Index of ET and UFO Articles

Articles by: Walter Semkiw, MD

With input from: Spirit Being Ahtun Re channeled through Kevin Ryerson

Articles on UFOs and ETs

Article 1: ETs, UFOs, Reincarnation, God, Embryology and Templates for Life, with Comments on the Shows “Unidentified” and “Ancient Aliens

Article 2: Baikals, Greys and Pleiadeans: The ET Species Manning UFOs Captured on Video by the US Navy and a UFO Photographed by the Italian Navy

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2: Baikals, Greys and Pleiadeans: The ET Species Manning UFOs Captured on Video by the US Navy and a UFO Photographed by the Italian Navy

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

With input from: Spirit Being Ahtun Re channeled through Kevin Ryerson

Click on images to enlarge and to read captions

US Navy Pilots Capture UFOs on Video

I became interested in ETs and UFOs when the US Navy confirmed in September 2019 that UFO videos recorded by US Navy fighter pilots were genuine.

I have a unique perspective on these issues as I have been working with trance medium Kevin Ryerson since 2001, who channels a spirit being named Ahtun Re, who has demonstrated the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy. As described below, Ahtun Re has knowledge regarding ETs and UFOs.

Evidence of Reincarnation Can Help Create a More Peaceful World and Facilitate ET Contact

My main interest has been in objective evidence of reincarnation, which shows that we can change religion, race and nationality from one lifetime to another. This understanding will create a more peaceful world, as most conflict and war is based on differences in these cultural markers of identity. ETs are reluctant to contact humanity directly due our tendency to be violent and wage war.

As described in my first article, ETs spiritually evolve through the process of reincarnation, just like humanity. As such, we already have something significant in common.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CaseAhtun Re has ET Contacts

As noted, Ahtun Re relates that he also has extensive knowledge of ETs and their spacecraft. My first article on this subject, which includes the US Navy videos, is provided below:

ETs, UFOs, Reincarnation, God, Embryology and Templates for Life, with Comments on the Shows “Unidentified” and “Ancient Aliens”

Given the credibility of the US Navy videos, I asked Ahtun Re which ET species pilot the specific UFOs captured on Navy fighter pilot videos.

One thing that I learned in my series of sessions on UFOs with Kevin and Ahtun Re is that numerous ET species work together, both on spacecraft technology and in joint missions.

The situation is very similar to how astronauts of various nations of Earth work together on our International Space Station (ISS).

The Baikals: ETs of Earth’s Oceans and Seas

A prominant ET species featured in the US Navy videos, who we will call the “Baikals,” originated from a water planet that orbits a star within our Milky Way galaxy, which we have not yet discovered.

As this species evolved on a water planet, many of their activities on Earth involve our oceans and its aquatic life. Baikals can be considered ET oceanographers.

In fact, these ETs have been observed  by Soviet military divers in Lake Baikal, which in some areas is over 5000 feet in depth and holds one quarter of all the fresh water on Earth. Since this ET species was observed in Lake Baikal, we will refer to them as the “Baikals.”

The 1982 Lake Baikal ET Incident

Lake Baikal is located in southeastern Siberia, near the border with Mongolia. In 1982, the Soviet military was conducting training exercises for scuba divers in Lake Baikal.

Seven Soviet divers were at about 160 feet below the surface when they noticed that they were being observed by a group of human-like beings that were about 9 feet tall. In the image of the group of Baikals the yellow tanks at the bottom of the image represent the scuba gear of the Soviet divers.

These beings wore tight fitting metallic suits and had helmet like devices covering their heads, though they did not have any tanks that could supply air or oxygen. After a period of time, these strange humanoid beings receded out of sight of the Soviet divers.

An Attempt to Capture a Lake Baikal ET Results in the Deaths of Four Soviet Military Divers

After the Soviet divers returned to their ship and reported their experiences with these 9 foot tall creatures, the commander ordered his divers to go back to where they saw these creatures and to capture one of them. The divers were given equipment to aid in this mission, including a large net.

Seven Soviet military divers again descended to about 160 feet below the surface.  These divers once again encountered the 9 foot tall beings. Following orders, one of the Soviet divers tried to capture one of the creatures with the net.

Upon this act of attempted capture, the Baikal ETs used some type of weapon that caused the seven Soviet divers to zoom to the surface in an instant.

This rapid ascent caused the Soviet divers to experience the “bends,” a condition that occurs when surfacing from depths too quickly, causing nitrogen to form in the bloodstream, which can be fatal. After the rapid ascent and incurring the bends, 4 of the divers died and the other 3 suffered chronic health symptoms. The survivors were also emotionally traumatized by their experience.

Note: The artist depictions of the Baikals provided above are from the TV show:

UFOs: The Lost Evidence: Deep Sea Encounters, Season 1, Episode 2

The Pleiadeans and UFO Technology

Another ET species that has been involved in the US Navy UFO videos involve souls from the Pleiades constellation, though again, Ahtun Re has indicated that souls from the Pleiadean star system originally evolved on a planet in the Andromeda constellation.

Pleiadeans are some of the most advanced of God’s children. In my first article on ETs, I wrote that on average, ETs achieved artificial intelligence machines, such as a Tesla car, 400,000 years ago.

On the other hand, Ahtun Re has shared that Pleiadeans created artificial intelligence machines over 2.5 million years ago.

In addition, they have memory that goes back for generations and as such, Ahtun Re has labeled the Pleiadeans as the “Librarians of the Universe.”

They are also excellent engineers and work with other ET species on spacecraft development.

Of interest, two crews of the Soviet space station Salyut 7 observed huge angelic beings just outside their space station in 1984. Ahtun Re revealed that these were Pleiadians in their astral or spirit bodies, as described in my first article on UFOs. To learn more, please  go to:

Pleiadians Visit Salyut 7 in their Spirit Bodies

With this introduction, let me now share which ETs were involved in the UFOs videotaped by US Navy fighter pilots:

2004 Tic Tac Spaceship Encountered by US Commander David Fravor of the USS Nimitz was Piloted by Baikals

Ahtun Re related that the 40-foot oval ship described by Commander David Fravor in 2004 as a Tic Tac shaped craft, when he was on maneuvers off the Mexican coast, was inhabited by Baikals.

In addition to the Tic Tac ship, radar operators saw multiple smaller UFOs escorting the Tic Tac ship. Ahtun Re related that these ships were manned by Pleiadeans escorting the Baikal Tic Tac craft.

Greys and the 2014 Gimbal Space Craft Captured on Video by USS Theodore Roosevelt Fighter Pilots

Fighter jet pilots from the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier off the southeast coast of United States during 2014-2015 manuevers videotaped a UFO named the “Gimbal” spacecraft, which rotated as it flew at high speed.

Gimbal refers to a device that is affixed to the belly of an aircraft that can rotate to keep a radar or video track of airborne objects while the aircraft itself makes turns.

In addition, five smaller UFOs were observed escorting the Gimbal craft.

Ahtun Re has revealed that the Gimbal spaceship was manned by an ET species known as the “Greys.” We will address the Greys in subsequent articles. Ahtun Re said that this Gimbal craft represents an old and obsolete design.

The five smaller UFOs caught on video escorting the Gimbal craft were piloted by Pleiadeans.

In sum, the Tic Tac spaceship observed by Commander Fravor in 2004 was manned by the Baikals. The Gimbal craft viewed in 2014 was occupied by the Greys ET species. The smaller UFOs escorting the Gimble craft were manned by Pleiadeans.

Navy “Go Fast” UFO Captured by USS Theodore Roosevelt Pilots in 2015 was a Pleiadian Drone

The third UFO craft captured in verified US Navy fighter videos has been called “GoFast,” as this tiny vehicle was seen zooming across the surface of the ocean off the East Coast of the United States.

Ahtun Re related that this was a Pleiadean drone, assessing ocean temperatures. In all, as described in my first article on ETs, they are not here to conquer us. They are scientists who study our planet due to its incredible biologic diversity and they hope they can help us escape mass extinction, which could result from global warming.

2004 Italian Military Evidence of a Baikal UFO

As part of the TV show, Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation, S1, Ep 6-The Revelation, there was a segment that occurred in Sicily in 2004. In this episode, former US military intellgence officer, Luis Elizondo, participated in a meeting with Italian military officials regarding UFO incidents.

Italian Navy Lieutenant Colonel Clarbruno Vedruccio shared a UFO encounter that occurred in Northern Sicily.

Vedruccio related that in 2004, there were  incidents in which houses in the northern part of Sicily spontaneously caught on fire and that evacuations of residents had to be performed.

The local residents reported that energy beams coming from the Mediterranean Sea caused the fires of their homes.

A Saucer Shaped UFO Emits an Energy Beam that Damages an Italian Military Helicopter

In response, the Italian Navy sent a helicopter to assess the situation. The crew of the helicopter reported seeing a saucer shaped craft behind them, that emitted an energy beam that damaged the rotor mechanism of the helicopter. Though the damage did not cause the copter to crash, damage to the rotor system was photographed.

Ahtun Re told me that the UFO craft involved in this incident was manned by Baikals. The energy beams that caused fires in the town were not intentional. Rather, the Baikals were having technical difficulties with the propulsion systems of their craft, which resulted in the energy beams that caused fires in the Sicilian town.

On the other hand, when the Italian military sent a helicopter to investigate the fires and a saucer shaped craft shot an energy beam that damaged the helicopter rotor apparatus, Ahtun Re said this was an intentional act by the Baikals, not to destroy the helicopter, but to leave evidence of the Baikal’s existence.

Let Us Be Gracious Hosts to our ET Visitors

In general, spacefaring ETs who are technologically far more advanced than us do not want to harm us. One of their other main concerns is the survival of planet Earth, due to global warming which can trigger a mass extinction event. In addition, they are concerned about how humanity will react to their presence.

Because of this concern, the ETs seem to be playing a “cat and mouse” game with humanity. They allow themselves to be seen in innumerable photos and videos taken by military personnel, as well as by ordinary citizens armed with smart phones. They seem to be letting us know that they are here, without posing a threat in the vast majority of circumstances.

It will be a sobering moment when we humans accept the reality that we have celestial neighbors who are much more technologically, spiritually and psychically advanced than we are, who are currently present on our planet.

For a list of ET and UFO articles, please go to: ETs and their UFOs

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1: ETs, UFOs, Reincarnation, God, Embryology and Templates for Life, with Comments on the Shows “Unidentified” and “Ancient Aliens”

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

With Input from Spirit Being Ahtun Re channeled though Trance Medium Kevin Ryerson

Click on images to enlarge

In the Program “Unidentified,” Luis Elisondo and Christopher Mellon Facilitate Validation of US Navy UFO Videos

My interest in ETs and UFOs was triggered by the US Navy’s validation of three videos of UFOs taken by fighter pilots from the US Nimitz and US Theodore Roosevelt. The image on top is of the “Tic Tac” UFO captured by a fighter pilot from the USS Nimitz in 2004 off the coast of Mexico south of San Diego.

The term “Tic Tac” was coined by pilot David Fravor who intercepted this UFO and witnessed incredible manuvers made by this craft that were far beyond the capability of aircraft built by humans. Fravor said the UFO was about 40 feet long, white and oval, similar to a giant Tic Tac candy breath mint. There were no wings or other features of conventional aircraft.

