Anne Frank.

image descriptionHow Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

From: And the Wolves Howled, by Barbro Karlen

Article from Born Again, by Walter Semkiw, MD

Click on images to enlarge

One of the most culturally significant reincarnation cases involves Barbro Karlen, who I have had he honor of doing joint presentations with since 2001.  I first met Barbro in 2000 and I now consider her a very good friend. I would like to share her experiences with you. At the end of this article, a video may be viewed in which Barbro tells her story in her own words. Enlarge images by clicking on them.

A Toddler’s Past Life Memories of being Anne Frank

Anne Frank died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. Less than ten years later, in 1954, Barbro Karlen was born to Christian parents in Sweden. When she was less than three years old, Barbro told her parents that her name was not Barbro, but “Anne Frank.” Barbro’s parents had no idea of who Anne Frank was, as they were unaware of the book, Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl, also known as The Diary of Anne Frank.

Barbro relates that her parents wanted her to call them “Ma and Pa,” but Barbro knew that they were not her real parents. Barbro even told her mother that her real parents would soon come to get her and take her to her real home. These statements are typical of childhood memory reincarnation cases researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, at the University of Virginia.

During her childhood, Barbro told her parents details of her life as Anne, which her parents thought were fantasies. In addition, Barbro had nightmares in which men ran up the stairs and kicked in the door to her family’s attic hiding place. An image of the exterior of the Frank family’s attic hiding place, which has the red tile roof, is provided below and to the right.

Barbro is evaluated by a Psychiatrist

Attic Hiding Place of Frank Family

Barbro’s past life memories worried her parents and at one point, when she was a child, they had her evaluated by a psychiatrist. Barbro, though, by this time, had learned that it was not wise to talk about the other world she lived in, the world of Anne Frank, as she noticed that everyone “got tense” when she described her memories to them. When she saw the psychiatrist, she made no mention of her memories of being Anne and was deemed a perfectly normal little girl.

Barbro’s Elementary School Teacher Discusses Anne Frank

When Barbro was seven or eight years of age, she became confused when her schoolteacher began talking about Anne Frank in class. Barbro thought to herself, “How could my teacher know about Anne Frank?” Barbro knew that she was Anne Frank.  Barbro began to realize that Anne Frank was a famous person. “How could that be,” she thought? Describing her confusion as a child, Barbro has related “all this didn’t work for me.”

Imagine how hard it must have been for Barbro to have spontaneous memories of a past lifetime and to have no one to talk to, no one who could help her with her confusion, traumatic memories and nightmares.

Barbro’s Past Life Phobias Related to Anne Frank’s Holocaust Experience

Since childhood, Barbro has had a fear of men in uniforms. Even as an adult, if stopped for a traffic violation by a police officer, Barbro would have such anxiety that she would consider fleeing. In order to get over her phobia of uniforms, as well as to work with horses, Barbro in adulthood, decided to become a mounted Swedish police officer. After completing her training with the Swedish Police Authority, Barbro did become a mounted police officer and she worked with police horses for over a decade.

In addition, Barbro has had an aversion to eating beans since childhood, which the Frank family existed on for nearly two years. Barbro would also only take baths, not showers. In concentration camps, Nazi’s would bring prisoners into large rooms telling the prisoners that they would be given showers. Instead of water, poison gas was piped into the room to kill the prisoners. Anne was first taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where such gas chambers were used to kill those too feeble to perform forced labor. Later, she was transferred to the Bergen-Belsen camp, where she died.

Anne Frank Reincarnation Case Amsterdam
Aerial View of Amsterdam

Barbro also resisted having her hair cut. In concentration camps, new arrivals were stripped naked and heads were shaved, followed by a process of disinfection.

At 10 Years of Age, Barbro’s Geographic Past Life Memory Leads her Parents to the Anne Frank House

Barbro received her first validation of being Anne Frank when she was ten years old, when she was able to find her way directly to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam without directions.

The graphic to the right, which can be enlarged, shows how circular the streets of Amsterdam are. It is easy to get lost wandering the streets of this city, yet Barbro’s past life memories of the streets of Amsterdam were clear. I will now describe the scene, utilizing excerpts from And the Wolves Howled.

When she was ten, Barbro’s parents took her on a tour of the major cities in Europe, including Amsterdam, the city where the Frank family lived. During World War II, Otto Frank and his family had to go into hiding in the attic of the building where Otto had his business, for the Nazi’s had invaded the Netherlands and were persecuting Jews. The Frank family hid in this attic for about two years, until they were discovered by the Nazis, arrested and sent to concentration camps.

The only survivor was the father, Otto Frank, who subsequently was given Anne’s diary, which he later had published. After the war, the hiding place was made into a museum, which is called The Anne Frank House.

Anne Frank House

By the time Barbro was ten, the Diary of Anne Frank had been published and distributed in Sweden and her parents had become aware of who the historical Anne Frank was. While in Amsterdam, her father wanted to visit the Anne Frank House. At their hotel, he took the phone off the hook and asked for a taxi to take them there.

Barbro suddenly exclaimed: “We don’t need a taxi, it’s not far to walk from here.” Barbro was so certain that it didn’t occur to her parents to object, they just meekly followed her as she walked off.

“We’ll soon be there, it’s just round the next corner,” Barbro told her parents. She herself wasn’t at all surprised when they arrived at the Anne Frank House after a ten minute walk through the twisting streets of the city. An image of the Anne Frank House is provided to the right. Upon their arrival, her parents stood there speechless and just looked at one another.

Past Life Memories: Barbro Knows Where Anne Frank’s Pictures should have been Found

“That’s strange,” Barbro said, when they stood in front of the steps up to the house. “It didn’t look like this before.” She looked wonderingly and her parents didn’t know what to say. They entered the house and went up the long narrow staircase. Barbro, who had been so carefree when showing them the way, suddenly went white in the face. She broke out in a cold sweat and reached for her mother’s hand. Her mother was horrified when she felt Barbro’s hand, which was as cold as ice.

When they entered the hiding place, the same terrors overcame Barbro that she had experienced so many times in her dreams. She found it hard to breathe and panic spread through her body. When they went into one of the smaller rooms, she suddenly stood still and brightened up a little.

Barbro looked at the wall in front of her and exclaimed, “Look, the pictures of the film stars are still there!” The pictures of the movie stars that Anne had clipped and affixed to the wall, which Barbro saw at that moment, made her feel happy, almost as if she had come home.

Pictures Affixed by Anne Frank

Her mother stared at the blank wall and couldn’t understand this at all. “What pictures? The wall is bare?” Barbro looked again and she saw that this was true. The wall was bare! Her mother was so confounded that she felt driven to ask one of the guides whether there had been pictures on the wall at one time.

“Oh yes,” the guide replied, “they had only been taken down temporarily to be mounted under glass so that they wouldn’t be destroyed or stolen.” Barbro’s mother didn’t know what to say.

“How in the world could you find your way here first of all, then insist that the steps outside were different and then see the pictures on the wall when they weren’t there?”

Barbro’s mother was full of questions, but Barbro was quite incapable of saying even a single word. She just wanted to get out of there; she couldn’t stand it a moment longer.

Her legs felt like jelly as she went down the stairs. She had never before in her life felt so wretched. The tears ran unrestrained down her face, and her legs would not carry her. When she reached the bottom step her legs folded under her and she fell.

Barbro’s Parents Accept that She had a Past Life as Anne Frank

Barbro relates that these incidents in Amsterdam finally made her parents believe that she is the reincarnation of Anne Frank. After all, how else could she know how to get to the Anne Frank House on the family’s first trip to Amsterdam, and without directions? How could she know that the stairs had been modified? How did she know that pictures of movie stars, which Anne Frank had clipped from magazines, should be found on a specific wall inside the house, when these pictures had been removed so that they could be mounted behind glass?

reincarnation-research-anne-frank-diary2In time, Barbro’s mother responded by becoming very spiritual and a believer in reincarnation. Barbro’s father, on the other hand, seemed annoyed. Barbro relates that her father responded by saying: “I can’t deny that you have somehow been here before. Perhaps you have lived before and have reincarnated, but you are the only one!”

Barbro understood that by being faced with the reality of reincarnation, her father’s Christian world view, where “everything was set right,” was threatened. Barbro was much happier, though, as from this point on as she could talk to her mother about her past lifetime as Anne Frank. She had her mother’s support.

Past Life Talent: Barbro Karlen is a Childhood Writing Prodigy, like Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a childhood writing prodigy. She is not the most famous victim of the Holocaust because she had the worst death. Rather, she become the most famous victim because as a teenager she wrote a book, a diary, that was readable and addressed universal themes, such as the nature of man and man’s tendency to be good or evil. Children around the world have been instructed to read The Diary of Anne Frank to learn about prejudice, which has made Anne’s diary the second most read book in the world, next to the Bible.

Like Anne Frank, Barbro Karlen was a childhood writing prodigy. Barbro relates that learning to write was a great gift. As a child, she could not speak to anyone about her past life memories, but once she learned to write, she could have discourses on her writing tablet.

One day, when she was eleven or so, a family friend read a few of her compositions and realized that this was worthy prose. Barbro was asked if her casual writings could be sent to a publisher, which she agreed to.

Anne Frank Reincarnation-Child Prodigy
Published when Barbro was 12 years of age

At the age of twelve, her first book of prose was published. This book, Man on Earth, became the best-selling prose/poetry book in Swedish history. Barbro became a child celebrity, debating theology with ministers and theologians on television programs. In her teenage years, she had a total of nine books published. These books, written in her youth, have been translated into multiple languages, much like the Diary of Anne Frank.

Barbro’s Past Life Memories Recede, then Reemerge when She encounters Reincarnated Nazi Guards

After her adolescence passed, Barbro’s past life memories began to fade, which was a relief to Barbro, as now she could finally lead a normal life. As she pursued her career with the Swedish Police Service, Barbro thought that she never would be public regarding her memories of being Anne Frank. As Barbro wistfully states in her video interview, though, “never say never.”

It was not until she was in her forties that past life memories began to emerge again. Barbro began having negative interactions with another mounted police officer, who seemed to be persecuting her. It was these interactions that triggered the rekindling of her memories of being Anne Frank and in particular, she recalled scenes from a concentration camp. Barbro realized that this police officer was a reincarnated Nazi guard from the Bergen-Belsen concentration.

Though these past life memories were painful, they gave Barbro the will to write her book, And the Wolves Howled. Barbro relates that she wanted to show that though these guards, these wolves, participated in her persecution in the Anne Frank lifetime, she would not allow them to hurt her again in contemporary times. She wanted to share with others that the soul perseveres and in this way, to provide comfort to others.

Barbro Meets her Past Life Cousin, Buddy Elias, President of the Anne Frank Foundation

As she prepared her book, And the Wolves Howled, for publication, Buddy Elias, President of the Anne Frank Foundation and at the time, the last living relative of Anne Frank, heard about Barbro’s claim to be the reincarnation of his cousin, Anne Frank. Through her publisher, Buddy invited Barbro to his home for dinner, though he asked Barbro’s publisher not to reveal who he was in relation to Anne Frank or the Anne Frank Foundation. Buddy advised the publisher to tell Barbro that their dinner host was a fan of the books she wrote as a child and adolescent. Though he did not believe in reincarnation, Buddy wanted to meet this person who claimed to be the reincarnation of Anne. Buddy and Anne Frank, as cousins, played together in their youth.

Barbro describes her first face to face meeting with Buddy, which occurred in 1995, in the Barbro Karlen: Reincarnation of Anne Frank video, which is provided at the bottom of this web page.

Barbro relates that when they first saw each other, she and Buddy fell into each others arms and cried together. Barbro says she had instant recognition that Buddy was someone she knew and loved from the Frank lifetime. They spoke for two hours at the time of this first meeting and they continued to be very good friends for 20 years, until Buddy’s death in 2015. Barbro would stay at Buddy’s home in Switzerland when she visited Europe and Buddy had stayed in Barbro’s home when he visited her in the United States.

