A Muslim Boy Reincarnates into a Buddhist Family: The Past Life Case of Wijanama  Kithsiri

IISISReincarnationResearchGaneshHow derived: Childhood Past Life Memories

Researchers: Ian Stevenson, MD and Francis Story

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume II, Ten Cases in Sri Lanka

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

MG Wijanama Kithsiri was born on August 28, 1959 in the Sri Lankan village of Wehigala, which at the time was inhabited by about 1000 people. His father was WMG Ariyawansa and his mother was MJ Kusumawathie. The family was Buddhist and Sinhalese, which is the native ethnic group in Sri Lanka that makes up 75 percent of the population. They spoke the Sinhalese language. All people living in Wehigala were Sinhalese Buddhists, with no Muslims or Tamils living in the area. The family was vegetarian.

Nocturnal Episodes of Xenoglossy: Speaking an Unlearned Language

At the age of three Wijanama began sitting up in bed in the middle of the night with his legs crossed and would speak in a language unknown to his parents. On a typical evening, Wijanama would go to sleep along with the rest of the family at 9 PM. In between 10 PM and midnight, he would sit up and begin a recitation of verses in an unknown language. This would last 3 to 15 minutes after which he would lie down and go back to sleep. Sometimes he would get up and try to leave the house, though his family would stop him from departing. His parents noted that Wijanama seemed distressed during these episodes, which continued on a nightly basis to at least until the age of 13, at which time the practice was still continuing to occur.

Past Life Memories of an Incarnation in Kandy

At the age of four Wijanama started talking about a past lifetime in which he stated that he lived in the city of Kandy. Kandy is in the highlands of Sri Lanka about 25 kilometers or 15 miles from Wijanama’s village of Wehigala. He said that he had another father and mother, that they would eat sitting on a mat and that his mother would wear a covering on her head. He also stated that at his past life home, there were plenty of light bulbs, which was an unusual statement as the family’s village of Wehigala had no electricity. In contrast, Kandy was electrified. He also said that water came from a pipe near their kitchen, which could be true for Kandy which had a piped water system, whereas in Wehigala water could only be obtained from wells. Wijanama also said that he had seen moving pictures or movies, which did not exist in his rural village but were available in Kandy.

2 Hindu to Muslim Reincarnation-ElephantIan Stevenson explained that Kandy is a fairly large city with a diverse population which includes Buddhists, Tamil Hindus and Muslims. The Tamil people are another ethnic group in Sri Lanka who speak their own language, Tamil. Tamils at the time made up about 20 percent of the Sri Lankan population. Muslims in Kandy also speak the Tamil language.

Wijanama expressed a strong desire to see his previous parents. Wijanama said that he developed a fever and died while still a schoolboy, though he could not remember his name in this prior incarnation.  He said that he attained the third grade in Kandy.

Wijanama claimed that he had seen the Perahara, which is a religious festival that involves elaborate parades and decorated elephants. His village did not have this festival but in Kandy the parade passes along King Street. Wijanama correctly stated that at the Perahara there were huge elephants and a lot of dances.

Wijanama describes a Muslim Past Life

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeywomanWijanama made several statements indicating that he was Muslim in his previous life. When Wijanama saw a woman with a hijab or headscarf on her head, which is typically worn by Muslim women, he said, “My mother is like that.” Ian Stevenson noted that Wijanama’s recitation posture of sitting with legs crossed is a position often taken by Muslims during prayers.

He also said that he ate meat in his previous life, though he would not eat pork. This is a common Muslim dietary practice, but contrary to the habits of his biologic family, who were vegetarians. Wijanama expressed disappointment in his current living situation as he related that his past life family was much better off than his contemporary one. Once he became angry, stating, “In my other house there is plenty of sugar and I want to go there.”  Wijanama also said there was ample meat.

Another Muslim habit that Wijanama displayed was keeping his head covered with a handkerchief fastened with a knot in the back. In addition, he would wear his sarong, which is a type of robe, much further up on the leg, which Muslims do so that they can wash their feet upon entering a mosque. Further, while his family ate their meals seated at a table, Wijanama would sit on the floor cross-legged and after his meal, he would rub his stomach and belch. Ian Stevenson related these dining behaviors are typical of Muslims in the area.

Wijanama repeatedly would say that he wanted to go back to his better past life house and to worship at the mosque. His past life memories appeared to be vivid and he talked about his prior incarnation in the present tense, as if he was still living that lifetime.