To view an interview with David Fravor with footage of the Tic Tac UFO, please go to:

Commander David Fravor describes His Encounter with the 2004 Nimitz Tic-Tac UFO with Videos

The image to the right and the image below are of  two UFOs that were captured on video by pilots from the USS Theodore Roosevelt during manuevers off of the US East Coast between Washington, DC and Jacksonville, Florida. The “Gimbal” UFO was captured rotating as it flew at high speed, reminiscent of a gimal attached to the bottom of an aircraft which can rotate keep a radar or video tract on an object while the aircraft is turning.

The “Go Fast” UFO was caught on video skimming the surface of the ocean at very high speed.

Pilot Ryan Graves discusses Gimbal and Go Fast videos taken by pilots from the USS Theodore Roosevelt

To view a videotape of all three UFOs described, please go to:
please go to:

US Navy UFO Videos Deemed Genuine by US Navy

Luis Elizondo, Tom Delonge and Christopher Mellon, Leaders of Revealing Evidence of UFOs and Stars of the TV Series “Unidentified”

Two figures who have been instrumental in getting these videos released are Luis Elizondo, a retired US Army Intelligence officer and Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. In addition, musician Tom Delonge of the rock group Blink 182 has also been a leader in the disclosure of governmental UFO information.

I thank these individuals for their work and their participation in the TV series: Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation

I hope that we can work together in the future.

The ET Species identified in these images will be discussed in our second article on ETs and UFOs.

Energy Templates that Create Life and Physical Appearance

When I was a biology major at the University of Illinois, I was initially agnostic-I didn’t know if God existed or not. Things changed when I took an upper level embryology course, in which I learned how a sperm and an egg joined, then proceeded create a human being.

I was amazed at how sheets of living tissues, formed from the original egg and sperm, moved magically to form complex structures such as the spinal cord and brain.

In the image provided below and to the right, the embryo has taken on a surfboard shape with the green tube at the top with a verticle slot representing the developing brain and spinal cord, the violet tube forming beneath it the digestive tract and the C shaped structures at the bottom of the image are the developing lungs.

I was aware of experiments in which conditions of the primordial Earth were recreated in tanks or vessels, in which building blocks of life, such as amino acids, were spontaneously created. In the human body, amino acids join together to create proteins.

The creation of amino acids under lab conditions does not explain how tissues formed in the embryo move on their own to create complex organs.

The only way I could envision how this magical dance occurred was that there was an invisible force, an energy template, that guided the formation of complex organs.

It was at this point that I decided that there had to be something like God, a guiding intelligence, that existed. This intelligence had to have created energy templates that biologic tissues would shape around.

Phyical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases

We do observe an energy template that is involved in the creation of our physical appearance from one lifetime to another.  Childhood past life memory cases that have been objectively validated by Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia, have demonstrated similarity in facial features from one lifetime to another.

Physical resemblance in reincarnation cases is documented when there is a child who has sufficiently detailed past life memories that the past life family can be located. The past life family then verifies statements made by the child regarding the names of past life family members and facts that would only be known by members of the past life family. Typically, the past life family accepts the child as the reincarnation of their deceased loved one.

If a photograph of the child’s past life persona is available and the child can be followed over a period of 20 years to adulthood, Ian Stevenson noted that as an adult, the child could look exactly like their past life persona.

Reincarnation Physical ResemblanceOther researchers have observed the same phenomenon. Key cases from my book Born Again, which demonstrate physical resemblance from one lifetime to another, are provided below:

Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem Reincarnation Case

Rashid Kaddege | Daniel Jurdi Reincarnation Case

James Huston, Jr | James Leininger Reincarnation Case

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Reincarnation Case

Ghost Photos Support that an Energy Template Influences Physical Appearance

Support for energy templates that correspond to physical appearance is also provided by a series of photos of a spirit body ascending from a teenager who had just died in a car crash, in which the spirit body looks exactly like the physical form of the teenager. To learn more, please go to:

Ghost Photos

Ghost PhotoAhtun Re, a Spirit Being Channeled through Kevin Ryerson, has Knowledge of ETs and UFOs

I have been working with trance medium Kevin Ryerson since 2001, on roughly a monthly basis. I found that Kevin channels a spirit being named Ahtun Re, who has demonstrated the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy.

Ahtun Re is the most intelligent and knowledgeable being I have interacted with in my entire life. My book, Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation, is made up of my dialogues with Ahtun Re regarding the big questions of life, such as how many times do we reincarnate and when does incarnation on planet Earth end.

Ahtun Re claims to have extensive knowledge of extraterrestrial civilizations and this is the first of a series of articles that I will be writing on ETs and UFOs, based on my conversations with Ahtun Re.

God’s Artificial Intelligence Programs Create Life

Ahtun Re agrees that the processes of embryology are controlled by energy templates which can be considered artificial intelligence programs, created by God to produce life. There are artificial intelligence programs for all the different species on Earth, including birds, reptiles, fish and so forth.

Artificial intelligence energy programs have also been involved in the formation of complex molecules, such as chlorophyll, which is the molecule responsible for plant life and for the generation of oxygen on planet Earth. Without chlorophyll, we would not exist.

The Male and Female Aspects of God

Ahtun Re has stated that God can be seen as having a male and female aspect. The female aspect intervenes in the lives of humans out of love, such as in the ressurection of Jesus.

The male aspect of God is the energy that powers life and the artificial intelligence programs that create life. The male aspect of God includes prana, which is the term for life energy in the Hindu religion. We are all alive because we have God’s energy, prana, flowing through us.

Humans Have Souls

All living things have prana. Living beings that reincarnate have a structure that we call the “soul,” which is an energetic storage device that contains memories of our past lives, as well as our spiritual DNA.

In the process in which our souls were created, we were imbued with specific abilities and talents. As such, scientists tend to reincarnate as scientists, theater people reincarnate as actors, visual artists reincarnate as sculptors, painters and the like. These issues are discussed in detail in Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of reincarnation. Our souls provide continuity throughout our incarnations.

Most animals do not have souls, though they do have prana, like all living things. In contrast, pets who have close relationships with humans can develop souls based on emotional bonds. People can reincarnate with pets they have loved in past lives.

Measuring the Technologic Advancement of ETs

In setting a measure for technological advancement, Ahtun Re suggested that we use the first use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a machine made by a species. The definition of an AI machine would be a device that takes information from the environment, analyses the information and then makes operational decisions based on the environmental data, without the intervention of a human being.

A most familiar example of an AI machine would be a Tesla or other car with autonomous driving features. These vehicles have sensors around the car, as well as GPS input, and a computer in the car uses this data to activate systems in the car, such as braking to avoid a collision, without the participation of the human driver. In assessing the technologic advancement of ET civilizations, we will use the advent of AI machines as a benchmark.

Also please consider that we first achieved flight in the United States by the Wright Brothers in 1903 and then we landed men on the moon only 66 years later, in 1969. Also consider the rapid development of the Internet and computers. Once major technologic advancements are made, they can grow exponentially in a short period of time.

Spacefaring ETs Are at a Minimum 400,000 Years Ahead of Us Technologically-“Ancient Aliens” a Reality

With this in mind, Ahtun Re has revealed that all ET civilizations that visit Earth developed AI machines at least 400,000 years ago.  ETs, in other words, created the equivelent of a Tesla that long ago.

In general, Ahtun Re says that the ability to create technology to “bend space” to travel vast distances occurs about 200 years after AI machines are created. As such, in 200 years or so, we will have technology to travel across the universe.

ET’s have had the technology to bend space to travel great distances for at least the last 400,000 years and they have been visiting us for that duration of time.

As such, the premise of shows such as Ancient Aliens is valid. The details of ET vistations to our ancient civilazations on this show are often highly speculative, but the basic theme is true.

ETs Have Souls, Reincarnate and have Similar Artificial Intelligence Programs as on Earth, Created by God-Reincarnation as a Science

Extraterrestrials have evolved along the same lines of species development as on Earth, which includes insects, reptiles and mammals. Despite the diversity of species that make up ET bodies, spacefaring ETs all have human-like bodies in that they have a head, two arms to manipulate objects and two legs for mobility.

Ahtun Re has said that this is the most efficient physical form for beings of advanced intelligence. Still, there are differences based on the animal species ETs have evolved from.

Spacefaring reptilian ETs would have two arms and two legs, though the head would slightly resemble that of an alligator.

ETs that came from the insect line will have two arms and two legs, but these appendages may have multiple joints and there may be an exoskeleton. In addition, the head of a being that came from the insect line may have a head that is similar to that of a praying mantis.

Stop and think how you would react to a humanoid being, about your size with two arms and two legs, but with a head like a praying mantis, who you know is 400,000 years more advanced technologically than you!

That would be mind blowing for most, as we humans are used to being the most dominant species on Earth. Encounting beings much more advanced than us will be humbling and frightening.

Humanity’s Propensity for Violence Discourages Contact by Advanced ET Civilizations

We historically have been a violent species. We typically go to war based on differences in nationality, religion and ethnic affiliation. This continues today, where different sects of the Muslim religion, Sunnis and Shiites, fight among themselves and blow up their respective Mosques in conflict.

We go to war with ourselves, which has been a constant theme in our history. Spacefaring ETs understand this and anticipate that nations on Earth may respond to ET contact with war.

Not because ETs are hostile, but because they are so different than us in physical appearance and technologic advancement, they can be seen as threatening to us.

Humans and ETs are Brothers and Sisters in the Perception of God

Artificial intelligence energy programs created by God are also employed in the embryonic development of ETs, just as they are implemented in the development of life forms on Earth. We can concieve that the prana that gives us life is the same prana that gives ETs life. We are siblings expressing God’s life energy.

Spacefaring ETs also have souls and they develop spiritually through the process of reincarnation, just like human beings. Ahtun Re has indicated that for ETs, reincarnation has developed into a science.

Past Life Relationships
Burmese Sisters Reincarnate as Twins

For ETs, Reincarnation and Planning of Lifetimes is a Science-Ian Stevenson’s Twin Study

We know from studies of children with spontaneous past life memories, that souls plan lifetimes to be reunited with those that we have loved, known and worked with in prior incarnations.

This is most vividly demonstrated by Ian Stevenson’s Twin Study, in which 31 sets of twins had spontaneous past life memories in childhood that were objectively validated. Stevenson found that in 100 percent of these cases, the twins had significant relationships in their prior lifetimes.

The most common past life relationship was that of siblings, but the twins in their prior incarnations could also have been spouses or close friends. The Twin Study definitively shows that souls not only can plan lifetimes, but that souls can influence the process of conception to the point that two souls can engineer their reincarnations as twins.

We on planet Earth are not conscious of the reincarnation process, except for those who are familiar with the research of Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia.

In contrast, ETs’ understanding of the reincarnation process is so advanced that they plan lifetimes with great intent, so that they are born in the place and with the people they need to be associated with to carry out specific projects.

5 thomas edison elon musk reincarnationActually, venture capitalist Tim Draper shared with me his belief that we plan our incarnations consciously. Tim’s firm helped finance Elon Musk’s projects of Tesla and SpaceX. In a past lifetime, Musk was Thomas Edison and Tim, in that era, was also Edison’s financier.

The Goldilock’s Zone and Earth as a Disneyland for ETs-Concern About Global Warming and a Mass Extinction Event

Ahtun Re has indicated that there are about a dozen ET species that visit Earth. A primary reason for their visits is that there are few planets that can support the vast diversity of biologic life that Earth nourishes.