Buddy Elias Speaks at Barbro Karlen’s And the Wolves Howled Book Event

An article from the leading German magazine, Zeitspiegel, was published regarding this event on May 19, 1998:

“Buddy Elias, actor in Basel, is the cousin of Anne Frank and the President of the Anne Frank Foundation. Buddy Elias met with Anne Frank the last time just before the war broke out. She mentions him as “Bernd” in her Diary many times.

Anne’s father, Otto Frank, returned to Amsterdam after his liberation from Aushwitz. He then lived with his nephew, Buddy Elias, in Basel until his death.

Two years ago, Buddy Elias and Barbro Karlen met for the first time. At the presentation of the autobiography by Barbro Karlen, Buddy Elias read parts of it for the audience.

Bruckenbauer: “Buddy Elias, what memories do you have of your cousin, Anne Frank?”

Buddy Elias: “She was a very pleasant person, a lively child with her head full of ideas how to live. We loved each other very much, when the war began, we corresponded with each other.”

“Do you believe in reincarnation?”

Buddy Elias: “Yes, I do.”

“So how is it for you when a woman claims she is the reincarnation of your cousin? Barbro Karlen is not the only one!”

“I have been very skeptical, but Barbro is different from everybody else.”

“How was the first meeting with Barbro?”

“It was very emotional. First time I saw her, I had heard about her. I had a very strange feeling, a very positive impression. It felt like we had a soul connection. Barbro seemed absolutely trustworthy to me. I could very well imagine she was Anne. More than that I can not say. I have Anne too close in my memory to say anything more.”

“Do you see any similarities between Anne and Barbro?”

“The black hair is  obvious!”

“Will you stay in touch with Barbro?”

“Of course, I have developed a very deep friendship with her.”

To view a video of Buddy Elias talking about his relationshp with Anne Frank, please go to:

Buddy Elias, Anne Frank’s Cousin, Describes Anne

Barbro Moves to California, where Walter Semkiw, MD observes that Anne Frank and Barbro Karlen have the Same Facial Features

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CaseBarbro and a female friend of hers took a vacation to experience California’s coastal Highway 1. While on that trip, based on an intuition, Barbro decided to open a Swedish import shop in Carmel, even though she had no prior experience in business or retail sales. Barbro moved from Sweden to Northern California, where I met her. When I first received the phone call in 2000, in which I was told about a woman who claimed to be the reincarnation of Anne Frank, I was very skeptical. When I met her and listened to her story, I came to believe that she is genuine and that I had truly met the reincarnation of Anne Frank.

In her book, Barbro never mentions that she has the same appearance as Anne Frank, as her memories are what are most meaningful to her, not appearance. Upon meeting her, I realized that Barbro has the same facial features as Anne.

In the image comparison featured on this website, Barbro as a seven year old girl is featured on the left side, Anne Frank as a teenager is in the center and Barbro as an adult is on the right side. It appears that we are looking at images of one person in three stages of life. In actuality, we are looking at one soul in two different lifetimes.

Anne Frank & Barbro Karlen: Reincarnation & Similarities in Personality

In addition to facial features, there are many character similarities between Barbro and Anne. These include:

A. Spirituality and a Love of Nature

Lawrence L. Langer, in his essay included in the book, Anne Frank, Reflections on Her Life and Legacy, writes the following regarding Anne.

“Spiritual insight rarely falls from the lips of a thirteen or fourteen year old girl. Indeed, as many of the new entries in the diary will show, Anne Frank was essentially a physical being, a lover of nature, intrigued with her own sexuality.”

These traits are reflected in Barbro Karlen, who at sixteen years of age used her book earnings to purchase a cottage in the woods. She soon populated her property with her horse, two dogs, two cats, a sheep and a flock of hens and chicks. Barbro especially loved her horse and horseback riding, which eventually led her to pursue a  career as a mounted policewoman.

Her sexuality is evidenced by an early marriage and her pregnancy at the age of 18. Indeed, many of Anne’s desires seem to have come to fruition early in the life of Barbro Karlen.

B. Natural literary skills

IISISReincarnationResearchBlossomKingdomAnne Frank had natural gifts as a writer. Similarly, Barbro Karlen was a childhood literary prodigy. Her first book, Man on Earth, which was published when she was 12 years of age and became the all time best-selling poetry book in Sweden. Between ages 12 to 17, nine books written by Barbro, including When the Storm Comes and a Moment in the Blossom Kingdom, were published.

It is interesting to note that Anne Frank always hoped to be a published writer. On May 11, 1944, Anne wrote that her “greatest wish” was to become a journalist, “and later on, a famous writer.” Once again, it appears that Anne’s desires were fulfilled early in the life of Barbro Karlen.

C. Similar Writing Themes

Similar themes are found in the writings of Frank and Karlen. Though one may argue that these similarities are intentional, Barbro Karlen maintains that she has not studied Anne Frank’s works.

Anne Frank, due to the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis, reflected extensively on issues of good and evil. Anne also had a tendency to personify human qualities, as seen in the quotation cited below regarding “Lies.” Anne’s legacy is based on her ability to maintain hope in the face of dismal circumstances. Anne Frank’s most famous quote affirms the basic goodness of man.

Barbro Karlen also writes of good and evil in her book, And the Wolves Howled, in part due to her memories of the Frank lifetime and in part due to persecution experienced in this lifetime while working for the Swedish Police Service. Barbro also has a tendency to personify human qualities, like Anne. Let us compare passages written by Frank and Karlen regarding evil:

Anne Frank-On Evil

“There’s in people simply an urge to destroy, an urge to kill, to murder and rage.”

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life Case“I get frightened myself when I think of close friends who are now at the mercy of the cruelest monsters ever to stalk the earth. And all because we are Jews.”

“Yesterday evening, before I fell asleep, who should suddenly appear before my eyes but Lies! I saw her in front of me, clothed in rags…Her eyes were very big and she looked so sadly and reproachfully at me that I could read in her eyes: Oh Anne, why have you deserted me? Help, oh help me, rescue me from this hell!”

Barbro Karlen-On Evil

“If only she could write about how important, even vital it is never to give up in the face of evil, regardless of how dark and wretched everything may seem. Evil was present on the earth and would probably always be there. It would always try to conquer Good.”

Anne Frank-On Good

“In spite of everything, I still really believe that people are really good at heart.”

Barbro Karlen-On Good

“But the more people there were who believed in Good, and in the Good Force within themselves, the greater the possibility of keeping evil under control. If only they could believe in Good, and in the presence of the inner Force, many unhappy people would be able to fight their way up from the darkness.”

“Most people on earth were not yet aware that they could find the Good Force within themselves and that it could help them if they only sought it out.”

Annette Lantos meets Barbro Karlen & Invites Barbro & Me to Washington, DC

Tom Lantos Lantos Foundation for Justice

Annette Lantos is the wife of the late Tom Lantos, who served in the United States Congress for 27 years. Tom, whose picture is featured to the right, was the only Holocaust survivor to be elected to the US Congress. When President George W. Bush traveled to Germany for a Holocaust memorial, he took Tom with him. U2 singer Bono was a close friend, as he admired Tom’s dedication to bringing justice to the darkest corners of the world.

It was Annette and Tom who nominated the 14th Dalai Lama for a Nobel Prize, which he won.

When Annette heard about Barbro’s case, she wanted to meet Barbro, as Annette is also is a Holocaust survivor. Annette, Barbro and I spent almost 3 hours in Tom’s Congressional office in San Mateo, California. Tom and Annette were very much in love and while we were in a conference room, Tom repeatedly poked his head into the room to ask his beloved wife whether she was finished. Annette, fascinated with Barbro’s story, kept sending Tom away.

Anne Frank Reincarnation: Charity Sunshine & Condolezza Rice
Barbro and Walter Meet Condolezza Rice & Charity Sunshine

By the end of our meeting, Annette was intrigued enough by the proposal that Barbro is the reincarnation of Anne Frank that she asked us to attend a “by invitation only” benefit concert at the Kennedy Center, in Washington DC. At this event, Tom and Annette’s granddaughter, Charity Sunshine Tillemann-Dick, would sing and Condoleezza Rice would accompany Charity on the piano. We did attend, sat in the front row and later met Dr. Rice at a reception.

Lantos Foundation for Human Rights & Justice and the Tom Lantos Tunnels

Annette now serves as the Chairman of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice. In honor of Tom, recently constructed tunnels along Highway 1 between San Francisco and Half Moon Bay have been named the Tom Lantos Tunnels. Every time I traverse these tunnels, I fondly reflect on Tom, Annette and Charity, and our experiences in Washington, DC.

Children’s Past Life Author Carol Bowman supports the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Reincarnation Case

A person who supports Barbro’s case is Carol Bowman, who is a pioneer in studying children who spontaneously recall past lives. In 2006, Carol and Barbro attended a reincarnation conference in Colorado Springs. In addition to Carol learning about Barbro’s case, Carol and Barbro had the opportunity to spend an afternoon together horseback riding. Carol has stated that she judges Barbro’s reincarnation case to be a strong one.

Carol shared an amusing anecdote regarding the time they spent together. To go horseback riding, Carol and Barbro had to take a taxi from the hotel to the stables. Carol was raised Jewish and both women were taken aback when their taxi driver turned out to be a bearded Hasidic Jew wearing the traditional black hat and clothing. Carol reflected, “What are the odds of getting a taxi driver who is a Hasidic Jew in Colorado Springs?”

Reincarnation Symbol
Passage Through Lifetimes

Carl Jung called meaningful coincidences like this “synchronistic events.” As discussed in the section Principles of Reincarnation, it is thought that one’s own soul or spirit beings can orchestrate such a meaningful occurrences to convey messages symbolically.

Anne Frank & Possible Reincarnation Prophecy: God Will Raise Us Up Again

I will cite one last quotation from Anne Frank’s diary, which refers to the perseverance of the Jewish faith and people. It also has a poetic ring of truth regarding reincarnation, perhaps not intended by Anne, yet beautiful all the same.

“Who has inflicted this upon us?
Who has made us Jews different from all other people?
Who has allowed us to suffer so terribly up till now?
It is God who had made us who we are,
but it will be God, too, who will raise us up again.”

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Past Life Physical Resemblance: Anne Frank and Barbro Karlen have the same facial features. It is of interest that Barbro never mentions this physical resemblance to Anne in her book And the Wolves Howled, though others had told her that she looks like Anne Frank. The physical resemblance between Anne and Barbro was first published in 2006 in my book: Born Again

Past Life Talent: Barbro Karlen was a childhood writing prodigy, as was Anne Frank.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CasePhobias from a Past Lifetime: Barbro had an irrational fear of men in police uniforms, which seems to stem from Anne’s experience with Nazi soldiers and concentration camp guards. Barbro also had an aversion to showers, did not want to eat beans and resisted having her hair cut, which also reflect incidents in Anne Frank’s life, as described above.

Geographic Memory: On her first visit to Amsterdam at the age of ten, Barbro was able to spontaneously lead her parents from their hotel to the Anne Frank House, without directions.

Change in Religion, Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation: Anne Frank was born in Germany, where she was persecuted as a Jew during the Holocaust. Barbro was born into a Christian family in Sweden.

If the Nazi’s during World War II knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, the Holocaust could never have happened. Similarly, when Muslim Palestinians realize that then can be reborn as Israeli Jews, when Sunni’s know they can reincarnate as Shiites, Christians understand they can be reborn into an Islamic culture and vice versa, then conflict based on these cultural differences of identity will be mitigated.

