Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen-From the Holocaust a Child Finds her Past Life Home

From the Holocaust, a child prodigy finds her way home. Barbro Karlen as the reincarnation of Anne Frank.

image descriptionHow Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

From: And the Wolves Howled, by Barbro Karlen

Article from Born Again, by Walter Semkiw, MD

Click on images to enlarge

One of the most culturally significant reincarnation cases involves Barbro Karlen, who I have had he honor of doing joint presentations with since 2001.  I first met Barbro in 2000 and I now consider her a very good friend. I would like to share her experiences with you. At the end of this article, a video may be viewed in which Barbro tells her story in her own words. Enlarge images by clicking on them.

A Toddler’s Past Life Memories of being Anne Frank

Anne Frank died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. Less than ten years later, in 1954, Barbro Karlen was born to Christian parents in Sweden. When she was less than three years old, Barbro told her parents that her name was not Barbro, but “Anne Frank.” Barbro’s parents had no idea of who Anne Frank was, as they were unaware of the book, Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl, also known as The Diary of Anne Frank.

Barbro relates that her parents wanted her to call them “Ma and Pa,” but Barbro knew that they were not her real parents. Barbro even told her mother that her real parents would soon come to get her and take her to her real home. These statements are typical of childhood memory reincarnation cases researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, at the University of Virginia.

During her childhood, Barbro told her parents details of her life as Anne, which her parents thought were fantasies. In addition, Barbro had nightmares in which men ran up the stairs and kicked in the door to her family’s attic hiding place. An image of the exterior of the Frank family’s attic hiding place, which has the red tile roof, is provided below and to the right.

Barbro is evaluated by a Psychiatrist

Attic Hiding Place of Frank Family

Barbro’s past life memories worried her parents and at one point, when she was a child, they had her evaluated by a psychiatrist. Barbro, though, by this time, had learned that it was not wise to talk about the other world she lived in, the world of Anne Frank, as she noticed that everyone “got tense” when she described her memories to them. When she saw the psychiatrist, she made no mention of her memories of being Anne and was deemed a perfectly normal little girl.

Barbro’s Elementary School Teacher Discusses Anne Frank

When Barbro was seven or eight years of age, she became confused when her schoolteacher began talking about Anne Frank in class. Barbro thought to herself, “How could my teacher know about Anne Frank?” Barbro knew that she was Anne Frank.  Barbro began to realize that Anne Frank was a famous person. “How could that be,” she thought? Describing her confusion as a child, Barbro has related “all this didn’t work for me.”

Imagine how hard it must have been for Barbro to have spontaneous memories of a past lifetime and to have no one to talk to, no one who could help her with her confusion, traumatic memories and nightmares.

Barbro’s Past Life Phobias Related to Anne Frank’s Holocaust Experience

Since childhood, Barbro has had a fear of men in uniforms. Even as an adult, if stopped for a traffic violation by a police officer, Barbro would have such anxiety that she would consider fleeing. In order to get over her phobia of uniforms, as well as to work with horses, Barbro in adulthood, decided to become a mounted Swedish police officer. After completing her training with the Swedish Police Authority, Barbro did become a mounted police officer and she worked with police horses for over a decade.

In addition, Barbro has had an aversion to eating beans since childhood, which the Frank family existed on for nearly two years. Barbro would also only take baths, not showers. In concentration camps, Nazi’s would bring prisoners into large rooms telling the prisoners that they would be given showers. Instead of water, poison gas was piped into the room to kill the prisoners. Anne was first taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp, where such gas chambers were used to kill those too feeble to perform forced labor. Later, she was transferred to the Bergen-Belsen camp, where she died.

Anne Frank Reincarnation Case Amsterdam
Aerial View of Amsterdam

Barbro also resisted having her hair cut. In concentration camps, new arrivals were stripped naked and heads were shaved, followed by a process of disinfection.

At 10 Years of Age, Barbro’s Geographic Past Life Memory Leads her Parents to the Anne Frank House

Barbro received her first validation of being Anne Frank when she was ten years old, when she was able to find her way directly to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam without directions.

The graphic to the right, which can be enlarged, shows how circular the streets of Amsterdam are. It is easy to get lost wandering the streets of this city, yet Barbro’s past life memories of the streets of Amsterdam were clear. I will now describe the scene, utilizing excerpts from And the Wolves Howled.

When she was ten, Barbro’s parents took her on a tour of the major cities in Europe, including Amsterdam, the city where the Frank family lived. During World War II, Otto Frank and his family had to go into hiding in the attic of the building where Otto had his business, for the Nazi’s had invaded the Netherlands and were persecuting Jews. The Frank family hid in this attic for about two years, until they were discovered by the Nazis, arrested and sent to concentration camps.

The only survivor was the father, Otto Frank, who subsequently was given Anne’s diary, which he later had published. After the war, the hiding place was made into a museum, which is called The Anne Frank House.

Anne Frank House

By the time Barbro was ten, the Diary of Anne Frank had been published and distributed in Sweden and her parents had become aware of who the historical Anne Frank was. While in Amsterdam, her father wanted to visit the Anne Frank House. At their hotel, he took the phone off the hook and asked for a taxi to take them there.

Barbro suddenly exclaimed: “We don’t need a taxi, it’s not far to walk from here.” Barbro was so certain that it didn’t occur to her parents to object, they just meekly followed her as she walked off.

“We’ll soon be there, it’s just round the next corner,” Barbro told her parents. She herself wasn’t at all surprised when they arrived at the Anne Frank House after a ten minute walk through the twisting streets of the city. An image of the Anne Frank House is provided to the right. Upon their arrival, her parents stood there speechless and just looked at one another.

Past Life Memories: Barbro Knows Where Anne Frank’s Pictures should have been Found

“That’s strange,” Barbro said, when they stood in front of the steps up to the house. “It didn’t look like this before.” She looked wonderingly and her parents didn’t know what to say. They entered the house and went up the long narrow staircase. Barbro, who had been so carefree when showing them the way, suddenly went white in the face. She broke out in a cold sweat and reached for her mother’s hand. Her mother was horrified when she felt Barbro’s hand, which was as cold as ice.

When they entered the hiding place, the same terrors overcame Barbro that she had experienced so many times in her dreams. She found it hard to breathe and panic spread through her body. When they went into one of the smaller rooms, she suddenly stood still and brightened up a little.

Barbro looked at the wall in front of her and exclaimed, “Look, the pictures of the film stars are still there!” The pictures of the movie stars that Anne had clipped and affixed to the wall, which Barbro saw at that moment, made her feel happy, almost as if she had come home.

Pictures Affixed by Anne Frank

Her mother stared at the blank wall and couldn’t understand this at all. “What pictures? The wall is bare?” Barbro looked again and she saw that this was true. The wall was bare! Her mother was so confounded that she felt driven to ask one of the guides whether there had been pictures on the wall at one time.

“Oh yes,” the guide replied, “they had only been taken down temporarily to be mounted under glass so that they wouldn’t be destroyed or stolen.” Barbro’s mother didn’t know what to say.

“How in the world could you find your way here first of all, then insist that the steps outside were different and then see the pictures on the wall when they weren’t there?”

Barbro’s mother was full of questions, but Barbro was quite incapable of saying even a single word. She just wanted to get out of there; she couldn’t stand it a moment longer.

Her legs felt like jelly as she went down the stairs. She had never before in her life felt so wretched. The tears ran unrestrained down her face, and her legs would not carry her. When she reached the bottom step her legs folded under her and she fell.

Barbro’s Parents Accept that She had a Past Life as Anne Frank

Barbro relates that these incidents in Amsterdam finally made her parents believe that she is the reincarnation of Anne Frank. After all, how else could she know how to get to the Anne Frank House on the family’s first trip to Amsterdam, and without directions? How could she know that the stairs had been modified? How did she know that pictures of movie stars, which Anne Frank had clipped from magazines, should be found on a specific wall inside the house, when these pictures had been removed so that they could be mounted behind glass?

reincarnation-research-anne-frank-diary2In time, Barbro’s mother responded by becoming very spiritual and a believer in reincarnation. Barbro’s father, on the other hand, seemed annoyed. Barbro relates that her father responded by saying: “I can’t deny that you have somehow been here before. Perhaps you have lived before and have reincarnated, but you are the only one!”

Barbro understood that by being faced with the reality of reincarnation, her father’s Christian world view, where “everything was set right,” was threatened. Barbro was much happier, though, as from this point on as she could talk to her mother about her past lifetime as Anne Frank. She had her mother’s support.

Past Life Talent: Barbro Karlen is a Childhood Writing Prodigy, like Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a childhood writing prodigy. She is not the most famous victim of the Holocaust because she had the worst death. Rather, she become the most famous victim because as a teenager she wrote a book, a diary, that was readable and addressed universal themes, such as the nature of man and man’s tendency to be good or evil. Children around the world have been instructed to read The Diary of Anne Frank to learn about prejudice, which has made Anne’s diary the second most read book in the world, next to the Bible.

Like Anne Frank, Barbro Karlen was a childhood writing prodigy. Barbro relates that learning to write was a great gift. As a child, she could not speak to anyone about her past life memories, but once she learned to write, she could have discourses on her writing tablet.

One day, when she was eleven or so, a family friend read a few of her compositions and realized that this was worthy prose. Barbro was asked if her casual writings could be sent to a publisher, which she agreed to.

Anne Frank Reincarnation-Child Prodigy
Published when Barbro was 12 years of age

At the age of twelve, her first book of prose was published. This book, Man on Earth, became the best-selling prose/poetry book in Swedish history. Barbro became a child celebrity, debating theology with ministers and theologians on television programs. In her teenage years, she had a total of nine books published. These books, written in her youth, have been translated into multiple languages, much like the Diary of Anne Frank.

Barbro’s Past Life Memories Recede, then Reemerge when She encounters Reincarnated Nazi Guards

After her adolescence passed, Barbro’s past life memories began to fade, which was a relief to Barbro, as now she could finally lead a normal life. As she pursued her career with the Swedish Police Service, Barbro thought that she never would be public regarding her memories of being Anne Frank. As Barbro wistfully states in her video interview, though, “never say never.”

It was not until she was in her forties that past life memories began to emerge again. Barbro began having negative interactions with another mounted police officer, who seemed to be persecuting her. It was these interactions that triggered the rekindling of her memories of being Anne Frank and in particular, she recalled scenes from a concentration camp. Barbro realized that this police officer was a reincarnated Nazi guard from the Bergen-Belsen concentration.

Though these past life memories were painful, they gave Barbro the will to write her book, And the Wolves Howled. Barbro relates that she wanted to show that though these guards, these wolves, participated in her persecution in the Anne Frank lifetime, she would not allow them to hurt her again in contemporary times. She wanted to share with others that the soul perseveres and in this way, to provide comfort to others.

Barbro Meets her Past Life Cousin, Buddy Elias, President of the Anne Frank Foundation

As she prepared her book, And the Wolves Howled, for publication, Buddy Elias, President of the Anne Frank Foundation and at the time, the last living relative of Anne Frank, heard about Barbro’s claim to be the reincarnation of his cousin, Anne Frank. Through her publisher, Buddy invited Barbro to his home for dinner, though he asked Barbro’s publisher not to reveal who he was in relation to Anne Frank or the Anne Frank Foundation. Buddy advised the publisher to tell Barbro that their dinner host was a fan of the books she wrote as a child and adolescent. Though he did not believe in reincarnation, Buddy wanted to meet this person who claimed to be the reincarnation of Anne. Buddy and Anne Frank, as cousins, played together in their youth.

Barbro describes her first face to face meeting with Buddy, which occurred in 1995, in the Barbro Karlen: Reincarnation of Anne Frank video, which is provided at the bottom of this web page.

Barbro relates that when they first saw each other, she and Buddy fell into each others arms and cried together. Barbro says she had instant recognition that Buddy was someone she knew and loved from the Frank lifetime. They spoke for two hours at the time of this first meeting and they continued to be very good friends for 20 years, until Buddy’s death in 2015. Barbro would stay at Buddy’s home in Switzerland when she visited Europe and Buddy had stayed in Barbro’s home when he visited her in the United States.

Buddy Elias Speaks at Barbro Karlen’s And the Wolves Howled Book Event

An article from the leading German magazine, Zeitspiegel, was published regarding this event on May 19, 1998:

“Buddy Elias, actor in Basel, is the cousin of Anne Frank and the President of the Anne Frank Foundation. Buddy Elias met with Anne Frank the last time just before the war broke out. She mentions him as “Bernd” in her Diary many times.

Anne’s father, Otto Frank, returned to Amsterdam after his liberation from Aushwitz. He then lived with his nephew, Buddy Elias, in Basel until his death.

Two years ago, Buddy Elias and Barbro Karlen met for the first time. At the presentation of the autobiography by Barbro Karlen, Buddy Elias read parts of it for the audience.

Bruckenbauer: “Buddy Elias, what memories do you have of your cousin, Anne Frank?”

Buddy Elias: “She was a very pleasant person, a lively child with her head full of ideas how to live. We loved each other very much, when the war began, we corresponded with each other.”

“Do you believe in reincarnation?”

Buddy Elias: “Yes, I do.”

“So how is it for you when a woman claims she is the reincarnation of your cousin? Barbro Karlen is not the only one!”

“I have been very skeptical, but Barbro is different from everybody else.”

“How was the first meeting with Barbro?”

“It was very emotional. First time I saw her, I had heard about her. I had a very strange feeling, a very positive impression. It felt like we had a soul connection. Barbro seemed absolutely trustworthy to me. I could very well imagine she was Anne. More than that I can not say. I have Anne too close in my memory to say anything more.”

“Do you see any similarities between Anne and Barbro?”

“The black hair is  obvious!”

“Will you stay in touch with Barbro?”

“Of course, I have developed a very deep friendship with her.”

To view a video of Buddy Elias talking about his relationshp with Anne Frank, please go to:

Buddy Elias, Anne Frank’s Cousin, Describes Anne

Barbro Moves to California, where Walter Semkiw, MD observes that Anne Frank and Barbro Karlen have the Same Facial Features

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CaseBarbro and a female friend of hers took a vacation to experience California’s coastal Highway 1. While on that trip, based on an intuition, Barbro decided to open a Swedish import shop in Carmel, even though she had no prior experience in business or retail sales. Barbro moved from Sweden to Northern California, where I met her. When I first received the phone call in 2000, in which I was told about a woman who claimed to be the reincarnation of Anne Frank, I was very skeptical. When I met her and listened to her story, I came to believe that she is genuine and that I had truly met the reincarnation of Anne Frank.

In her book, Barbro never mentions that she has the same appearance as Anne Frank, as her memories are what are most meaningful to her, not appearance. Upon meeting her, I realized that Barbro has the same facial features as Anne.