Earth is in the “Goldilocks” region of our solar system, that is far enough away from our star, the Sun, to avoid extermination by heat, but close enough to the Sun to have warmth and an atmosphere conducive to life. In other words, Earth is in a spot that is just right for life.

ETs are very well aware of our Goldilocks status and the “Blue Pearl,” as our planet is called by ETs, is one of the most interesting places for ETs to visit. Our abundant life makes Earth a “Disneyland” for ETs.

ETs are concerned about our survival due to global warming, which may lead to a mass extinction event. ETs are actively studying our atmosphere and our oceans.

Will ETs Invade Earth in an “Independence Day” Senario?

I once asked Ahtun Re if ETs want to conquer our planet for resources such as water, oxygen and precious metals, such as depicted in the movie Independence Day. In the image provided to the right, a huge ET craft is destroying the White House by an energy beam.

This is the way many of us view ETs, as violent conquerors who will kill us if we don’t kill them first. ETs understand our view of who they are and they understand that it will take time for humanity to be ready to accept the announcement of ETs’ interrelationship with humanity.

To ETs, We are Primitive and Violent

Ahtun Re replied that the suggestion of ETs invading Earth for resources would like a US Marine Corps General ordering a battalion to invade a homeless camp to acquire their possessions.

ETs don’t need anything we have. They can acquire what they need from uninhabited planets, asteroids and other celestial objects. On their spaceships, they can manufacture whatever they need.

The Psychic Advancement of Spacefaring ETs: The Soviet Cosmonaut Sightings of Huge Angel Like Beings in 1984

One thing that we must understand is that ETs who can travel to our planet are far, far more advanced than us not only in technology, but also spiritually and in psychic abilities.  A common form of communication amoung ETs is telepathy.

In fact, ETs initially found us, in our vast universe, through psychic means, in which life reaches out to other life. Ahtun Re has said that there is a “psychic beacon,” in which advanced beings are connected with life throughout the Universe.

A wonderful example involves the sightings by two successive crews on the Soviet space lab, Salyut 7, of huge angelic like beings outside their spaceship. Below, I share an account of the incidents from the website UFO Insight, in an article written by Marcus Lowth.

Cosmonauts in Salyut 7 See Huge Angel Like Beings

“In July 1984, on board a Soviet space station, one of the strangest sightings of cosmic phenomena occurred. The event witnessed not by a single person, but six individuals all claiming to have seen the same thing. What’s more, these events happened on two separate occasions, removing the possibility they were victims of some freak visual occurrence.

According to the cosmonauts on board the Salyut 7, huge “angel-like” manifestations were present outside their craft. They were floating above the Earth and swimming through the eternal ocean of space. These humanoid creatures had distinctive wings, and faces that housed a “peaceful expression!” They even projected overall feelings of peace and tranquility among the crew members.

The account, although seeing news coverage at the time, only really came to light in a fuller manner at the end of the Cold War. Indeed, it was while the world witnessed a major Soviet propaganda victory in the space race that these events played out quietly in the background…

The Salyut 7 ET Incident

Launched in April 1982, the Salyut 7 Space Station locked into Earth’s orbit soon after. The intention was of conducting various scientific experiments in space. The initial crew consisted of Soviet cosmonauts, Leonid Kizim, Vladimir Solovyov and Oleg Atkov (who served as a cardiologist).

Three months into its third year above the planet, the mission had begun to experience a multitude of system failures. This understandably unnerved the crew somewhat, although they didn’t appear to be in any danger and proceeded with the mission.

The first strange sighting occurred on July 12, 1984. Out of nowhere a strange but bright “orange cloud,” seemed to envelop the entire space station. At first, they believed there must have been an explosion and consequently the orange glow was, in fact, a fire. Investigation proved this not to be the case.

The three cosmonauts rushed to the portholes, almost blind from the brightness that flooded into the space station. When their eyes finally adjusted, each of them could clearly see huge “angels” outside the ship.

The cosmonauts stated the angels had a wingspan akin to the size of 747 jets, and were eighty feet tall. One later report stated that the entities appeared to acknowledge their presence inside the space station, even smiling at them. In all, there were seven of these celestial entities.

The men stood mesmerized by what they were seeing for ten minutes. Then the “angels” disappeared, as quickly and as quietly as they had arrived.

The Return

Following the docking of the Soyuz T-12 with the Salyut 7 on July 17, 1984, five days after the strange sighting, three more cosmonauts – Vladimir Dzhanibekov, Svetlana Savitskaya, and Igor Volk – boarded the space station.

In a bizarre side-story to the events that were unfolding, the launch of the T-12 was down to the Soviet government wanting to score a propaganda victory over the United States in the escalating space race of the 1980s.

NASA’s announcement in 1983 that they would make astronaut, Kathryn Sullivan, the first woman to complete a spacewalk began things. Hearing this, the Soviets immediately set their sights on such an achievement. The mission directive was to ensure that Svetlana Savitskaya would complete a successful spacewalk before the Americans, and so being the first woman in history to do so and scoring a major Soviet propaganda victory. Incidentally, she achieved this eight days after docking with the Salyut 7, on July 25, 1984.

While this was unfolding, however, behind the scenes the mysterious angels returned. This time all six of the cosmonauts witnessed them together. The events were largely the same as the first time they appeared.

They again reported the sightings to the mission control superiors on the ground. Again the reports spoke of these strange glowing angel-like creatures seemingly being aware of the crew – even smiling at them. As before, after several minutes of encircling the space station, they peacefully disappeared into the vastness of space.

Mass Hallucinations?

Although there is no hard conclusive science to back it up any more than your standard UFO or alien theory, the Salyut 7 incident was chalked up by most to a mass-hallucination. A single cosmonaut hallucinating is one thing. To have six people on two separate occasions each share that same hallucination is unlikely at best.

Each of the cosmonauts was subject to intense and prolonged examinations upon their return to Earth. These were both physical and mental in nature. All passed these examinations and procedures convincingly. In short, there is nothing to indicate or prove that what they saw was a hallucination.

Nor was there any suggestion, or reason to suggest, that the incident was a collective lie by the Soviets.”

Angels Seen by Cosmonauts were Pleiadians Visiting in their Spirit or Astral Bodies

Ahtun Re has told me that what the cosmonauts saw were beings from the Pleiades who were observing progress humans were making in space travel.

These Pleiadeans were not there physically, but in their spirit or astral bodies, which appeared to the cosmonauts as angels.

We humans also have astral or spirit bodies, but we are usually not conscious of these spirit forms of ourselves. Spacefaring ETs are experts at using their spirit bodies to explore our universe and they send out physical spaceships to follow up on their spiritual perceptions.

Ahtun Re, by the way, shares that the beings we call Pleiadeans actually came from the Andromeda constellation. They terraformed a planet in the Pleiadean constellation which became their new home, just as we contemplate establishing a colony on Mars.

Measuring the Technologic Advancement of ETs

In setting a measure for technological advancement, Ahtun Re suggested that we use the first use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a machine. The definition of an AI machine would be a device that takes information from the environment, analyses the information and then makes operational decisions based on the environmental data, without the intervention of a human being.

A most familiar example of an AI machine would be a Tesla or other car with autonomous driving features. These vehicles have sensors around the car, as well as GPS input, and a computer in the car uses this data to activate systems in the car, such as braking to avoid a collision, without the participation of the human driver. In assessing the technologic advancement of ET civilizations, we will use the advent of AI machines as a benchmark.

Also please consider that we humans first achieved flight in the United States by the Wright Brothers in 1903 and that we landed men on the moon only 66 years later in 1969. Also consider the rapid development of the Internet and computers. Once major technologic advancements are made, they can grow exponentially in a short period of time.

Spacefaring ETs Are at a Minimum 400,00 Years Ahead of Us Technologically-“Ancient Aliens” a Reality

With this in mind, Ahtun Re has revealed that all ET civilizations that visit Earth developed AI machines at least 400,000 years ago.

ETs have been visiting Earth for at least this period of time.  As such, the premise of shows such as Ancient Aliens is valid.

The Issue of Contact with ETs

ETs who visit have not made widespread contact with us because there does exist what some have called the Prime Directive, in which there is agreement among spacefaring nations that species that are still considered to be primitive will not be interfered with, in part because of the possibility that primitive beings would see ETs as Gods, the possibility that humans may launch an attack on the ETs, that humans still driven by power would seek to access ET technology to destroy their Earthly enemies, and so forth.

I myself am amazed by the amount of violent content we view as entertainment, much like the Romans did at the Coliseum in watching humans and animals being killed by gladiators.

In scanning programs available through my cable tv provider, I am constancy disturbed at how many programs involve murder and other violence.

Though the killing of animals on stage has reduced in popularity, we still have bullfights in Spain where spectators seem to enjoy the killing of a bull by the swords of matadors.

Though we no longer have specticals in which gladiators fight to the death, in the US we have a comparable spectical in US football. Though our gladiators now wear helmets and other protective equipment, the shear violence involved in professional American football fascinates us.

Though American football players are not killed on the field, they are killed slowly through injuries, including tramatic brain injuries. Further, because of the prevalence of serious injuries, an alternate definition of the US National Football League (NFL), is “Not For Long,” as injuries shorten the careers of American football players.

Not to even mention the perpetual wars that exist in the Middle East. We have to admit we are a violent species. Luckily, though we have not destroyed ourselves through our nuclear weapons, a concern about this possiblity still causes stress. Why? Why would we want to destroy ourselves?

If I were an ET and viewed our cable programs filled with violence and monitored our wars in recent decades, I too would be cautious about working with our species.

The bottom line is when humans stop fighting among themselves, contact by ETs will be made. We just need to mature as spiritual beings.

Reincarnation Research can Help Create Peace and thus Facilitate Contact with ETs

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CaseEvidence of reincarnation can significantly advance peace, as reincarnation research, including the work of Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia, shows that we can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from one lifetime to another.

Most conflicts and wars are based on differences in these cultural markers of identity. If we realized that we can reincarnate as a member of our enemy, we would understand that there is no point in fighting.

A classic case in this regard is the reincarnation of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen. Anne was persecuted and killed as a German Jew during the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands. If the Nazis knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, the Holocaust could not have happened.

Similarly, if we understood that we can incarnate in an ET culture and vice versa, the brotherhood of humans and ETs would be better understood and accepted. To learn more about Barbro’s reincarnation case, as well as other case studies that show change in relgion and nationality, please go to:

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Reincarnation Case

Reincarnation Cases with Changes in Religion, Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation

ETs Want to Make Contact, Though They Hesitant Due to Our Violent History

If we understand humans and ETs both evolve through the process of reincarnation, we already have a great deal in common!

ETs do want to make contact, but they are are concerned about our spiritual evolution and our propensity to wage war for religious, national and ethnic reasons.

In subsequent articles, we will explore the various ET species that visit Earth, as well as their intentions and spacecraft.