Barbro Karlen’s case dramatically demonstrates how reincarnation research and evidence of reincarnation can transform the world in a positive way.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Video Full Length-35 Minutes

Evidence of Reincarnation Video-9 Minutes

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Burmese Grandparents Reincarnate as their Daughter’s Fraternal Twin Girls, Demonstrating Planning of Lifetimes and Gender Change Involving the Grandfather. The Past Life Cases of Ma Khin Ma Gyi and Ma Khin Ma Nge: Muslim Reincarnation

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood 

Researcher: Ian Stevenson. MD

From: Reincarnation and Biology, Volume 2, by Ian Stevenson, pages 2000-2017

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Lives and Deaths of U Maung Muang and Daw Aye Hla

The name of the grandfather in this case was U Maung Maung and the grandmother was Daw Aye Hla.  For simplicity, we will refer to the grandfather as Maung and the grandmother as Daw. The couple lived in Burma, which today is known as Myanmar.

Maung was ethnically an Indian, of the subcontinent of India, but he adopted a Burmese name. Burma is just east of the northern region of India. On the map of Burma featured to the right, cities involved in this story involve Mandalay, which a hotel and casino in Las Vegas is named for, Rangoon and the city of Pantanaw, which is on the large Irrawaddy River just west of Rangoon. The Irrawaddy river is marked by the blue line. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Maung Considers Himself a Muslim

Maung’s father was a Buddhist, but he died before Maung’s birth. His mother remarried a man who was Islamic, and she converted to the Muslim faith. As such, Maung was raised as a Muslim. He did not learn that his father was a Buddhist until a year before his own death at the age of 44. As such, throughout his life, Maung identified himself as a Muslim.

Maung was intelligent, obtained an education and became a Burmese governmental official. He also had mechanical skills and enjoyed repairing motor engines, cars and even watches. Maung had a gun, which he would use to hunt birds.

He was observed to be honest and straightforward, but was vulnerable to flattery. As such, he was very kind to those who praised him.

Maung raised chickens. He would tie a string to a leg of young chicks and Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moonhe would tie the other end of the string to a post on his property, so that the chicks would not run away. Once the chicks identified the terrain as their home, he would free them, as they would no longer run off.  He did not eat the chickens, rather, he would employ them to lay eggs, which his family ate as a source of food. As a Muslim, he ate meat.

Daw, Maung’s Wife, Condemns his Treatment of Chickens and his Hunting of Birds

Maung married Daw, who was a devout Buddhist. Daw was uneducated and illiterate, but she was headstrong and bossy.

As a Buddhist, Daw considered Maung’s killing of birds with his gun and the binding of chickens by their legs to a post as misdeeds, which would create bad karma for him. Daw told Maung that these practices would cause him punishment in a future life.

Maung and Daw had a daughter, who they named Daw Mya Tin. For simplicity, we shall refer to their daughter as Tin.

Maung the Muslim and Daw the Buddhist Separate

The religious conflict between Maung and Daw became so severe that that the couple decided to separate. They both hoped to reconcile, but this never happened. They had been apart for two years when Maung died in the Burmese town of Pantanaw in 1950, at the age of 44. Pantanaw, just east of Rangoon, is near the large Irrawaddy River, which supplies locals with fish and shrimp as a source of food.

After her husband’s death, Daw started to cough up blood and it was suspected that she had tuberculosis. It was also thought that she may have contracted malaria. She died in the Burmese city of Mandalay in 1954, four years after her husband died.

Tin Receives an Announcing Dream in Which her Parents Reveal That They Would Be Reborn as Her Children.

The daughter of Maung and Daw, Tin, married a man named Thaw and they lived in the town of Ba Htu Myo.

Tin became pregnant and at 4 months of gestation, she had a dream in which her parents appeared and said that they would be reborn as her children.

Tin went into labor at 7 months of her pregnancy and on February 5, 1961, she had twin girls. The twins had different facial features and laboratory testing confirmed that they were fraternal, not identical twins. After the birth of the twins, the family moved to the Burmese city of Rangoon.

The twin girls were named Ma Khin Ma Gyi and Ma Khin Ma Nge. For simplicity, we will refer to them as Gyi and Nge.

Gyi Attributes Her Birth Defects to Her Cruelty Towards Birds in Her Past Life as Maung

Gyi was born with two birth defects. She had a major defect of her left hand in which her fingers appeared to have been amputated. She had a minor defect of her left lower leg in which there was a circular indentation, as if a rope had been forcefully tied round her lower leg which caused the defect of her leg.

Gyi started to speak when she was three years of age. Between ages four and five she began to talk about a previous life as her mother’s father, Maung. She stated that she had been born with the malformation of her left hand because in her lifetime as Maung, she used a gun to kill birds. She said that the circular indentation on her left lower leg was due to her tying chickens by their legs to a post. There was no history of birth defects in the family.

Gyi’s parents observed that she became sad and took on a ‘faraway” look whenever she talked about her past life. As a result, her father adopted a policy of suppressing her talking of a past lifetime. Though Gyi obeyed her father at home, she still spoke about her previous life with her childhood playmates.

In addition, Gyi expressed a desire to go to Pantanaw for the summer because she said there were a lot of shrimp and fish there. Pantanaw is 70 kilometers or 44 miles from Rangoon, where the family lived.

The twins and their parents had never been to Pantanaw, so Gyi could not have known this fact through normal means. Recall that Maung lived in Pantanaw at the time of his death.

Nge Tells Her Parents that She Had Been Daw, Tin’s Mother, in a Previous Life

The twin’s parents often observed their girls identifying each other from their previous lives. Gyi would tell Nge that Nge was Daw in their past lives. Nge would tell Gyi that she was had been Maung. Further, Nge, when speaking to persons outside of the family, would refer to her mother, Tin, as her daughter.

Nge would particularly talk about her previous life when she was scolded. She would object to the individual who scolded her and say that she had been Daw and that she resented being scolded. Nge continued to do so at least until 1972, when the twins were almost 12 years old.

Gyi’s Masculine Behavior and Traits that Reflected Her Past Lifetime as Maung, Her Maternal Grandfather.

Gyi strongly expressed masculine traits. She chose to wear boy’s clothes and did so whenever she could at least up to age of nine. She even asked to have a boy’s suit specially made for her, which was done. She also had her hair cut in the style of a boy.

Gyi preferred to play with toy cars and trucks, rather than dolls, which seemed to reflect Maung’s fondness for repairing engines and cars. She also preferred to play with boys, rather than other girls.

She also showed zeal in catching insects and then crushing them, reflecting Maung’s practice of shooting birds with his gun. Gyi enjoyed eating poultry and wanted to keep chickens at their home, much like Maung did. Maung was ethnically Indian and he enjoyed Indian foods, such as curries, and so did Gyi. In contrast, no one else in Gyi’s family liked Indian food.

Nge’s Feminine Behavior and Traits that Reflect Her Past Lifetime as Daw, Her Maternal Grandmother

In contrast to Gyi, Nge preferred to play with dolls, enjoyed dancing and singing, and she loved flowers. Nge preferred to play with other girls, wore her hair in the style of a girl and she was very concerned about her appearance. She kept herself cleaner than Gyi and Nge eagerly put on Thanaka paste on her face and arms, which is a cosmetic paste made from ground tree bark used by women in Burma as a beauty aid. Gyi, on the other hand, refused to use Thanaka paste.

Nge was respectful of Buddhist monks and participated in giving food to them. Recall Daw was a devout Buddhist. Gyi did not show respect to monks, which reflected Maung’s Muslim faith.

Nge was bossy, especially towards Gyi, which reflected Daw’s bossy behavior towards her husband, Maung. Gyi, in contrast, was compliant.

When the twins entered school, Nge was found to be less intelligent than Gyi, which reflected Daw’s illiteracy. Gyi, recall, was intelligent, educated and worked as a government employee. Nge would not drink coffee, only tea, which reflected Daw’s preferences. Gyi enjoyed coffee and tea, much like Maung.

The Physiques of the Twins Reflect their Past Life Appearances

At 6 years of age, Gyi was taller and had a had a heavier build than Daw. These features corresponded to Gyi’s past life as Maung, a man, and Nge’s past life as Daw, a female.

When Gyi was 13 years old, she stated that she preferred to have been a boy.

Were Gyi’s Birth Defects Due to Karma Related to Past Life Treatment of Birds?

Gyi, as a child, stated that the deformity of her left hand was a consequence of her shooting birds with a gun and that her left lower leg deformity was due to tying chickens to a post during her past life as Maung.

It is unlikely that Gyi’s deformitis were karmic in nature because if everyone who shot or mistreated birds incurred such birth defects, then there would be a large number of such deformities in the general population.

Ian Stevenson, MD speculated that thoughts in a soul’s mind can influence the development of the body during gestation. In other words, if the soul of Maung believed that he would have deformities related to his treatment of birds based on his wife’s admonitions, then these beliefs or thoughts may have been imprinted on Gyi’s developing body to create her birth defects. I too favor this explanation.

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding of Past Lives

Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moonPhysical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Photographs of Maung and Daw were not provided in Dr. Stevenson’s documentation of these cases, so we do not know if the facial features of Maung | Gyi and Daw | Nge were similar. It was noted, however, that the twins’ physiques mirrored their past life builds.

Change of Gender with Gender Identity Issues: Maung, the grandfather, was a male and reincarnated as one of his daughter’s twin girls, Gyi. Gyi demonstrated masculine traits, including playing with toy cars and wearing boy’s clothing, reflecting het past life as a man. Gyi also remarked that she wished she had been born as a boy.

In the series of over 1500 validated childhood past life memory cases compiled at the University of Virginia, gender change only occurs in 10 percent of cases. When gender change does occur, the individual is often observed to demonstrate behavior typical of the previous gender. Homosexuality can also result, as demonstrated in the:

Reincarnation Case of a Japanese Soldier | Ma

Change of Religion through Reincarnation: Maung was a Muslim, while Daw was Buddhist. Dr. Stevenson did not document what religion the twin’s parents,  Tin and Thaw, belonged to, but either Maung or Daw reincarnated into a different religion. To review other reincarnation cases involving Muslims, please go to:

Reincarnation in Islam and Muslim Reincarnation Cases

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Maung and Daw reincarnated as the fraternal twin girls of their own daughter, Tin.

In Dr. Stevenson’s documentation of the cases involving Maung | Gyi and Daw | Nge, he cited a another set of Burmese cases in which a husband and wife reincarnated as twin boys. This case was documented by Fielding Hall in his book, The Soul of a People, which was published in 1898. Hall noted that the physiques of these twin boys also mirrored their builds in their past lives as husband and spouse.

Stevenson complied 31 sets of twins who had spontaneous past life memories in childhood that were objectively validated. In 100 percent of these cases, the twins had significant past life relationships. To learn more about loved ones who reincarnated as twins, please go to:

Ian Stevenson, MD Twin Study and Twin Cases

Spirit Being Involvement in Reincarnation Cases: Tin received an announcing dream from her parents, Maung and Daw, indicating that they would be reborn as her children, which did occur.

Soul Plan in Past Life Story of Angelina Lopes | Alfonso Lopes Reincarnation Case with Phobia & Gender Change

Angelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953, and died when she was 7 years old in a car accident, then she subsequently reincarnated as her younger brother Alfonso and was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Angelina Lopes is Hit by a Car After a Day at the Beach

iisisreincarnationresearchportugalAngelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953. Her mother was Irma Lopes, who as a devout Roman Catholic. Angelina had a normal childhood, though on one occasion, she stated that she wished that she was a boy.

Angelina was a very affectionate and unusually generous. She had a habit of referring to her mother, Erma, as “Dear Mother.” (1) This was in contrast to Erma’s other two daughters, who did not use this phrase.

On July 9, 1960, when Angelina was 7 years old, Erma took her and her two sisters to a beach on a river, near their home. On the way home, they were crossing a road and a car struck Angelina and killed her.

Soul Plan: Angelina will Be Reincarnated as a Boy

IISISReincarnationResearchSpanishCrossAfter Angelina’s death in 1960, Erma was extremely distraught and she wondered why God would allow such as tragedy to occur. Six months after Angelina’s death, a friend recommended that Erma see a Rosicrucian sage with psychic abilities, who was named Francisco Marques Rodrigues.