Identifying with his Muslim Past Life, Wijanama is Critical of Buddhist Worship

Wijanama was totally resistant to his family’s Buddhist religious customs and he felt repelled by images at Buddhist temples. He stated, “Where we worship we don’t have all these idols and statues. We have to put mats on the ground. We wash our bodies and sit on our mats and worship. There is a priest shouting at the top of his voice. No women go there.”  He also said that there was a well with water at his place of worship. Wijanama made these statements before he had ever seen a mosque.

Wijanama’s description of his place of worship does correspond to a Muslim mosque, in which depictions of religious or other figures are not allowed, where worshipers wash their feet in a pool of water before entering and people sit on mats on the floor. The “priest shouting at the top of his voice” would represent a muezzin, who calls the Muslim community to prayers, oftentimes using an amplified sound system.

Wijanama is Ridiculed and called “The Muslim”

As he lived in a community made up entirely of Sinhalese Buddhists, Wijanama experienced ridicule from schoolmates because of his Muslim behavior. They would tease him and they gave him a nickname, “The Muslim.” Wijanama would respond by running home and asking that he be sent to his past life father. Nonetheless, he would continue to insist that he had been a Muslim in his past life and that he still was a Muslim.

Shopkeeper: A Probable Past Life Vocation

Wijanama routinely played at running a boutique or shop, which he would open as soon as he came home from school. He used red seed pods to represent slices of meat and pieces of paper to represent fabrics. He would pretend to sell vegetables and toys. In dreams, he said he saw his past life father bringing vegetables to the shop in a cart. Wijanama indicated that when he grew up, he would acquire a shop or boutique.

Children with past life memories often duplicate their past life profession in their play. A dramatic example involves the reincarnation case of Ahmet Delibalta | Erkan Kilic, in which Erkan, as a child, would pretend to run a nightclub, which was his past life vocation as Ahmet Delibalta. To learn more, go to:

Reincarnation Case of Ahmet Delibalta | Erkan Kilic

Sometimes his father would joke that it was a lot of trouble to have a Muslim come into the family. To this, Wijanama angrily replied, “Aren’t we all humans? Don’t say such things about others!”

Wijanama finds his Past Life Mosque in Kandy

When Wijanama was five years old his family took him to Kandy to see the Buddhist Temple of the Tooth, a landmark of the area. From there, Wijanama started to pull his mother down King Street saying that he wanted to go to the place where he worshipped. When they arrived at the King Street Mosque, Wijanama said, “This is where we worshiped.” Wijanama noted that the stairs of the mosque had been changed. This assertion was verified by an official at the mosque.

Near the King Street Mosque Wijanama saw a house and dragged his father to it. They did not knock on the door as Wijanama’s father was afraid of discussing reincarnation in this Muslim community, since reincarnation traditionally is not part of Islamic doctrine. In this area, Wijanama found the faucet of a water pipe and he stated, “We washed and bathed there.”

Xenoglossy: Wijanama’s Recitation is Deciphered

When Ian Stevenson researched this case, a tape recording was made of Wijanama’s nighttime recitation. In this recording, four words were repeated over and over. These words were:

“Allaha,” which is the Arabic word for God

“Umma,” which is the Tamil word for mother

“Vappa,” which is the Tamil word for father

Stevenson noted that Umma and Vappa are part of the vocabulary of the Tamil dialect spoken by Muslims in Kandy. Further, when Stevenson had a Muslim resident of Kandy listen to the tape recording, this individual stated that only a Muslim child could pronounce these words so properly. Stevenson interpreted the recitation as a prayer to God in which Wijanama pleaded to be reunited with this past life parents.

There were other words that Wijanama used which would indicate that he had lived in Kandy in his previous live. For example, when asked if he had enough food, Wijanama replied “podong,” which is a Tamil word for “enough.” This is in contrast to the Sinhalese word for enough, which is “aithie.”

In 1970, when Wijanama was 11 years old, he was still persisting in the behavior of a Muslim boy and he continued to play at operating his shop after school. His nocturnal ritual of sitting up on his bed and pleading to God and referring to his past life mother and father was ongoing.

Statements made by Wiljanama strongly support that he had a past life as a Muslim in Kandy. As noted, he could not recall his past life name, which made locating his past life family challenging. Further, Ian Stevenson noted that Muslims in Kandy were reluctant to help in identifying Wijanama’s past life identity, since reincarnation is not a part of their religion.

Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moonPrinciples of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Change of Religion and Ethnicity: Wijanama recalled that he was a Muslim boy in his past life, whereas in his contemporary life, he was born into a Sinhalese Buddhist family.

Past Life Talents and Behaviors: Wijanama demonstrated behaviors typical of a Muslim boy. Further, he had an obsession of playing the role of a shopkeeper, which likely represents his past life vocation.

Xenoglossy: In Wijanama’s nightly recitations, he used Arabic and Tamil words, though no Arabs or Tamils lived in his village and no one in his family knew or understood these words. Being able to speak a language that has not been learned by normal means is called xenoglossy. The Arabic and Tamil words that Wijanama used likely were learned during a past lifetime in Kandy, where the languages of Arabic and Tamil are spoken by the Muslim population.

Geographic Memory: Once in Kandy, Mijanama found what appears to be his past life mosque and possibly his past life home.

Source: Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Sri Lanka, Volume II,  pages 326-360

Xenoglossy & Retention of the Personality with the Soul-Introduction

Xenoglossy is defined as the ability to speach a language from a past life, which was not learned in the contemporary life. How xenoglossy cases imply that personalities from one’s lifetimes are retained in the soul. The symbol for xenoglossy consists of two caption boxes, representing speach or two languages.

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

XenoglossyXenoglossy is a Greek term that means “foreign tongue” or “foreign language.”  In reincarnation research, xenoglossy refers to the ability of a person to speak a language that hasn’t been learned by normal means.

Xenoglossy is thought to provide evidence of reincarnation, as a language must be learned at some point in time.  If an individual did not learn the foreign language in a contemporary incarnation, then that language must have been learned in a past lifetime.

Ian Stevenson, MD described two categories of xenoglossy:

Recitative Xenoglossy

In this condition, an individual can speak a language that hasn’t been learned, but the individual cannot respond, or converse, in that language.

Responsive Xenoglossy

In this situation, an individual can also speak in a foreign language that hasn’t been learned.  In addition, this individual can understand other people speaking the language and can respond, can participate in conversation, in that language.

Ian Stevenson makes the assertion that in responsive xenoglossy, the individual must have learned and practiced the language at some point in time. Stevenson points out that to converse in a language, practice is required.

If this practice was not done in the contemporary incarnation, then the language must have been learned and practiced in a past incarnation.

Speaking in Tongues

Let us also consider the phenomenon of glossolabia, which is the scientific term for speaking in tongues.  Glossolabia is practiced by certain branches of Christianity.  Speaking in tongues differs from xenoglossy in that xenoglossy involves the ability to speak a known foreign language, which other people also understand.

The Ability of the Soul to Retain Past Life Personalities

In some xenoglossy cases, it is observed that the past life personality appears to be almost transported in time from a prior incarnation to the present.  The past life personality may not even know that it has died. A further discusssion of this phenomenon is found in: Principles of Reincarnation

The symbol for xenoglossy consists of two caption boxes, representing speach or two languages.

Xenoglossy Reincarnation Cases

Reincarnation Research Home Page


Born Again: Reincarnation Cases Involving Evidence of Past Lives, with Xenoglossy Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson, MD

Expanded International Edition, by Walter Semkiw, MD

Born Again Reincarnation Past Lives Walter Semkiw

In Born Again, key cases that provide evidence of reincarnation are complied, which are presented as easy-to-read synopses. In aggregate, these cases provide proof of reincarnation. Principles of reincarnation are reviewed, including observations that facial features, personality traits, talents and passions can remain consistent from lifetime to lifetime.

Dr. Semkiw also reviews the important twin study researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, of the University of Virginia, which shows that souls can plan lifetimes and that loved ones can be reunited through reincarnation. Xenoglossy cases demonstrate that past life personalities are retained intact within the soul following death.

Significantly, religion and nationality can change from lifetime to lifetime, as demonstrated in the Anne Frank reincarnation case. Dr. Semkiw asserts that this knowledge will help create a more peaceful world. Cases derived through Kevin Ryerson, a world-renowned trance medium, are also presented.