For a list of ET and UFO articles, please go to: ETs and their UFOs

To keep informed of new articles, please Follow us on through our Facebook page: Reincarnation Research

Kundalini and Enlightenment-A Personal Experience, by Shai Tubali

Article by: Shai Tubali

Addendum by: Walter Semkiw, MD

“The proclamation of heaven has come, that the bird of the soul may rise in flight.” Rumi

Kundalini: God’s Mechanism of Redemption

 I would like to start with a small, self-invented mythology, that contains a great truth. When God created the soul and sent it on its highly enriching, but agonizing journey of human incarnations, He knew that it would only be fair to equip it with some device that could enable it to salvage itself and return to Him one day. He was fully aware that the Earthly forces of gravity would overwhelm it, that the physical perils would imprint in it a deep clinging to the body and its survival instinct, and that the pleasures of the senses would ingrain in it a deep attachment to the bodily experience. He realized that He was taking a chance by sending it to the valley of endless forgetfulness called “Earth,” and that the distance separating the limited body and the infinitehood of cosmic consciousness was simply unbridgeable.

So, what could he do? In His wise mind, He envisioned a mechanism that could be implanted at the subtlest core of the human body. This would be a mechanism that could be powerful enough to overcome gravity and to disengage the soul from all mental, emotional and physical shackles. It should be able to signal to the soul that it is on the right path by imbuing it with the greatest form of unEarthly bliss. And it would be able to serve the soul as its ethereal aircraft with which it could fly all the way back to the heavens and be pulled to its original home; its true nature as infinite being.

As God was considering the options of an energetic structure that could perform such a miracle within the limited human body, one of the more creative archangels approached with the symbol of the caduceus, which one day would surface from the subconscious human mind in the form of the staff of Hermes and the symbol of medicine. It resembled the DNA strand, the inner encoding out of which all living beings were made. This structure, the angel advised God, would pull up all the Earthly energies through a single line and would spread and reactivate the soul’s wings so that it would remember it could fly.

God consented and ordered to construct this subtle body. He formed a complex net of energetic tubes with one central tube in their midst, which started at the base of the spine and culminated at the crown of the head. Within the base of this tube, He planted the seed of divine consciousness, a spark from His own mind. He knew that this spark would remain dormant as long as the soul would not be mature enough to achieve full self-awareness and to conduct the light of infinity while in the body.

With His boundless patience and love, He would wait for the moment in which the soul would awaken to the longing to return to its source. When that has happened, the spark He planted would be ignited at once and start its tireless mission to spiritualize the individual’s entire being, from dense matter into a self-revelation of one’s own hidden divinity.


Is this story a mere mythology? Perhaps there was no angel consulting God. Besides it is not a mythology at all. In fact, for the ripe soul that sincerely yearns for the divine, this subtle device is a living reality, which is not less tangible than the physical body and the experience of the senses. In the Yogic tradition, this device has been referred to as “Kundalini.” The experience itself, which is known to all esoteric traditions, is one and the same: the awakening of the spark of divine consciousness which gathers with it all the base energies and pushes them all the way upward, until it powerfully shatters the thin barrier that distinguishes man from infinity.

Short-term kundalini experiences can happen many times and to many people. Indeed, kundalini rises upward whenever we contemplate and meditate on spirit; whenever we are filled with spiritual longing and seek transcendence. Nevertheless, for the cosmic spark to attain complete satisfaction-and complete satisfaction can only mean that the spark has reunited with the undivided divine consciousness-a long and persistent process of increasing awakening is required, all the way to full illumination.

The Kundalini Awakening of Shai Tubali

When I was 20 years old, I experienced the initial urge for spiritual search. I did not truly understand what it was that I was seeking. It was more an intuitive attraction to the strange magic I had found in the aphorisms of Zen-Buddhism, as well as a hope to somehow overcome my social fears. My first significant step was taking a Transcendental Meditation course, in which I heard for the first time about Enlightenment as a union of the individual consciousness with the consciousness of the universe. Merely hearing that triggered an ancient pain of separation in my heart and I felt called to move toward that elusive state.

Shortly after, I traveled to India to abide in an ashram and to seek out those for whom the truth was not second-hand knowledge but a direct experience. Luckily, I encountered there my first teacher who, like me, was an Israeli. In India I learned for the first time-by reading a biography of Jiddu Krishnamurti, who had undergone an immense kundalini awakening at the age of 29-that enlightenment was not some mental insight but a profound and dramatic energetic transformation. With this understanding, extraordinary states-such as watching my body lying in bed from ceiling level and being awoken up at night to mysterious cosmic messages and energetic transmissions-began to convince me that I was entering the gates of the unknowable.

The Bliss of Kundalini Awakening

When I returned to Israel, I remained in contact with my first teacher and for two years I was constantly shifting from lonesome self-inquiry to spending time with him, and the other way around. Near the end of this period of two years, I attended a silent retreat held by one of his awakened student. As the silence grew more and more intense, I became overwhelmingly immersed in the bliss of the unified consciousness.

I would walk on my way to breakfast or to my cabin and, uncontrollably, would bump into this bubble-like, all-encompassing energy field of liberation and endless joy. My senses would withdraw, as if I became blinded to the world and capable of seeing and recognizing only this purity of oneness. This continued also after the retreat ended: Even on a busy street, I could be stopped by this mesmerizing beauty while the entire world would completely vanish into thin air. My mantra back then was the continuous sentence which seemed to run in my mind by itself: “Only consciousness is real and nothing else matters…”

These brief, yet immense awakenings were repeated more frequently by the time I joined a silent retreat of my first teacher. There, two days before my 23rd birthday, I attended my teacher’s birthday celebration. I was sitting somewhat distant, outside the circle of celebrators, and remained silent and still.

All of a sudden, I was struck by the clearest perception of what I used to consider “myself.” Looking within, there was no substantial center of identity. At that instance, I knew that the separate and individual consciousness was a mere illusion, and not even a very sophisticated one. Individual consciousness was just a bundle of memories that were artificially glued to one another in a way that they could create a phantom of psychological and continuous entity.

With this perception, kundalini awoke and began to rush throughout my spine. The dormant divine spark leaped to my third eye and the crown of my head. Kundalini broke free through the top of my head, out to the vast expanses of the cosmic mind. With great difficulty I dragged my astounded body away from the party and towards a narrow shoreline, and there kundalini graced me with a vision of my true nature.

Whatever I was looking at, was myself: the open sky, the rocks, the sea and the young men who played soccer on the beach, the universe as a whole existed solely as one, a limitless entity, and I was the universe and nothing besides. Waves of tears and laughter of recognition shook my body for some timeless long hours.

Two days later, on my birthday, I received from my teacher shaktipat, which is an energetic transmission of spiritual energy from a master. The purpose of shaktipat is to help the practitioner’s kundalini to rise.

This only deepened my already intoxicated state of self-forgetfulness. From this retreat onward, long months of tears and laughter began. A gushing universal love overwhelmed my chest, while kundalini was tirelessly emptying my being from familiar and personal feelings.

For hours on end I would sit immovable in an effortless and uninvited meditation. Holiness encompassed my small room. The divine element awoke to recognize itself, and all that was left of “me” was an awestricken witness. Nothing from what I read in books could prepare me for that; the reality of kundalini is endlessly far from mental constructs. For a full year, until the age of 24, I trod this path of indescribable silence where only truth could speak.

The Death of the Ego through Kundalini

Between the ages 24 to 26, the kundalini process, almost unbearably intense, took place. With a very young and unprepared nervous system and in the absence of sufficient guidance, this process turned into what is commonly known as a “kundalini crisis.” Put simply, for two years I felt that I was going to die. I repeatedly experienced my soul abandoning the body through the crown of my head. I went through many sleepless nights that were filled with unexplained phenomena. I experienced severe nausea and an extraordinary energetic vulnerability, in which I felt that no barrier remained to distinguish my own body from the rest of the world. Supernatural capacities came and left.

Nobody-no healer and no teacher-could grasp this process. My own teacher was dumbfounded, since he wasn’t a kundalini master. Fortunately, fate led me to meet my second teacher, a true American yogi, who generously took me under his wings. He consistently treated me with shaktipat, gave me Ayurvedic herbs and homeopathic essences, and calmly guided my exhausted being.

Being an initiate of a kundalini tradition (the Siddha Yoga tradition) himself, he finally made me conscious of this sophisticated divine device within. Through him, I also learned that even the powerful and clearly irreversible awakening that was shaking me to the root of my being was not enough. For liberation to be complete and the merging of the divine spark into the Godhead to be final, kundalini needed to remove many different types of blockages, including significant imprints from past-lives as well as the present life. Kundalini had to literally rewind the entire process of karmic becoming-to unravel deep-seated attachments, desires, angers and fears-until one’s being, from body to spirit, becomes sufficiently purified. Along the way, the evolution of my soul gradually revealed itself; the fundamental themes and lessons with which I had to meet from many lifetimes. At the same time, important learning and acquired capacities re-surfaced from my deepest past.

This process lasted, from the day of my awakening at the age of 23, onwards, for a period of ten years. By the age of 33 I could finally behold this divine mechanism fully awake within me, in ways that were as tangible as my physical reality. I could wholly and directly acknowledge the stream of subtle cosmic force throughout my spine; a stream that often felt like a gushing wild river. The correlation between this river-like flow and a complete unity consciousness and the dissolution of even the subtlest form of self, was undeniable.

When I reported this to my teacher, he surprised me by announcing that finally, my soul was approaching full liberation. In the yogic tradition, this is regarded as “Jivamukti,” which means that liberated soul exists while in a human body. I honestly could not grasp what he was talking about, but at the same time I could notice this river of eternal life surging inside me day and night, relentlessly melting away any sense of separation and individuality.

Time disappeared. Experience ceased. The thirst for life died out. There was no more personal story. My biography was interrupted like a book that ended in a middle of a sentence.

Kundalini as the Holy Spirit

Kundalini is not necessarily woken up directly and intentionally. It can awaken by itself, as a natural outcome of any expression of spiritual longing and a substantial ripening of the soul. That said, there are a variety of practices that can arouse this subtle force and lead it through our energetic spine.

Indirect kundalini awakenings can occur as a result of spending time in the presence of a true spiritual master (satsang); silent retreats and dark-room retreats as well as retreats of spiritual fasting and intense forms of self-inquiry or contemplation on spiritual truths. Direct kundalini awakenings may occur through the grace of shaktipat from a spiritual master or the practices of forest bathing (thanks to the unique kundalini-evoking power of trees) and meditative methods that work directly with this energy, such as the “Expansion Method,” which I have developed and taught for many years.

Spinal breathing-repeatedly breathing into the base of the spine, then throughout the spine and finally throughout the crown of the head-can be particularly effective. Practices that support the flow of kundalini are eating raw foods, forms of stretching like yoga postures, meditation in general, chiropractic and any other bodywork that correct and improve posture. It is strongly recommended to steer clear of any technique that attempts to force kundalini into an unnaturally quick and intense arousal.

When kundalini is aroused without coercion and within a conscious and supportive context, it is never violent or destructive. Its aim is one: creating the inconceivable-an awakened soul, which fully remembers its eternal and infinite nature while still within the confines of a limited and mortal body.

In such a state, there seems to be no difference between the hindu concepts of Shiva (the divine consciousness) and Shakti (the spark of kundalini within the individual human being)-or, as Jesus boldly declared as soon as his own kundalini was fully awakened, no real difference between the Father and the son, for the Holy Spirit, kundalini, brought them together into an eternally unbreakable oneness.

Addendum by Walter Semkiw, MD

I would like to share my own experiences with kundalini. When I was in college I had a desire to pursue meditation, though I cannot really say why. Like in Shai’s story, I took classes in Transcendental Meditation and was given a mantra to use in meditation. I did this regularly throughout my college years.