Francisco told Erma that Angelina would be reborn to her in 2 years. As a devout Roman Catholic, Erma was confused about Francisco’s prediction, as reincarnation was not part of her faith.

Francisco continued to reassure Erma. He told her to be prepared for Angelina’s return, though she may be a boy in her next incarnation.

Erma became pregnant at the end of 1961. In her seventh month of pregnancy, Erma had a dream in which Angelina communicated to her, indicating that her baby would be a boy.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Events from the Lifetime of Angelina

Alfonso was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures, a little over two years after Angelina’s death. Within a few months of Alfonso’s birth, in 1963, the Lopes family moved to Lisbon, Portugal.

As soon as he could speak, Alfonso made statements which indicated that he was the reincarnation of Angelina. Erma, his mother, vowed that Alfonso had not learned this information about Angelina’s life by normal means. These statements include:

1. At 1½ years of age, Alfonso referred to Erma as “Dear Mother,” which was the phrase that Angelina used for Erma. Recall that Erma’s other daughters did not use this term.

2. Also when Alfonso was 1½, he was watching a television program in which a truck was going down a street with a child running across the street. Alfonso shut his eyes and started shouting, “No, no, no,” an apparent reaction to Angelina’s death by being struck by a car.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Hernani’s Wooden Horse & Angelina’s Red Checkered Cloth

3. When Alfonso was 4 years old, neighbors the Lopes family had in Loures came to visit them in Lisbon. These visiting neighbors included a boy named Hernani, who Angelina used to play with. Spontaneously, Alfonso asked Hernani:

ReincarnationResearchWoodenHorse“Have you kept the wooden horse?” (2) When Angelina was alive, she and Hernani would play with Hermani’s toy wooden horse.

Hernani then asked his mother if they still had the wooden horse. His mother replied: “No, I gave it to Ana.” (3)

Alfonso then said: “Oh yes, To Anihas and her little son.” (4)

Erma noted that Ana was the nick name of a servant who worked for both the Lopes family and the Hernani family in Loures. Ana’s full name was Anihas, just as Alfonso had said. Angelina was very fond of Anihas. In spontaneously stating Ana’s full name, Alfonso was having a past life memory from his lifetime as Angelina.

4. When Alfonso was almost 6, before he started going to school, he came into the family’s kitchen where Erma was cooking. Alfonso noticed a red checked napkin. Alfonso then said:

“Look, Mama, the napkin I used to take to school with my snack. I will take it again when I go back to school, won’t I?” (5)

Indeed, Erma would make snacks for Angelina and wrap them in a red checked napkin, which Angelina would take to school. As such, Alfonso again remembered events in the lifetime of Angelina.

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Alfonso tells his Teachers that He is a Girl

5. A few months after Alfonso started school, his teacher requested a meeting with Erma. The teacher said that in school, Alfonso was claiming to be a girl and that when he spoke or wrote, he would refer to himself using feminine word forms. The teacher would try to correct Alfonso’s feminine word forms, pointing out that he was a boy. Alfonso then retorted:

“No, I am a girl.” (6)

Alfonso was apparently remembering the feminine word forms that he used when he was Angelina, which led to his confusion regarding his own gender. He stopped using feminine word forms by the age of seven.

IISISReincarnationResearchSteamstressAlfonso’s Past Life Memories of how to Mend Stockings

6. One day, when Alfonso came home from school, he spontaneously took a drinking glass and put it inside a stocking. He then took a needle and pretended that he was repairing the stocking. While doing so, Alfonso said:

“Oh, I have not done this for such a long time.” (7)

Erma then recalled that when they lived in Loures, one of Angelina’s aunts was a seamstress who would place a drinking glass inside a stocking and then mend the stocking. The glass made it easier to see the knitting of the stocking.

Angelina was very fond of this aunt and would visit her at the seamstress shop. At the shop, Angelina would pretend that she was mending stockings in the same way. Again, Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about these stocking mending activities that Angelina participated in.

As such, Alfonso unconsciously replicated a behavior of Angelina.

Past Life Memories: Alfonso Finds the Gypsies’ River

iisisreincarnationresearchstonebridge7. When Alfonso was about seven years old, he repeatedly asked his mother to take him to the stone bridge on the gypsies’ river. Irma did not know what he was talking about. There was no bridge where they lived in Lisbon and she could not remember any bridge with gypsies.

Soon after, Erma took Alfonso on a trip to Loures to visit a relative. Once there, Alfonso and other children left the house to play. When they returned, a playmate said that she was scared because Alfonso had said that he was going to see the bridge and he then crossed the street. Alfonso responded to this concern, telling Erma:

“Yes, I went to see the bridge; but it was quite changed, and there are no gypsies there.” (8)

Erma then asked Alfonso whether this was the bridge that he was talking about before, that he wanted to visit. He replied:

“Yes, Mama. Can you remember the gypsies that used to be there? I wanted to help them wash their clothes.” Alfonso continued, “Now there is big bridge there, completely different from the old one.” (9)

Erma then remembered that when the family lived in Loures, there was no Roman Catholic church in their neighborhood. To attend mass on Sundays, the family had to walk to a church in another community. To get there, they had to cross a river using a crude rock bridge. Erma, Angelina and the family would cross this rock bridge to go to church.

Alfonso had never seen this crude rock bridge in his contemporary lifetime, as by the time he was born, the new bridge had been built, replacing the stone bridge. As such, Alfonso was remembering scenes from Angelina’s lifetime.

8. Alfonso accurately described of the death of a small white dog with black spots that the Lopes family had when Angelina was alive.

Erma confirmed that the family did have a small white dog with black spots, as Alfonso had described. This dog had died 2 months before Angelina’s died. Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about this dog. As such, the memory of the dog represents a scene from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories: As Vivid as in Contemporary Lifetime

IISISReincarnationResearchCarsIn 1997, when Alfonso was 35 years old, he told Ian Stevenson that his memories of the wooden toy horse, the river with the rock bridge with woman washing clothes in the river, and the death of the white dog with white spots were so vivid that it seemed that these memories were from his own childhood, rather than from a past lifetime.

Alfonso wasn’t born when the events described occurred. As such, these vivid memories were from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

This is reminiscent of the reincarnation case of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow, in which Snow stated that his past life memories were more real than waking consciousness.

Phobia of Cars from a Past Lifetime

Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles, a reflection of Angelina’s lifetime in which she was struck by a car, which led to her death. For some reason, Alfonso’s phobia did not manifest until Alfonso was 16 years of age.

In the Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi reincarnation case, Daniel also had a phobia of fast-moving cars resulting from Rashid’s death in an auto accident.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Same Family Reincarnation: Angelina Lopes reincarnated into her the same family.

Change in Gender: As a child, Angelina told her mother that she wished she was a boy. Reincarnation research indicates that gender changes in only 5-10 percent of cases. It appears that the soul has a preferred gender and in this case, it appears that the soul of Angelina prefers male incarnations. When she reincarnated, she did incarnate as a boy in the persona of Alfonso.

Phobia from a Past lifetime: Angelina died when an automobile struck and killed her. Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles.

Soul Plan & Spirit Being Guidance: When Erma was distraught over Angelina’s death, she visited a Rosicrucian mystic or psychic named Francisco Marques Rodrigues. Francisco predicted that Angelina would be reincarnated as her child. Further, he told her that Angelina may be reborn as a boy. His predictions came true. It appears that from the spirit world, Angelina was communicating to Francisco, indicating her plans for a future incarnation.

Reincarnation & Change in Religion: Erma was a devout Roman Catholic. She came to believe that her deceased daughter, Angelina, reincarnated as her son, Alfonso. As such, Erma converted from her Roman Catholic beliefs, in which reincarnation is not promoted, to a belief in reincarnation.

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1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 108
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
8. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
9. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112

Past Life Story with Soul Plan, Renewal of Past Life Relationships & Geographic Past Life Memory: Muslim Reincarnation Case of Mehmet Cosmen | Suleyman Zeytun

A Soul Plan in Proximity Reincarnation Case that also exhibits a few inherent characteristics of the other types of reincarnation; the best example are those of split reincarnation. This is the reincarnation case of Mehet Cosmen who reincarnated in the child, Suleyman Zeytun who was born in the same village, just a few doors away from Mehet’s home.

How Derived: Memories from Childhood

Researchers: R. Bayer and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

The Drowning of Mehet Cosmen

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyHorseMehet Cosmen was born around the year 1898 and worked as a farmer in the village of Kayish, in Turkey. Kayish is 20 kilometers or miles from the town of Adana, Turkey. In about the year 1938, when Mehet was 40 years old or so, Mehet was doing his usual chores around his farm. It was summertime and he was harvesting, thrashing and milling grain. In the process, horses used to perform these tasks became covered with dust and chaff from the grain.

Mehet would go to the River Seyhan to wash the dust from his horse. On one occasion, Mehet took his horse to be washed in an area of the river that is usually shallow. The level of the river, though, had risen and the spot where Mehet took his horse was deeper than expected. The horse became frightened and bit Mehet on the shoulder, who responded by placing a muzzle on the horse.

Mehet’s horse continued to struggle and pulled Mehet into deeper water, where both Mehet and the horse drowned. Mehet could not swim and when his body was discovered, he was found with his arms wrapped around a tree limb, apparently trying to use the limb to float to safety. As noted, it is thought that the year that Mehet drowned was 1938.

Soul Plan, Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation & Geographic Past Life Memory: Suleyman visits his Past Life Home

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyDeafBoySuleyman Zeytun was born deaf and mute around the year 1938 in the Turkish village of Kayish, the same village that Mehet Cosmen lived and died in. Suleyman’s parents were Ramazan Zeytun and his wife, Bedia. The exact date of Suleyman’s birth is not known.

The Zeytun family actually lived next door to the home of Mehet Cosmen, where his widow and surviving children still lived. Indeed, the house of Mehet Cosmen was only 30 meters from the Zeytun home.

As soon as he could walk, Suleyman would leave his house and go directly to the Cosmen home. Ian Stevenson noted that the Cosmen home was in the opposite direction from the center of the village.

Stevenson conjectured that if a child left the house to meet other people and observe activities in the village, the child would go towards the center of the village, rather than the opposite direction.

Nonetheless, Bedia, his mother, said that Suleyman walked to the Cosmen home “every day.” (1)

Soul Plan in Proximity Reincarnation Case

Please note that Mehmet reincarnating next door to his past life home demonstrates planning on the part of his soul. I term this type of case a Proximity Reincarnation Case, as a soul plans a future lifetime so they reincarnate geographically close to their past life family, so that a reunion with loved ones can be enacted through reincarnation.

Past Life Memories: Suleyman Describes his Past Life Drowning as Mehet Cosman

IISIS4PastLiferRegressionTherapyTurkeyAboyonahorseWhen Suleyman was barely able to walk and when he made one of his first journeys to the Cosmen’s home, he started to communicate through gestures about how Mehet Cosmen had died. From the Cosmen’s home, he would point in the direction of the River Seyhan to the spot where Mehet had drowned. Other gestures regarding the drowning, which Ian Stevenson observed, include the following:

1. Ian Stevenson noted that Suleyman would turn his hand in a circle with fingers pointing down to imitate the motion of a horse walking in a circle to move the grinding stone to crush grain.

2. Stevenson observed Suleyman holding his arms and hands parallel to one another to imitate the holding of reins, while leaning back to get the horse to go into the river.

3. Suleyman put his right hand on his shoulder and grasped his shoulder, to show that the horse bit him. Ian Stevenson noted that Suleyman would clinch and show his teeth to imitate the horse biting him.

4. Ian Stevenson then observed Suleyman using his right hand in a circular motion to imitate winding a muzzle cord around the mouth of the horse.