Born Again Expanded International Edition Printed Version and E Book

Are Now Available Worldwide through Amazon.com

In the United States, please go to: Born Again

Kevin Ryerson, the Spirit Being Ahtun Re and the Proposed Reincarnation of John Adams, with the Robert Morris | Shirley MacLaine Past Life Case

johnadamswaltersemkiwreincarnationcaseIntroducing Kevin Ryerson, the Spirit Guide Ahtun Re & President John Adams Proposed Reincarnation


Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Recommended Reading: John Adams: A Party of One

A Medical Doctor’s Journey into Past Lives

The way in which I became involved in reincarnation research is that in 1984, on a lark, I went to a medium, much like the one that Penney Peirce went to see. It was a time when I was in my medical training in Chicago, Illinois. A friend called me and suggested that I have a session with a medium who was working out of a local metaphysical bookstore.

Being a skeptic by nature, I had never even considered going to a psychic before. It had been a dreary winter, though, with little to do but study, and I reasoned that a session with a medium could be, if nothing else, entertaining.

During the session, the medium went into a meditative state and in doing so, allowed spirit guides to talk through him. These guides told me about family issues with surprising accuracy.

The guides then told me about two past lives, one of which was during the American Revolution. In short, they told me that I was John Adams, an American Revolutionary who eventually became the first Vice President, under George Washington, then the second President of the United States. I had heard that psychics often tell people that they were someone famous in a past lifetime, as that is what their clients want to hear. I did not find it plausible that I was Adams, so in 1984, I dismissed the information as ridiculous and did not pursue the Adams connection for about 12 years.

A Booming Telepathic Message

At the end of 1995, I was fully engaged in my medical career and was on a business trip in Hawaii.  I was working as a medical director of an oil company called Unocal 76, whose slogan happened to be, “The Spirit of 1776,” a reference to the spirit of the American Revolution.  It was about lunch time and I was standing at one Unocal’s facilities in Honolulu waiting for some colleagues. Out of the blue, out of nowhere, I received an internal command like I had never experienced before.  A booming voice inside my head commanded:

“Study the Lifetime of Adams”

I had never heard a booming internal voice like that before, nor have I since. The message conveyed by this voice was firm and undeniable, and powerful enough to make me go to a bookstore in Honolulu that evening, where I purchased books on the American Revolution and John Adams.

iisispeteradamsgeorgesemkiwreincarnationcaseIn the session in 1984, the spirit guides told me that if I researched John Adams, I would see myself in physical attributes, personality and habits. As I read about Adams over the course of 1996, that is exactly what I found. I had the same personality, the same strengths and weaknesses, and in certain portraits, such as the one done for the Paris peace conference after the Revolutionary War, I had the very same face as Adams. Place your cursor on image comparisons to enlarge the image and your arrow keys to scroll up and down on the image.

Past Life Relationships

Over time, I identified 60 people who where affiliated with Adams, who seemed to be reincarnated around me in my life. For example, my brother George appeared to be the reincarnation of Peter Adams, the brother of John Adams. Facial features, as well as personality traits, were consistent.

I hypothesized that my other brother, Leo, who is an orthopedic surgeon, is the reincarnation of Cotton Tufts, who was also a physician and a close friend of the Adams family, who managed the Adams’s finances when they traveled overseas. Leo managed my mother’s finances prior to her death.

John Adams, US President, Reincarnation Case

IISISCottonTuftsLeoSemkiwReincarnationCaseOver a period of two years, I slowly and reluctantly started to consider that I might be the reincarnation of John Adams.

One reason was the many synchronistic and unusual events that were occurring to me in relation to Adams. One such unusual event involved accidentally discovering a case of xenoglossy.

This involves a Russian friend of mine named Igor, who was also living in San Francisco. In my study of Adams, I had a hunch that Igor was a Frenchman that John Adams knew, when Adams served as an American ambassador to France. When Igor and I first met, we became instant friends, typical of what happens when one encounters a compatriot from a past incarnation. Igor physically resembled the Frenchman and they shared personality traits. Igor and the Frenchman both loved music and played instruments. Igor was trained as a concert pianist in Russia and after immigrating to the United States, he played for the major ballet companies in New York. Igor and the Frenchman were also both adept at finance. Igor, in fact, makes his living on the stock market.