When I started medical school, I met an individual who stated that he had expertise in meditation and the awakening of kundalini. He taught me to do Chi Gong, which is a Chinese meditative practice in which one stands in a particular posture to activate kundalini. Each day, before I went to my medical school classes, I did this standing meditation for an hour. When I was doing this meditation, I would experience jolts in my spinal column. I wear glasses, and the more violent spinal jolts resulted in my glasses flying off my head and landing several feet behind me.

I did not have a significant spiritual experience until many years later. I have always had a love of music, but I do not have the fine finger coordination to play an instrument well. Instead, since I have always been a pretty good athlete, I expressed my love of music through dancing ballet. This hobby was enhanced by the fact that the majority of my fellow dance students were very fit and attractive women. My ballet career culminated in a performance with the full orchestra of the Denver Symphony. I still cherish that memory. Click on the image comparisons to enlarge them.

Years later, I became affiliated with a ballet company in San Francisco led by the choreographer Enrico Labayen. Though I was not a good enough ballet dancer to be in his troop, Enrico invited me to his dance company’s rehearsals. I loved watching talented dancers perform Enrico’s choreography. At rehearsals, I would have a book in my hand and as is my practice, I had a red felt marker or pen that I used to make notes in the books that I would read.

Enrico’s ballet company was rehearsing a dance that featured a female dancer who was lifted by male ballet dancers over their heads. The female dancer positioned her body in the shape of a cross. While I was watching this performance the red felt pen that I was holding suddenly and unexpectedly was juggled in my hands and as a result, I had to red marks on the inside aspects of both of my wrists, creating what seemed to be stigmata on my wrists. This event happened to occur on Easter Sunday in 1996.

I found this strange and baffling and when I stood up from a seated position I realized that my consciousness had been changed. I experienced complete bliss which lasted for about six weeks. I continued my work as a corporate medical director with no diminishing of function, but I was a changed person. I felt love for everything and everyone. At the time, I was going through a divorce which had become contentious, but in this state of consciousness, I wanted to do everything I could possibly do for the woman I was about to divorce. Though I was not in a financial position to do so, I even wanted to gift her the house that we had lived in.

As mentioned, this state of bliss lasted for six weeks and then it faded. I remember that at the time I was disappointed that this state of consciousness had disappeared and I wished that it would have lasted forever.

I believe this experience was prompted by my engagement in researching a past life of my own, in which Enrico Labayen was my son in a past lifetime during the period of the American Revolution. Further, a number of the dancers in Enrico’s company I determined were my relatives in that lifetime. This story is presented in detail in my book, Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited.

A brief overview of this past lifetime of mine is presented on the following page:

Reincarnation Case of John Adams | Walter Semkiw

Temporary versus Permanent Results of Kundalini Awakening

As Shai Tubali described above, I believe that I had a manifestation of kundalini awakening. When I became acquainted with Shai, I wondered if his experience with kundalini was temporary or permanent. He replied with this statement:

“As a spiritual teacher, it is a part of my integrity to teach only that which is based on the permanent effects of the kundalini awakening. What started 19 years ago has only increased and deepened with time. The permanent effect is a continuous state of self-dissolution and an absorption in universal consciousness. This means that there is no experience as an independent ego, since the mind, heart and body function as a part of the whole. My self-identity is: “I am the universe”.

As such, I believe I had a temporary kundalini awakening which lasted six weeks. In contrast, Shai’s kundalini experience has been much more intense and has resulted in a permanent, rather than a temporary, change in consciousness.

Shai Tubali is the author of numerous books and he is a spiritual teacher based in Berlin, Germany. To learn more about Shai’s work, please go to:

Shai Tubali

Please also review: Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation

Vistas of Infinity: Jurgen Ziewe’s Experiences of Heaven, Hell and Lucid Ecstacy

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

In my book Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation, it is explained that there are many levels of the spirit world and that after death, one gravitates to the spiritual sphere that corresponds to our level of spiritual advancement. Lower levels are negative places populated by violent criminals, who continue to try to cheat and kill one another. Higher levels become increasing pleasant and beautiful.

Two psychics, Echo Bodine and Judy Goodman, contributed to Origin of the Soul, by sharing their experiences in traveling into the levels of the spirit world. The spirit guide Ahtun Re, who is channeled through trance medium Kevin Ryerson, relates that he exists on the plane closest to God and he describes his state of being as “Lucid Ecstasy.” Origin of the Soul is largely based on my dialogues with Ahtun Re. I have worked with Kevin and Ahtun Re since 2001.

A book that I recently read that makes these spiritual realms come vividly alive is entitled Vistas of Infinity. The author, Jurgen Ziewe, is gifted in being able to use Out of Body Experiences to explore the spiritual realms. Jurgen is an excellent writer and his portrayals of the multiple spheres of the spirit realm are riveting.

A point of concurrence between Jurgen and Ahtun Re is that we have to experience what we have done to others from the other person’s point of view. In this way, we reap what we sow.

We all must face death someday and it is wise to prepare for it. Vistas of Eternity is a wonderful guidebook for what to expect. Related pages are provided below:

The Experience and Process of Death

Nai Leng Consciously Experiences Death and Rebirth

The Book “Spiritual Light” and The Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood (USB): A Shared Spiritual Mission, by John Finnemore, Ph.D

Article by: Engineering Professor John Finnemore, PhD,  Universal Spiritual Brotherhood&Sisterhood Chief Volunteer

In a very rare, recent spiritual event, the most advanced beings (Illumined Souls) in the highest spiritual realms delivered unusually noble and pure spiritual wisdom to humanity on earth through gifted mediums. This wisdom is presented in the book: Spiritual Light: Universal Teachings from the Highest Spirit Realms

Very significant is the great extent to which these illumined teachings agree with Walter Semkiw’s mission and with his understanding of the nature of the soul that he summarizes in his book, Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation, based on his extensive research into reincarnation.

The purpose of the delivery of messages from these Illumined Souls during 1956‒1982 is to spiritualize and unite humanity and to awaken people to the many spiritual realities of life, which they taught is the only way to break down barriers between people, build the brother-and-sisterhood of all people, and so avoid the excessive misery and havoc we create on earth.  (Here, by “spiritualize,” I mean to promote nobility of character, ideals, aspiration, and efforts, with a high level of moral consciousness.)  Dr. Semkiw’s objective, to create a more peaceful world, is much the same.

Reasons why the Illumined Souls’ delivery of this wisdom was very special and rare are:

  • Those souls included the most spiritually exalted beings and some of the greatest prophets, teachers, enlightened beings, and noble souls who have lived on earth.
  • Those beings are so advanced it was very difficult for them to lower their vibrations down to our relatively low (and to them, unpleasant) levels on earth, which they needed to do to be able to communicate directly through exceptional mediums, i.e., without using relays.
  • The teachings they shared were not those of a single teacher, or of a number of individual teachers, but were those that had been agreed upon by many united Great Souls, making them far more reliable;
  • They explained that they have made similar deliveries of wisdom “at the dawn of each new age,” where an “age” is often considered to be about 2000 years long.

The Illumined Souls chose the mediums through whom they communicated.  They chose not only highly skillful mediums, but they also had to have exceptional personal spirituality to make rapport possible.  In the USB’s early years these included the great English mediums Leslie Flint and Estelle Roberts.

As a result of the almost incredible advancement of these Great Souls and their united approach, the teachings they have shared with us are extraordinarily pure.  The inspiring results are documented in their 2014 book, Spiritual Light: Universal Teachings from the Highest Spirit Realms, presented by their organization of spiritual truth on earth, the Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood (USB).  Under their direction, the USB on earth is patterned after the long-existing USB in the high spirit realms and is tasked with the mission to enlighten and share this wisdom with humanity.  You can find more information about the USB and its book on the USB website,, and from its YouTube videos , its Facebook page (requires login), and its quarterly newsletters.

The USB teachings have been described by authoritative reviewers as “fascinating” (Deepak Chopra), “an encyclopedia of wisdom which should be understood by all humanity” (John White, author and editor of multiple books), “The Spiritualist Bible for the twenty-first Century” (Matthew Hutton, an editor with Psychic World), and “coming from the highest vibration” (Victor and Wendy Zammit).

The beautiful and inspiring teachings in Spiritual Light are not a religion but are presented for all people, regardless of their beliefs, in a down-to-earth, clear, and simple way.  Intended to raise the spiritual level of our lives, they should be of interest to all who wish to reduce the extensive discord, chaos, and suffering on earth.  They address truth, spiritual laws, love, responsibility, spiritual progress, psychic phenomena, life on earth and in the spirit realms, and many related subjects.  The teachers ask us to accept only what our inner being tells us is true and our reason completely embraces.

Those extensive teachings were not dictated.  Instead, the Illumined Souls discussed them through exceptional mediums with their representative on earth, Michael Flagg, so that he could write them up in the language of our times; but they exercised final approval of his writing.  Michael was one of their number, he incarnated specifically to be able to serve them in this way; in this life he worked as an editor while also writing poems and plays and composing songs.

They also asked Michael to form a nonprofit organization to spread their teachings.  They told him he’d been prepared for this work through centuries, by various lives and incarnations.  Audio recordings of Michael discussing the mission and the teachings with Illumined Souls in 1956 and 1957 will be released by the USB before long.

To learn more about Michael Flagg, please go to:

Rare Spirit Communication: A High Spiritual Adventure and Mission

The evidence for the truthfulness of Spiritual Light lies primarily in the wisdom and spirituality of its content.  Teachings by highly spiritual afterlife authorities have occasionally been presented before, in mostly older books, (e.g., Austen, 1938 and Moses, 1949).  But Spiritual Light is very extensive and addresses more ‘technical’ and specific areas that may be of interest.  At their request, the book does not name the illumined spirit teachers, their main reason being that they want people to accept teachings for their content and not because of the teachers’ names.

The need for the spiritual development that these Illumined Souls are encouraging is urgent.  They said earth’s spiritual development severely lags behind its developments in other areas.  They spoke of our present “darkened state” and “the Armageddon of light and darkness that enshrouds your world today.”  Their message emphasizes what can and must be done here and now to remedy our situation.

Purpose of Reincarnation Dean Radin Larry Dossey Walter Semkiw MDThe USB’s book and audio recordings mention, in passing, souls who have lived numerous lifetimes on earth, thus confirming the teaching of reincarnation in Origin of the Soul.  The many other areas of agreement between the teachings from these two independent sources include: that we are all universal, eternal souls that are one with God; that there are so many lessons that need to be learned, only available on earth, that our soul development cannot be achieved in a single lifetime; that personal responsibility is a major law and the earth is our testing ground; that a karmic record is kept of all our deeds and actions; and that in spirit life we have bodies, free of earthly imperfections, where we continue with the same personality, character, and talents.

To join the Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood please go to: Joining the USB

To purchase Spiritual Light, please go to: USB Bookstore 

Email address of John Finnemore, PhD:


Austen, A.W. (1938). Teachings of Silver Birch. London: Spiritualist Press.

Flagg, M. and Finnemore, J. (2014). Spiritual light: Universal teachings from the highest spirit realms. Cupertino: USB Vision Press.

Hutton, M. (2014). Review of ‘Spiritual Light: Universal Teachings from the Highest Spirit Realms’. Psychic World, 247, 14.

Moses, W.S. (1949) Spirit teachings. London: Spiritualist Press (first published in 1883 under the pen name ‘M.A. Oxon’).