5. Suleyman held both hands in front of him as if holding the reins of the horse. He then would lean to the left and backwards with extended arms to imitate falling off the horse.

6. Ian Stevenson noted that Suleyman then put the fingers of his right hand into his mouth to show that he was swallowing water as he fell from the horse.

8. Suleyman the put his right hand around his throat to show that he was drowning.

At first, Suleyman’s family and the surviving family of Mehut Cosmen were unsure of what Suleyman was trying to communicate. Suleyman’s pointing out of the specific spot in the River Seyhan where Mehut had drowned, along with his pantomime consistent with the events which led to Mehut’s death, allowed the families to understand that Suleyman was conveying that he had been Mehut Cosmen in a past lifetime.

Past Life Memories & Possesions: Little Suleyman Claims that Mehet Cosmen’s Koran and a Buffalo are His

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyKoranBetween the ages of two and three, Suleyman began making gestures trying to express that items in the Cosmen family home belonged to him. He then tried to take these items back with him to the Zeytun family home. As examples, he tried to walk away with the Cosmen family Koran, claiming it was his, and he tried to lead a buffalo from the Cosmen’s land to the home of the Zeytun family.

Past Life Emotions: Suleyman Gestures his Love for Members of the Cosmen Family

To the brother of Mehet Cosman, whose name was Saban, Suleyman put his two fingers together as a sign of closeness.

To Hatice Cosmen, the widow of Mehet, Suleyman would put his two fingers together as a sign of closeness and then point to his heart, apparently trying to show Hatice that they had been in love with one another.

Past Life Emotions: Little Suleyman’s Protection of Members of the Cosmen Family

IISIS4PastLiferRegressionTherapyTurkeyBuffaloMehmet Cosmen was very devoted to his wife, Hatice, and worked hard so that Hatice would not have to take a job outside their home. After his death, Hatice had to work for other people in the village, doing tasks such as baking bread. When Suleyman saw that Hatice was working for others, he became very upset, started crying and made gestures indicating that her working for others was wrong.

If Hatice would physically discipline her children, Suleyman would object. When Mehmet’s son, Abdullah, got into arguments with others, Suleyman would protest on his behalf.

Suleyman’s attachment to Mehmet’s family, which started at the age of three, continued until he was at least 29 years of age. Though Suleyman and his family eventually moved to the city of Adana, Suleyman would continue to visit the Cosman family in Kayish.

Suleyman would bring presents to Abdullah, Mehmet’s son. Ian Stevenson made the following poignant observation of Suleyman’s attachment to the daughters of Mehmet:

“He attended the weddings of Mehmet Cosmen’s daughters, crying at each like an affectionate father would do.” (2)

Refika, one of Mehmet’s married daughters, related that Suleyman would often visit her family in the Taurus region of Turkey and stay with them. This is reminiscent of the case of Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi, who visited his past life family on a monthly basis and also stayed with them, sleeping on a cot reserved for him. The Khaddege | Jurdi case also shows that facial features can remain consistent from one lifetime to another.

Suleyman also remained close to Mehet’s widow, Hatice, though their relationship was of a mother and son, rather than a married couple.

Past Life Phobia of Water

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyHorseSuleyman had marked fear of water that persisted until he was at least 27 years of age. In contrast to his schoolmates, he refused to learn to swim in the river. He consistently demonstrated fear at the spot on the River Seyhan where Mehmet Cosmen had drowned.

Ian Stevenson, MD, of the University of Virginia, on the Validity of the Mehmet Cosmen | Suleyman Zeytun Reincarnation Case

Ian Stevenson made the point the Suleyman’s deafness serves to strengthen the validity of the case, as Suleyman could not have heard about the death of Mehmet Cosmen from the conversations of others. Suleyman began trying to communicate about his past lifetime as Mehmet long before he was taught to read or write.

Ian Stevenson, in his investigations, was always looking for ways that parents and other involved parties might coach children in testifying about claimed past lives. He was keen to expose any fraud in reincarnation cases.

Ian Stevenson noted that not only did Suleyman’s deafness exclude the possibility of learning about Mehmet’s death from verbal conversations, but it would make it very difficult for anyone to coach Suleyman to falsely claim a past lifetime. Further, Ian Stevenson noted that it would be even more difficult for someone to coach Suleyman to express sentimental emotions towards Mehmet’s family, such crying at the weddings of Mehmet’s daughters.

Was Suleyman’s Deafness and Muteness Karmic in Origin

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyDeafBoyVillagers in Kayish wondered why Suleyman was born deaf and mute. They concluded that if his disabilities were related to karma, it could not have stemmed from the lifetime of Mehmet Cosmen, as all agreed that Mehmet led a pious life with no misdeeds. If the disabilities were related to karma, they reasoned, it must have due to actions in some other lifetime.

Ian Stevenson noted that Suleyman’s parents, Ramazan and Bedia, were cousins. Since they were of the same biologic family, recessive genes for these disabilities were able to be expressed. As such, Suleyman’s disabilities may have simply have been an issue of genetics.

Whether disabilities or misfortunes are related to karma from prior incarnations is an issue that needs to be better understood and presents a future challenge for those involved in reincarnation research.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

This reincarnation case demonstrates the following features:

Soul Plan, Proximity Reincarnation Case: Mehmet Cosmen appears to have reincarnated as Suleyman Zeytun next door to his own past life home in Kayish, Turkey. Though Mehmet did not technically reincarnate into the same family, he reincarnated into a family that gave him direct access to his past life family. I term types of cases “proximity cases,” as the soul reincarnated nearby its last incarnation in order to reconnect with loved ones.

Please note that reincarnating next door to one’s past life home to be reunited with loved ones involves planning by the soul from the spirit realm.

As soon as he could walk, Suleyman made his way to Mehmet’s former home and went on to renew relationships with past life family members. Ian Stevenson noted that Suleyman’s attachment to Mehmet’s children was so strong that at the weddings of Mehmet’s daughters, he wept like any affectionate father would.

As in all same family reincarnation cases, planning by the soul is involved. The soul of Mehmet Cosmen appears to have planned his next incarnation so that he would be born next door to his past life home, so that he could return to his past life family.

Phobia from a Past Incarnation: Mehmet died from drowning and Suleyman demonstrated a fear of water, particularly at the spot in the River Seyhan where Mehmet had drowned.

Change in Religion: It was noted that Suleyman claimed the Koran from the Cosmen home as his own and he tried to take it back to the Zeytun family home. This indicates that Mehmet Cosmen was a Muslim and was we recall, he was noted to be a very pious man.
Ian Stevenson does not specifically indicate what religion Suleyman and his family practiced, but it is safe to say that they developed a belief in reincarnation as Suleyman’s memories of his past lifetime as Mehmet Cosmen became known and validated.

Split Incarnation: Though the exact dates of Mehmet’s drowning and Suleyman’s birth are not known, Ramazan, Suleyman’s father, estimated that the interval between Mehet’s death and Suleyman’s birth was between five to ten days.

Ian Stevenson explained that the villagers of Kayish did not refer to calendars often, but they did remember significant events in their community. The drowning of a member of the village and the birth of a son are events that Ramazan would remember distinctly and as such, Stevenson thought Ramazan’s estimate was likely accurate.

If one assumes that the soul is involved in the development of the fetus and if the interval between Mehmet’s drowning and Suleyman’s birth was only 5-10 days, then the soul of Mehmet inhabited the developing fetus of Suleyman for essentially the entire time that Suleyman was in the womb. This soul was animating both Suleyman, who was in the womb, and Mehmet, who was still alive, for a period of nine months.

This same phenomenon was observed in the very important case of Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem, as Suzanne was born only 10 days after Hanan died. As such, Hanan was alive almost the entire time that Suzanne was in the womb, indicating that the soul of these two women were animating two bodies at one time. The Monour | Ghanem case also demonstrates that facial features can remain consistent from one lifetime to another.

This phenomenon of a soul inhabiting more than one body at a time has been termed split incarnation. One of the most dramatic examples of split incarnation is found in the very compelling cases involving Penney Peirce. Penney’s soul appears to have inhabited the bodies of two of her past incarnations, those of Alice Cary and Charles Parkhurst, where these two past lives overlapped by 29 years.

Why does the soul incarnate in more than one body at a time? One major reason is to get more accomplished, including working off of karma and participating in projects that are important to the soul. It is also possible that the soul is aware of a destined event, such as an upcoming death, and begins another incarnation to continue its work or to maintain attachments with loved ones


1. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 262
2. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 266

Xenoglossy & Phobia Reincarnation Case of Sharada | Uttara Huddar: A Past Life Personality Preserved Intact within the Soul

Reflections of a Past Lifetime in a Phobia, as well as in Dreams and Literature such as the case involving Uttara Huddar whose past life personality Sharada shows Psychic abilities by taking over Uttara’s consciousness lightly simulating a Spirit’s possession.

How Case Derived: Spontaneous Emergence of Past Life Personality

Researchers: Satwant Pasricha, PhD & Others, Research Summarized by Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD from Born Again


This case involving Uttara Huddar is especially fascinating, as the past life personality, whose name is Sharada, would spontaneously take over Uttara’s body and would remain for varying periods of time. In most reincarnation cases, the contemporary individual views the past incarnation as a distant memory and retains control of consciousness.

In contrast, in this case, Sharada, the past life persona, would completely take over the consciousness of Uttara’s body to the extent that Uttara had no memory of what occurred while Sharada was manifesting. Sharada’s appearances occurred over a period of at least nine years.

As such, the Sharada | Huddar case demonstrates an interesting property of the soul, which is that the soul retains past life personalities within it. This is discussed further in the section entitled Soul Evolution.

This case also shows that nationality and ethic affiliation can change from one lifetime to another. An amusing aspect is that the past life personality, Sharada, showed prejudice and disdain towards the ethnic group that the contemporary personality, Uttara, belonged to. This shows that it does not make sense to establish one’s identity too strongly on national or ethnic ties, as these can change from one incarnation to another.

History of Bengal in Relation to India

IISISReincarnationResearchWestBengalUttara and her family lived in Nagpur, a city of 1 million, located in west central India. In the map provided above, Nagpur is seen near the center of India. Sharada stated that she lived in Bengal, which is over 1200 kilometers or 750 miles from Nagpur. In the map provided to the right, Bengal would be located in the area highlighted in yellow and in the area where Bangladesh is now situated.

The history of this region of the world is complicated. Bengal is a region located between India and Myanmar, which formerly was called Burma. In 1947, when India gained independence, Bengal was split into two countries along religious lines. The western section became part of India, which came to be called West Bengal. Kolkata, previously known as Calcutta, is the principle city of West Bengal. The eastern part of Bengal eventually became the nation of Bangladesh. West Bengal and Bangladesh still share the common Bengali language.

In India, several different languages are spoken. The major Indian languages are Hindi, Bengali and Marathi. Though the three languages derive from a common ancient root language, in contemporary times, they are as different as are Spanish and Italian. Bengali speakers do not understand Hindi or Marathi, nor do Marathi speakers understand Bengali or Hindi.

Xenoglossy in Reincarnation Case of Sharada | Uttara Huddar

Uttara, the contemporary personality, could only speak Marathi, the language of her parents, while Sharada, the past life personality, could only speak Bengali, a language that Uttara and her family members did not understand. As such, this case represents an extraordinary case of xenoglossy.

Xenoglossy is the ability to speak a language without learning the language by normal means. Sharada never learned Bengali, nor did she understand it in her normal conscious state. Yet when Sharada took over Uttara’s body, she could speak Bengali fluently.

IISISReincarnationCaseEvidencecobra200In addition, Sharada provided the names of her family members in Bengal to investigators, which were factually verified through Bengali genealogical records. Uttara, the contemporary personality, had no knowledge of these family members from a past incarnation.