A Telepathic Message Reveals a Case of Xenoglossy: Unlearned Language

Though Igor is a close friend, I didn’t tell him about his hypothesized French past life identity for over a year, as Igor was an atheist and I knew that he did not believe in reincarnation. One evening, I was at Igor’s apartment, sitting in the kitchen with Igor and his new girlfriend, Holly. Igor and Holly had been dating for about six months, but she lived in Seattle, so this was my first opportunity to meet her. Out of the blue, I received a distinct intuition, which seemed like a telepathic message. In fact, the best way that I can describe it is that I experienced a “voiceless voice,” a term used by Neale Donald Walsh in his book series, Conversations with God. Though I have no idea where the voiceless voice came from, it made the following statement:

“Tell them now, tell them now.”

IISISIgorReincarnationCaseI immediately knew that the voiceless voice wanted me to tell Igor and Holly about Igor’s past lifetime as a Frenchman, though I didn’t understand why I should tell Igor at this point in time. I argued with this unexpected voice, thinking to myself, “Why should I tell them now? I could have told Igor a year ago. Besides, he’s never going to believe it anyway.” None the less, I complied with the voiceless voice’s instruction. I reluctantly told Igor and his girlfriend about my feeling that I knew Igor in the Revolutionary Era and that he was French. An image comparison featuring Igor and his proposed past life match is provided to the right.

Xenoglossy: Igor Speaks French in his Sleep

His girlfriend, Holly, then replied, “Boy that’s strange, because Igor speaks French in his sleep.” Igor confirmed that this was true. Igor related that he has been told many times that he speaks French in his sleep and he admitted that he has never studied French. Igor cannot speak French in his waking consciousness. Of course, Igor being the atheist that he is, didn’t care about this phenomenon or how it possibly could occur.

I was thunderstruck! This represented a case of xenoglossy, in which a person can speak a language that was never learned. The amazing thing was that it supported my hypothesis about Igor and the Adams past life research in general. It appears that the voiceless voice prompted me to tell Igor about his French lifetime in the presence of his girlfriend, so that she could report his nocturnal language skills to me. Otherwise, I may never have learned about Igor’s xenoglossy.

In addition, many other strange events and coincidences occurred to me that seemed to relate to a past lifetime as Adams, which are recounted in detail in the last chapter of my book Return of the Revolutionaries, which is entitled, A Science of Spirit and the New Reformation. If my hypothesized reincarnation case was true, I reasoned that the information might be valuable in understanding how reincarnation works, but I didn’t know what to do with the information. Prior to the year 2000, I certainly wasn’t ready to go public. After all, I was a physician making a good salary. I didn’t want to lose my job by running around saying that I was John Adams, if I was not. I needed some type of validation or confirmation.

A Tour of Psychics: Introduction to Kevin Ryerson & the Spirit Being or Spirit Guide Ahtun Re

Kevin Ryerson & Meaning of Life, Walter Semkiw MD IISIS Reincarnation Case StudyNot knowing what else to do, I started going to psychics in the San Francisco area, where I was living, who had good reputations, to see what they would say. For example, I visited Michael Tamura, who directed the Berkeley Psychic Center for almost 20 years. In this position, he trained other clairvoyants, so I though he might be a reliable resource. In my session with Michael he stated, “Yes, you were John Adams and you are here to bring the Founding Fathers back.” That was nice, but I still wasn’t convinced. I went to several other psychics and they all told me the same thing, that I was reincarnation of John Adams. I still questioned their accuracy and suspected they may just be telling me something they thought I wanted to hear.

In my continuing tour, I eventually was referred to Kevin Ryerson, the medium who has worked with Shirley MacLaine for 30 years or so and who is featured in four of her books.

I learned that Kevin is a trance channel, which means that when he works, he goes into a meditative state or trance and allows spirit beings to speak through him.

The Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re

The spirit being that I began to work with through Kevin is named Ahtun Re, who identifies himself as an Egyptian of Nubian origin. Ahtun Re explained that he had evolved through a series of human lifetimes and then ascended, like Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and other spiritual masters. Ahtun Re’s last incarnation, he told me, was in Egypt, during the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaton (1379-1362 BC), who was known as the “Father of Monotheism.” Ahtun Re served as a High Priest and advisor to Akhenaton and as such, Ahtun Re’s last incarnation occurred approximately 3350 years ago.

Speaking to an Egyptian spirit guide that has been dead for over 3000 years was a novel experience for me. I was open-minded, but skeptical, and in the beginning I did not assume that Ahtun Re was accurate. Like any reasonable person, and especially since my background is in science, I needed evidence to be convinced that Ahtun Re produced valid information.

