Past Life Story of Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson: Spirit Being, Spirit Guide & Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case

Though Wayne never took an art lesson, he found he could create beautiful paintings. His artwork focused on scenes of Venice, reflecting his past lifetime as Francesco Foscari.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood, Spirit Being and Intutive Guidance

Researcher: Wayne Peterson

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD, from Born Again

Little Wayne Won’t Respond to his Name and Declares his Real Name is Francesco Foscari

semkiw-peterson-foscari-reincarnation-past-lifeWayne grew up in the 1940s, in rural Wisconsin, outside of Green Bay. As a child, he began having subtle memories of past lives, so subtle, that he didn’t realize that reincarnation was the basis for these memories. For example, as a small boy, when people asked him what his name was, Wayne would refuse to tell them, since he strongly believed that he had a better name which identified “the real me.” Regarding the situation, Wayne explains:

“This was a battle of wills between my parents and me for years. When they would say, ‘His name is Wayne,’ I would immediately say that it is not. My mother would often challenge me to provide another name, but I could never remember what my name should be, although I knew that I had another name.

It was not until I was twelve years old that I decided that my real name was Francesco Foscari. This was not a name fetched from thin air. For several years the name Foscari floated around in my head as a word. Eventually I put it together with Francesco because it sounded right. I had a deep emotional attachment to the name. As a young teenager, I was determined that when I became an adult, I would officially change my name to Francesco Foscari.

All teens at some point probably think about changing their names to imitate a movie star or to a more romantic sounding name. With me, however, it was a name I had never heard or seen written anywhere. In fact, Italian names did not exist in our community in Wisconsin; so it was odd that I should find an Italian name so magnetic.”

Note how similar young Wayne’s experience was to that of Barbro Karlen, who as a young girl told her parents that her name was not Barbro, but Anne Frank. The difference is that Wayne didn’t realize that his attraction to the name Francesco Foscari was related to a past incarnation, for Wayne didn’t have visual memories of that lifetime. In contrast, Barbro Karlen did have clear memories of being Anne Frank. Also consider that when Wayne stated his name was Francesco Foscari, he did not have an easy way to know who Foscari may have been, as this was decades before Internet search engines became available.

Just as Wayne related that the name Foscari floated around in his mind for years, Peter Teekamp also heard the words “Go-gone” echo in his mind during his childhood. It took Peter years to realize that these words referred to his name, Gauguin, in a past lifetime.

Wayne finds he can Paint like a Master & Creates Past Life Scenes of Venice

IISIS peterson foscari reincarnation past life veniceWayne relates that the years went by and after he joined the US diplomatic service, he traveled to Venice, where he experienced distinct feelings of déjà vu, feelings that he had been there before.

Though he had never took art classes, in adulthood, he found that he could he could paint with great skill. He found he was particularly good at depicting the architecture of classic buildings, though for some reason, he chose to only paint scenes of Venice. When friends asked why all of his artwork involved Venetian scenes, Wayne could not provide an explanation.

The painting featured above and to the right is a representation of Venice done by Wayne in the 1980’s, which was completed before he learned who Francesco Foscari was and before he realized that he had a past lifetime as semkiw peterson reincarnation past life venice senator cpFoscari. The image features the Doge’s Palace, where Foscari lived in for a period of time. In other words, Wayne painted a scene from his own past lifetime as Foscari, though he was not aware of the past life connection when he created this painting. Recall that in the case of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp, Peter unconsciously recreated sketches that were done by Gauguin.

The Spirit Being or Spirit Guide Maitreya shows Wayne his Home from his Past Lifetime in Venice

A breakthrough came in 1990, when Wayne, over 40 years after his initial attraction to the Italian name Foscari occurred, received a telepathic communication from the spirit being named Maitreya. Wayne has had experiences with this spirit being since the 1980’s, as described in his book, Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings. Maitreya asked Wayne if he would like to see his past lifetime in Venice. Wayne said that he would.

Wayne then saw scenes in his mind from a past incarnation as if he was watching a movie. Wayne said that he could observe himself moving around in an old house, but he had no ability to use his will to direct his path in the house. It was as if he was on a ride, observing images from this past incarnation.

semkiw-peterson-foscari-reincarnation-past-lifeWayne relates that he distinctly saw the interior of a house that he had lived in. He realized that he was the man who owned the house and he started experiencing the emotions that the man was feeling. He felt great sadness and somehow, he knew he would die that night. He saw himself wearing a long red brocade robe, which he later learned was the official attire of a Venetian senator.