In the image comparison featured on this website, Barbro as a seven year old girl is featured on the left side, Anne Frank as a teenager is in the center and Barbro as an adult is on the right side. It appears that we are looking at images of one person in three stages of life. In actuality, we are looking at one soul in two different lifetimes.

Anne Frank & Barbro Karlen: Reincarnation & Similarities in Personality

In addition to facial features, there are many character similarities between Barbro and Anne. These include:

A. Spirituality and a Love of Nature

Lawrence L. Langer, in his essay included in the book, Anne Frank, Reflections on Her Life and Legacy, writes the following regarding Anne.

“Spiritual insight rarely falls from the lips of a thirteen or fourteen year old girl. Indeed, as many of the new entries in the diary will show, Anne Frank was essentially a physical being, a lover of nature, intrigued with her own sexuality.”

These traits are reflected in Barbro Karlen, who at sixteen years of age used her book earnings to purchase a cottage in the woods. She soon populated her property with her horse, two dogs, two cats, a sheep and a flock of hens and chicks. Barbro especially loved her horse and horseback riding, which eventually led her to pursue a  career as a mounted policewoman.

Her sexuality is evidenced by an early marriage and her pregnancy at the age of 18. Indeed, many of Anne’s desires seem to have come to fruition early in the life of Barbro Karlen.

B. Natural literary skills

IISISReincarnationResearchBlossomKingdomAnne Frank had natural gifts as a writer. Similarly, Barbro Karlen was a childhood literary prodigy. Her first book, Man on Earth, which was published when she was 12 years of age and became the all time best-selling poetry book in Sweden. Between ages 12 to 17, nine books written by Barbro, including When the Storm Comes and a Moment in the Blossom Kingdom, were published.

It is interesting to note that Anne Frank always hoped to be a published writer. On May 11, 1944, Anne wrote that her “greatest wish” was to become a journalist, “and later on, a famous writer.” Once again, it appears that Anne’s desires were fulfilled early in the life of Barbro Karlen.

C. Similar Writing Themes

Similar themes are found in the writings of Frank and Karlen. Though one may argue that these similarities are intentional, Barbro Karlen maintains that she has not studied Anne Frank’s works.

Anne Frank, due to the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis, reflected extensively on issues of good and evil. Anne also had a tendency to personify human qualities, as seen in the quotation cited below regarding “Lies.” Anne’s legacy is based on her ability to maintain hope in the face of dismal circumstances. Anne Frank’s most famous quote affirms the basic goodness of man.

Barbro Karlen also writes of good and evil in her book, And the Wolves Howled, in part due to her memories of the Frank lifetime and in part due to persecution experienced in this lifetime while working for the Swedish Police Service. Barbro also has a tendency to personify human qualities, like Anne. Let us compare passages written by Frank and Karlen regarding evil:

Anne Frank-On Evil

“There’s in people simply an urge to destroy, an urge to kill, to murder and rage.”

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life Case“I get frightened myself when I think of close friends who are now at the mercy of the cruelest monsters ever to stalk the earth. And all because we are Jews.”

“Yesterday evening, before I fell asleep, who should suddenly appear before my eyes but Lies! I saw her in front of me, clothed in rags…Her eyes were very big and she looked so sadly and reproachfully at me that I could read in her eyes: Oh Anne, why have you deserted me? Help, oh help me, rescue me from this hell!”

Barbro Karlen-On Evil

“If only she could write about how important, even vital it is never to give up in the face of evil, regardless of how dark and wretched everything may seem. Evil was present on the earth and would probably always be there. It would always try to conquer Good.”

Anne Frank-On Good

“In spite of everything, I still really believe that people are really good at heart.”

Barbro Karlen-On Good

“But the more people there were who believed in Good, and in the Good Force within themselves, the greater the possibility of keeping evil under control. If only they could believe in Good, and in the presence of the inner Force, many unhappy people would be able to fight their way up from the darkness.”

“Most people on earth were not yet aware that they could find the Good Force within themselves and that it could help them if they only sought it out.”

Annette Lantos meets Barbro Karlen & Invites Barbro & Me to Washington, DC

Tom Lantos Lantos Foundation for Justice

Annette Lantos is the wife of the late Tom Lantos, who served in the United States Congress for 27 years. Tom, whose picture is featured to the right, was the only Holocaust survivor to be elected to the US Congress. When President George W. Bush traveled to Germany for a Holocaust memorial, he took Tom with him. U2 singer Bono was a close friend, as he admired Tom’s dedication to bringing justice to the darkest corners of the world.

It was Annette and Tom who nominated the 14th Dalai Lama for a Nobel Prize, which he won.

When Annette heard about Barbro’s case, she wanted to meet Barbro, as Annette is also is a Holocaust survivor. Annette, Barbro and I spent almost 3 hours in Tom’s Congressional office in San Mateo, California. Tom and Annette were very much in love and while we were in a conference room, Tom repeatedly poked his head into the room to ask his beloved wife whether she was finished. Annette, fascinated with Barbro’s story, kept sending Tom away.

Anne Frank Reincarnation: Charity Sunshine & Condolezza Rice
Barbro and Walter Meet Condolezza Rice & Charity Sunshine

By the end of our meeting, Annette was intrigued enough by the proposal that Barbro is the reincarnation of Anne Frank that she asked us to attend a “by invitation only” benefit concert at the Kennedy Center, in Washington DC. At this event, Tom and Annette’s granddaughter, Charity Sunshine Tillemann-Dick, would sing and Condoleezza Rice would accompany Charity on the piano. We did attend, sat in the front row and later met Dr. Rice at a reception.

Lantos Foundation for Human Rights & Justice and the Tom Lantos Tunnels

Annette now serves as the Chairman of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice. In honor of Tom, recently constructed tunnels along Highway 1 between San Francisco and Half Moon Bay have been named the Tom Lantos Tunnels. Every time I traverse these tunnels, I fondly reflect on Tom, Annette and Charity, and our experiences in Washington, DC.

Children’s Past Life Author Carol Bowman supports the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Reincarnation Case

A person who supports Barbro’s case is Carol Bowman, who is a pioneer in studying children who spontaneously recall past lives. In 2006, Carol and Barbro attended a reincarnation conference in Colorado Springs. In addition to Carol learning about Barbro’s case, Carol and Barbro had the opportunity to spend an afternoon together horseback riding. Carol has stated that she judges Barbro’s reincarnation case to be a strong one.

Carol shared an amusing anecdote regarding the time they spent together. To go horseback riding, Carol and Barbro had to take a taxi from the hotel to the stables. Carol was raised Jewish and both women were taken aback when their taxi driver turned out to be a bearded Hasidic Jew wearing the traditional black hat and clothing. Carol reflected, “What are the odds of getting a taxi driver who is a Hasidic Jew in Colorado Springs?”

Reincarnation Symbol
Passage Through Lifetimes

Carl Jung called meaningful coincidences like this “synchronistic events.” As discussed in the section Principles of Reincarnation, it is thought that one’s own soul or spirit beings can orchestrate such a meaningful occurrences to convey messages symbolically.

Anne Frank & Possible Reincarnation Prophecy: God Will Raise Us Up Again

I will cite one last quotation from Anne Frank’s diary, which refers to the perseverance of the Jewish faith and people. It also has a poetic ring of truth regarding reincarnation, perhaps not intended by Anne, yet beautiful all the same.

“Who has inflicted this upon us?
Who has made us Jews different from all other people?
Who has allowed us to suffer so terribly up till now?
It is God who had made us who we are,
but it will be God, too, who will raise us up again.”

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Past Life Physical Resemblance: Anne Frank and Barbro Karlen have the same facial features. It is of interest that Barbro never mentions this physical resemblance to Anne in her book And the Wolves Howled, though others had told her that she looks like Anne Frank. The physical resemblance between Anne and Barbro was first published in 2006 in my book: Born Again

Past Life Talent: Barbro Karlen was a childhood writing prodigy, as was Anne Frank.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Past Life CasePhobias from a Past Lifetime: Barbro had an irrational fear of men in police uniforms, which seems to stem from Anne’s experience with Nazi soldiers and concentration camp guards. Barbro also had an aversion to showers, did not want to eat beans and resisted having her hair cut, which also reflect incidents in Anne Frank’s life, as described above.

Geographic Memory: On her first visit to Amsterdam at the age of ten, Barbro was able to spontaneously lead her parents from their hotel to the Anne Frank House, without directions.

Change in Religion, Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation: Anne Frank was born in Germany, where she was persecuted as a Jew during the Holocaust. Barbro was born into a Christian family in Sweden.

If the Nazi’s during World War II knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, the Holocaust could never have happened. Similarly, when Muslim Palestinians realize that then can be reborn as Israeli Jews, when Sunni’s know they can reincarnate as Shiites, Christians understand they can be reborn into an Islamic culture and vice versa, then conflict based on these cultural differences of identity will be mitigated.

Barbro Karlen’s case dramatically demonstrates how reincarnation research and evidence of reincarnation can transform the world in a positive way.

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Video Full Length-35 Minutes

Evidence of Reincarnation Video-9 Minutes

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A Boy Reincarnates as a Girl, Retains Masculine Traits and Finds Her Past Life Home: The Story of Nishith De | Dolon Mitra

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researchers: Ian Stevenson, MD and Professor P. Pal

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume 1, India,by Ian Stevenson, MD, pages 281-311

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Click on Images to Enlarge Them

The Life and Death of Nishith De

Nishith De, a boy, was born in 1940 in the city of Burdwan, which is located in the Indian state of West Bengal. The capital of West Bengal is Kolkata, identified in the map provided to the right.

The city of Nishith’s birth, Burdwan, is now known as Barddhaman. In the map provided to the right, Barddhamar is marked by the symbol A and Kolkata is south of that point. The town of Narendrapur, which is part of this story, is south of Kolkata.

Nishith’s father, Anath De, was very rich. His mother’s name was Baudi. He  he had a younger brother, named Sisil, and a younger sister.

Due to their wealth, the family chose not to associate with those below their social class. The family socialized primarily with their closest relatives.

Nishith attended local schools and colleges. He played soccer and cricket. Nishith did not have the elitist personality of his father and made friends with people of all classes of society, the poor and the privileged.

Nishith Develops Head Pain, Paralysis and Dies in Kolkata

In the beginning of 1964, at the age of 24, while attending Raj College in Burdwan, Nishith developed pain at the back of his head, along with nausea, vomiting and fever. Local physicians were unable to diagnose his illness.

Nishith became worse after 6 months and his father arranged for him to be admitted to the Calcutta Tropical School of Medicine. Calcutta is now known as Kolkata, which is 105 kilometers or 63 miles from Burdwan.

In the hospital Nishith developed paralysis and the inability to speak. He later fell into a coma, then died on July 25, 1964 at 24 years of age. An autopsy was not done and Nishith’s body was cremated. His physicians, though, thought Nishith had died of an abscess or a localized infection of the brain.

Nishith Reincarnates as a Girl in Kolkata, the Place Where He Had Died

Dolon Mitra, a girl, was born in Kolkata on August 8, 1967, about 3 years after Nishith had died. Her father was Audaryamoy Mitra and her mother was named Kanika. She had a brother who was 4 years older than her.

After Dolon was born, the family moved 10 kilometers or about 6 miles south of Kolkata to the town of Narendrapur, which is identifed on the map provided above. Dolon started to speak between 1 and 2 years of age.

Though a Girl, Dolan Likes to Wear Boys’ Clothing and States She was a Boy Before and Had Pain in the Head

Dolan had a penchant to wear the clothes of her older brother, which were much too big for her. When she was about 3 and a half years old, her mother scolded her for this behavior. Dolan then rebuked her mother, saying:

“I was a little bigger boy in a house like the palace.”

Her mother asked what she meant by that. Dolan responded:

“Yes, Mother, I am speaking the truth. I had a younger brother and sister. I had a fat aunt and my mother was named Baudi. Take me near the Maharajah’s palace and I shall lead you to the house.”

A Maharajah in India refers to a king or ruler. The Maharaja’s palace in Burdwan is featured in the photo to the right.

For no apparent reason, Dolan then bent her neck backwards and gazed at the ceiling of the room. Her mother asked why she was making this posture. Dolan replied that when she had been in the hospital in her past life, she had pain in the back of her head and held her head in the same position.

Additional Statements Made by Dolan Regarding Her Past Life

The rebuke her mother made about wearing boy’s clothes caused Dolan to make numerous additional statements regarding her past lifetime.

Dolan said lived she had lived a house in Burdwan.  She said her father was stout and of fair complexion, though Dolan’s own father was slim and had dark skin. She said that in her past lifetime, her grandfather lived with them and repeated that she had a fat aunt. The statements made by Dolan were true for the life of Nishith.

Dolan said that her past life mother wore better dresses and put on much jewelry, which was true for the mother of Nishith. In contrast, Dolan’s mother dressed plainly without ornaments.

Dolan said her past life house was near the Maharaja’s palace. This was true for Nishith, as his family’s home was less than 300 meters or yards from the Maharaja’s residence in Burdwan.

Dolan said that her previous home was like a palace, very large and elegant, with floors made of marble or mosaics. It also had a separate shrine room, which was across the street from a teahouse. These statements were true for the home of Nishith.

She said that there were deer and peacocks at the house. It turned out that the De family had peacocks, but they did not have deer. At the park of the Maharaja’s property in Burdwan, though, there were deer and peacocks. Ian Stevenson speculated that Dolan may have confused memories of her past life home and that of the Maharaja. Dolan’s family, in contrast, had neither peacocks or deer.

Dolan said that her past life house had 2 stories and that her room had been on the first floor, just above the street or lane, near where stairs led to the house. She said that in the house there were shiny brass buckets, as well as many books, and that her father bought her many clothes. She also said that her father had “heaps of money.” These statements were true for the life of Nishith.

Dolan said she had studied at the Raj College, pictured to the right, and that she played soccer and cricket there. Dolan said she had been injured playing soccer and afterwards had pain in her leg. These statements were true for Nishith, including a knee injury incurred by Nishith while playing soccer, which led to chronic knee pain.

Dolan said she had a blue striped shirt that was her favorite piece of clothing and that: “There is a almirah in my room, where is a blue striped shirt and pants in it. Give these to me!” An almirah means a cabinet with drawers or shelves. Later it was verified that Nishith had a favorite blue striped shirt.

Dolan described an incident in which a car was going to a wedding, struck another car and broke down. An auto accident did occur in 1960, 4 years before Nishith had died. Anath De, Nishith’s father, was driving the car with family members to a wedding reception. The car struck a tree, not another auto, which resulted in fatalities. One of those killed was Anath’s brother, the paternal uncle of Nishith. Nishith, who was not in the car, later visited survivors of the accident in the hospital and cried due the loss of his uncle.

