Reincarnation, Karma, Soul Mates, Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Parallel lives, Soul Evolution & Levels of the Spirit Realm
Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation, which is a collaborative work. Contributors include Echo Bodine, Judy Goodman, Wayne Peterson, Kevin Ryerson and Michael Tamura. Cover art of Origin of the Soul is by Peter Teekamp.
Dialogues that Walter Semkiw, MD has had with spirit beings channeled through world-renowned trance medium Kevin Ryerson are also featured. In addition, independently researched reincarnation cases, including those from the past life research of Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia, are used to create a cohesive understanding of how reincarnation works.
Topics covered include the nature of the soul, how personality is determined, soul mates, karma, levels of the spirit realm, stages in soul development, past lives of Jesus and the end of reincarnation. Split incarnation, also know as the phenomena of twin souls, twin flames and parallel lives are also covered.
The Power of Premonitions: The Research of Larry Dossey, MD & Dean Radin, PhD
The Origin of the Soul includes a section on premonitions, which was inspired by Dr. Larry Dossey’s thought provoking book, The Power of Premonitions. Experiments demonstrating premonitions conducted by Dean Radin, PhD, of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, are reviewed and explained.
Levels of the Spirit Realm; Heaven and Hell
In Origin of the Soul, Echo Bodine and Judy Goodman, who have been able to access the spirit world clairvoyantly, provide narratives of their experiences of the various levels of the spirit realm. These planes of the spiritual world are also described on the page:
Instrumental Transcommunication & Levels of the Spirit World