Semkiw, W. (2011).  Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation.

The Nature of God, Past Lives of Jesus and a Case of Resurrection Researched by Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia

Kevin Ryerson, IISIS Reincarnation ResearchKevin-RyersonArticle by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Though the primary mission of is to disseminate objective evidence of reincarnation, there is a Case Category on our website entitled “Celebrity Reincarnation Cases” that features the work I have done with trance medium Kevin Ryerson.  Kevin is pictured to the right. Kevin channels a spirit being named Ahtun Re who last incarnated on Earth over 3000 years ago.

I have worked with Kevin and Ahtun Re on a monthly basis since 2001. In my assessment, Ahtun Re is a discarnate spirit who is separate from Kevin Ryerson, as Ahtun Re has a different personality, sense of humor and an encyclopedic fund of knowledge. Ahtun Re has demonstrated the ability to make past life matches with a high degree of accuracy.

After gaining trust and confidence in Ahtun Re, I embarked on a series of dialogues with him on the meaning of life, which are contained in my book Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation. As part of these discussions I asked about Jesus. First of all, Ahtun Re did affirm that the Resurrection of Jesus did occur as a historical event.

In addition, Ahtun Re affirmed that Jesus had approximately 30 past lives prior to his incarnation as Jesus Christ. These past incarnations are described in the works of Edgar Cayce and I feature a few of these lifetimes of Jesus in Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation. In his past lives, Jesus focused on spirituality and devotion to God.

Reincarnation Case 5 Larazus Raised by JesusOne way to understand Jesus is that God endowed his soul with a special talent for merging with God. Our souls are all gifted with certain talents and abilities that we demonstrate throughout our series of lifetimes. This is why artists tend to reincarnate as artists, musicians as musicians and political leaders as politicians. Through his incarnations Jesus developed to the point where he was able to merge with God, declaring that “I and the Father are one.”

I recently asked Ahtun Re about the nature of God. Ahtun Re told me that there is a female and male aspect of God. The female aspect intervenes in human affairs and as an example, Ahtun Re said that this aspect of God helped facilitate the Resurrection. The male aspect of God is the energy that powers the universe, the galaxies and our lives.

Another example of how God may have intervened involves a case researched by Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia, in which the resurrection or reanimation of a dead child is documented. This reincarnation case of Sobha Ram| Jasbir Jat dramatically demonstrates that the body is indeed a vehicle for the soul.  To learn more, please go to:

The Reincarnation Walk-In Case of Sobha Ram| Jasbir Jat 

New Research in the Experience and Process of Death, by Walter Semkiw, MD

The Grace in Dying, by Kathleen Dowling Singh

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Kathleen Dowling Singh has written a book, The Grace in Dying, on the process of dying due to a chronic illness, in which the individual has time to face the approach of death. This is in contrast to sudden death, where individuals do not had time to contemplate the process of dying. The Grace in Dying is philosophical, wordy and somewhat difficult to read. In this article, I distill the concepts in Singh’s book and contribute my knowledge of evidence of reincarnation, which is contained in my book, Born Again.  In addition, I share information that I have absorbed from working with a very intelligent spirit being channeled through the trance medium Kevin Ryerson.


Singh asserts that as an individual with a chronic illness nears the moment of death, that individual attains an experience of transcendence, much like the enlightenment that yogis or spiritual masters attain through years of meditative practice. This transcendence represents a merger with God. This experience consists of:

  • Omnipresence-a sensation of being of present everywhere
  • A sense of oneness with all creation
  • Feelings of peace and bliss
  • The experience of floating above the deathbed with the ability to witness events occurring around the individual’s dying body.

Of great interest, there is a reincarnation case published by Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia in which this experience of dying, as well as the experience of being reborn, is described in great detail. To review this fascinating death narrative, please go to:

Ian Stevenson, MD

Nai Leng Consciously Experiences Death & Rebirth: Past Life Story of Nai Leng | Chaokhun Rajsuthajarn (Choate)

This understanding of the death process can give great comfort to all who are facing the failure of the body’s function. For those who do not understand that one’s consciousness and individuality survives death, the stages of dying can be painful and challenging. Kathleen Singh describes three overarching psychological stages of the death process for those with terminal illness, which are Chaos, Surrender and Transcendence. Let us examine these stages.

Chaos and the Kubler-Ross Stages of Death and Dying

The stage of Chaos begins when the individual is advised that they have a terminal illness and that they will die. Chaos includes the stages of death and dying formulated by Swiss psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, MD, which, as described on Wikipedia, are:

Denial-In this stage, the individual believes that the diagnosis is somehow mistaken and they cling to a false, preferable reality.

Anger-When the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at individuals who are close to them. Certain psychological responses of a person undergoing this phase would be: “Why me? It is not fair! How can this happen to me? Who is to blame? Why would this happen?”

Bargaining-The third stage involves the hope that the individual can avoid the cause the grief. Usually, a negotiation for an extended life is made in exchange of a reformed lifestyle. For instance: “I promise to be a better person.”

Depression-“I’m so sad, why bother with anything? I’m going to die soon, so what’s the point? Why go on?” During the fourth stage, the individual despairs at the recognition of their mortality. In this state, the individual may become silent, may refuse visitors and spend much of the time mournful and sullen.

Acceptance-“It’s going to be okay. I can’t fight it. I may as well prepare for it.” In this last stage, the individual embraces their mortality. The dying person becomes calm and assumes a retrospective view on life.

Chaos, per Kathleen Singh, also includes additional stages, which she defines as:

Alienation-The individual facing death feels isolated in that those near them, who are not facing death, have no idea of what the situation of nearing death is like. Alienation is associated with the feeling of loneliness.

Anxiety-Understandably, the dying individual experiences anxiousness regarding their fate.

Despair-The dying person facing the unknown losses hope, which can lead to severe depression.

Letting Go-Prior to this point, the individual is resisting the inevitable outcome of a terminal disease. At this point, the person gives up and accepts that they are going to die. This step is comparable to the Kubler-Ross stage of Acceptance.

Dread of Engulfment-This term is not well-defined in Singh’s book, but my interpretation is that the individual is afraid that their individual identity will cease to exist, that the person’s identity will be absorbed or dissolved in the being of God or nothingness. This fear is perpetrated by the Buddhist tenet of anatta-that there is no unchanging, permanent self, no soul or persisting essence in living beings.

Reincarnation Physical ResemblanceFortunately, evidence of reincarnation demonstrates that anatta is a false concept, as reincarnation cases, including those published by Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia, show that individuals are reborn with similar personality traits, passions, talents and even similar facial features. Our immortal souls are the energy structures that preserve our personal identities. To learn more, go to:

Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation: Understanding Past Lives


Kathleen Singh uses a quotation from Jesus of Nazareth to capture the essence of this stage, which is: “Not my will, but Thy will be done.” This surrender to God leads to the stage of Transcendence, which was described above.

The Spirit Being Ahtun Re and Transcendence as a State of “Lucid Ecstacy”

I have the advantage of having a special understanding of the spiritual world as I have been working with Kevin Ryerson on a monthly basis since 2001. Kevin is a trance medium, which means that he can go into a meditative state to allow spirit beings take over his body so that these spirits can communicate with human beings. In particular, Kevin channels a spirit being named Ahtun Re, who has demonstrated the ability to make past life identifications with a high degree of accuracy. In addition, Ahtun Re has an encyclopedic fund of knowledge. Ahtun Re is the most intelligent and compassionate being I have ever encountered. To learn more about the work I have done with Kevin, go to:

Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research

Having access to such a unique spiritual resource, I published a book consisting of my dialogue’s with Ahtun Re regarding “big picture” questions, such as what the nature of the spiritual world is like. It turns out there are many levels or planes of the spirit world, which reflects the statement made by Jesus: “In my Father’s house are many mansions,” This book is entitled:

Purpose of Reincarnation Dean Radin Larry Dossey Walter Semkiw MDOrigin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation

In Origin of the Soul, I asked Ahtun Re what his state of being is like. He responded that his existence in the spirit world is best described as “Lucid Ecstasy.” This term, I believe, is a beautiful way to describe the stage of Transcendence.

The Process of Death, Transcendence and Rebirth: In Closing

It is my hope that the understanding of the experiences of death, transcendence and rebirth will make leaving the body at the end of a terminal illness less traumatic. Perhaps, this knowledge will even help people view death as an event that calls for quiet celebration, given that death leads to another chapter, another adventure, in the progress of one’s soul.

To learn more about reincarnation, soul evolution and states of consciousness outside the human body, please go to:

Articles on Soul Evolution, Death, Rebirth, Resurrection, Animal Telepathy, UFOs and ETs

What is the Meaning of our Lives, Past, Present and Future? How Evidence of Reincarnation can create a More Peaceful World

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Written for Excellence Reporter managed by Nicolae Tanase

View Viral Video: Evidence of Reincarnation

Reincarnation Physical ResemblanceReincarnation Research of Ian Stevenson, MD

There is ample evidence based on case studies involving young children who have spontaneous memories of past lives to conclude that reincarnation is a reality. The most compelling cases come from the work of Ian Stevenson MD at the University of Virginia.

Over a period of 40 years, Dr. Stevenson traveled around the world studying young children with spontaneous memories of past lives that could be objectively validated. Approximately 1200 of these validated reincarnation cases exist, which have been meticulously documented by Dr. Stevenson. Two cases that are especially dramatic because they were followed over a period of about 30 years and demonstrate physical resemblance from one lifetime to another are:

Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem

Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi

From independently researched case studies, such as those from the University of Virginia, principles of reincarnation can be derived. These include the findings that facial features, talents and passions can remain consistent from lifetime to lifetime. Further, research shows that we reincarnate with people we have known in prior incarnations. To understand how reincarnation works, please review:

Principles of Reincarnation

How Reincarnation Research can create a More Peaceful World

One the most important findings that reincarnation research reveals is that individuals can change religion, nationality and ethnic affiliation from one lifetime to another. This observation has the potential to help create a much more peaceful world, as conflicts and war are usually based on differences in these cultural markers of identity.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CaseA particularly impressive case in this regard involves the reincarnation of Anne Frank. Anne Frank was persecuted as a Jew and died in a Nazi concentration camp. In my assessment, she has reincarnated as Barbro Karlen, who was born into a Christian family in Sweden. If the Nazis knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, then the Holocaust could not have happened. Similarly, if Muslims knew they could reincarnate as Christians or Jews and vice versa, the conflicts we witness in the Middle East would end. Please review the following pages.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Reincarnation Case

Reincarnation Cases with Change of Religion, Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation

What I consider the most important independently researched reincarnation cases are compiled in my book Born Again.

The Purpose of Reincarnation

Kevin Ryerson & Meaning of Life, Walter Semkiw MD IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyThough reincarnation research sheds much light on the process of reincarnation, not all questions can be answered through evidence of past lives. For example, the number of lifetimes we go through and the overall purpose of reincarnation remains speculative.