More amazing is that Sharada, the past life personality, was not aware that she was dead. Rather, she acted as if she was still alive, transported though time from the ninetieth century to the present. Sharada did state that she was bitten on a toe of her right foot by a cobra, which was the last incident that she described in her lifetime, but she did not seem to realize that she had died from the snake bite.

Sharada had no understanding of modern inventions, such as kitchen appliances, tape recorders and motor cars, which should have made her realize that she was appearing in a different era. Still, Sharada maintained that she and her Bengali family were still alive and well.

Uttara Huddar and her Family

IISISReincarnationResearchGaneshLet us get to know the characters in this interesting story. Uttara, the subject of the case, is the daughter of GM and Manoram Huddar. As mentioned, the family lived in Nagpur, a city of one million people, where the main languages spoken are Hindi and Marathi, though 10,000 Bengalis also live in the area. GM Huddar’s family had lived in the Nagpur area for generations.

GM Huddar fought for Indian independence and he graduated from Nagpur University, later becoming a landowner and farmer. Mr. Huddar spoke Marathi. He did not know Bengali. Manorama, his wife, spoke Marathi and Hindi, but she spoke no Bengali. Family members never went to Bengal and they had no Bengali neighbors. The Huddar family worshiped the Hindu deity Ganesh, the being with the elephant head, who is pictured to the right.

Spirit Being Involvement in Reincarnation Cases

When Manorama was pregnant with Uttara, she would often dream that a cobra was about to bite her right big toe. Manorama would kick off the snake and then wake up. It was as if Manorama was experiencing the persona of Sharada, Uttara’s past lifetime, in these dreams. Sharada, it seems, was trying to communicate to Manorama, Uttara’s mother, that Sharada would be born to her.

This is reminiscent of the dream in the Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem reincarnation case, also researched by Ian Stevenson, MD. In that case, Suzanne Ghanem’s mother told Ian Stevenson about a dream that she had, which occurred shortly before Suzanne was born. In the dream, Ms. Ghanem saw that she would have a baby girl. Then she saw a woman who appeared to be about forty years old, who she later realized looked like Suzanne. This woman in the dream said, “I am going to come to you.” In other words, Suzanne appeared to be announcing herself in the dream, just as Sharada seemed to announcing herself to her future mother though the dream with a cobra biting her right foot.

Ian Stevenson, in fact, called these dreams in which a soul seems to be signaling its upcoming incarnation to future relatives as “announcing dreams.” Stevenson was told of announcing dreams by the relatives of subjects in many reincarnation cases.

The Monsour | Ghanem reincarnation case, by the way, is also important in that it shows that facial features can remain the same from one lifetime to another.

Reflections of a Past Lifetime in a Phobia, as well as in Dreams and Literature

Uttara was born on March 14, 1941. Uttara had a normal childhood, though she did have a phobia of snakes. The snake phobia was severe from ages to six to eight, as judged by her father.

IISISReincarnationResearchEvidencePonyPhobias related to past life trauma are observed in reincarnation cases. For example, in the Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi case, Daniel had a phobia of fast moving cars. In his past lifetime as Rashid, he died when a speeding convertible car he was in flipped over. The Khaddege | Jurdi case is another reincarnation case which demonstrates that facial features can remain the same from one lifetime to another.

Uttara had a recurrent dream up until the age of eight, in which she saw her husband coming to her riding on a pony. When he arrived, he caressed her pleasantly. These dreams, we shall see, reflect the lifetime of the past life personality, Sharada.

As a child, Uttara had a special interest in Bengal and Bengalis, and she read translations of Bengali literature. This interest appears to have been related to her past lifetime as Sharada, who lived in Bengal. Note that Uttara read Marathi translations of Bengali literature; she did not learn the Bengali language.

Uttara, as a young adult, went to Nagpur University where she received a master’s degree in English and master’s in Public Administration. She was hired as a part-time Lecturer in the Department of Public Administration at Nagpur University. Her education and work history indicate that Uttara is an intelligent and grounded woman.

Sharada, A Past Life Personality, Emerges

IISISReincarnationResearchBengaliVeilIn 1973, when Uttara was 32 years old, she was admitted to a hospital in Nagpur for asthma and a gynecological problem. She was under the care of Dr. J. R. Joshi, who was Bengali. In the hospital, a yogi came to give lectures and instruction on meditation. Uttara began to practice meditation in the hospital.

Uttara’s behavior then started to change and she began speaking a different language, which was determined to be Bengali. She also began to dress differently, wearing a sari in the Bengali style, placing a portion of the sari over her head, creating a veil. Maratha women, such as Uttara, did not wear saris in this way. Uttara would leave the hospital, stating that she “wanted to go to a place where she thought she belonged.” (1)

Her parents were completely baffled at this turn of events, as they had no connection to Bengal. They puzzled at how their daughter could all of a sudden speak Bengali, a language that neither they, nor she previously, could speak. Further, as their daughter now only spoke Bengali, they could not communicate with her.

Sharada Describes a Past Life in West Bengal

Through Bengali interpreters, Uttara gave details of what appeared to be a past lifetime. She stated that her name was Sharada, not Uttara. She said that her father’s name was Brajnath Chattopadhay and that he was a priest at the Kankalini Temple near Bardhaman, also called Burdwan, in West Bengal. The existence of this little known temple was later verified.

Sharada said that her mother’s name was Renukha Devi. She said her mother died when she was 2 years of age. Her father then was remarried to a woman named Anandamoyi. Sharada said that a maternal aunt named Jagadhatri Mukhopadhaya, who lived in Saptagram, raised Sharada after her mother’s death. As such, Sharada spent most of her childhood in Saptagram, in what is now West Bengal.

IISISReincarnationResearchPregnantSharada said that when she was seven years old, she was wed in an arranged marriage to Vishwanath Mukhopadhaya, who was an Ayurvedic physician in the town of Shivapur. Her husband moved from village to village on a pony to see his patients. Later, when Bengali interviewers again asked Sharada what her husband’s name was, as a gesture of respect typical of Bengali women, she would not speak her husband’s name, rather, she wrote it in Bengali. Sharada could write, as well as speak, in Bengali, while Uttara could not.

Of interest, when Sharada first manifested in the hospital while Uttara was under the care of Dr. Joshi, Sharada acted towards him as a wife would, which made Dr. Joshi uncomfortable. She seemed quite attracted to him. When Uttara found Dr. Joshi dining with a female employee of the hospital, she turned into Sharada and scolded Dr. Joshi in a fit of jealousy.

As Dr. Joshi was a Bengali physician, as was Sharada’s husband, Ian Stevenson wondered if Joshi stimulated Sharada’s appearance. As one point, Sharada stated that Dr. Joshi was her husband. It is possible that Dr. Joshi was Sharada’s husband, Vishwanath Mukhopadhaya, in a prior incarnation. This hypothesis, unfortunately, could not be verified or refuted.

Sharada said that she had two miscarriages and then became pregnant again for the third time. When she was five months pregnant, she journeyed by cart from Shivapur, where she and her husband lived, to Saptagram to visit her maternal aunt who raised her. She left a diamond nose ring and 125 rupees at home, for fear that bandits on the road would steal these valuables.

Less than two months after arriving in Saptagram, Sharada said that she was plucking flowers in the garden when a snake bit her on the right toe. This is the last event that Sharada described in her lifetime.

Multiple Researchers Investigate Xenoglossy Reincarnation Case of Uttara Huddar

At this point, I would like to share that the Sharada | Uttara Huddar reincarnation case was studied exhaustively by multiple experts over a period of years. A newspaper story regarding this case came out in 1975, which drew the attention of Ian Stevenson, MD, who collaborated with professors in India.

As examples, Professor P. Pal, a reincarnation investigator and a native of Bengal, as well as Dr. R. K. Sinha, also a native of Bengal, were deeply involved. Dr. S.K. Das, a professor of Bengali, also testified that Sharada was truly speaking Bengali. Tape recordings of Sharada were made and studied. Ian Stevenson worked with these various researchers and compiled their findings in his book, Unlearned Language.

Verification of Statements Made by Sharada, the Past Life Personality

In May 1975, Dr. Sinha, one of the researchers involved in the case, visited Saptaram in West Bengal and inquired about a family described by Sharada. After much effort, he found Satinath Chattopadhaya, who produced a genealogy of ancestors extending back to the nineteenth century. A beautiful and very ornate example of a geneological record or family tree is provided below.

IISISReincarnationResearchFamilyTreeBrajnath Chattopadhaya, the name Sharada stated to be the name of her father, appeared on the genealogy.

Dr. Sinha brought the genealogy back to Nagpur and asked Sharada to name her relatives. Sharada made the following identifications accurately:


Mother: Renukha Devi

Stepmother: Anadamori

Brothers-Kailasnath, Srianth and Satinath


Uncle Devdas, corrected as Devanth

Based on Sharada’s ability to accurately name these relatives, as confirmed by the genealogy, Ian Stevenson became convinced that Sharada was referring the Chattopadhaya family as her past life family. If this is correct, then her memories or statements were objectively validated. Unfortunately, names for her husband and father-in-law could not be verified from the genealogy, as they belonged to a different family tree.

Of note, Sharada said that a monk took one of the male family members to become initiated in the Nath order. She said that villages afterwards called the family the Nath family and that family members took on “nath” as a suffix. The genealogy did confirm that nath appears as a suffix for all male family members to this day. Again, Sharada’s statements were objectively verified.

Ian Stevenson makes the point that it was unlikely that the Huddar family could have had read the genealogy in advance of the case investigation, as it was written in Bengali, which the Huddars didn’t understand.

Xenoglossy: Sharada’s Bengali Language Skills

Whereas in some xenoglossy cases, vocabulary can be limited, Sharada could speak Bengali extensively. Professor Pal reported: “I talked with Sharada for about ten hours. Neither of us had any difficulty in understanding even a word of what the other spoke. We were talking with normal fluency.” (2)

Professor Pal also noted, “All the while she was talking fluently in Bengali like a normal Bengali girl and I did not notice any difference in intonation from that of a Bengali lady.” (3)

Dr. Roy signed a document that Sharada and he spoke for two hours exclusively in Bengali. Her answers were sensible and she demonstrated complete command of the Bengali language.

As such, Sharada demonstrated what Ian Stevenson calls responsive xenoglossy, where the subject not only can speak a language that has not been learned, but the subject can also respond to questions in that language in an interactive way. Sharada could also read and write Bengali. In contrast, as noted, Uttara could not understand Bengali at all.

Sharada’s Past Life Knowledge of Bengali Geography and Places

In addition to being able to understand, speak and write Bengali, Sharada demonstrated extensive knowledge of Bengali geography and places, even remote and relatively unknown places.

Recall that Sharada had said that her father was a priest at the Kankalini Temple at Kanchanagar and that it was six kilometers from Burdwan, a city now called Bardhaman, in West Bengal. The existence and location of this temple was verified, which was particularly impressive as the temple is not well-known. In fact, the village of Kanchanagar had been deserted, possibly after an epidemic, and had been overgrown by jungle for 50 years.

IISISReincarnationResearchHinduTempleIn another example, when an investigator showed Sharada a photo of the Bengali Hanserhwar Temple of Bamberia, Sharada identified it immediately by name. When asked how many towers the temple had, Sharada correctly stated that there were 13 towers, even though the photo only featured a portion of the temple, showing only seven towers.

She knew that Kali was the goddess of the temple, that the Kali idol had four arms, that the idol was made of neem wood that was painted blue, and that the Rajah of Banberia brought the idol from Benares. All these statements were correct.

Sharada also accurately described the geography encountered and travel time by boat from Shivapur to Shikarpur. She also correctly described geographical details encountered in a trip from Calcutta to Shivapur.

Uttara and the Huddar family had no knowledge of the Kankalini or Hanserhwar Temples, or of geographical details regarding travel in Bengal. Further, the information was obscure and it wound not have been found in the Bengali literature that Uttara read in her youth.