Wayne then looked out a window of the building and saw that he was on the second floor of a huge house that ran alongside a small, funnel-shaped canal, which emptied into a very large waterway, presumably the Grand Canal of Venice. Wayne then moved down a hallway and looked out a window that had a view of the rear of the property. He saw that a wall separated his house from a small street, which connected to a distinctive white arched bridge that crossed another small canal.

Wayne also heard a woman speaking to him from the lower level of the house. He realized that she was speaking Italian and that he understood her, though in his contemporary lifetime, Wayne doesn’t speak Italian.

Wayne finds his Past Life Home and Past Life Identity

foscari peterson reincarnation past life venice LAfter experiencing what appeared to be past lifetime in Venice, in a house on the Grand Canal, Wayne bought books on houses of Venice, focusing in particular on buildings located on the Grand Canal.

After much searching, Mr. Peterson found the house he had seen in his visit, which was next to a funnel shaped canal, which opened into the Grand Canal, and that featured a white arched bridge in the back. The house was exactly as Wayne had seen it in his past life memory. Wayne was amazed when he found that the house was built by Francesco Foscari, a politician and a Doge of the Venetian Republic, who lived from 1373-1457. Wayne’s pronouncement to his parents, as a child, that his name was no Wayne, but Francesco Foscari, finally made sense.

The image provided above and to the right shows the house that Foscari build. If you enlarge the image by placing your cursor over it, you will see the white arched bridge that Wayne saw in his vision. Use your arrow keys to scroll up and down on the image.

Wayne Intuitively finds his Past Life Grave

Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari foscari peterson IISIS imageIn a subsequent visit to Venice, Wayne tried to find the burial place of Francesco Foscari. Since Foscari was a Doge, a leader of the state, Wayne reasoned that Foscari would be entombed in St. Mark’s Cathedral, where other Doges were buried. Foscari, though, was not there.

Wayne was then intuitively led to the Franciscan Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, usually just called the Frari, which is pictured to the right. Wayne walked up to the alter, where a red cord and sign prevented visitors from proceeding further. Despite the barrier, Wayne had the intuition that he would find the tomb of Francesco Foscari behind the alter. Wayne crossed the barrier and went behind the alter, where he indeed found Foscari’s tomb.

Summary & Reincarnation Case Analysis

Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari foscari peterson interior IISIS imageKey features of this case include childhood memories of a name from a past lifetime, Francisco Foscari. Wayne found that he could paint large, architectural paintings, though he never took an art lesson in his lifetime. Wayne noted that his early paintings all involved scenes of Venice.

Several decades later, Wayne experienced vivid images of himself in a large house in Venice, which were telepathically facilitated by the spirit being Maitreya. Wayne then found the house in a book on dwellings along the Grand Canal of Venice. This house, Wayne learned, was built by Francesco Foscari. Wayne later was intuitively led to the tomb of Foscari in Venice. Facial features of Wayne and Foscari are consistent.

An interesting feature of this case is that Wayne has created replicas of the artwork one may expect to find in the home of a Doge of Venice. Further, through his artwork, Wayne has transformed his home in Las Vegas into a Venetian palace. He did so before he had the vision, supplied by Maitreya, which led him to find the house built by Francesco Foscari.

peterson doge foscari reincarnation past life room IISIS imageAs such, Wayne unconsciously created a home interior reflecting his past life as a Doge of Venice. All the artwork on Wayne’s walls and ceilings, pictured to the right, was done by Wayne himself. This image may be enlarged by clicking on it.

Though he never took an art lesson in his contemporary lifetime, Wayne was drawing upon the talent earned in another incarnation, that of Claude Ledoux, which is featured in Born Again.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Physical Resemblance: Wayne’s facial features are consistent with those of Francesco Foscari.

Innate Past Life Talent: Though Wayne never took an art lesson in his life, he found he could create beautiful paintings. His artwork focused on scenes of Venice, reflecting his past lifetime as Francesco Foscari. Wayne even painted the walls and ceilings of his home to create his own Venetian palace. As noted, Wayne’s talent appears to have been developed in his lifetime as Claude Ledoux.