Dolan related that in her past lifetime, she had pain at the back of her neck and head, which resulted in her being taken to a hospital. She said that she had been there for a long time. Dolan said she had fallen from a bed in the hospital and had later died there.

Nishith indeed had been hospitalized in Kolkata for head and neck pain, had fallen from his bed and was unable to get up from the floor. He then went into a coma for 15 days before he died.

In sum, hospital records from the Calcutta Tropical School of Medicine showed that Nishith was admitted on July 4, 1964 and then died there on July 25, 1964.

Nishith, from the Spirit World, Watches His Body Taken from the Hospital to a Cremation Site: Dolan’s Past Life Memory

Dolan said that she had then been carried from the hospital by friends and relatives for cremation. Indeed, relatives had carried Nishith’s body out of the hospital to a truck, which transported his body to a cremation site. Note that this statement made by Dolan indicates that the soul of Nishith | Dolan was able to observe from the spirit world events after Nishith had died.

Dolan Insists that She Be Taken to Burdwan

Dolan repeatedly asked to be taken to Burdwan. Dolan also proclaimed that she could find her past life home if she was brought to the Maharaja’s palace in Burdwan.

To satisfy her incessant requests, Dolan’s parents took her to Burdwan in October 1971, when she was about 4 years old. Narendrapur, the town where the family lived, is 72 miles from Burdwan. On this excursion, though, Dolan could not find her past life home, which made her very unhappy.

After returning home, Dolan continued to insist that her parents take her to Burdwan. Her parents eventually complied and took her there again on March 30, 1972, about 4 or 5 months after their initial visit.

Dolan’s Mother Enlists Help from Pritima to Find Her Past Life Family

To prepare for this second trip, Dolan’s parents contacted family acquaintances who lived in Burdwan. These relatives were Nilachal Samanta and his wife, Pritima. Dolan’s parents asked the Samantas if they knew of a boy who had lived in a house like a palace who had died.

The couple had not heard of such a boy, but they made inquiries in the community and learned that the past life personality described by Dolan may have been a son of a family named De, who were wealthy and prominent citizens of the city.

With this information, Dolan and her mother Kanika traveled from Narendrapur to the Burdwan, identified as Barddahman on the map featured on the right, for their second visit at the end of March 1972. Dolan’s father did not go on this trip as he didn’t believe that his daughter would find her reported past life home. He thought the journey would be a waste of time.

Dolan and her mother met Pratima in Burdwan and then went to the home of Prithwis De, assuming this person was of the family that Dolan had been referring to. Fortunately, after hearing their story. Prithwis and his wife, Mira, were receptive to the possibility that Dolan was referring to a deceased relative of theirs, Nishith De.

Dolan Spontanously Finds Her Past Life Home

The group decided to see if Dolan could find her reported past life home. Mira led Dolan and her mother to a temple not far from the Maharaja’s palace in Burdwan. They then released her to go ahead to see if she could find the past life home that she had described.

This time, Dolan succeeded in her quest by taking a winding series of streets that eventually led to a narrow lane. She followed this lane until she came to a small public shrine and teahouse on the other side of the path, which she seemed to recognize. She then pointed to a nearby house on the lane and communicated that this was her past life home. It turned out to be the house of Anath De, the father of Nishith De.

The party knocked on the door of this dwelling and Dolan, her mother, Kanika and Mitra were let in. Anath De, the man of the home, was not there at the time, but his son was, as well numerous women of the household.

Dolan Identifies Her Past Life Mother and Past Life Photo

One of these women was Nishith’s mother, Baudi, who was sitting in the living room of the house with about a dozen women of similar age Dolan’s mother asked her to point out her mother from the previous life. Dolan gazed at Baudi for some time and then said, pointing at her: “This is my mother.”

During this visit, Dolan recognized Nishith’s bedroom. She said: “This is my room.” She also found a photograph of Nishath and said: “Here am I.”

Dolan Finds Her Favorite Past Life Shirt, Keys and a Photo of Her Past Life Father

Dolan recognized the wooden cabinet that contained her past life clothing. There was also a steel cabinet in the room which Dolan correctly rejected as hers. She stated that her clothes were contained in the upper shelf of the wooden almirah, which she pointed to. She then asked for the almirah to be opened and her favorite past life blue striped shirt was found on the upper shelf

Dolan also found a photograph in the wooden cabinet featuring a group of several stout, middle aged men eating a meal. Dolan was asked to point out her father. Dolan correctly identified Anath De as her past life parent.

There were a bunch of keys in the almirah and when Dolan saw them, she said: “These are the keys of the drawers of my reading room.” She then pointed to another room and said “This is my study. Who reads here now?” The room was indeed Nishith’s study and the keys she had recognized in the other room did indeed open drawers located in the study.

Dolan Identifies Her Past Life Grandmother, Aunt and Brother

Later, when Dolan was standing outside near the property’s teahouse, a swarm of people surrendered her, as neighbors heard of the visit by this possible reincarnation of Nishith. One of these people was the paternal grandmother of Nishith. This person asked of Dolan: “Who am I?

Dolan correctly replied that this woman is my grandmother from the house I had lived in.

In addition, Nishith’s aunt Laxmi asked Dolan who she was. Dolan responded, the “aunt of the other house.” Indeed Laxmi, Nishith’s aunt, lived across the street from the larger De home.

Dolan was also confronted by Nishith’s younger brother, Sisil De. Sisil just stood before her, saying nothing. Dolan then spontaneously said: “He was my younger, not older brother,” which was correct, as Sisil was Nishith’s younger brother.

After all these recognitions and identifications, the family of De household understood Dolan was describing a past lifetime as Nishith De.

Dolan’s Reincarnation Case Draws the Attention of Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia

Ian Stevenson, MD

Dolan and his mother returned to Narendrapur and reported their experiences to Dolan’s father, who subsequently contacted he a Kolkata newspaper, which published an article on this reincarnation case on May 7, 1972.

In July 1972, Professor P. Pal, a colleague of Ian Stevenson, began investigating the case. Dr. Pal brought this reincarnation case to the attention of Stevenson, who traveled to India to interview  Dolan’s parents in October and November 1972. In March 1973, Stevenson returned for further interviews of witnesses of this case, verifying the testimony provided above.

Stevenson also documented that Dolan’s family had never been to Burdwan before their first visit Dolan in October 1971 and that Dolan’s family had never known or heard about the De family before their second visit to Burdwan in March 1972.

Dolan’s Past Life Masculine Traits

As noted, though a girl, Dolan liked to dress herself and her older brother’s shirt and pants, despite these clothes being much too big for her. She also preferred to play boy’s games, rather than engage in activities typical for girls.

Of interest, Nishith’s mother, Baudi, upon meeting Dolan and witnessing her past life identifications, was upset that her son had been reborn as a girl. She was also anxious that Dolan and her kin may claim the wealth of the De family.

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Change of Gender with Retention of Masculine Traits: Nishith was a male but reincarnated as a female. Though Dolan was a girl, she liked to dress as a boy and preferred male activities.

Geographic Memory: On her second visit to Burdwan, without directions, Dolan led her party though winding streets and lanes to her past life home. Ian Stevenson retraced this path during one of his visits and vouched that it would be extremely difficult to find the De house without prior knowledge of the area.

This phenomenon, of spontaneously finding a past life residence, was also observed in the:

Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Dolan was reunited with her past life family.

Same Family Reincarnation Cases of Sisters Who were Reborn as Twins: The Past Life Cases of Joanna Pollock | Gillian Pollock and Jacqueline Pollack | Jennifer Pollack

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Reincarnation and Biology, by Ian Stevenson, MD, pages 2041-2058

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Lives of Joanna and Jacqueline Pollock

John and Florence Pollock owned and managed a small grocery business and a milk delivery service in England. John Pollock was born in 1920 in Bristol, England and his family attended the Church of England. In adulthood, he, along with Florence, joined the Roman Catholic Church. They had two daughters who were tragically killed in childhood.

Their first daughter, Joanna, was born on March 25, 1946, while the family was still living in the city of Bristol. The family then moved to the town of Whickham where they had a large detached house that had gardens and orchards. When Joanna was 4 years old, the family moved to the village of Hexham, where their second daughter Jacqueline was born on April 13, 1951.

As both parents worked, the girls were raised by Florence’s mother, who lived with the family. While delivering milk, Florence would wear a particular smock to protect her cloths from getting wet.

Joanna and Jacqueline were very close to one another and always did things together. Joanne, who was 5 years older than Jacqueline, tended to “mother” her younger sister, who accepted Joanne’s guidance and leadership.

Jacqueline Incurs a Scar on Her Right Forehead

When Jacqueline was 3 years old, she fell and hit her forehead on the rim of a bucket, which resulted in a laceration that required 3 stitches. A scar resulted which was located on her right forehead near the root of her nose. This scar would become more pronounced in cold weather.

Joanna loved to write and produce little plays for which she would wear costumes to enact her dramas. Both Joanna and Jacqueline enjoyed combing the hair of others, especially the hair of their father. The girls also loved to play on the swings located in a park in Hexam.

The Sisters are Killed on a Sidewalk by a Deranged Driver

On the morning of the May 5, 1957, the girls were walking from their home to their church in Hexam in order to attend Sunday School. Suddenly, a woman deliberately drove her car onto the sidewalk that the girls were walking on. There was a wall along the sidewalk which prevented a means to escape away from the street. The car struck the sisters and killed them instantly. Joanna was 11 and Jacqueline was 6 years old when they died.

It was later learned that in a custody dispute with her husband, the driver who killed the girls had her own children forcibly taken from her. Apparently, this woman felt that if she could not possess her children, no one else should have any children. She was later confined to a psychiatric hospital.

After the deaths of her daughters, Florence quit delivering milk and her smock was stored away. Similarly, the girls’ toys and dolls were placed in a box for storage.

Sisters Reincarnate as Identical Twin Girls

Florence became pregnant again in the beginning of 1958. With the pregnancy, despite his Christian background, John was certain that Florence would have twins and that their deceased daughters would be reborn to them. Florence’s doctor insisted that she would have one child, not twins. Florence did not believe in reincarnation and dismissed her husband’s belief that Joanne and Jacqueline would reincarnate within their family.

Nonetheless, on October 4, 1958, a year and a half after their daughters were killed, Florence did indeed have identical twin girls, who were named Gilliam and Jennifer. They were born in Hexam. Both girls had a flat, dark mole on the left flank, just above the hip, which could be explained by their identical genetic makeup.

Past Life Birthmark: Jennifer has a Birthmark at the Same Site as Jacqueline’s Forehead Scar

Jennifer also had a birthmark on her right forehead at the root of her nose, the same spot where Jacqueline incurred a scar when her head struck the bucket. Gilliam did not have a scar on her head. As such, the birthmark on Jennifer’s forehead could not be explained by genetics. Like with Jacqueline, Jennifer’s scar became more visible in cold weather. Due to this birthmark on her head, it was speculated that Jennifer may be the reincarnation of Jacqueline.

When the twins were 9 months old, the family moved from Hexam to a town called Whitley Bay. This is where the twins grew up.

Gilliam Recognizes Jacqueline’s Past Life Birthmark

The girls started to speak coherently when they were three years old.  At about this age, Gillian spontaneously pointed to the birthmark on Jennifer’s forehead and said:

“That is the mark Jennifer got when she fell on the bucket.” In her contemporary life, Jennifer had not had any injury that would explain the scar.  Jacqueline, on the other hand, had fallen on a bucket and incurred a head wound that required stitches and resulted in a scar in the same anatomical place.

Gilliam and Jennifer Identify and Claim their Past Life Dolls

When the twins were 3 or 4 years old, John and Florence took out the box of toys that had belonged to their deceased daughters. The toys were taken out and were lying around. Spontaneously, Gillian claimed a doll that had belonged to Joanna and Jennifer claimed a doll that belonged to Jacqueline. The dolls were markedly different.

Further, the twins said that Santa Clause had given the dolls to them and indeed, the dolls had been given to Joanna and Jacqueline as Christmas presents.

This furthered the speculation that Gilliam was the reincarnation of the older deceased sister, Joanna, and that Jennifer was the reincarnation of the younger sister, Jennifer.

Gilliam Recognizes her Past Life Toy Laundry Wringer

Another item that was removed from the box was a toy, miniature laundry wringer. Before the advent of electrically driven clothes dryers, wringers were used to squeeze water from washed clothes. The toy wringer had belonged to the older sister, Joanna.

When Gillian saw the toy she immediately burst forward and claimed it as hers. She said: “Look! There is my toy wringer.” She added that this toy wringer was also was a Christmas present, which was true for the life of Joanna.

Past Life Memories: The Twins Remember the Swings at a Park In Hexam and their Fatal Past Life Accident

John Pollack stated that when the twins were 4 years old, they spoke about the swings in the park at Hexam. Recall that the family moved from Hexam to Whitely Bay when they were only 9 months old, so they would have no memory of swings at Hexam by normal means.

Florence said that she had heard Gillian and Jennifer more than once talking to each other about the fatal accident of Joanna and Jacqueline. Florence noted that when they spoke about the fatal accident, it seemed it they were speaking in present time. John noted that when they spoke about the fatal accident, it seemed as they were reliving it.

John reported another incident in which Gillian and Jennifer were in an enclosed or dead-end alley near their house, that had an automobile parked in it. When the driver of the car got in and started the engine to back out of the alley, Gillian and Jennifer immediately clung tightly to each other and cringed at one side of the alley. John observed that they seem terrified. The conjecture was that the incident reminded Joanna | Gilliam and Jacqueline | Jennifer of their fatal accident, in which they had no means of escape.

Past Life Behaviors

The twins seemed to mirror the behavior of the deceased sisters. For example, Gillian and Jennifer were extremely close, like Joanna and Jacqueline, and if one of them was given a disciplinary spank, the other one would cry.

The twins tended to look toward their maternal grandmother for guidance and care, just as Joanna and Jacqueline had done, which was inappropriate at the time since Florence was no longer working and had more time to spend with her young girls than she did with her deceased ones.

The twins enjoyed combing the hair of other people, especially their father’s, much like Joanna and Jacqueline. Gillian tended to mother Jennifer and Jennifer accepted Gillian’s leadership, much as was the relationship between Joanna and Jacqueline

Florence noted that her deceased daughters, Joanna and Jaqueline, were careless about crossing streets. In contrast, Gillian and Jennifer were very cautious in these situations. They would stop and hold their mother’s hands while crossing the road.  Florence thought the twins had a much stronger fear of approaching vehicles than other children of their age.

Gillian also showed an early interest in acting and like to utilize costumes, much like Joanna.