A Review of Past Life Cases from the American Revolution

First of all, Ahtun Re also confirmed that I am the reincarnation of John Adams. I then reviewed the list of almost 60 past life matches that I had hypothesized regarding the group that was incarnate around John Adams, who I thought I had identified in contemporary times. As we went through each match, Ahtun Re told me whether I was right or wrong. In total, he validated about 85 percent of the matches that I had hypothesized and he indicated that 15 percent or so were inaccurate. A number of American Revolution past life cases validated by Ahtun Re are found on the Reincarnation Research web site. To learn more:

Go to: Past Lives of Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, John Hagelin & Deepak Chopra

Obscurity of Past Life Matches Convinces Walter Ahtun Re is a Spirit Being separate from Kevin Ryerson

Still, I wasn’t sure whether there was any reason to place trust in Ahtun Re. How did I know that his determinations were valid?

A breakthrough occurred when I started to ask about matches in which I had no hypothesized matches and I asked Ahtun Re to tell me who a person was in a past lifetime, or who a person from history is in contemporary times. What I found was that Ahtun Re could make past life identifications, which when researched, appeared to be valid and accurate. The matches he made, when investigated, demonstrated similar facial features, personality traits, talents and appropriate karmic groupings.

Further, at times the matches involved individuals in history that were so obscure and so hard to get information on, that there was no way that Ahtun Re (or Kevin Ryerson for that matter) could have made the matches without accessing some spiritual source of accurate data. Some might call this source of information the Akashic Record, some may call it Universal Mind.

Core Cases that Demonstrate the Ability of Spirit Being Ahtun Re to Read the Akashic Record or Universal Mind

A sample of cases which clearly demonstrate Ahtun Re’s ability to make accurate past life matches include those of the 2000 American Green Party Candidate for President, Ralph Nader, the astronomer Carl Sagan, Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations with God book series, and the reincarnations of Laurel and Hardy. The Laurel & Hardy | Bacher Boys reincarnation cases are also very powerful. These cases are presented in the section: Core Cases that Demonstrate Ahtun Re’s Ability

Spirit Being Ahtun Re’s Encyclopedic Fund of Knowledge: Precedes Google

One must keep in mind that when I started to work with Kevin in 2001, search engines, such as Google, were primitive and were not used routinely. When Ahtun Re gave me information to research, I had to do it the old-fashioned way by going to the library and reading books. Because of the limited access to information at that time, I came to realize that Ahtun Re’s fund of knowledge was beyond what was possible for Kevin Ryerson. As noted in the reincarnation cases involving Penney Peirce, a medium named Bobby Jo seemed to have access to information in an encyclopedic scope. In a similar way, Ahtun Re seemed to have knowledge there was beyond the capacity of a single human being.

The Spirit Guide MacPherson Observes Walter Shirley MacLaine & Walter from the Spirit Realm

IIISIS Reincarnation Case Study Shirley MacLaineBefore I proceed with presenting cases solved through Ahtun Re, I would like to share an anecdote which demonstrates that the spirit guides that Kevin channels can monitor events on Earth. In my book, Return of the Revolutionaries, Shirley MacLaine is identified as James Wilson, an American Revolutionary and signer of the Declaration of Independence, a match that Ahtun Re revealed. Ms. MacLaine was gracious enough to agree to be in my book, though she herself had not had an opportunity to have a session with Kevin prior to my book’s publication to have this past lifetime confirmed directly.

The Robert Morris | Shirley MacLaine Reincarnation Case

A few months after publication of Return of the Revolutionaries, Ms. MacLaine was conducting a series of workshops in October 2003 at the Academy of Art College, in San Francisco. It was an opportunity for me to meet Ms. MacLaine for the first time. In the interim months, I understood from Kevin that Shirley did have a session with him and Ahtun Re. Subsquently, Shirley cited the Robert Morris | Shirley MacLaine reincarnation case in her book I’m Over All That: And Other Confessions.

Spirit Being Ahtun Re Suggests a Present for Shirley MacLaine

I myself happened to have a telephone session with Kevin Ryerson scheduled on the day before Shirley’s event. Kevin conducted the session from Portland, Oregon, which is where he was living at the time. In the session, I asked Ahtun Re whether I should bring a gift to Shirley. Ahtun Re, speaking through Kevin in his deep bass voice, told me to have a T Shirt manufactured that had an image of Shirley’s revolutionary persona on the front, with a caption underneath that states:

“In my next lifetime, I want to be Shirley MacLaine.”