To fill in the gaps that reincarnation research leaves open, I have used another source for information. Since 2001, I have worked with Kevin Ryerson, the trance medium who is featured in the books of Shirley MacLaine. Kevin channels a spirit guide named Ahtun Re, who I have conversed with on a monthly basis since 2001. Ahtun Re and I have vigorous dialogues and over the span of time, I have come to the conclusion that Ahtun Re is truly a spirit being separate from the consciousness of Kevin Ryerson. Ahtun Re has an encyclopedic scope of knowledge and he has also demonstrated the ability to make accurate past life matches. Cases that show this ability can be reviewed at the following page:

Core Past Life Cases Solved through Ahtun Re

A particularly fascinating case is: Reincarnation Case of Thomas Edison | Elon Musk

Dialogues I have had with Ahtun Re regarding big picture questions are summarized in my book Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation. In sum:

Origin of Souls

Purpose of Reincarnation Dean Radin Larry Dossey Walter Semkiw MDWhen we were created as souls, which are individual expressions of God, each of us was imbued with a certain set of energies or abilities, the sum of which I call one’s energy spectrum. These qualities predispose us to follow certain career paths and occupations. As such, musicians tend to reincarnate as musicians, scientists tend to reincarnate and pursue careers in science or technology and social activists tend to pursue activist roles across lifetimes. Much as we wake up in the morning with a personality consistent from the night before, from lifetime to lifetime, we are similar in the way that we approach life. How we express our energies can be altered by the genetic inheritance and life circumstances we are born with.

Reincarnation and the Establishment of Identity

In early phases of incarnation a chief task is to develop a stable sense of identity. Imagine if in your contemporary lifetime you have no memories of what happened prior to the current moment. You would not have a sense of identity. Experiences through a series of lifetimes builds identity. Identity is commonly based on the religion, nationality and the ethnicity that we are born into. When we are still immature souls, identification with these factors can be too strong, causing separation and conflict. We forget that we all originate from one source.

As we reincarnate, we can make mistakes and hurt others generating karma that must be worked out in future incarnations.

Just as a child must go through school and learn from mistakes in the course of becoming a self-sufficient human being, we as souls develop through the school of Earth life.

Becoming a Universal Soul through Reincarnation

After we establish a strong identity, develop our set of skills to a sufficient degree, work off karma and finally achieve an all-encompassing love of humanity, we no longer have to reincarnate and can instead pursue further experience and growth in the spiritual realms. On average, Ahtun Re says that it takes about 100 lifetimes to reach this point in development. This number can vary significantly based on the earnestness that a soul pursues spiritual growth and evolution through its incarnations.

Many, though, still choose to reincarnate, even when they don’t have to, in order to pursue projects to help humanity evolve. Ahtun Re estimates that at least 20% of the population on Earth is here on a voluntary basis.

Meaning of Life by Walter Semkiw, MD IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyReincarnation: Enjoy the Journey

There are times when life can be very hard. During these episodes, we may dread having to reincarnate, but we do so at the behest of our own souls. As such, we should try to keep things in perspective, be kind to others and enjoy the journey as much as possible.

Walter Semkiw, MD April 7, 2015

Do We Reincarnate as Animals? Telepathy with Animals and the Unified Field of Consciousness

Interpretation of the Dalawong Case: A Thai Boy with a Snake Past Life

Animal Telepathy & Remote Viewing: A Medical Doctor’s Experience

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

In my work with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re, a spirit guide channeled through Kevin Ryerson, has always stated that human beings do not reincarnate as animals. This subject is addressed in my book Origin of the Soul and the Purpose of Reincarnation, which consists of my dialogues with Ahtun Re.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases

IISIS Reincarnation Case An Image of a Victorian GhostReports of spirit being involvement in reincarnation cases are frequent, including in cases researched by Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia. I have had the opportunity to work directly with a very intelligent spirit being in Ahtun Re, who is channeled through world famous trance medium Kevin Ryerson, on a monthly basis since 2001. Though I was skeptical at first, I came to the conclusion that Ahtun Re truly is a discarnate spirit being separate from the consciousness of Kevin Ryerson, primarily due to Ahtun Re’s encyclopedic range of knowledge, which I consistently found to be accurate, and an ability to make what I have assessed to be accurate past life identifications. In contrast, Kevin Ryerson does not have an encyclopedic scope of knowledge and neither do I.

Ahtun Re’s personality, sense of humor, voice and accent are also different from Kevin’s, so much so that when Kevin channels Ahtun Re, it seems as if another person has taken Kevin’s place. To learn more about the work I have done with Kevin, go to: Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Cases

Let me now share insights on the idea of animal incarnation based on a reported case, a telepathic experience I had with an squirrel and comments on these matters from Ahtun Re.

Return to Life, Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives, by Jim Tucker, MD

5 IISIS Animal Reincarnation Squirrel Tree Jim Tucker, MD has taken over for the late Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia. Dr. Stevenson was a pioneer in research that provides objective evidence of reincarnation, whose work primarily involved children who had spontaneous past life memories that could be validated. Dr. Tucker had a book published in 2013 entitled Return to Life, which I recommend. In it, he includes an unusual case in which a child claimed to have memories of being a snake in a past lifetime. After reviewing this story, I revisited the issue of animal incarnation, which made me also reflect on an unusual telepathic experience I have had with a squirrel. Yes, I know, it sounds odd, but it is true.

Animal Reincarnation and Hinduism

I believe the observation that human beings can have telepathic connections and communications with animals can explain why some people and religions, such as the Hindu faith, proclaim that humans can reincarnate as animals. First let us review the snake incarnation case published in Dr. Tucker’s book. (1)

Dalawong: A Child Recalls a Past Life as a Cobra in Thailand

5 Animal IISIS Reincarnaiton CobraThis case was actually researched by the late Francis Story, a British citizen who was fascinated with Buddhism and spent many years in Asia. He was also very interested in the topic of reincarnation and assisted Dr. Stevenson in investigating a number of very important reincarnation cases in Burma and Sri Lanka. Francis interviewed the subject of this case, a Thai boy named Dalowong, along with his father, mother and sister. He also had access to a pamphlet that was previously published regarding the case, which was also summarized in an article in the Bangkok Times.

Dalawong actually claimed two past animal incarnations. He recalled a past lifetime as a deer, which he said was killed by a hunter. Subsequently, he stated he was reincarnated as a snake, more specifically, as a cobra.

Reported Past Life Memories: Mr. Hiew’s Dogs attack Dalawong, as a Snake, in a Cave

As the snake, Dalawong remembered that he was in a cave when two dogs entered and attacked him. A ferocious struggle ensued between the cobra and the dogs. The owner of the dogs then entered the cave and killed the snake. Apparently, the snake was able to bite the human invader on the shoulder, prior to succumbing to death.

The human took the cobra’s body back home, where the snake was cooked for a meal. This man shared the snake meat with an acquaintance, who would become Dalawong’s father in the near future. The man who killed the cobra had the name Mr. Hiew.

As a Spirit Being, Dalawong follows Mr. Hiew to his Home & Chooses his Future Human Parents

After being killed as a snake, according to Dalawong, he as a spirit being, followed his snake body and witnessed Mr. Hiew and his future father eating the snake meat. Apparently this meal took place at the residence of Mr. Hiew. Dalawong thought that Mr. Hiew’s friend was a sympathetic soul, followed him home and entered the womb of the man’s wife. He was subsequently born as a human being, Dalawong, who was conceived shortly after the snake incident.

Dalawong recognizes his Past Life Attacker, Mr. Hiew and Seeks Revenge

When Dalawong was 3 years old, Mr. Hiew came to a party that was taking place next door to the home of Dalawong’s family. Dalawong recognized Mr. Hiew as the man who killed him as a snake during the struggle in the cave with the dogs.

Dalawong became enraged and seeking retribution, tried to find a weapon to attack Mr. Hiew, which was observed by his mother. Dalawong explained to her that Mr. Heiw killed him when he was a snake and described the incident in the cave with the dogs. When this story was related to Mr. Hiew, he confirmed that such an incident did indeed occur just as Dalowong described.

Apparent Past Life Memory: Dalawong Knows of a Snake Bite on Mr. Hiew’s Shoulder

Dalawong then touched Mr. Hiew’s left shoulder and said that Hiew had been bitten there by the snake. Mr. Hiew indeed did have a scar at that spot incurred from snakebite.

natural caves in thailandIt was pointed out that neither Dalawong nor his mother had never previously met Mr. Hiew. His parents insisted that Dalawong could not have had knowledge of the incident of the snake being killed by Mr. Hiew in the cave by normal means.

Dalawong Meditates in his Snake Cave and becomes a Shaman with Ichthyosis-Snake Skin

Follow up of this case took place 20 years after this confrontation with Dr. Hiew through Jurgen Keil, another associate of Dr. Stevenson. It was found that as an adult, Dalawong would regularly visit the same cave where he claimed to have been killed as a snake, where he would meditate. Through meditation, he gleaned information on how to use herbs to heal the sick. He was recognized in local villages as a lay medical doctor or what would be called a shaman in various cultures. It was also noted that Dalawong developed a dermatologic condition called ichthyosis, which affected his legs, causing scale-like skin, somewhat like a snake’s skin. Ichthyosis is generally considered a genetic disorder.

Snake Skin-A Possible Variant of Birth Marks in Reincarnation Cases

In his reincarnation research, Ian Stevenson found that in many cases in which an individual died of a traumatic wound, such as a knife or bullet wound, in the following incarnation a birth mark or scar would be found at the same location as the traumatic wound. To review such reincarnation cases, go to: Past Life Scars & Birthmarks

Dr. Stevenson hypothesized that in some way, the mind affected the body in the next incarnation to produce these scars or birthmarks. I like to use the concept that the soul projects an energy template into the developing fetus, which produces similar facial features from one incarnation to another, a phenomenon observed in many reincarnation cases, including Ian Stevenson reincarnation cases. It is possible that the energy template underlying the physical body can be affected by traumas, such as bullet or knife wounds, and this imprint on the energy body is reflected in the physical body in a future incarnation as birth marks or scars. To learn more, go to: Principles of Reincarnation

IISIS Reincarnation Case An Image of a Victorian GhostDr. Tucker pointed out that Dalawong’s ichthyosis could be considered a variant of the birthmark phenomenon in reincarnation cases.

A Medical Doctor’s Telepathic Experiences Regarding a Past Lifetime

I do not consider myself psychic, but I have had definite psychic experiences involving information that was provided to be telepathically, from unknown sources, which proved to be accurate or meaningful. Most of this telepathic information had to do with the evolution a reincarnation case of my own. It was almost as if my own soul, or perhaps a spirit being, was guiding me in the discovery of past life information and past life personal connections. These telepathic experiences are most thoroughly documented in my book, Return of the Revolutionaries, but a number of these experiences are outlined in the section: Introducing Kevin Ryerson, Spirit Being Ahtun Re and the Proposed Reincarnation of John Adams

Psychic or telepathic guidance and reincarnation cases is common, including in many cases researched by Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia. To learn more, go to: Spirit Being Involvement in Reincarnation Cases

Animal Telepathy: A Squirrel sends Walter a Plea for Help

5 Animal Reincarnation Squirrel HandBefore I share this story, let me point out that I trained in psychiatry and understand very well the nature of hallucinations and delusions. Anyone who claims to get a message from a squirrel risks being labeled psychotic, but let me reassure you that throughout the years that I have received telepathic or intuitive messages, I’ve worked as a medical doctor and have functioned normally.

At the time of this incident, my wife’s father was still alive and the three of us lived together. He was a elderly widower and needed the support of my wife and I, as well extended family. I became quite fond of my father-in-law and we took many car rides together to be in nature, along the Pacific coast through the neighboring mountains. He is missed.