Geographic Memory: The Twins know the Location of a Past Life Park and Swings

When the twins were 4 years old, the family took a trip from Whitely Bay to their former town of Hexam. As they were walking along the road which led to the park, even before the park was in sight, Gillian and Jennifer said that they wanted to go across the road to go  to the park and play on the swings. John and Florence were surprised at this statement of the twins, as they could not have known about the park with swings as they had never been there before. The twins were 9 months old when the family moved from Hexan, so they had no opportunity to play in the park. It seemed that the twins were recalling events from the lives of the deceased girls.

Past Life Memories: Jennifer Recognizes the Smock Florence wore Prior to the Death of the Sisters

When the twins were 4 and a half years old, their father, John Pollock, was getting ready to do some painting of their house. John took out of storage the smock that Florence had used in their milk delivery business and put it on, to protect his clothes from being soiled with paint. Jennifer, the younger twin, seeing him with the smock on, said:  “Why are you wearing mom’s coat?”

When Gillian, the older twin, did not seem to recognize the smock, Jennifer became annoyed with her sister. Gillian’s unrecognition of the smock can be explained as in Gilliam’s past life as Joanna, she would have been in school when her mother came home from work and took off the smock. As such, Joanna would rarely see her mother’s smock.

In contrast, Jacqueline, as the younger daughter, was still at home and was being cared for by her maternal grandmother when Florence came home from work wearing her smock.

When John heard Jennifer saying that the smock belonged to her mother, he asked her how she knew this. Jennifer said that her mother had worn the smock when delivering milk, which was true.

Past Life Memories: The Twins Recall Having Lunch at School in Hexam

When the twins were six years old, they complained about the food that Florence had prepared for them for lunch. Florence then retorted that if they did not like the food at home, they could have lunch at their school.

The twins replied: “Well, we have done that before.” When Florence asked where they had lunch at school, the twins replied in Hexam. Florence challenged them by saying that they had never gone to school in Hexam, as the twins had grown up in Whitley Bay. Still, the twins insisted that they had lunch at the school at Hexam, which would have been accurate for the deceased sisters.

In Adulthood, Gilliam Describes her Past Life Home in Whickham

In 1981, when Gillian was 23 years old, she described to her father, John, of an inner vision she had in which she described playing in a sandpit in the garden of the large detached house. She gave a detailed description of the house and its gardens, lawns and orchards. This description accurately described a house that the family had occupied in Whickham. Recall that the family had left this house in Whickham when the deceased daughter Joanne was 4 years old.

Gillian believed she had lived in this house when she was a young child, but her father tried to explain to her that she had never lived in the Whickham house in her current lifetime. Though logically, Gilliam should have understood this as a past life memory from her lifetime as Joanne, it was difficult for her to comprehend this.

The Pollocks leave the Roman Catholic Church due to Parishioners’ Hostility Towards Reincarnation

When the twin’s past life cases were featured in local newspapers and magazines in the 1960s, John and Florence Pollack received nasty letters from the parishioners of their church, who rejected the concept of reincarnation. As a result, John and Florence left the Roman Catholic Church.

Though Florence, at the time of the birth of her twins herself rejected the premise that John forwarded that their babies were the reincarnations of their deceased daughters, based on the statements the twins had made, she accepted that the twins were the reincarnations of Joanna and Jacqueline.

Principles of Reincarnation-Evidence of Past Lives

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: The sisters Joanna and Jacqueline reincarnated to their parents as identical twins Gillian and Jennifer Pollock.

Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia compiled 31 reincarnation cases involving twins. In 100 percent of these cases, the twins had significant past life relationships, dramatically showing that souls plan lifetimes to be reunited with those we love. To learn more, please go to:

Ian Stevenson, MD Reincarnation Twin Study

Past Life Birthmark: Jennifer had a birthmark on ther right forehead near the root of her nose which was located in the same anatomic spot where Jacqueline had a birthmark incurred when she fell onto a bucket. This birthmark of both Jennifer and Jacqueline became more pronounced in cold weather

Past Life Talents and Behaviors: Joanna and Gillian both enjoyed writing and producing plays, utilizing costumes for their childhood dramas. Joanna’s maternal behavior towards her younger sister Jacqueline was replicated in the relationship between Gillian and Jennifer.

Geographic Memory: Though the family moved from Hexam to Whitely Bay when the twins were only 9 months old, when the family returned to Hexam for a visit, the twins had knowledge of the location of the park and swings where they had played in their previous lives.

A Syrian Reincarnates in Lebanon: The Druze Reincarnation Case of Hasan Hamed | Salem Andary

How derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Life and Death of the Hasan Hamed

Hasan Hamed was the only son of Mahmoud Hamed and wife Hniyye. He was born in about 1927 in the village of Era, in Syria, which lies halfway in-between the towns of Krayye and Sweida. His father died when he was still a boy and Hasan went to live with his maternal uncles in Krayye, where he worked as a farmer, caring for vineyards and tending cattle.

Hasan is a Druze: A Group that Accepts Reincarnation

Krayye is in the southern area of Syria known as Djeble Druze, which is populated by the Druze people, who are an Arabic ethnic group, whose religious beliefs include the doctrine of reincarnation. Hasan’s family were members of the Druze. An image of Druze men in traditional garb is provided above. Click on images to enlarge them.

The Syrian government at the time was controlled by the French and between 1925 and 1927, the Druze mounted a military rebellion against the French. The leader of the revolt was Sultan Pasha Atrash. Though this revolution failed, the Sultan became a hero to the Druze people. Though Hasan was born towards the end of this rebellion, Hasan would have known about Sultan Pasha Atrash due to his hero status among the Druze. Whenever the Sultan traveled around Djeble Druze, a group of supporters on horseback escorted him.

When Hasan was about 15 years of age, one of his cousins killed a Bedouin in the area. Bedouins are a group of nomadic Arabic people who inhabit the desert regions of North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Syria. The word Bedouin derives from the Arabic term “badawi,” which means “desert dweller.” These people are divided into tribes, who survive by herding goats and camels. Bedouins are easily recognizable due to the distinctive clothing that they wear, which is featured in the image to the right.

In the Bedouin culture of that era, when one of their members is murdered, the tribe must kill the murderer or a family member of the murderer.

Despite the danger that lurked, Hasan’s uncles asked him to take a flock of livestock from Krayye to the market in Sweida. A group of Bedouins ambushed Hasan along the road and threw him into the pit of a mill and then threw rocks down on Hasan’s body until it stopped moving. Hasan died on July 30, 1942.

His body was found three days later and it was noticed that there was a significant wound to the back of the head, though there were also wounds on both shoulders.

Hasan is Murdered in Syria and Reincarnates in Lebanon

Salem Andary was born in Fallujah, Lebanon on November 4, 1944, a little over two years after Hasan’s death. Fallujah is 15 miles east of Beirut, in the mountains of Lebanon. His father, a farmer, was Najm Andary and his mother’s name was Bahiyya.  Soon after he was born, his mother noted a prominent bump on the back of his head, which she considered a type of birthmark.

When he began to speak, Salem’s first words were “Bedouin,” “stones,” and “hit.” One of his first phrases was: “Sultan kills a lot.”

When he was four years of age, he gave a detailed account of a past lifetime. He said that his name was Hasan Hamed and that the lived in Krayye. Salem related that he was a friend of Sultan Pasha Atrash and described the power and status of the sultan. Whenever little Salem saw a group of policemen or soldiers traveling in a group, he would exclaim: “Sultan Atrash is coming.” This was a reminiscence from his past lifetime as Hasan, who had witnessed Sultan Atrash with his entourage.

Salem said that in his past lifetime, he was the only son of his parents. He said that his father had died. Salem shared that he had uncles and that he tended vineyards in his past life. These statements were correct for the life of Hasan Hamed. Salem also said that he used to keep a rifle behind a door of the house he lived in.

Salem Remembers his Past Life Betrayal and Death

Regarding his past life death, Salem stated that an uncle had killed a Bedouin and as a result, the Bedouins wanted revenge. One minor inconsistency is that it was reported that a cousin of Hamed had killed the Bedouin, not his uncle.

Salem related that after the death of the Bedouin, his uncles let him go by himself to take sheep from Krayye to the market in Sweida. Salem claimed in doing so, his uncles exposed him to certain death. Indeed, the murder of the Bedouin occurred at the time of year that animals are taken to market to be sold. As such, the Bedouins could be sure that a member of Hasan’s family would traveling along the road from Krayye to Sweida at the time thatHamed was ambushed. As such, his uncles had set up Hasan to be a sacrificial lamb to the Bedouins to atone for the killing of their Bedouin kin.

Salem stated that Hasan was riding on a horse when the Bedouins attacked him. He related that he tried to escape, but his horse slowed down and the Bedouins caught up with him. He related that he was hit on the back of the head with a club and that afterwards, the Bedouins then threw him onto the floor of a mill. He claimed that he was still alive at that time, but that the Bedouins then threw stones down on his body, which caused him to die.

Salem’s Past Life Nightmares

Salem had repetitive nightmares about his past life death that were always identical. These nightmares were often stimulated by the sight of Bedouins or Syrians. The nightmares would begin with a “feeling” of how his uncles had betrayed him and how the Bedouins had caught up to him. He would then have clear images of the scenes that led up to the death of Hasan Hamed. Salem would then wake up at the moment in which he relived the death of Hasan.

His parents would try to comfort him after his Bedouin nightmares. His mother found that she could only calm him by telling Salem that Sultan Pasha Atrash, pictured to the right, was coming. He was still having these nightmares about a half a dozen times a year even when he was 23 years old in 1968. Salem also experienced headaches when he thought about his past life.

Salem’s Bedouin nightmares are very similar to the nightmares of James Leininger, in which little James relived his death in a military plane crash during World War II. To review this case, please go to:

Reincarnation Case of James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger

Salem Acts as if He was Still Hasan, his Past Life Persona

When Salem was between four and five years of age, he would act as if he was still Hasan. When he saw someone on a horse or with a gun, he would say “this is my horse” or “this is my gun.” Salem would then run to the owner and try to take the horse or gun from this person.

Sometimes he would go to the door of his home and state, “my weapons are behind the door.” He would then try to open the door to fetch his imagined weapons. Salem explained that Hasan had kept a rifle on a cupboard behind a door.

As a child, Salem would become enraged at the sight of a Bedouin. An animosity towards Bedouins continued into adulthood. Once when working in a village where Bedouins lived, a coworker, who knew about his past life memories, teased Salem that these Bedouins were of the same tribe that killed Hasan. This provoked Salem to pick a fight with one of the Bedouins and Salem proceeded to beat the Bedouin up.

Salem demonstrated a strong interest in horses, which was unusual as his family had no horses and horses were uncommon in the mountain towns of Lebanon, such as Fallujah.

When Salem was a child, no attempts were made to investigate his past life memories.

Salem’s Past Life Memories are Verified

In 1966, when Salem was 21 years old, he and his father traveled from Fallujah, Lebanon to Krayye, Syria, a distance a little over 100 miles, to attend the public funeral of a brother of Sultan Pasha Atrash. The location where Hasan was killed is about 8 miles south of Sweida and Krayye is a little further south, about 12 miles south of Sweida.

Click on the map to enlarge it, to better appreciate the geographic details. Recall that Fallujah is just east of Beirut, so the route Hasan and his father took was essentially from Beirut to Sweida, which is highlighted by a white oval.

At that time, in 1966, they decided to investigate Salem’s past life memories and found that there had indeed been a youth named Hasan Hamed in Krayye, who matched the past life statements of Salem, including the manner of death.

In their travel, Salem recognized the spot on the road between Krayye and Sweida where the Bedouins had attacked Hasan and struck him on the back of the head with a club. At this geographical spot, Salem actually felt pain in the back of his head and he placed a hand there.

Salem also found the mill in which the Bedouins had thrown Hasan’s body, though the mill was now in ruins. He also recognized the house that Hasan had inhabited in Krayye.

Ian Stevenson, MD Meets Salem Andary

Ian Stevenson, MD first met Salem about two years later on March 10, 1968, when Salem was 23 years of age. In contrast to most childhood past life memory cases, where past life recollections fade at about seven years of age, Salem told Dr. Stevenson that he still had full memory of his past life. Stevenson determined that the families of Salem Andary and Hasan Hamed had no familial relationship and no prior contact.

Past Lives for George and Amal Clooney

Of interest, Amal Clooney’s father belongs to the Druze ethnic group, which raises the question of whether Amal accepts reincarnation. Past lives for George and Amal have been posted. To review these, please go to:

Reincarnation Cases of Clark Gable | George Clooney and Loretta Young | Amal Clooney

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Change of Nationality: Hasan Hamed was a Syrian from Krayye, whereas Salem was born in Fallujah, Lebanon. If people understood that one can be born in different countries from one lifetime to another, wars and conflicts between nations would be mitigated.

Past Life Birthmark: Soon after Salem was born, his mother noted a large bump on the back of his head, which corresponded to the location that Salem said that a Bedouin had struck him with a club during the attack on Hasan Hamed, his past life persona.

Geographic Memory: Salem recognized the location where he was attacked by Bedouins and the mill that Hasan’s body was thrown into.

Source: Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, pages 159-174

Reincarnation Case of Lugdi Chaubey | Shanti Devi Mathur and the Orb Phenomenon

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researchers: Committee of Inquiry convened by Mahatma Gandhi

From: I Have Lived Before: The True Story of the Reincarnation of Shanti Devi by Sture Lonnerstrand

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Life and Death of Lugdi Devi

Lugdi Devi, which means “heavenly doll,” was born on January 18, 1902 in the town of Mathura, also known by locals as Muttra, which is located about 15 miles south of New Delhi. Her father’s name was Chaturbhuj and her mother’s name was Jagti Devi.

Lugdi was a very devout girl who worshiped the Hindu god Krishna. Muttra is considered the home city of Krishna and the Dvarkadish Temple there was built in Krishna’s honor.

When she was old enough to wed, her father, Chaturbhuj , who was poor, went into debt to provide a dowry substantial enough for her to marry a wealthy citizen, Kedar Nath Chaubey. Kedar was a Brahmin, a member of the highest caste in India.

Lugdi and Kedar were married during the Navaratri festival in Muttra. Kedar had a cousin named Kanji Mal Chaubey, who lived with the couple.

Lugdi became pregnant. She had a difficult pregnancy and had much pain during the period of gestation. On September 25, 1925, she bore a son who the couple named Naunita Lal Chaubey. There were complications to the pregnancy and on October 4, 1925, Lugdi died.

Ludgi Reincarnates as Shanti Devi Mathur

Fourteen months later after Lugdi died, a girl was born in New Delhi. Her mother’s was Prem Pyari Mathur and her father was Rang Bahadur Mathur. The couple named their daughter Shanti Devi Mathur.

After her fourth birthday, Shanti started to talk about a past life husband. She said: “I am a Brahmin wife from Muttra.” She related that her husband was waiting for her in Muttra.