Spirit Being, Spirit Guide & Soul Guidance: Wayne’s reincarnation case was solved through the intervention of a spirit being, who Wayne identifies as Maitreya, who telepathically provided scenes of Wayne’s past lifetime in Venice. After seeing his past life home in Venice through this intervention by Maitreya, Wayne was able to find this house in a book on homes on the Grand Canal of Venice. The home belonged to Francesco Foscari, which was the name Wayne, as a child, told his parents was his real name.

In addition, Wayne was intuitively led to the tomb of Foscari in the Frari in Venice.

Go to: Reincarnation Case of Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson 



Holocaust Past Life Story with Phobias, Religion Change & Soul Plan: Reincarnation Case of a Jewish Concentration Camp Victim | Teuvo Koivisto

Teuvo Koivisto was born a Lutheran Christian, in Helsinki, Finland on August 20, 1971 but he was the reincarnation of a Jew who had the misfortune of dying in a concentration camp. The reincarnation was announced to his mom in a dream by a man who was holding a copy of the Kabbalah who said “The baby you are expecting is a Jew, and I will save your life.”

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researched by Rita Castren and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Soul Plan: A Pregnant Christian Woman has an Announcing Dream Indicating her Child is a Jew


Holocaust reincarnation Teuvo Koivisto was born into a Lutheran Christian family in Helsinki, Finland on August 20, 1971. His father’s name was Jan and Lusa was his mother.

During her pregnancy with Teuvo, Lusa had dream in which she was in a line of prisoners that was moving forward. Someone then told Lusa, “Take shelter under the straw.” (1)

She then found herself with a man who was holding a copy of the Kabbalah, an ancient Jewish book of mystical teachings. In the background, there were men shooting guns. The man with the Kabbalah then said to Lusa, “The baby you are expecting is a Jew, and I will save your life.” (2)

Past Life Memories: Teuvo Remembers Scenes from a Nazi Concentration Camp: Bathrooms, Furnaces & Barbed Wire

reincarnationpastliferesearchholocaustfurnaceWhen Teuvo was 3 years old, he told his mother that he had been alive before. He then told Lusa about “the big furnace,” in which people were piled in layers in a haphazard fashion. He said that some were lying on top of others. (3) Teuvo used his hands to show Lusa the shape of the oven.

Teuvo explained that he was told that he was being taken to the “bathroom,” but he was taken to the furnace instead. (4) People were then told to undress and gold teeth and eyeglasses were taken from them. People were then put in the furnace. Teuvo then related that gas came out of the walls and he could not breathe. Teuvo also described an “oven” with children in it. (5)

Breathing Difficulties from a Past Life Gas Exposure

reincarnationpastliferesearchholocaustbarbedwireWhen describing these scenes of a German concentration camp in World War II, Lusa said that Teuvo was “extremely frightened” and “terrified.” (6) In addition, Teuvo would experience breathing difficulties when describing the furnace, ovens and the gas.

It appeared to Lusa that Teuvo was experiencing pain when he tried to breath. These attacks lasted for 10-15 minutes. Lusa even took Teuvo to a medical doctor, who could not find anything physically wrong with Teuvo. The doctor specifically told her that Teuvo did not have asthma.

Later on, Teuvo told Lusa, “I was caught on barbed wire. Come and get me off.” (7) Lusa noted that Teuvo seemed depressed when she spoke of the barbed wire.

Lusa Testifies Teuvo Didn’t Learn of Concentration Camps by Normal Means

Starting at 3 years of age, Teuvo repeatedly spoke of these concentration camp memories over a period of 6 months.

Lusa firmly told investigators that Teuvo did not learn of scenes from concentration camps by normal means. Teuvo was rarely allowed to watch television and he was never allowed to watch programs containing any violence. No one in the family spoke of the Holocaust or concentration camps, and they had no social relationships with any Jewish people.

Teuvo’s Past Life Memories: Accurate Descriptions of Nazi Concentration Camps

In researching this case, Ian Stevenson confirmed that the scenes Teuvo described were accurate for German Concentration camps. Germans separated children under 14 years of age from other prisoners, as these young children were deemed to young to be useful workers. The children were killed by being place in ovens or burned in open pits.

Gas chambers were also used to kill Jews, who were indeed told that they were being taken to a “bathroom.” Prisoners were undressed and eyeglasses taken, so that their clothing and glasses could be used by the Germans after they were dead. Once the prisoners were placed in the gas chambers, hydrogen cyanide gas was used to kill them. Gold teeth and eyeglasses were removed from the corpses, which where then piled one on top of each other in furnaces, where they were cremated. Barbed wire surrounded the camps and divided different sections of the camp. In sum, Teuvo’s memories were accurate for German concentration camps of World War II.

