Proposed by: Supporter
Affirmed by: Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session
Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD
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The Painful Life of Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo was born in 1907. When she was 6 years old she was afflicted with polio, which caused her to be bedridden for 9 months. After she recovered, she was left with a shriveled right leg and a limp. When she returned to school, cruel classmates called her “peg-leg Frida.”
When she was 18, Frida was involved in a transportation accident in which the wooden bus she was riding in was struck by a streetcar. Several people were killed. Frida incurred a broken pelvis, fractured ribs and displaced vertebrae. She also broke her collar-bone and both legs. She was in the hospital for two months following this collision and Frida experienced intermittent back pain for the rest of her life.
In 1950, when she was 43, Kahlo underwent bone graft surgery on her spine in an effort to lessen her back pain. Unfortunately, an infection set in and she had to endure several follow-up surgeries.
In 1953, Kahlo’s right leg had to be amputated at the knee due to gangrene. She subsequently became severely depressed and anxious, increasing used opioid pain killers and when her husband, artist Diego Rivera, began yet another extramarital affair, she attempted suicide by overdose.
Frida’a reputation as an artist grew over her lifetime. An exhibit of her works occurred in 1953, arranged by a friend who understood that Frida did not have long to live. She had to transported to her showing in an ambulance and at the exhibit, Frida was placed in a bed that was arranged for her.
She wrote in her diary in February 1954: “They have given me centuries of torture and at moments I almost lost my reason. I keep on wanting to kill myself.”
Frida died about a year later at the age of 47. Her last words were: “I joyfully await the exit – and I hope never to return – Frida”
The Glamorous Life of Salma Hayek
Frida did not get her wish as she reincarnated as actress Salma Hayek, who was born in 1966, 12 years after Frida had died. Fortunately, Salma’s life has been full of glamour, in contrast to the painful existence that Frida endured.
Salma Hayek has received numerous acting awards. Of interest, she co-produced the biographical movie, Frida, which was released in 2002.
Affinity Reincarnation Cases involving Halle Berry, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy
As such, Frida took the initiative to make a film about her own past life. I call these kinds of reincarnation stories “Affinity Cases,” in which a person creates a work based on their own past incarnation.
A very similar reincarnation case involves Oscar winner Halle Berry, who produced the movie Introducing Dorothy Dandridge. In a past incarnation, Halle was African-American actress Dorothy Dandridge, who was denied an Oscar because of the color of her skin. Other affinity cases include the reincarnations of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.
Reincarnation Case of Dorothy Dandridge | Halle Berry
Reincarnation Cases of Laurel and Hardy | Josh and Danny Bacher
Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives
Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: The facial features of Frida Kahlo and Salma Hayek are very similar.
Past Life Passions, Talent and Abilities: Reincarnation research reveals that people tend to pursue similar careers from lifetime to lifetime. For example, artists reincarnate as artists, though the form of art can change. Frida was a painter, while Salma has expressed her artistic talent as an actress.