Like in many childhood past life memory cases, she told her parents that this was not her real home. She added that the clothes that she was wearing were not her real clothes.

In addition, Shanti told Prem that “you are not my real mama” and that “you don’t look like her.” Though her family was not vegetarian, she told her parents that “in Muttra we don’t eat meat.” She said that it was not right to kill animals. She said that she wanted “sattvic” food. Her parents had no idea how she knew that word, as they never used it. Sattvic foods are obtained without harming an organism and as such, are vegetarian foods. Only Sattvic foods are acceptable as offerings to Hindu gods.

Shanti had friends who were twins, named Prabhash and Subhash. Their father was a prosperous attorney, Tara Chand Mathur. When Shanti was with the twins she drew a picture of a temple. Prabhash noted it did not look like the temple in their neighborhood. Shanti replied that she drew the Dvarkadish Temple in Muttra. She added that her husband has a large store in near this temple.

Shanti Reveals Her Past Life Address

Shanti related that she danced for her husband while wearing ankle bracelets, which are called chureys. She said that they lived on a street named after her husband’s family, specifically, the ninth house on Chaubey Street in Muttra. She also stated that her name was not Shanti Devi, but Lugdi Devi. When she was eight years of age, Shanti revealed that her past life husband’s name was Kedar Nath. She related that in her past life, her father’s name was Chaturbhuj and her mother’s name was Jagti.

With this address, 9 Chaubey Street, the past life name of Lugdi Devi Chaubey and the past life husband’s name of Kedar Nath Chaubey, there arose a way to research Shanti’s claimed past life.

The headmaster of the school that Shanti attended, whose name was Lala Kishan Chand, and a teacher, Bishan Chand, heard about her claims of having a husband in Muttra. They concluded that Shanti’s statements referred to a past lifetime. Lala Kishan Chand  took the initiative to write a letter to Kedar Nath Chaubey at 9 Chaubey Street in Mattra regarding this hypothesis.

Shanti’s Past Life Husband sends an Envoy

The headmaster was rewarded by receiving a reply from Kedar that he indeed had a wife named Lugdi Devi and that he has a store near the Dvarkadish temple, as Shanti had reported. Kedar related that he has a cousin in New Delhi whose name is Kanji Mal Chaubey, who he has written to asking that Kanji to meet this girl who claims to be his reincarnated wife.

When Shanti was still eight years old, Kanji Mal Chaubey went to meet her at her home in New Delhi. As soon as he entered their house, Shanti stated: “You are my husband’s cousin.”

Shanti added that Kedar is her husband and that he is a businessman in Muttra. She told Kanji that he lived with us when I was Lugdi Devi. You had difficulty trying to find a home you liked and that is why you wanted to stay with us. I remember more and more now. You didn’t want to work for Kedar because you wanted to be independent. All this was true.

Kanji then asked, how many brothers did your husband have. Shanti then replied that her husband only has one brother, which was true. Kanji then asked whether the brother was older or younger than Kedar. Shanti replied older, which was accurate.

Shanti then said she remembered his name, Kanji Mal Chaubey, which was correct.  Kanji then related that he came to meet Shanti as a skeptic, but that he was now a believer. He wrote to his cousin, Kedar, to come visit this girl.

Shanti’s Past Life Husband Arrives with a Disguise

Kedar did travel from Muttra to New Delhi to meet Shanti, but to test her, he decided to go in a disguise. When he appeared at the Mathur home, he introduced himself as Ram Chaubey, the brother-in-law of Kedar.

ReincarnationResearchPregnantShanti, though, recognized him and said that he is Kedar Nath Chaubey. After that, a boy entered the house. Shanti knew that he was her son from her past lifetime. She related that this is my son, my beloved Naunita Lal. After a moment of confusion and rejection of Shanti, Naunita returned and they embraced.

Shanti then asked whether Kedar kept his promise to her. Kedar asked what he had promised. Shanti responded: “On my deathbed you promised me you would never get married again.” Kedar confessed that he was not able to keep this vow.

Shanti Recalls a Past Life Infidelity and a Special Sexual Position

Shanti then told Kedar how she remembered how he betrayed her. When she was enduring the difficult pregnancy with Naunita Lal, she observed that the nurse that had been hired to take care of her as Lugdi had a romance with her husband, Kedar. Though she had a bone splinter in her foot, which made it difficult to walk, she managed to make her way from her room to where she saw Kedar and the nurse embracing each other in another room.

Kedar was astonished that Shanti knew of this occurrence and asked Shanti for forgiveness. Kedar, in shame, acknowledged that this was all true.

Shanti them revealed that she remembered that when she was pregnant and great pain, Kedar still wanted to have sex with her. Shanti related that due to discomfort, she could only have intercourse in a particular position and that Kedar almost forced himself on her. Kedar, in embarrassment, recoiled and asked: “How do you know about that?” After she revealed her memories of the nurse and the special sex position, Kedar again asked for Shanti’s forgiveness.

Mahatma Gandhi Convenes a Panel to Research the Shanti Devi Reincarnation Case

Mahatma Gandhi heard about the past life case involving Shanti Devi Mathur and went to visit her in New Delhi. It was an extraordinary event when Gandhi came to the home of the Mathur family. Gandhi encouraged Shanti to travel to Muttra with an esteemed panel of men, including the attorney, Tara Chad Mathur, to investigate this reincarnation case.

Shanti Spontaneously Recognizes Past Life Relatives in Muttra

On November 25, 1935, a party of 15 people from New Delhi traveled with Shanti, who was still eight years old, to Muttra. At the train platform in Muttra, Shanti recognized an older man, ran to him and placed her arms around his legs. She told the party that his man was her brother-in-law when she was Lugdi. She asked the man if he had taken care of her holy basil plant, as he had promised. The man related that is name was Ram Chaubey, that she was Lugdi’s brother-in-law and that he indeed promised to take care of Lugdi’s plant before she died.

Shanti then started to lead the group to her past life home. The group waved down several taxis and as the caravan made its way, Shanti had her cab driver stop near a narrow street with trees, indicating that they could walk from this point. Shanti explains that they were going to the first home that Lugdi and Kedar lived in when they were newly married.

On the way, Shanti recognized another elderly man, ran to him and kissed his hands. She explained to the group that this is her past life father-in-law, Mahadev Chaubey. She said to him: “It was you, babu Mahadev, who gave me my chureys, my ankle bracelets. Do you remember? You said: ‘She shall dance in Krishna’s honor, she is as agile as a gopi, one of those pure girls who love God.’ You appreciated my dancing.”

Mahadev admitted, “Those were my own words. Then you have returned, Lugdi Devi. Blessed be the Lord.”

Geographic Memory: Shanti Finds her Past Life Homes

Shanti then scurried down the road, excitedly relating that her past life home was nearby and that it is yellow. When she arrived at the house, she was disappointed to she that the house was white, not yellow. The door was open and Shanti went straight in. Inside, a man explained that he was renting this house from Kedar Nath Chaubey. When they first occupied the home, it was yellow, but they had painted the exterior white at their own cost. Shanti then showed the group where her and her husband’s rooms were and where their beds were located. The tenant related that when they initially inspected the house they did observe the layout of the couple’s rooms and that Shanti’s description was accurate.

The group now traveled on to 9 Chaubey Street, the location where Kedar and Lugdi lived at the time of Lugdi’s death. On that street, Shanti ran to a young man and stated: “It’s my brother. Nuthura Nath.” “My brother and I were so alike” She related to him: “You became angry when people thought you were like your sister, do you remember?”

The young man nodded and asked her if she knows the names of her other two brothers. Shanti corrected responded Vitala Nath and Ayodhya Nath.

When they approached 9 Chaubey Street, Shanti said: “It was here I spent the happiest time of my life, but also the most difficult. I was extremely ill.”

Kedar and his new wife, as well as Naunita Lal, Lugdi’s son, were waiting inside the house. Shanti kissed her past life son. She then went upstairs and found the room that she had occupied in prior lifetime was empty. She correctly identified where her bed had once been situated. She also revealed a secret hiding spot underneath floorboards where she had hidden money, but found that the  money was gone. Kedar explained that he used the money to pay for Lugdi’s funeral.

Like a Dalai Lama, Shanti Sorts out Which are Her Past Life Possessions

Shanti asked for her jewelry. Kedar fetched a jewelry box and Shanti proceeded to sort out what were hers, as Lugdi, and what belonged to Kedar’s new wife. She then decided to show the group the well she used in her past lifetime in the courtyard of the property. She pointed to a corner of the yard, but there was no well. Kedar reported that the well was there, but the water became contaminated and the well was boarded up.

Shanti Recognizes her Past Life Parents

The party then summoned taxis to take then to the Dvarkadish Temple. On the way, Shanti had her cab stop near a white wall and getting out, Shanti found an entrance that led to a large garden behind the wall. Shanti explained that this was her childhood home. People were in the garden having a party. Shanti ran up to an elderly woman, who turned out to be Lugdi’s mother. She exclaimed, “Mama, Mama, Jagti Devi. It’s Lugdi Devi, your daughter.”

She then saw her past life father, Chaturbhuj. Shanti told him that he was very poor and put himself into debt to provide a sufficient dowry for her to marry Kedar Nath Chaubey. Chaturbhuj confirmed that this was true. After this meeting with her past life parents, Shanti and the party continued onto the Dvarkadsih temple where the golden stature of Krishna welcomed them.

In the end, The Committee of Inquiry concluded that the reincarnation case of Lugdi Devi Chaubey | Shanti Devi Mather was a valid one, one that Mahatma Gandhi endorsed.

Shanti’s Memories of the Interval Between Death and Rebirth

Shanti Devi was interviewed by the Swedish journalist Sture Lonnerstrand, who wrote the book this article is based on. Shanti related to him that she had memories of what happened to her after her death as Lugdi Devi Chaubey. Shanti stated that she observed a doctor and a nurse examining her body to certify that she was dead. She stated that Kedar wanted to kiss her mouth but that the doctor restrained him.

She related that she was aware that her body was taken back to the house where she had lived, where it was wrapped in silk and linen, covered with flowers and carried on a bier made of bamboo cane poles. Kedar then lit the wood, so that Lugdi’s body would be cremated. At that point Shanti said that she was aware of an infinite bright light.

After that point, Shanti said that she felt free and had shrunk to a tiny size, like a particle of dust. She said that it was as if she was a germ which drifted around, yet she felt that the whole universe was inside of her. She said that all her incarnations were contained within this tiny germ.

She related that all her memories returned in a concentrated form and then she developed a great yearning to become a woman again. The experience of floating ceased when it felt that she had been affixed to something, which he later realized was a womb. She had begun her incarnation to be born as Shanti.

The Phenomenon of Spirit Being Orbs

Of interest, Shanti’s description of becoming tiny, like a germ, seems to correspond to images of spherical objects now being captured on digital cameras that are called orbs. Though some orbs are caused by dust or water droplets, not all orbs can be explained by these optical effects.

In my work with Kevin Ryerson, who channels a highly intelligent spirit being named Ahtun Re, I asked about orbs. Ahtun Re told me that true orbs are indeed representations of spirits, of what in various philosophies have been called the bindu or the permanent atom of a soul. Shanti’s description of floating as a tiny germ, conscious of interconnection with all beings, is likely what it feels like to be a spirit orb. To learn more about orbs, please go to:

The Orb Phenomenon

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Geographic Memory: Without prompting, on her first visit to Muttra, Shanti was able to lead The Committee of Inquiry to her past life childhood home, the first house she lived in with Kedar and the house she lived in at the time of her death.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: Shanti described her experiences in the spirit world following the death of Lugdi and prior to her birth as Shanti.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Lugdi was reunited with her family through her incarnation as Shanti.


A Muslim Boy Reincarnates into a Buddhist Family: The Past Life Case of Wijanama  Kithsiri

IISISReincarnationResearchGaneshHow derived: Childhood Past Life Memories

Researchers: Ian Stevenson, MD and Francis Story

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume II, Ten Cases in Sri Lanka

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

MG Wijanama Kithsiri was born on August 28, 1959 in the Sri Lankan village of Wehigala, which at the time was inhabited by about 1000 people. His father was WMG Ariyawansa and his mother was MJ Kusumawathie. The family was Buddhist and Sinhalese, which is the native ethnic group in Sri Lanka that makes up 75 percent of the population. They spoke the Sinhalese language. All people living in Wehigala were Sinhalese Buddhists, with no Muslims or Tamils living in the area. The family was vegetarian.

Nocturnal Episodes of Xenoglossy: Speaking an Unlearned Language

At the age of three Wijanama began sitting up in bed in the middle of the night with his legs crossed and would speak in a language unknown to his parents. On a typical evening, Wijanama would go to sleep along with the rest of the family at 9 PM. In between 10 PM and midnight, he would sit up and begin a recitation of verses in an unknown language. This would last 3 to 15 minutes after which he would lie down and go back to sleep. Sometimes he would get up and try to leave the house, though his family would stop him from departing. His parents noted that Wijanama seemed distressed during these episodes, which continued on a nightly basis to at least until the age of 13, at which time the practice was still continuing to occur.

Past Life Memories of an Incarnation in Kandy

At the age of four Wijanama started talking about a past lifetime in which he stated that he lived in the city of Kandy. Kandy is in the highlands of Sri Lanka about 25 kilometers or 15 miles from Wijanama’s village of Wehigala. He said that he had another father and mother, that they would eat sitting on a mat and that his mother would wear a covering on her head. He also stated that at his past life home, there were plenty of light bulbs, which was an unusual statement as the family’s village of Wehigala had no electricity. In contrast, Kandy was electrified. He also said that water came from a pipe near their kitchen, which could be true for Kandy which had a piped water system, whereas in Wehigala water could only be obtained from wells. Wijanama also said that he had seen moving pictures or movies, which did not exist in his rural village but were available in Kandy.

2 Hindu to Muslim Reincarnation-ElephantIan Stevenson explained that Kandy is a fairly large city with a diverse population which includes Buddhists, Tamil Hindus and Muslims. The Tamil people are another ethnic group in Sri Lanka who speak their own language, Tamil. Tamils at the time made up about 20 percent of the Sri Lankan population. Muslims in Kandy also speak the Tamil language.

Wijanama expressed a strong desire to see his previous parents. Wijanama said that he developed a fever and died while still a schoolboy, though he could not remember his name in this prior incarnation.  He said that he attained the third grade in Kandy.

Wijanama claimed that he had seen the Perahara, which is a religious festival that involves elaborate parades and decorated elephants. His village did not have this festival but in Kandy the parade passes along King Street. Wijanama correctly stated that at the Perahara there were huge elephants and a lot of dances.