Past Life Hiding Behavior from the Holocaust

reincarnationpastliferesearchholocausthidingAs a young child, Teuvo would often hide himself, so that his parents could not find him. The walls of their apartment complex were very thin and Tuevo would break down walls that separated rooms so that he could hide in the empty space between rooms.

Teuvo’s hiding behavior continued until he was 13 to 14 years old. When Ian Stevenson spoke to him in 1999, when Teuvo was 28 years of age, he told Stevenson that he always wanted to feel safe and that even at the age of 28, he didn’t like his residence because it lacked a hiding place.

Ian Stevenson noted Teuvo’s hiding behavior could be related to strategies Jews used to hide themselves from the Nazis. In the Warsaw Ghetto, Jews would break down walls between apartments so that they could move from one apartment to another without being seen. In this way, they could move their possessions and supplies throughout an entire apartment complex in a clandestine way. They could also hide from the Nazi’s in shelters created between apartment walls.

A Past Life Phobia of Nazi Uniforms and Swastikas

reincarnationpastliferesearchholocaustswastikaWhen Ian Stevenson interviewed him in 1999, Teuvo told him that he continued to have fear and anxiety when he saw Nazi uniforms or the swastika. Teuvo would even stand still with fear at these times. In contrast, Teuvo had no fear of British or French flags or uniforms.

Teuvo’s phobia of uniforms is reminiscent of the case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen, as Barbro too had a fear of uniforms, though in her case, it was of any uniforms. Barbro describes that if she was stopped by police for a traffic violation, she would become so terrified she would even contemplate trying to escape from the police. Barbro herself eventually became a Swedish police officer, in part, to overcome her fear of uniforms.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

First of all, I would like to comment on the extremely compelling nature of this case. Though Teuvo’s past lifetime could not be historically validated, his accurate descriptions, at the age of 3, of life in a German concentration camp cannot be dismissed. His mother, Lusa, insisted that Teuvo had no way to learn about these camps through normal means. As such, a past lifetime in which he experienced a concentration camp is the only way to explain his memories and knowledge.

If accepted, this reincarnation case demonstrates the following features:

Soul Plan & Spirit Being Involvement: From the spirit world, Teuvo seems to have planned his upcoming incarnation, as evidenced by the dream that his mother had when she was pregnant. As such, this case shows that souls can plan lifetimes and convey their plans through announcing dreams.

In this dream, Lusa saw herself with a group of prisoners. A man with a copy of the Kabbalah then told her that the baby she was expecting was a Jew. As Lusa and her husband were Christians, this was an unusual dream, yet it appears to have come true with Teuvo’s birth and his past life memories of being a Jew in a German concentration camp.

Past Life Phobias from Holocaust: Teuvo experienced fear and anxiety when he saw a German uniform, flag or swastika. Teuvo would even stand still with fear at these times. In contrast, Teuvo had no fear of British or French flags or uniforms.

As noted, Barbro Karlen also had a fear of uniforms related to her past life experiences as a Jewish girl in World War II, who was persecuted by the Nazis.

Change of Religion: The vast majority of people killed in Nazi concentration camps were Jewish. If it is accepted that Teuvo had a past incarnation in which he was a Jew imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp, then this represents another landmark case showing that a soul can change religion from one lifetime to another, as Teuvo was born to Christian parents.

This same phenomenon was observed in the case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen, as Barbro remembered being persecuted as a Jew in her past lifetime as Anne Frank, yet in contemporary times, she was born to Christian parents. I have often pointed out that if the German people in the 1930’and 1940’s knew that one could be born Jewish in one incarnation and Christian in another, then the Holocaust could never have happened.

Note to Readers: Ian Stevenson. MD was a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia who wrote in a very academic style, as his target audience was fellow scientists. On the Reincarnation Research web site, his past life identity cases are presented as children’s past life-reincarnation stories to make his academic work easier to understand. For those interested in appreciating the scientific rigor of his research, such as his use of multiple witnesses to establish corroborated testimony, please refer to the original reports written by Dr. Ian Stevenson.



(1) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 159
(2) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 159
(3) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 160

(4) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 160
(5) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 160
(6) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 160
(7) Stevenson, Ian: European Reincarnation Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 160