Sharada’s Past Life Knowledge of Bengali Foods

IISISReincarnationResearchBengaliSweetsSharada had a remarkable knowledge of food specialties of Bengal, which she preferred over the food of Nagpur, India. While Uttara didn’t like sweets, Sharada loved Bengali sweets. When asked what her favorite sweet is, she said sitabhog, which is made only in Burdwan, Bengal. She was able to identify sitabhog when it was brought to her. Further, Sharada could distinguish sweets imported from Bengal from imitations made in Nagpur.

When Sharada fasted, she asked for coconut water. Coconuts in Bengal have water, whereas coconuts in the region where the Uddars lived do not.

Sharada preferred to eat rice and she put yogurt in her rice, which is a Bengali custom. In contrast, Sharada and her family preferred bread made from wheat, which Marathi people typically eat. Sharada reported to investigators a long list of foods that were only eaten in Bengal.

Sharada’s Ignorance of Technology

Sharada had no understanding of trains, cars, electricity, electric lights, electric fans or phones. Ian Stevenson wrote that glass bottles baffled her. In nineteenth century Bengal, food and water were kept in earthenware or metal vessels. When asked if she would like to cook Bengalis meals, she said, “How can I cook? There is neither an oven or firewood here?” Cooking on the Huddar’s gas stove was incomprehensible to her. (4)

When she heard a tape recorder play back songs she sang, she thought there was an evil spirit in the tape recorder

IISISReincarnationResearchLooterSharada’s Past Life Bengali Behavior and Disdain of Marathi People

Sharada behaved very much like a Bengali woman, in contrast to Uttara’s Marathi ways. Further, in an amusing and ironic twist, Sharada demonstrated a prejudiced and judgmental attitude towards Marathi people.

Sharada called Marathi people “dasyus,” which means “looters” in Bengali (5). She was demonstrating a typical Bengali attitude towards Marathi people, who Bengalis thought of as inferior. Sharada refused to learn the Marathi language, which she considered a harsh language.

Since she would not learn the Marathi language, Sharada could not communicate with the Huddar family. She spent much of her time alone, reading Bengali books and epics in the Bengali language, which Uttara didn’t understand.

It is amusing and ironic that Sharada was being judgmental and prejudiced towards the Marathis, who would be her own ethnic group in her future incarnation as Uttara. As noted, this case demonstrates that it is not wise to establish identity on one’s nationality or ethnic group, as these can change from one lifetime to another.

IISISReincarnationResearchVermillionForeheadSharada’s Past Life Bengali Behavior

Sharada’s customs and behavior reflected her Bengali culture. As noted, Sharada wore a portion of her sari over her head, creating a veil, which is a custom of Bengali women. Uttara did not wear a sari in this way. Sharada went barefoot when she left the house, as Bengali women in the 19th century did, while Uttara wore sandals or shoes when she went out. Sharada would leave her hair loose, while Uttara pulled her hair into a bun. Sharada sat on the floor, while Uttara sat on chairs. Sharada bathed in cold water, as she would have done in the 19th century, whereas Uttara bathed in warm water.

Sharada applied vermillion or cinnabar to the part of her hair, a custom of married Bengali women. When she asked members of Uttara’s family to help her apply the cinnabar, Sharada became upset when they would apply the cinnabar from the top of her head to the forehead, which in Bengali culture means that she may suffer early widowhood. The proper Bengali way is to apply the cinnabar the opposite way, from forehead to top of head. Sharada also asked that alta, a red liquid dye, be applied to borders of her feet, another Bengali custom.

Sharada would greet older persons by touching her head to the ground, a Bengali tradition. Whereas Uttara was social and friendly, Sharada did not like to appear before strangers, unless they were Bengali. Sharada would not let Uttara’s father or brother touch her, as she did not feel related to them.

Reincarnation & Changes in Religious Worship

IISISReincarnationResearchDurgaUttara and her family, the Huddars, worshiped Ganesh, the Hindu deity with the elephant head. Sharada, on the other hand, worshiped the Bengali deity Durga, represented by a woman with ten arms. An image of Durga is provided to the right.

Sharada followed the Bengali custom of drawing an image of Durga on the floor with powder. Overall, Sharada was much more religious than Uttara, which may have reflected Sharada’s family life, as her father was a temple priest.

Transformation of Uttara into Past Life Personality Sharada

As noted, Sharada first appeared when she was in the hospital under the care of Dr. Joshi in 1973, when Uttara was 32 years old. Sharada’s appearances continued at least through October of 1982, a period of nine years.

Sharada would remain for varying amounts of time. Most of her appearances lasted 1-3 days, though some appearances lasted a week or more. The longest appearances lasted for 41 and 43 days. The frequency of appearances could vary, though for a period of time, Sharada appeared approximately twice a month.

IISISReincarnationResearchCaseEvidenceLotusWhen Uttara returned, she would change the Bengali clothing that Sharada preferred to the clothes that Maratha women wear. Sharada only spoke Bengali, while Uttara never spoke Bengali.

Uttara described to investigators what the appearance of Sharada was like. Uttara said that when Sharada was approaching, she felt pain and tenderness on the top of her head. She could also have the sensation of ants crawling on top her head.

Her tongue would feel like it was being pulled inwardly and that her eyes were being pulled inside her head. She could have the sensation as if she was shrinking. She would begin weeping and then she would lose consciousness.

Sometimes the transition to Sharada would occur during sleep. Uttara would be in her normal state of being when she went to bed, then in the morning would awake as Sharada.

Whenever Sharada emerged, she would ask for flowers and sometimes she would go out to the Huddar’s garden to pick flowers. With this behavior, it appears that Sharada was reenacting the events that led to her death, just before she was bit by the cobra.

Source of Reincarnation Phobia: Sharada Relives Being Bitten by a Cobra in her Past Life

IISISReincarnationCaseEvidencecobra200There were episodes where Sharada even seemed to be reliving symptoms of a venomous snake bite. Her toe would become black, as would her tongue and the inside of her mouth. She would close her eyes and point to her toe and say, “A king cobra has bitten me.” (6) As such, it appears that Sharada was at times reliving her death in the nineteenth century.

Preservation of Past Life Personality within the Soul: Sharada Thinks She is Still Alive and Denies Knowing Uttara

Despite Sharada’s repetition of her death scene, in which she would go out to the garden to pick flowers, she had no awareness that she was dead. Though she would say that she was bitten by a cobra, was put on a stretcher and then lost consciousness, she never would state that she had died.

When she was asked if she was a spirit, Sharada replied, “I am not a spirit, I am a woman” (7)

At times when Sharada appeared, she could not speak. She would point to her throat and tears would roll down her checks. It appears that in these episodes, Sharada did not fully integrate into Uttara’s body, which made her unable to vocalize. During severe phases, she could not take care of herself and the Huddar family had to care for her, even give her water. Normally, Sharada could feed, clean and clothe herself.

On the other hand, Sharada, at times, could act quite autonomously and on three occasions she left the Uddar’s home on her own. Once she left to find Dr. Joshi, who Sharada considered her husband.

IISISReincarnationResearchEvidencePonyWhen asked how she had arrived at the Huddar’s home, she would give different explanations, as if she herself didn’t know. Once she said that her husband left her with the Huddars while he went to holy places along the Ganges River.

Sharada would ask the Huddars to take her to her husband in Shivapur or to the aunt who raised her in Saptagram. Once she wrote a letter to her husband stating: “I do not like it here. I have been here for a long time. When will you take me home?” (8)

Sharada consistently denied knowing Uttara. When asked where Uttara was, Sharada stated that she didn’t know.

Past Life Personality Sharada Shows Psychic Abilities

Sharada, in contrast to Uttara, demonstrated psychic abilities. Once she told a first time visitor to the Huddar’s home that his wife was dead, his son did not help him and that he had to beg for help from others. All these statements were correct. When a servant girl that worked for the Huddars was sent away for suspicion of stealing, Sharada said that the girl was at that very moment confessing to her grandfather and was weeping in remorse. This was later verified as true. It was as if Sharada was still connected to the soul of Sharada | Uttara, which allowed her to see in extra sensory ways.

Transformation from Past Life Personality Sharada into Uttara

Uttara said that when she emerged from the Sharada phase, she had the sensation that “something is falling down in my body.” (9) Recovery could last from 15 minutes to four hours. Uttara could have difficulty speaking Marathi after a long Sharada phase.

Uttara would have no memory of what occurred during her Sharada phase and conversely, Sharada had no awareness of anything that occurred when Uttara was herself.

For example, when Uttara’s mother, Monoram Huddar, died on July 3, 1981, Uttara was in her normal state of consciousness. When on August 8, 1981, Sharada manifested, she had no knowledge that Monoram had died. When told that Monoram had died, Sharada started to cry.

Reincarnation versus Possession

Due to the dramatic nature of Sharada’s appearances, in which Uttara had no knowledge of what occurred while Sharada inhabited her body, one must wonder if this may be a case of possession, where a disembodied spirit takes over the body of person.

In a separate section of this website, I review my working relationship with Kevin Ryerson, who is a professional medium. Kevin channels several different spirit beings, allowing these spirit beings to communicate with human beings. When Kevin channels, he has no awareness of what goes on during the channeling. When Kevin emerges from a channeling session, he has no memory of what happened during the session.

One may even think of Kevin’s ability to channel as the ability to allow temporary possession of his body in a controlled way. Kevin allows a spirit being to use his body for a period of time, though Kevin retains control and can emerge from the channeling state at will.

As such, there are similarities in the way Sharada would manifest to the channeling phenomenon that occurs with Kevin Ryerson. One difference is that Kevin retains control over the channeling experience and can return to normal consciousness if he desires. In contrast, Uttara had no control over Sharada’s appearances.

Ian Stevenson, MD, felt that the Sharada | Uttara Huddar case is more consistent with a reincarnation case, rather than possession, for several reasons. These include:

Manorama’s announcing dream: When Manorama was pregnant with Uttara, she had a recurrent dream in which a cobra was about to bite her right big toe. Manorama would kick off the snake and then wake up. It was as if Manorama was experiencing the persona of Sharada, Uttara’s past lifetime, in these dreams.

Sharada, it appears, was trying to communicate to Manorama, Uttara’s mother, that Sharada would be born to her. Announcing dreams like this are observed in reincarnation cases, not in cases of possession. An announcing dream was recounted in the reincarnation case of Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem.

Uttara’s Past Life Phobia of Snakes: Uttara had a phobia of snakes, which was particularly severe from four to eight years of age. This phobia appears to reflect a past lifetime as Sharada, who described being bit by a king cobra. Phobias related to past life trauma are observed in reincarnation cases, as observed in the Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi reincarnation case.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

If this extremely compelling case is accepted as a reincarnation case, it demonstrates the following features:

Responsive Xenoglossy and Personality Retained in the Soul: Sharada could have extensive conversations in Bengali. Professor Pal noted that in total, he conversed with Sharada in Bengali for ten hours. In contrast, Uttara, the contemporary personality, as well as her family, could not speak Bengali at all.

The Sharada personality appears to have been entirely retained within the soul. Sharada did not seem to even know that she had died. Further, Sharada denied even knowing who the contemporary personality, Uttara, was.

Phobia from a Past Lifetime: Uttara, as a child, had an intense phobia of snakes, which appears to reflect her death in a past lifetime as Sharada, by a cobra bite.

Change of Nationality, Ethnic Affiliation & Religious Belief: Sharada, the Bengali past life personality, showed contempt for the Indian Marathi people, which Uttara and her family belonged to. Sharada even referred to the Marathi as “looters.” Though both Hindu, Sharada worshiped the god Durga, while Uttara and her family were devoted to Ganesh.

Spirit Being Involvement & Announcing Dreams in Reincarnation Cases: When Manorama was pregnant with Uttara, she would dream that she was about to be bitten in her right big toe by a snake. It was as if Manorama was experiencing the persona of Sharada, Uttara’s past lifetime, in these dreams. It seems that Sharada, from the spirit world,was trying to communicate with Manorama, indicating that she would be born to her.