Wijanama describes a Muslim Past Life

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeywomanWijanama made several statements indicating that he was Muslim in his previous life. When Wijanama saw a woman with a hijab or headscarf on her head, which is typically worn by Muslim women, he said, “My mother is like that.” Ian Stevenson noted that Wijanama’s recitation posture of sitting with legs crossed is a position often taken by Muslims during prayers.

He also said that he ate meat in his previous life, though he would not eat pork. This is a common Muslim dietary practice, but contrary to the habits of his biologic family, who were vegetarians. Wijanama expressed disappointment in his current living situation as he related that his past life family was much better off than his contemporary one. Once he became angry, stating, “In my other house there is plenty of sugar and I want to go there.”  Wijanama also said there was ample meat.

Another Muslim habit that Wijanama displayed was keeping his head covered with a handkerchief fastened with a knot in the back. In addition, he would wear his sarong, which is a type of robe, much further up on the leg, which Muslims do so that they can wash their feet upon entering a mosque. Further, while his family ate their meals seated at a table, Wijanama would sit on the floor cross-legged and after his meal, he would rub his stomach and belch. Ian Stevenson related these dining behaviors are typical of Muslims in the area.

Wijanama repeatedly would say that he wanted to go back to his better past life house and to worship at the mosque. His past life memories appeared to be vivid and he talked about his prior incarnation in the present tense, as if he was still living that lifetime.

Identifying with his Muslim Past Life, Wijanama is Critical of Buddhist Worship

Wijanama was totally resistant to his family’s Buddhist religious customs and he felt repelled by images at Buddhist temples. He stated, “Where we worship we don’t have all these idols and statues. We have to put mats on the ground. We wash our bodies and sit on our mats and worship. There is a priest shouting at the top of his voice. No women go there.”  He also said that there was a well with water at his place of worship. Wijanama made these statements before he had ever seen a mosque.

Wijanama’s description of his place of worship does correspond to a Muslim mosque, in which depictions of religious or other figures are not allowed, where worshipers wash their feet in a pool of water before entering and people sit on mats on the floor. The “priest shouting at the top of his voice” would represent a muezzin, who calls the Muslim community to prayers, oftentimes using an amplified sound system.

Wijanama is Ridiculed and called “The Muslim”

As he lived in a community made up entirely of Sinhalese Buddhists, Wijanama experienced ridicule from schoolmates because of his Muslim behavior. They would tease him and they gave him a nickname, “The Muslim.” Wijanama would respond by running home and asking that he be sent to his past life father. Nonetheless, he would continue to insist that he had been a Muslim in his past life and that he still was a Muslim.

Shopkeeper: A Probable Past Life Vocation

Wijanama routinely played at running a boutique or shop, which he would open as soon as he came home from school. He used red seed pods to represent slices of meat and pieces of paper to represent fabrics. He would pretend to sell vegetables and toys. In dreams, he said he saw his past life father bringing vegetables to the shop in a cart. Wijanama indicated that when he grew up, he would acquire a shop or boutique.

Children with past life memories often duplicate their past life profession in their play. A dramatic example involves the reincarnation case of Ahmet Delibalta | Erkan Kilic, in which Erkan, as a child, would pretend to run a nightclub, which was his past life vocation as Ahmet Delibalta. To learn more, go to:

Reincarnation Case of Ahmet Delibalta | Erkan Kilic

Sometimes his father would joke that it was a lot of trouble to have a Muslim come into the family. To this, Wijanama angrily replied, “Aren’t we all humans? Don’t say such things about others!”

Wijanama finds his Past Life Mosque in Kandy

When Wijanama was five years old his family took him to Kandy to see the Buddhist Temple of the Tooth, a landmark of the area. From there, Wijanama started to pull his mother down King Street saying that he wanted to go to the place where he worshipped. When they arrived at the King Street Mosque, Wijanama said, “This is where we worshiped.” Wijanama noted that the stairs of the mosque had been changed. This assertion was verified by an official at the mosque.

Near the King Street Mosque Wijanama saw a house and dragged his father to it. They did not knock on the door as Wijanama’s father was afraid of discussing reincarnation in this Muslim community, since reincarnation traditionally is not part of Islamic doctrine. In this area, Wijanama found the faucet of a water pipe and he stated, “We washed and bathed there.”

Xenoglossy: Wijanama’s Recitation is Deciphered

When Ian Stevenson researched this case, a tape recording was made of Wijanama’s nighttime recitation. In this recording, four words were repeated over and over. These words were:

“Allaha,” which is the Arabic word for God

“Umma,” which is the Tamil word for mother

“Vappa,” which is the Tamil word for father

Stevenson noted that Umma and Vappa are part of the vocabulary of the Tamil dialect spoken by Muslims in Kandy. Further, when Stevenson had a Muslim resident of Kandy listen to the tape recording, this individual stated that only a Muslim child could pronounce these words so properly. Stevenson interpreted the recitation as a prayer to God in which Wijanama pleaded to be reunited with this past life parents.

There were other words that Wijanama used which would indicate that he had lived in Kandy in his previous live. For example, when asked if he had enough food, Wijanama replied “podong,” which is a Tamil word for “enough.” This is in contrast to the Sinhalese word for enough, which is “aithie.”

In 1970, when Wijanama was 11 years old, he was still persisting in the behavior of a Muslim boy and he continued to play at operating his shop after school. His nocturnal ritual of sitting up on his bed and pleading to God and referring to his past life mother and father was ongoing.

Statements made by Wiljanama strongly support that he had a past life as a Muslim in Kandy. As noted, he could not recall his past life name, which made locating his past life family challenging. Further, Ian Stevenson noted that Muslims in Kandy were reluctant to help in identifying Wijanama’s past life identity, since reincarnation is not a part of their religion.

Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moonPrinciples of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Change of Religion and Ethnicity: Wijanama recalled that he was a Muslim boy in his past life, whereas in his contemporary life, he was born into a Sinhalese Buddhist family.

Past Life Talents and Behaviors: Wijanama demonstrated behaviors typical of a Muslim boy. Further, he had an obsession of playing the role of a shopkeeper, which likely represents his past life vocation.

Xenoglossy: In Wijanama’s nightly recitations, he used Arabic and Tamil words, though no Arabs or Tamils lived in his village and no one in his family knew or understood these words. Being able to speak a language that has not been learned by normal means is called xenoglossy. The Arabic and Tamil words that Wijanama used likely were learned during a past lifetime in Kandy, where the languages of Arabic and Tamil are spoken by the Muslim population.

Geographic Memory: Once in Kandy, Mijanama found what appears to be his past life mosque and possibly his past life home.

Source: Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Sri Lanka, Volume II,  pages 326-360

Geographic Past Life Memory & Deja Vu in Reincarnation Cases-Introduction

Past life memories stimulated by past life locations and the ability to find past life homes without directions are discussed. How reincarnation can explain deja vu experiences. The symbol for Geographic Memory is the globe, as locations on our planet can stimulate past life memories and emotions.


Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Past Life Memories or Emotions Triggered by Geographic Locations

One form of geographic memory will be defined as past life memories or emotions that are stimulated by visiting a physical location known from a past incarnation.  The reincarnation case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene involves a dramatic example of geographic memory, as Jeff experienced an intense flood of emotions when he visited the Civil War battlefield were he was shot and almost killed in a prior incarnation.

Ability to Spontaneously find Past Life Homes & Locations

In addition, knowledge of a geographic area based on past life experiences, such as being able to find a specific building without prior knowledge of the area in the contemporary lifetime, will also be included as examples of geographic memory.  In many cases researched by Ian Stevenson, MD at the University of Virginia, children with past life memories, once in the vicinity of a past life location, were able to find the path back to their past life home, even in very remote locations.

A dramatic example is found in the reincarnation case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen, as Barbro, at the age of ten and on her first visit to Amsterdam, was able to lead her parents from their hotel to the Anne Frank House without directions.

Reincarnation, Past Lives & Deja Vu

Deja vu, the experience that one feels like they have been at a place before, even though the individual has never previously been at that location in the current lifetime, can be considered a subtle form of geographic memory.  An individual may have lived in or visited that location, or some type of significant event in a past lifetime may have occurred at that geographic site.

The symbol for Geographic Memory is the globe, as locations on our planet can stimulate past life memories and emotions.

Geographic Memory Cases

Reincarnation Research Home Page

Revival of the Deceased and the Walk-In Reincarnation Case of Sobha Ram | Jasbir Jat

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researched by: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw MD, from Born Again

Reincarnation Case 5 Larazus Raised by JesusThis is a very unusual case in that it involves bringing to life an apparently dead body, that belonging to Jasbir Jat, and the assumption of that body by a different soul, whose name in a prior incarnation was Sobha Ram.

As such, this is a reincarnation case where a soul “walks-in” to take over a body that had previously been inhabited by a different soul. In past life regression therapy literature, “walk-ins” are reported, though generally these cases do not involve the death of an individual. Instead, in regression literature, it is described that a soul inhabiting a body volunteers to leave that body so that another soul can incarnate by using that same body.

The concept of walk-ins has been a controversial one, as there can be debate whether walk-ins truly occur or whether the phenomenon represents a psychiatric disorder, such as multiple personality syndrome.

The case of Sobha Ram | Jasbir Jat provides strong evidence that walk-ins are a valid phenomenon. Ian Stevenson, MD researched this case in great detail and published it in his seminal book, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. Ian Stevenson chose to use a different term, “exchange incarnations,” to describe this type of case, where one soul gives up a body so that another soul can take it over.

The Life of Sobha Ram

IISIS REincarnation Cases 5 walk in reincarnation ian stevenson chariotSobha Ram lived in the farming village of Vehedi in the far northeast section of India, which borders Nepal. Vehedi at the time had a population of 2000 people and was eight miles north of the city of Muzaffarnagar, which has over 3 million inhabitants.

Sobha’s father was Shankar Lal Tyagi. Sobha was married and had a son named Baleshwar. The family was Brahmin and they observed the customs of this caste, including eating food only prepared by other Brahmins, cooking only with metal vessels, not earthenware, and wearing a sacred thread around the neck.

The family owned fields in the village, which were partitioned from fields belonging to other villagers. Sobha owned a ceremonial chariot, which was used for weddings. In May 1954, he drove his chariot to the town of Nirmana, where the family had relatives, to pick up the bride for a wedding ceremony that was taking place in Muzaffarnagar.

On the route from Nirmana to Muzaffarnagar, Sobha fell from the chariot and suffered a head injury. He was well enough to continue to the scene of the wedding and afterwards he was able to make it back with to his village. A few hours after Sobha returned to Vehedi, he died. Birth and death records were not maintained in the village, but based on the date of the marriage ceremony, Dr. Stevenson was able to establish the date of death as May 22nd or 23rd in 1954.

The Life and Apparent Death of Jasbir Jat

Reincarnation Cases 5 Walk-In Ian Stevenson Reincarnation CaseJasbir Jat, son of Girdhari Lal Jat, was born in 1950. The family lived in the village of Rasulpur, which at the time had a population of 1500 people and was located about 8 miles southwest of Muzaffarnagar. The family belonged to the Jat ethnic group and they were Hindu, though of a lesser caste than Brahmins.

In the spring of 1954, when Jasbir was 3 1/2 years old, he was thought to have contracted smallpox and it appeared that he had died. As Jasbir’s body appeared to be lifeless, his father, Girdhari, enlisted the help of his brother and other villagers to help bury his “dead” son. (1)

When Ian Stevenson researched this case, he asked Jaspir’s  family how the villagers of Rasulpur determined that death occurred.  Stevenson was told that they relied on the cessation of breathing, the cooling of the body and the inability to open the jaw of the deceased, which would indicate rigor mortis. As such, it appears that the determination that Jasbir was dead should have been accurate.

Raising of Jasbir’s Dead Body

Since it was already late in the evening, it was decided to postpone burial until the morning. A few hours later, Girdhari noticed stirring of the body and Jasbir gradually revived. It took several days before Jasbir could speak and several weeks before he could communicate effectively.

The family did not record the exact date of Jasbir’s apparent death and revival. Based on available information, Ian Stevenson estimated that this event occurred in April or May 1954.

Reincarnation Walk-In: Sobha Ram Emerges in the Body of Jasbir Jat

In Hinduism, sadhu, or shadhu is a common term for a mystic, an ascetic, practitioner of yoga (yogi) and/or wandering monks. The sadhu is solely dedicated to achieving the fourth and final Hindu goal of life, moksha (liberation), through meditation and contemplation of Brahman. Sadhus often wear ochre-colored clothing, symbolizing renunciation.

When Jasbir was finally able to converse, he demonstrated a dramatic change in personality and behavior. He said that he was the son of Shankar of the village of Vehedi and he wanted to go to that village. Further, he made these statements in the present tense, such as “I am the son of Shanker of Vehedi.” (2)

He eventually told his father, Girdhari, that his name was Sobha Ram. Jasbir said that he had a wife and that she was from the town of Molna, which was true for the wife of Sobha Ram. Though he was less than 4 years old, Jasbir suddenly referred to himself as an adult and he talked of having children, in addition to a wife.

Prior to his transformation, Jasbir acted like a normal child and enjoyed playing with toys. Afterwards, he did not like to play with toys or other children.

Jaspir told his family that he was a Brahmin, not a Jat, and he took on the habits of someone from the Brahmin caste. He demanded that only another individual who was of the Brahmin caste cook his meals. He would not eat food cooked in earthenware, but only food cooked in metal pots and pans. He began wearing a sacred thread around his neck, typical of a Brahmin.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir States He Fell from a Chariot & Died

IISIS REincarnation Cases 5 walk in reincarnation ian stevenson chariotJasbir stated that he had died when he fell off a chariot when returning from a wedding and that he hit his head against the ground. Further, Jasbir said that the reason that he fell from the chariot was that a man who had owed him money gave him poisoned sweets. The poison made him dizzy, which led to his fall. Jasbir stated that he clearly remembered falling off the chariot and that the exact place of his injury was called Dabal Pathak, which was on the road from Nirmana back to his home.

Jasbir gave a description of the town and property that he had previously lived in. He said that there was a culvert in his town, which was significant, as a culvert did not exist in Rasulpur. He stated that on his property, there was a well for water, which was partially inside the house and partially outside of the house, which Ian Stevenson noted was very unusual for a well in India. Jasbir stated that outside their property, there grew a peepal tree, as well as a tamarind tree. All these statements were true for Vehedi and the property where Sobha Ram lived.