Squirrels in the Back Yard and on the Deck

In the house where we live, there are many trees in the backyard. Adjacent to the bedroom where my wife and I sleep, there is a deck and next to it, there is a large cypress tree which has been the home of a squirrel. I have long had a fondness for squirrels and have fed them nuts, which I place on the deck just outside the sliding glass door of our bedroom.

The neighborhood squirrels have learned that when the sliding glass door opens, they can expect a treat. They scurry onto the railings of the deck and I often talk to them in a joking fashion, saying good morning and welcoming them to breakfast, much like pet owners talk to their dogs or cats as if they were little children. I enjoy watching the squirrels standing on their haunches, holding a nut in their front paws while they nibble on their food, almost like miniature people.

Squirrel Acrobats

Cute squirrel standing on the snowSome of the squirrels have become quite tame. Please don’t tell my wife, but I have even coaxed one or two into the bedroom where I would make them find nuts hidden behind my hand. I wouldn’t advise feeding them directly by hand, though, as a squirrel in its haste to obtain food can accidentally bite it’s benefactor.

I am also entertained by their acrobatics as they jump from one tree limb to another. Sometimes they even act like trapeze artists using a redwood lattice that we have in the yard to partition space. Sometimes it seems that they do these acrobatics just to show off their athleticism, as if they are aware that I am watching. I share these details so the reader understands that my involvement with our back yard squirrels has not been fleeting, but substantial.

Animal Telepathy: While at Work, Walter has a Visual Impression of a 7 Foot Squirrel in Distress

In the spring of 2013, I was working in my medical office, which is about 3 or 4 miles from our home. It was about 3:30 in the afternoon and I was doing paper work at my desk. Out of nowhere, I received a distinct visual image of a squirrel on our deck at the sliding glass door of our bedroom. What was bizarre is that the squirrel was standing up on his back legs like a human and was the size of the entire sliding glass door. In other words, this squirrel was 7 feet tall.

Though the squirrel did not speak verbally, I received a telepathic impression that it was in great distress, felt betrayed and it was communicating to me something to the effect of, “What’s going on?” It seemed to be upset and was questioning, “Why?”

Animal Telepathy: Walter Hears Himself Communicating with the Squirrel

Just after this receiving this vivid visual impression, I heard myself telepathically say to the squirrel, “Well at least she didn’t have her dogs.” I immediately knew that I was referring to my wife’s niece, who has 2 large Labrador Retrievers who can be unruly and though well meaning, due to excitement, they are aggressive in jumping on visitors.

This experience lasted only a few seconds. When it was over I thought to myself, “That was bizarre.” Though I have telepathic messages in the past, I never had a associated vivid visual image and I never expected such an experience with a squirrel. I had not been thinking of squirrels at all that day. Further, since my wife is afraid of large dogs, her niece never brings her canines to our home, so the experience seemed to make no sense at all.

I didn’t know what to make of this unusual experience, shrugged it off as a random strange incident and continued working at my desk.

Animal Telepathy: Meaning of the Squirrel Image & Experience

An image of a squirrel holding a nut and pose for the cameraWhen I came home that evening, I discovered that my unusual telepathic visual impression of the squirrel actually had meaning. My wife’s niece had unexpectedly stopped by our home that afternoon to visit her grandfather, my wife’s father. It was a warm day and she opened the sliding glass door in our bedroom to allow air to flow through the house. She then left the bedroom to sit and converse with her grandfather in the living room.

At one point, she walked back into our bedroom and saw a squirrel at the open sliding glass door. She was unaware that I considered the squirrels pets of a sort and she did not know that I regularly fed them.

Animal Telepathy: Squirrel Attack Occurs at the Same Time Walter had the Visual Message

As she as alarmed that the squirrel was about to come into the house, my wife’s niece rapidly advanced towards the squirrel, yelling at it to chase it away. When she related these events to me and my wife, she was even proud that her repulsion of the squirrel was vigorous and aggressive, stating. “That squirrel will never come back here again.”

This attack on the squirrel happened at about 3:30, approximately the same time that I had the visual impression of the 7-foot squirrel standing at that same sliding glass door, expressing fear and betrayal.

Walter’s Animal Telepathic Message to the Squirrel & Soul Consciousness

Now I understood why during my telepathic visual experience of the squirrel, I heard myself saying to the 7-foot squirrel, “At least she doesn’t have her dogs.” As I mentioned, my niece has 2 large Labradors that can be aggressive.

What is most peculiar about this incident is that part of my consciousness was fully aware of what was going on to the extent that I could telepathically communicate back to the squirrel, “At least she doesn’t have her dogs.” Part of my consciousness was communicating back to the squirrel, which I overheard while sitting in my medical office, though in my medical office, I had no clue as to what was going on.

This demonstrates how the consciousness that we are used to on a day-to-day basis is a limited, compartmentalized awareness that is only a portion of the consciousness of the soul.

Soul Consciousness, Split Consciousness, Incarnation & Remote Viewing

Parallel Lives or Split ReincarnationThis experience can be used to understand what I call split incarnation, in which one soul animates more than one body at a time. Ian Stevenson termed this phenomenon reincarnation cases with “anomalous dates,” as a previous incarnation is observed to overlap with a subsequent lifetime. In my squirrel situation, my soul was aware of what was going on in our bedroom and deck, while I was 3 or 4 miles away. My consciousness, one could say, was at two physical locations at once.

Split Incarnation, Twin Flames, Twin Souls or Parallel Lives

Just as my consciousness apparently was in two physical locations at once, the soul can split its consciousness into two physical bodies. Let me share that I have a male friend who is a very successful, retired financial executive who has identified his split, who is an accomplished businesswoman.

This occurred unexpectedly when after meeting this woman for the first time, he started experiencing her thoughts in his mind and witnessing her dreams. When these incidents occurred, my friend would contact this woman to share what he had experienced and found that she indeed was having the same thoughts and same dreams.

My friend and the businesswoman have similar facial bone structure or appearance. After reading my books, my friend hypothesized that he and this businesswoman were splits, though he preferred to use the more common New Age terms twin souls, twin flames or parallel lives. I prefer splits as one can have more than two splits, at least according to my work with Ahtun Re. To learn more, go to: Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives

Spirit Being Ahtun Re’s Interpretation of Walter’s Telepathic Experience with a Squirrel

An Image of a Network SimulationSubsequently, in a session with Kevin Ryerson I asked Ahtun Re for his explanation of what happened to me. Ahtun Re related that all living things are indeed interconnected and through my affectionate dealings with my backyard squirrels over the years, telepathic connections have been made.

He stated that the squirrel felt shocked and betrayed when my wife’s niece chased the squirrel away from the sliding glass door. Ahtun Re added that the squirrel perceives me as a 6-foot squirrel, something along the lines of a big papa or mama squirrel. He also noted that the squirrel is very curious as to where I keep that big stash of nuts.

Walter’s Animal Telepathy Experience & Dalawong’s Past Life as a Shaman

The way my squirrel story fits in with the Dalawong case is that I wondered whether Dalawong had some type of psychic connection with snakes in a past incarnation, which made him think that he was a snake a past lifetime. I asked Ahtun Re about this case and my theory.

Ahtun Re stated that Dalawong was not a snake in a past incarnation, but that he did have a past lifetime as a shaman who used to meditate in the very cave where Mr. Hiew killed the cobra. In this past lifetime, Dalawong did have a strong affinity for snakes and developed telepathic connections with them, as well as with other animals. After the death of this shaman, his soul continued to visit the cave where he meditated while alive.

As a Sprit Being, Dalawong Observes Mr Hiew Killing the Snake

natural caves in thailand

The shaman’s soul, in spirit form, was to be present in the cave when the altercation between the snake, Mr. Hire and his dogs occurred. Perhaps the shaman’s soul was drawn to the cave by the snake, just as the squirrel telepathically appealed to me.

Through a telepathic connection, the shaman experienced what the snake experienced when being killed. The soul of the shaman followed Mr. Hiew home and witnessed him sharing the snake meat meal with Dalawong’s future father. As he liked Dalawong’s father, he decided to reincarnate as this person’s child. Dalawong, as a child, accessed memories of Mr. Hiew killing the cobra, as witnessed by his own soul in spirit form.

An error was made in that Dalawong interpreted these memories as meaning that he was the snake in a past incarnation, rather than witnessing the killing of the snake as spirit being.

Jim B. Tucker’s Interpretation of the Dalawong Reincarnation Case

Jim Tucker, MD noted that he found it difficult to accept that Dalawong had a past life as a snake, rather, he writes: “What I can consider, however, is that a consciousness was associated with the snake while also apart from it.” (2)

The proposal that Dalawong was a spirit being who was telepathically in rapport with the snake Mr. Hiew killed is one way that Dr. Tucker’s hypothesis could have been fulfilled.

Soul Plans & Repetition of Behavior through Reincarnation

5 Animal IISIS Reincarnaiton CobraReincarnation research, including Ian Stevenson’s work, does support that souls can choose their parents. To learn more, go to: Planning of Lifetimes

In addition, reincarnation research shows that we often repeat behaviors and express similar talents from one incarnation to another.

As reported by Jurgen Keil, Dalawong, as an adult, would meditate in the very cave where the snake was killed in my Mr. Hiew, before Dalawong was born. In this cave, Dalawong would access information on herbs with medicinal effects through psychic means and he became a local medicine man or shaman.

According to Ahtun Re, Dalawong lived a similar human past lifetime in which he essentially did the same thing, meditating in the same cave, developing psychic abilities and serving as a shaman for his community. Though this proposed past life, which can explain Dalawong’s memories, cannot be validated, this sort of consistency in behavior from one lifetime to another is supported by independently researched reincarnation cases, including those studied by Ian Stevenson, MD. To learn more, go to:

Talent and Behavior Replicated though Reincarnation

Animal Telepathy: An Explanation for Animal Incarnation in the Hindu Faith

In sum, the Dalawong case, my telepathic experience with the squirrel and input from Ahtun Re may give us insight on why some people believe they may have been animals in the past lifetime, and how it has be come part of the Hindu faith. Telepathic experiences with animals, and past life memories of such experiences, can be mistakenly interpreted as animal past lives.

Hindu Animal Reincarnation & Sacred Cow, Walter Semkiw ArticleDue to the interconnectedness of all living things, Ahtun Re does support the Hindu practice of maintaining a vegetarian diet. I have to admit that I have not disciplined myself in this regard, though my squirrel experience makes me reflect on the issue more.

Soul Evolution & Hindu Compassion for Animals

In conclusion, in my dialogues with Ahtun Re, the purpose of reincarnation is to evolve and grow, much like a child goes through grades of school in the process of becoming a self sufficient adult. Once a certain level of development is attained, reincarnation is no longer necessary and we, as souls, continue to evolve in the spirit realm.

Ahtun Re has pointed out that a soul who has evolved through human incarnations would have little benefit by incarnating as an animal, which is driven by instincts. Ahtun Re has stated that animals have an evolutionary line of their own and pets that have developed emotional attachments to humans can reincarnated with their owners. These topics are discussed in Origin of the Soul.

The interconnectedness of all living beings has been affirmed my Ahtun Re and in a humble way has been demonstrated by my telepathic experience with a squirrel. This interconnectedness supports the Hindu precept of compassion for all living things.


1. Tucker, Jim B., Return to Life, Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 2013, pages 38-40
2. Ibid, page 41