1. Stevenson, Ian: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, p 74
2. Stevenson, Ian: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, p 121
3. Stevenson, Ian: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, p 121
4. Stevenson, Ian: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, p 114
5. Stevenson, Ian: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, p 115
6. Stevenson, Ian: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, p 112
7. Stevenson, Ian: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, p 113
8. Stevenson, Ian: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, p 114
9. Stevenson, Ian: Unlearned Language, New Studies in Xenoglossy, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, p 109






Islam Reincarnation Case of Oma Devi | Nagina: Past Life Case involving Suicide, Religion Change & Renewed Relationships

Oma Devi committed suicide reincarnated in a little over 3 years after her death, demonstrating that suicide does not end the evolution of the soul. Oma Devi was Hindu, but reborn into a Sunni Muslim family.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Satwant Pasricha, PhD, Associate of Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death? Volume 1: Reincarnation Research, by Satwant Pasricha, PhD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Life & Suicide of Oma Devi

5 Reincarnation Suicide Case A Blazing FireOma Devi was a schoolteacher who lived in District of Farrukhabad, in the Indian state of Uddar Pradesh, which is the home of the famous Taj Mahal. Her husband was a merchant who sold books and stationary in Mohammadabad. The couple was of the Hindu faith and they had four children, two boys and two girls.

Unfortunately, Oma Devi and her husband had a bad marriage. On May 19, 1987, the couple had a serious argument and in reaction, Oma poured kerosene over herself and set herself on fire, perishing from her burns. She was 47 years of age when she died.

Oma Devi, a Hindu, Reincarnates into a Sunni Muslim Family

In October 1990, about 3 and a half years after Oma Devi died, a girl named Nagina was born to a Sunni Muslim family, who did not believe in reincarnation. The family also lived in the District of Farrukhabad, not far from Oma Devi’s home. Her father, Amaruddin, made his living by transporting people in a tanga, a horse-drawn carriage.

Past Life Behavior: Nagina Reenacts Committing Suicide

Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moonWhen Nagina was a little over 1 year of age, before she learned to speak, one of Amaruddin’s aunts came to visit the family. The aunt asked for some mustard oil, to massage into her hair. Nagina then brought her a bottle of kerosene. The aunt, surprised, asked what she would do with kerosene. Nagina then made the gesture of pouring the bottle of kerosene over her head and she then made the gesture of lighting a match to set herself on fire. These gestures of lighting a match and bringing the lit match to her head became a repetitive behavior.

Past Life Memories: Nagina Reports She was Oma, Who Committed Suicide

When Nagina was 3 years old and able to speak, she said that in a prior lifetime she was a schoolteacher named Oma and that she had 2 daughters and 2 sons. Nagina shared that after an argument with her husband, she poured kerosene over her body and then set herself on fire.

Amaruddin’s family, as noted, did not believe in reincarnation and they tried to suppress Nagina’s past life memories by beating her on the head. This strategy failed, as Nagina continued to talk about her past life.

Past Life Memories: Nagina knows Family Secrets & Mourns the Death of her Past Life Husband

When Oma Devi’s two sons heard about Nagina’s claims of a prior incarnation in which she set herself on fire, they came to visit her. Nagina shared with them details of Oma’s life that were not known outside the family. Based on this testimony, Oma Devi’s elder son became convinced that Nagina was his mother reborn. The younger son did not know what to make of the situation.

The families maintained contact. In April 1996, when Nagina was 5 and a half years old, Oma Devi’s husband died. Despite the conflicts that Oma and her husband had, Nagina was very upset about the death of her past life husband.

Past Life Birthmarks

Dr. Pasricha noted that Nagina had hyper-pigmented or dark colored birthmarks on her chin and lower abdomen, which could have been related to burns incurred by Oma Devi.

Validity of Nagina’s Past Life Story

In commenting on the credibility of the case, Dr. Pasricha noted that it was very unlikely that Nagina’s family would fabricate a reincarnation case that went against their religion, especially one that involves suicide. Though Shiite Muslims are open to reincarnation, Sunni Muslims, the branch of Islam that Nagina’s family belonged to, do not accept reincarnation. Recall that Nagina’s family tried to suppress her talk of a past lifetime though physical punishment.

Dr. Pasricha also commented that it was unlikely that as a one year old Nagina would have learned of Oma Devi’s death and that it was even more unlikely that a family would teach a child to pretend committing suicide. (1)

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Change in Religion: Oma Devi was Hindu, but she was reborn into a Sunni Muslim family that did not believe in reincarnation.

Past Life Birthmarks or Scars: Nagina had dark-colored birthmarks on her chin and abdomen, which Dr. Pasricha noted could be related to burn scars incurred by Oma Deva in her suicide.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Oma Devi reincarnated in close proximity to her past life home, which allowed her to be reunited with her past life family. Though Oma Devi committed suicide after an argument with her husband, Nagina expressed grief when her past life husband died.

Reincarnation & Suicide: Oma Devi committed suicide but reincarnated a little over 3 years after her death, demonstrating that suicide does not end the evolution of the soul. Oma Devi likely generated karma from the pain she caused others, which she may have to experience herself in the course of time. Also, Nagina may face similar circumstances as Oma Devi did, but she will need to react in more productive ways. For a full discussion on karmic issues involved with suicide, please refer to: Suicide Reincarnation Case of Ruprecht Schultz


1. Pasricha, Satwant, Can the Mind Survive Beyond Death? Volume 1: Reincarnation Research, Harman Publishing House, New Delhi, 2008, pages 163-165

Past Life Story with Physical Resemblance, Phobia & Geographic Memory: Reincarnation Case of Margaret Kempthorne | Gladys Deacon

A personal account of her experience and the details of a personal interview by Dr. Ian Stevenson were the bases for this child reincarnation story case. Gladys Deacon the person who experienced the child reincarnation detailed her memories of her past life and corroborated it with evidences she has collected. in a story she wrote herself.

How Derived: Geographic Past Life Memory

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The subject of this case, Gladys Deacon, wrote an account of her story that was published in a London newspaper, the Sunday Express, on June 2, 1935. In addition, Ian Stevenson, MD, interviewed her in 1963. As such, we have two sources of information regarding this very interesting case.

Past Life Phobia: Gladys Loves the Name Margaret & has a Phobia of Falling Down

Gladys Deacon was born on January 25, 1900 in Leicestershire, England. Her father was a carpenter and her parents were Roman Catholic. Gladys had a sister and a brother. She had a fondness for the name Margaret and later learned that her parents had considered naming her Margaret. As a young girl, she had a phobia of falling down

Geographic Past Life Memory: Gladys Recalls a Past Life Fall on a Hill

IISIS Site of ReincarnationWhen she was 11 years old, Gladys and her brother were taken on a trip by their mother from Northamptonshire, where they were living, to Dorset. They were going to visit relatives over Christmas. Gladys describes a scene that occurred during their journey:

“After leaving Yeovil our train stopped for some time, and to my surprise I found the country quite familiar to me, especially a hilly field opposite.

I said to my brother, ‘When I was quite a little girl I lived in a house near here. I remember running down a hill in that field with two grown-ups holding my hands and we all fell down and I hurt my leg badly.’

Here my mother broke in to scold me for telling deliberate untruths. I had never been that way before and certainly never lived there. I insisted that I had, and that when I ran down the hill I was wearing a white frock down to my ankles with little green leaves on it, and the persons holding my hands were wearing blue-and-white checked frocks.

I said, ‘My name was Margaret then.’” (1)

Validation of Gladys’s Past Life Memory of Falling

iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencecarThe source of Gladys’s memories of an apparent past lifetime remained a mystery for the next 17 years. Then, during another trip to Dorset in 1928, when Gladys was 28 years old, she unexpectedly received confirmation of her past life memories. Let us again let Gladys narrate the turn of events:

“I was motoring in 1928 with my then employer through Dorset. While having a tire changed, we went to a cottage not far from Poole where a young woman got us tea.

Spirit Being Guidance: Gladys Sees Herself in an Old Portrait & Receives Validation of her Past Life Memory

While waiting for it, I saw an old portrait on glass, and to my amazement I saw it was myself as I was then, running down that hill, a child of five with a plain, serious face, in a long white dress sprigged with green.

I exclaimed, ‘Why that is me.’ And of course both my employer and the woman laughed. The woman said, ‘Well, that child died years ago, but I guess you were just like her when you were small,’ and my employer agreed.

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidencePortriatSeeing I was interested, the woman called her mother to tell me the story of the child.

She said the child was Margaret Kempthorne, the only child of a farmer. The mother of the story-teller at that time was employed at the farm as a dairymaid.

When Margaret was about five she was running down a hill with this dairymaid and another, when one of the grown-ups caught her foot in a rabbit-hole and they all fell, with the child undermost.

Her leg was badly broken. She never recovered and died two months after…’” (2)

Past Life Memory: Location of Margaret’s Past Lifetime, in Yeovil, is Confirmed

Gladys inquired where the farm, where Margaret fell, was located. The old lady replied that she didn’t know the exact location of the farm, but that it was near the market town, Yeovil, where their milk and farm products were sold.

Gladys asked when this happened. The old lady responded by taking the portrait down and handing it to Gladys, who looked at the back of the portrait where a piece of paper with writing was found glued to the portrait. Gladys narrates:

“I read there, ‘Margaret Kempthorne, born January 25, 1830, died October 11, 1835” (3)

Recall that Gladys was also born on January 25, in the year 1900. Given these dates, Gladys was born 65 years after Margaret had died.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Geographic Past life Memory: Gladys’s past life memories were stimulated by traveling through the physical location of her past incarnation in the area around Yeovil, England.

Physical Resemblance: Gladys, her employer and the young woman in Dorset, where the painting of Margaret Kempthorne was found, all agreed that there was a strong physical resemblance between Margaret and Gladys.

Phobia from a Past Lifetime: Margaret died from a fall which resulted in a broken leg, which led to her death. Gladys, as a young girl, had a phobia of falling down.

Spirit Beings: This case was validated by Gladys fortuitously finding the house where a witness to the life of Margaret Kempthorne lived. There, a painting of Margaret was hanging on the wall, which Gladys recognized as herself in a prior incarnation. In this portrait, Margaret was wearing the same frock that Gladys saw in her past life memories, a white frock with green decorations.

The witness to the life of Margaret, described as an “old lady” by Gladys, was the mother of the owner of the house. This old lady’s mother, the grandmother of the owner of the house, was one of the very people that Margaret was with when she was running down the hill and fell, breaking her leg, which led to her death.

What are the odds of finding this house by chance? Gladys found this house because the car she was traveling in with her employer had a flat tire, which required repair.

It is proposed that the flat tire occurred at that very spot because spirit beings caused that incident to happen, which allowed Gladys to validate her past life memories. This type of proposed spirit being intervention was also observed in the cases of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow and John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene.

Planning of Future Incarnations: In reviewing this reincarnation case, we observe a common date of birth. Margaret Kempthorne was born on January 25, 1830 and Gladys Deacon was born on January 25, 1900. Though the common date of birth of January 25 could be simply a coincidence, it could also represent Margaret, from the spirit world, planning her birth on that date to draw a tie from her past incarnation to her future one.

There are cases in which the date of an individual’s reincarnation has been predicted from the spirit world. In the reincarnation case of Felix Fresnel | Cristophe Albert, Felix, from the spirit world, predicted the date, place and family of his coming incarnation. In the reincarnation case of Jaako Vuorenlehto | Taru Javi, Jaako, from the spirit world, predicted the date of his reincarnation.

Change of Religion: Gladys was born into a Roman Catholic family and her mother was quite surprised when Gladys, at 11 years of age, started to describe incidents from a past lifetime. In this case, a Roman Catholic girl became a convert to a belief in reincarnation.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, pages 52-53
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, pages 53
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, pages 53