Jasbir’s vocabulary changed after his transformation, in that he began using Brahmin words instead of words typically used by Jats. As an example, for the term house he would use the Brahmin term “haveli,” rather than the Jat word “hilli;” for the word clothes he would use the term “kapra” instead of “latta.” (3)

Fortunately, the family found a Brahmin woman who would cook for Jasbir. This continued for the next year and a half, until Jasbir acquiesced to his family’s pressure to eat food prepared by them. Jasbir’s father tried to keep his son’s unusual behavior quiet, but Jasbir’s requirement to eat like a Brahmin leaked out to the Brahmin community in Rasulpur.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir Recognizes his Aunt from his Lifetime as Sobha Ram

About three years after Jasbir’s death and the emergence as Sobha Ram, a woman visiting from Vehedi, the home town of Sobha Ram, heard about Jasbir’s sudden Brahmin behavior. She was Srimati Shyamo, a Brahmin originally from Rasulpur who had married a man, Ravi Dutt Sukla, who lived in Vehedi. Srimati was visiting her family in Rasulpur, where the Jat family lived, and was told about Jasbir, who now claimed to be from Vehedi.

When Srimati went to meet this unusual boy, Jasbir immediately recognized her as his “aunt.” In fact, Srimati had married a relative of Shankar Lal Tyagi, the father of Sobha Ram, so familial relationship did exist between Sobha and Srimati.

Whe Srimati returned to Vehedi, she informed her husband and the Tyagi family of this boy who claimed to be Sobha Ram, who stated that he died as a result of a chariot accident.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir Identifies Relatives of Sobha Ram on their Visits to Rasulpur and Reveals the Location of a Small Hidden Treasure

Members of the Tyagi family then traveled to Rasulpur to meet Jasbir. When Jasbir saw Shankar Lal Tyagi approaching, he stated, “My father has come. He is from Vehedi.” (5) Jasbir then ran into the house and requested that a Brahmin meal be prepared for his father.

IISIS reincarnation evidence belgian shepherdRecall that Shankar was indeed the father of Sobha. Jasbir related to Shankar the story of dying after he fell from a chariot when returning from a wedding. He added that on this trip, when he went into a house to borrow a cot for the wedding party, a dog bit him. Shankar, Sobha’s father, confirmed that this was true; Sobha was indeed bitten by a dog on the wedding trip, as described by Jasbir.

When he saw Ravi Dutt Sukla, the husband of Srimati Shyamo, Jasbir correctly identified Ravi’s relationship to Sobha. When Santoshi Tyagi approached, Jasbir identified him as his uncle, which was the correct relationship between Santoshi and Sobha.

When Sobha’s Uncle Pritvi came unannounced to Rasulpur and Jasbir saw him, Jasbir spontaneously ran up to him and called him “Mama,” which was correct, as this is an Indian term for maternal uncle. (6)

Jasbir then revealed that he (as Sobha) had borrowed from Uncle Pritvi a sum of money and he wanted that money to be returned to him. Jasbir disclosed the location where he had hid the money on the Tyagi property. Later on, the Tyagi family found the money exactly where Jasbir said it would be located.

In the presence of the Tyagi family, Jasbir continued by accurately reciting names of family members from his lifetime of Sobha. Jasbir stated that his mother’s name was Sona, he had a sister named Kela, his wife was called Sumantra, he had a son named Baleshwar, an aunt named Ram Kali and that his mother-in-law was Kirpi. All these statements were correct for the life of Sobha Ram.

Geographic Past Life Memories: Jasbir’s Finds his Past Life Home in Vehedi

A few weeks after the Tyagi family met Jasbir in Rasulpur, he was brought to Vehedi. Jasbir had never been to Vehedi before. At the railway station, he was asked to lead the way to the Tyagi home. Without hesitation, Jasbir walked from the railroad station directly to the Tyagi property, which was about 200 yards away from the station.

Later he was taken to the home of Ravi Dutt Sukla in Vehedi and from there, Jasbir led the way to the Tyagi home by a different route.

When shown the agricultural fields in Vehedi, Jasbir was able to correctly identify which fields belonged to the Tyagi family.

Past Life Memories: Jasbir Recognizes & Identifies Sobha’s Relatives in Vehedi

In Vehedi, Jasbir correctly recognized Surajamal and Mahendra Singh Tyagi as Sobha’s younger brothers, and Swaroop Tyagi as Sobha’s brother-in-law. He recognized Birbal Singh as the younger cousin of Sobha and when Birbal walked into the room, Jasbir ran up to him and said, “Come in, Ganghiji.” (7) Ganghiji was Birbal’s pet name, as he had large ears that made him look like Mahatma Gandhi.

When Jasbir was asked to identify another individual, Jasbir said, “This is my grandfather Rai Sahib,” who was indeed Sobha’s grandfather.

Jasbir spent several days in Vehedi and demonstrated detailed knowledge of the Tyagi family and its affairs. He very much enjoyed himself and was reluctant to go home. He would return to visit periodically, usually for several weeks at a time, and he said he wanted to live there. Jasbir felt isolated and lonely in Rasulpur, whereas in Vehedi, he felt at home.

Jasbir developed a very strong attachment to the Tyagi family and in particular to Baleshwar, Sobha’s son. In his visits to Vehedi, Jasbir would sleep with Baleshwar in the same cot, which Ian Stevenson noted was appropriate for a father and son to do, but was inappropriate for strangers. In this act, Jaspir was behaving as Baleshwar’s father.

At times, Jasbir threatened to run away from home so that he could live in Vehedi. Jasbir’s family was so concerned about his attachment to his past life family that they would not allow him to meet Sobha’s wife, Sumantra, who after his death moved back to her home village of Molna.

As time went on, the Tyagi family accepted that Sobha had come back to life through Jasbir and they regarded Jasbir as a full member of their family. When Baleshwar was considering marriage, Jasbir, though a child, was consulted like a father normally would be. Jasbir later attended Baleshwar’s wedding ceremony.

Past Life Karma Repaid: The Man who Poisoned Sobha makes Restitution

Reincanation Cases a poison warningJasbir insisted that the reason that he fell from the chariot was because a man who owed him money gave him poisoned sweets. Jasbir remembered specifically who this man was, though the name was not given in Ian Stevenson’s report of this case. Jasbir stated that this man owed him, as Sobha, 600 rupees, and that the man poisoned him with the intention to kill him so that the debt would not have to be repaid. Sobha’s family did not know anything about the poisoned sweets before Jasbir revealed this information. Jasbir eventually found this man who allegedly gave Sobha the poison. In an apparent act of restitution, this man gave Jasbir 600 rupees.

Ian Stevenson, MD excludes Fraud in this Reincarnation Case

Dr. Stevenson noted that though the villages of Rasulpur and Vehedi are only 20 miles apart as the crow flies, they were very isolated at the time due to the condition of the roads and transportation systems. Further, the two families were of different ethnic groups and castes. Given these factors, Stevenson could not see any way that Jasbir, at less than 4 years of age, could know of the life of Sobha Ram by any normal means.

Further, members of both families testified that they had no knowledge of each other prior to Jasbir’s death and transformation.

Stevenson noted that additional facts that would argue against fraud included Jasbir’s family’s unhappiness about his sudden Brahmin behavior. Further, the family initially disbelieved his statements regarding another life. They scolded him and tried to suppress information about his transformation to fellow villagers. As noted, they were also afraid that Jaspir would leave them for his past life family.

Spirit Being: A Holy Man Facilitates Sobha’s Reemergence in Jasbir’s Body

IISIS Reincarnation Cases 5 Walk-in Ian Stevenson holymanIn 1961, Ian Stevenson asked Jasbir what happened between the death of Sobha Ram in Vehedi and his reemergence in Rasulpur, through the revived body of Jasbir. Jasbir stated that after his death as Sobha, he met a sadhu or holy man, apparently in the spirit world. This holy man told him to “take cover” in the body of Jasbir, son of Girdhari Lal Jat. (8)

When Stevenson asked Jasbir what had happened to the original personality that inhabited Jasbir’s body prior to Sobha taking it over, Jasbir said that he didn’t know. Stevenson speculated that this prior personality may have reincarnated somewhere nearby. He made inquiries in the area regarding any children that may remember a past lifetime in which they died of smallpox between the ages of 3 and 4, but he found no such case.

Jasbir related to Dr. Stevenson that he continued to have dreams in which he still saw and interacted with this same discarnate holy man, who would make accurate predictions regarding the future. As an example, Jasbir’s father had taken the initiative to set up an arranged marriage for Jasbir, which neither the future bride or Jasbir were interested in. Jasbir said that in a dream, the holy man appeared and reassured him not to worry, as the marriage plans would fall through. Indeed, this came to pass.

In reflecting on why he, Sobha, a Brahmin, had reemerged in the body of Jasbir, who belonged to a Jat family of lower caste, who were considerably less well-off than the Tyagi family, Jasbir replied that he saw this as a type of a demotion. He knew of no incident, though, in the life of Sobha, that would warrant such a punishment.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding of Past Lives

Walk-in or Exchange Incarnation: Rather than a classic reincarnation case, where one soul is shown to incarnate into two bodies sequentially, this case involves a walk-in. Walk-ins or exchange incarnation cases involve two different souls who inhabit the same body in sequential order. The original soul inhabiting the body leaves the body to allow another soul to take over and make use of that body. Walk-in cases are considered to be extremely rare.

As Jasbir only lived for 3 1/2 years prior to his apparent death from smallpox, his original personality did not have a chance to develop. Whether the soul that inhabited the body of Jasbir prior to his apparent death had any type of relationship with the soul of Sobha is unknown.

Reincarnation Case 5 Larazus Raised by JesusReanimation or Raising of a Dead Body: Though a physician did not examine Jasbir after he apparently succumbed to smallpox, his body was lifeless to the extent that his father and fellow villagers were prepared to bury Jasbir. As noted above, the criteria they used to determine death were sound ones, including cessation of breathing, the cooling of the body and the inability of an examiner to open the jaw of the deceased. As such, it appears that the determination that Jasbir was dead should have been accurate.

How Jasbir’s revival occurred is unknown, though Jasbir, after his transformation, stated that a discarnate sadhu or holy man met him following his death as Sobha and encouraged to take possession of Jasbir’s body.

This turn of events begs the question of whether this holy man played a part in reanimating Jasbir’s lifeless body. If so, this feat parallels miracles attributed to Jesus who, according to the New Testament, brought Lazarus back to life and brought himself back to life through the Resurrection.

As the date of Jasbir’s apparent death was not recorded, it is not clear whether any time elapsed between the time of Sobha’s death, which was determined to have occurred on May 22nd or 23rd, 1954, and his reemergence through the body of Jasbir. Ian Stevenson estimated that Jasbir’s death from smallpox occurred in April or May 1954. As such, it is possible that Sobha’s death occurred at about the same time as Jasbir’s death, though an exact correlation regarding timing cannot be made.

Geographic Past Life Memory: Jasbir was able to find his way from the train station in Vehedi directly to the Tyagi family home without assistance. This is reminiscent of the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen reincarnation case, as Barbro was able to spontaneously lead her parents from their hotel in Amsterdam directly to the Anne Frank House.

Renewal of Past Life Relationships through Reincarnation: By incarnating into Jasbir’s body, Sobha was eventually reunited with the Tyagi family.

Change in Ethnic Affiliation and Caste: Sobha belonged to the higher Hindu Brahman caste and he saw it as a demotion that he incarnated as a Jat of a lower Hindu caste, though he knew of no wrong action on his part that would account for such a punishment.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Case: Sobha reported that a spirit being facilitated his incarnation into the body of Jasbir.

To review other cases that show planning of lifetimes by souls, please go to:

Planning Lifetimes to be Reunited with Loved Ones through Reincarnation




1. Stevenson, Ian: Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, 1974, page 34
2. Ibid, p. 39
3. Ibid, p. 39
4. Ibid, p. 39
5. Ibid, p. 42
6. Ibid, p. 44
7. Ibid, p. 45
8. Ibid, p. 47

Reincarnation Case with Geographic Past Life Memory & Psychic Ability: Past Life Story of Brussels Pharmacist | Blanche Courtain

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: P. Courtian

From: Le Messager de Liege and European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Past Life Memories: A Railroad Mechanic’s Daughter Remembers a Past Lifetime as a Pharmacist

reincarnationresearchbrusselsimageP. Courtain was a retired mechanic for the Belgium state railroad. His daughter, Blanche, suddenly remembered a past lifetime in which she was a pharmacist in Brussels, 40 kilometers or 25 miles away from where the family lived in the village of Charleroi.

This case was first published in the spiritualist journal, Le Messager de Liege, in 1911. Ian Stevenson later included it in his book, European Cases of the Reincarnation Type.

Blanche’s Childhood Psychic Abilities

By the age of five, Blanche showed indications of clairvoyance, as she would accurately describe her maternal and paternal grandparents, who had died 15 years before Blanche was born. Her parents knew nothing about clairvoyance or spiritualism and they were concerned that Blanche had some type of mental illness.

As such, they took her to a doctor who prescribed a medication, which, along with the doctor visit, cost a great deal–7.5 Francs. The next day, Blanche refused to take the medication, explaining to her parents that someone near her, apparently referring to a spirit being, told her she would get her well without it.

Past Life Memory: Blanche Gives the Address of Her Past Life Pharmacy in Brussels

In addition, she said that she knew what to take on her own, as she had been a pharmacist. Her parents were stunned at this statement. Blanche then said:

“I was a pharmacist in Brussels.” She then gave her parents the address of the pharmacy, with street name and number. “If you don’t believe me, go and see for yourself. There is still a pharmacy there and the door of the place is completely white.” (1)

Geographic Past Life Memory: Blanche Leads Her Sister to the Past Life Pharmacy

reincarnationresearchbrusselsstreetimageTwo years later, Blanche’s older sister was planning to go to Brussels, pictured to the right, and their parents suggested that Blanche go with her. Blanche then said:

“Yes. I will go and take my sister to the place I told you about.” (2)

Her parents objected: “But you don’t know Brussels.” Blanche replied:

“That makes no difference. Once I am there I will show my sister the way. (3)

The girls made the trip and at the Brussel’s railroad station, her sister challenged

“Now show me the way.” (4)

Blanche replied: “All right. Come on. It is this way.” Blanche then led her sister on a brisk walk. After a period of time, Blanche said:

“This is the street.” Look! There is the house and you can see that it is a pharmacy.” (5)

Ian Stevenson describes the scene:

ReincarnationResearchBrusselsPharmacyImage“Her sister, amazed, found that everything Blanche had said—the street, the number of the house, and the color of the door—were exactly as Blanche had described. No detail was incorrect.” (6)

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Geographic Memory: The strength of this case rests upon Blanche’s ability to know the exact address of pharmacy in Brussels, then find it on her first trip to Brussels. Please note that this case was first published in 1911, long before this type of information was easily accessible, such as through the Internet.

Blanche’s ability to find the pharmacy is reminiscent of the Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen reincarnation case, in which Barbro was able to lead her parents to the Anne Frank House on her first trip to Amsterdam.

Spirit Being Involvement: Blanche was able to accurately describe her maternal and paternal grandparents, who had died over a decade before Blanche was born.


Past Life Story of Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson-Spirit Being or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case with Psychokenisis

In childhood, Wayne Peterson had vivid memories of a lifetime in which women wore nineteenth century clothing and where parties were held in a large sandstone, mansion-like house. Decades later, while working as a US Diplomat and and Director of the Fulbright Scholarship Program, through guidance from the spirit world and an episode of psychokinesis, Wayne was able to identify his past life as Louis Vanderbilt, wife of Frederick Vanderbilt, a member of the American Vanderbilt dynasty which includes CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood and Spirit Being Guidance

Researcher: Wayne Peterson

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD from Born Again

Little Wayne remembers a Past Lifetime with Women in Billowing Gowns and a Man named Fred: A Past Life Vision of the Vanderbilt Mansion

semkiw peterson louise vanderbilt reincarnation past life skirt IISISWayne Peterson has experienced memories of a past lifetime in which he was Louise Vanderbilt, wife of Frederick Vanderbilt, a member of the American Vanderbilt dynasty. Through marriage, Louise was a relative of Gloria Vanderbilt, who is the mother of CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Click on facial comparison images to enlarge them.

In contrast to the childhood remembrances regarding his Francesco Foscari past lifetime, Wayne’s memories of the Vanderbilt lifetime were more direct and visual. Wayne narrates the turn of events:

“My earliest memories in childhood included detailed images of a time when women wore long billowing gowns and people still used horse drawn carriages. I remembered specifically a large sandstone house, a man named Fred, friends arriving for social gatherings, a large reception area with a high ceiling and floors of white stone.

Central to all this I remembered most a woman that was the center of all related activity. The mystery lady was the center of several scenes that were repeated again and again during my earliest years and continued even to this day. I used to wonder who these people were and wondered why they appeared so real to me.

semkiw peterson vanderbilt reincarnation past life hyde parkAs a young child I believed these people were part of my current life. Why they never visited our home I could never explain. I actually believed they would arrive one day and they would remember me and unexplainably, I would be very happy. I assumed that in my earlier years as an infant I had perhaps experienced these people with my parents and had now forgotten most of those intimate experiences. It was the only way I had as a child to explain the vividness of these people I visited in my dreams. However, these people never did appear in this current life and I remained at a loss to explain their appearance in my mind. I had no knowledge of reincarnation at that early preschool stage of my life.”

Wayne, who was born in 1942, reflects that these memories were especially odd since in the 1940’s, there was no television, nor did he any see motion pictures, that might have fueled his imagination. He reflects that nothing in his real time experience of a small town in central Wisconsin correlated to his visions. Clothing, houses and social manners were entirely different in Wisconsin than what he experienced in his memories.

Yet a man named Fred, women in billowing gowns transported in horse drawn carriages and the large sandstone house, were very real to little Wayne. Perplexed, Wayne asked his mother about these people and the house that he remembered. He asked if he had been ever taken to such a place as an infant. The answer was always no. Though he could not explain the source of his memories, these memories continued to be a source of comfort, and he maintained a nostalgic emotion for a person named Fred.

A Flashback of a Past Lifetime on Fifth Avenue in New York City in Front of the Old Vanderbilt House

IISIS semkiw peterson vanderbilt reincarnation past lfe fifthAs a young adult, Wayne Peterson joined the Peace Corps and was on route to Brazil. His flight to Rio de Janeiro was via New York City. Since Wayne had never been to this big city before, he arranged to have a few days in NYC, to take in the sights of the Big Apple. On his second day in NYC, at about noon, Wayne was walking down Fifth Avenue. He was impressed by the crush of people. Let us now allow Wayne to narrate the scene, as he stood on the sidewalk of Fifth Avenue:

“Suddenly a woman with a hat and white gloves across the wide sidewalk waved her hands in my direction and shouted, ‘Louise, Louise, over here, it’s me.’ She kept shouting Louise and I froze. I instantly believed she was calling me. For whatever reason, I suddenly believed I was Louise.

All my attention focused on this strange woman moving in my direction through the crowd. In my mind I was someone else, someone named Louise. I believed the woman moving toward me was an old friend, but the face did not look familiar.

Nevertheless, there was a great relief within my mind, I thought that finally someone recognized the real me. Not the young man from Wisconsin, but a woman named Louise. It was as if I had been a victim of amnesia and suddenly someone shocked me into reality. Unfortunately, the moment of intense excitement passed when the woman in the hat and gloves brushed past me and grabbed an elderly woman standing directly behind me.

semkiw-reincarnation-vanderbilt-peterson-past-life-Instantly, my mind was on overload and I could not move or think. I was still having a moment as Louise and I looked at these two women and thought, you fools, why don’t you remember me? I am the real Louis. How long I stood and stared at these two women enjoying their renewed acquaintance I do not know, but eventually my logical mind returned and I was forced to question my actions and thinking.

Embarrassed and bewildered, I returned to my hotel room. In the hotel I relaxed on the bed and for some hours pondered what had just happened. Why, I kept wondering, did I think I was Louise? Why was it so real to me and so important that I be Louise? I pondered this strange experience during my entire stay in New York, but found no answer until years later. Nonetheless, I was content that I was Louise in a past life about the turn of the century and that Fred was my husband.”

Wayne feels Past Life Frustration due to Fred’s Shyness

“What I knew of Louise and Fred was not only a few visions from this presumed past life, but I could feel emotions that were from Louise. I intuitively knew she was often frustrated with Frederick at social events. Louise would be in the huge reception area of the house greeting guests. She wore several dresses that I could remember in great detail. I always envisioned Fred in white tie and jacket with tails. He appeared to be perfectly comfortable dressed in that attire. but whenever possible he escaped to the small office/library. I can vividly remember the library door. Inside the library it would be quiet and Fred would be seated in the high backed sofa that hid him from the view of anyone at the doorway exit. Eventually, Louise grew tired of making excuses to the guests about Fred’s absence.”

Wayne Unexpectedly refers to his Vanderbilt Past Life Relatives

Gloria Vanderbilt in Sarabande PantsIn these past life reminiscences experienced when he was a very young man, Wayne Peterson still did not know who Fred and Louise were specifically. Decades later, in the 1990’s, a hint came when Wayne was visiting an upper class friend in New York City, whose name was Mary. This upper class friend insisted that Wayne join her on a vacation at her Irish house on the South coast of Ireland. Mary said that they would have a wonderful time and added that her friend Gloria would be joining them also.

Wayne asked, “Gloria who?” Mary replied, “It’s my friend Gloria Vanderbilt.” Let us allow Wayne describe his reaction to this statement regarding Gloria Vanderbilt, whose photo is provided to the right:

“Instantly my logical mind was again paralyzed just as it had been years before when in New York City that elderly woman shouted the name Louise. Another personality or another identity took over my consciousness and I said, ‘Great, Gloria and I can chat and gossip about our family relatives.’

There was a silence from my friend Mary and I began to realize what I had just said. Mary asked what I meant by common family relatives and I babbled nervously about something while trying to think up any good excuse for my ridiculous statement.

Eventually, I explained that I thought Gloria had an interesting family tree. After terminating that conversation I realized that for a few moments I was transported into another life. It was so total that I really believed I was a relative of Gloria Vanderbilt and we could indeed gossip about family members. Why, I kept wondering again, why did I say such a stupid thing with such conviction?”

Spirit Being, Spiritual or Soul Guidance: A Book Magically Moves and Attaches Itself to Wayne’s Hand-A Case of Psychokinesis 

“In the days that followed my conversation with Mary I began to wonder if there ever could have been a Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt. No, I reasoned the odds against it were simply too remote to even bother to explore. Nevertheless, some weeks later while wandering in my favorite bookstore, my attention was attracted to a book on the wealthy families of the 1800’s and early 1900’s. I noticed the book only because it was on the lowest shelf and protruding into the aisle by some 4 to 5 inches.

semkiw-reincarnation-vanderbilt-peterson-past-life-Although I pushed the book into its proper alignment several times with my foot, the book continued to spring forward multiple times before I finally picked it up and read its cover. I even explored on my hands and knees what was in the shelf which forced the book out into the isle. There was nothing but an empty space behind the book.

Curious, I briefly looked at the price of the book, which was expensive, and I immediately wanted to place it back on the shelf. For whatever reasons, I could not give up the book although my mind wanted to place it back on the shelf. As I could not get my hand to release the book, I reasoned I had to buy it in order to leave the store. When I tried to give the book to the cashier so that he could make the sale, the cashier had to pull with both of his hands to dislodge the book from my grasp, despite my desire to let go of it. After paying for the book, I was angry with myself for having no self-control over purchasing a book I did not want. I took the book home and placed it on my own bookshelf thinking that this is one book that I will probably never read, and therefore it was a total waste of money.”

Wayne identifies his Past Life Home with Women in Billowing Skirts and a Man named Fred Vanderbilt

“However, later that night I had a dream that I must read this new book. Unable to sleep because of this nagging notion, I went downstairs and opened the book. At first nothing captured my imagination but soon I opened a page that totally took me by surprise.

There in full color was a photo of the very room I had always envisioned as a child. The distinctive ceiling, the fireplace and white marble floor and the very same sofas I so clearly remembered. It was all there as if only yesterday I had stepped out of that room.

vanderbilt library peterson reincarnation past life semkiw lThe next page was even more revealing. Again, in a color photo, was the library/office I knew so well. The pale green sofa that Fred would hide in during social events and the two beautiful desks that were part of a his and hers arrangement. Transfixed in wonderment, I thought about the strange attachment I had to this scene and what I might learn from this extraordinary experience.

I began to read the article that went with the photos. The room was part of the Vanderbilt Mansion, which was built by Frederick Vanderbilt in Hyde Park, New York in the late 1800’s. Wouldn’t it be a strange coincidence, I thought, if this Fred Vanderbilt had a wife named Louise? As I read down the page, I was overwhelmed when I read that Frederick was married to Louise H. Anthony. The following pages were most revealing, especially when I saw the color photos that followed…The photos brought to life the rooms that I remembered from my earliest memories as a child. I realized that I had opened a book that revealed all the secrets of a past life.”

Spiritual or Soul Guidance: Reincarnation Geographic Memory on Fifth Avenue

Wayne also read that though their sandstone Hyde Park mansion (pictured near the top of this page) was their favorite, their main home was on Fifth Avenue, in New York City. Though this home in NYC was torn down, the location that Wayne had his “Louise” experience on Park Avenue as a young man indeed the location where the Vanderbilt home had been located on Fifth Avenue. The fact that Louise Vanderbilt lived on Fifth Avenue sheds further light on young Wayne’s experience on Fifth Avenue, when the elderly woman in white gloves called out “Louise,” and Wayne was transported to his past incarnation as Louise.

I term this phenomenon of a geographic setting triggering past life experiences as Geographic Memory, which is also observed in the: Reincarnation Case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene

Wayne Peterson & Louise Vanderbilt have a Common Interest in Metaphysics

Wayne also learned that Louise and Frederick were very interested in metaphysics, including Theosophy, as is Wayne in contemporary times. In his current incarnation, Wayne is a scholar of the work of Alice Bailey. Louise was also a great fan of the grand ladies of 18th century France, especially Marie Antoinette. Louise Vanderbilt had even filled her bedroom with French reproduction furniture.

This has significance in relation to another past lifetime that has been identified for Wayne, that of Claude Ledoux, who was an artist and architect associated in the Court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The Claude Ledoux | Wayne Peterson reincarnation case is featured in Born Again. Louise died in 1926, in Paris, which was one of her favorite cities. Frederick lived out his remaining years largely in seclusion, passing away in 1938.

Reincarnated Fredrick Vanderbilt in Contemporary Times

semkiw frederick vanderbilt reincarnation past life wayne peterson image comparisonFrederick, by the way, has also been identified in contemporary times. Fred turns out to be a friend who Wayne Peterson has known for years, who shares with Wayne an interest in metaphysics. Though Wayne had known this person for a period of time, his identity as Frederick Vanderbilt was not determined until the year 2004. At that time, Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt were consciously reunited, 78 years after they were separated by death.

Summary & Reincarnation Case Analysis

Key elements of this case include Wayne’s vivid memories in childhood of a lifetime in which women wore nineteenth century clothing and where parties were held in a large sandstone, mansion-like house. Later, in adulthood, Wayne had memories of being a woman name Louise, which were triggered by standing at the very spot where Louise and Fredrick Vanderbilt lived on Fifth Avenue in NYC. Though this event initially seems coincidental, it is likely that this event was orchestrated by spirit beings, or perhaps Wayne’s own soul.

Guidance to a past life geographic location, which triggered discovery of a past lifetime, also occurred in the case of Reincarnation Case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene.

Guidance by spirit beings was even more evident in the scene at the bookstore, where a book was magically pushed out of a bookshelf repeatedly. When Wayne grasped this book, he was unable to release it, which led to him purchasing this book on nineteenth century homes against his conscious will. In this book, Wayne found the house and rooms that he so vividly saw in his memories as a child. The home was owned by Fred and Louise Vanderbilt, which allowed Wayne to solve the past life puzzle that he had struggled with since childhood.

Of note, this case, if accepted, demonstrates that gender can change from one incarnation to another, though facial features, bone structure of the face, remains consistent.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

If this reincarnation case demonstrates the following features:

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Wayne’s facial features are consistent with those of Louise Vanderbilt, despite the change in gender.

Reincarnation & Change of Gender: Louise was a woman, who reincarnated as Wayne, a male.

Reincarnation & Geographic Memory: Wayne had a past life flashback at the spot on Fifth Avenue where Fred and Louise Vanderbilt had a home.

Spirit Being & Soul Guidance in Reincarnation Cases: The architectural book that featured the Vanderbilt Hyde Park home, which allowed Wayne to solve this reincarnation case, magically moved from a bookshelf and then attached itself to Wayne’s hand, which forced Wayne to purchase it. This represents psychokinesis, where an physical object is moved by psychic means, in this case apparently by a spirit guide. Psychokinesis is prominent in the reincarnation case of Daniel D. Home | Uri Geller, which is featured in Born Again. A dream then prompted Wayne to read the book in the middle of the night.

In addition, the incident on Fifth Avenue where Wayne had a past life flashback was likely orchestrated by a spirit being, or perhaps by Wayne’s own soul.

Reincarnation, Innate Talent & Past Life Behavior: Louise Vanderbilt studied astrology and Theosophical literature. Wayne has continued this interest by becoming a scholar of the Alice Bailey material. In addition, Wayne is a published author on spirit beings with his book, Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings.

Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation: Louise and Frederick Vanderbilt appear to have been reunited through reincarnation. In contemporary times, they are both heterosexual men, who are friends without any romantic involvement.