On the back of the T Shirt, Ahtun Re told me that I should emboss the following line,

“One hundred lifetimes and all I get is this crummy T Shirt.”

Ahtun Re not only can make accurate past life matches, he also has a sense of humor. Well, almost miraculously, I was able to get the T Shirt manufactured within a day and I had it with me when I went to see Shirley speak. After the morning session, I introduced myself to Shirley at the lunch break. I was not prepared for what happened next. At the start of the afternoon session, Shirley invited me to join her on stage.

Walter get Nervous On Stage with Shirley MacLaine and Passes the Microphone like a Baton

For almost two hours, a three-way conversation ensued between Shirley, her audience of two to three hundred people and me, regarding reincarnation, my book and her past life as Robert Morris. Though I was having the time of my life, I was nervous about being on stage with one of the most famous celebrities on the planet. My anxiety was channeled into my right hand, which was holding the microphone. My hand grasped the microphone with greater and greater force until it started to cramp. At that point, perhaps forty minutes into our discussion, I passed the microphone to my left hand. After a while, my left hand started to cramp and I had to pass the microphone back to my right hand. This passing of the microphone baton continued throughout the duration of my stage appearance with Shirley, which as noted, lasted almost two hours.

Spirit Being MacPherson Observes Shirley & Walter from the Spirit Realm

IISISSpiritWorldHeavenWhat is remarkable about this incident with Shirley is that Kevin Ryerson’s spirit guides were watching the proceedings from the spirit world. Recall that Kevin was in Portland while the event with Shirley took place in San Francisco. Several months after Shirley’s Academy of Art College engagement, Kevin Ryerson came to San Francisco to do a lecture and a public demonstration of channeling. In the session, another spirit guide channeled through Kevin, Tom MacPherson, came through. MacPherson often came through in sessions for Shirley MacLaine, as Tom was last incarnate as an actor in Shakespeare’s troupe, so he and Shirley have a common interest in drama. Tom, through Kevin, addressed the audience in his Irish accent and he called me out. Tom inquired, “So, Laddy, did you have a nice time with the redhead?”

The redhead that Tom was referring to, of course, was Shirley MacLaine. I responded that I had a wonderful time on stage with Shirley. Tom then noted:

“You were a wee bit nervous, though, passing the microphone to and fro from one hand to another.”

I was shocked when Tom made that statement, as I had not told Kevin of the microphone incident. Later upon questioning, Kevin confirmed that he had no knowledge of my problem with the microphone when I was on stage with Shirley. This made me realize that Kevin’s guides could monitor events on Earth, regardless of where Kevin himself was physically located.

Dear Friends in Kevin Ryerson & Spirit Being Ahtun Re

Over the years that I have worked with Kevin regularly since we first met in October 2001 and we have become good friends. In addition, since I have had monthly sessions with Kevin since 2001, I also feel that Ahtun Re is a friend of mine. In the sessions, Ahtun Re is as warm and human as anyone else that you might speak to over the telephone. The only difference is that with Ahtun Re, the telephone is Kevin Ryerson. MacPherson has also come through a handful of times, but it has been Ahtun Re who has been the dominant spirit guide that I have worked with. Ahtun Re and MacPherson have distinct personalities, which are quite different from Kevin’s personality.

I would also like to mention that I am not the only one who has had extremely positive experiences with information gained through Kevin Ryerson. For example, William H. Kautz received a Doctorate of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and served as a staff scientist at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) for 35 years. Dr. Kautz has written several books on the topic of intuition and he regards Kevin Ryerson as one of the most accurate intuitives he has studied. With this introduction, let us review cases solved through Ahtun Re:

Go to: Core Cases that Demonstrate Ahtun Re’s Ability to Make Accurate Past Life Matches

To have a session with Kevin Ryerson, go to: Kevin Ryerson Tele-Readings


Japanese Soldier Reincarnates as a Woman and Becomes a Lesbian, Understanding Homosexuality & Gender Identity Issues through Reincarnation; Sasha Fleishman

The retention of the mindset of the gender of a prior incarnation is demonstrated in this childhood memory reincarnation case researched by Ian Stevenson, MD. A WW II Japanese soldier in occupied Burma was killed in a strafing run and reincarnated as a Burmese woman, showing how a persecutor can return to life as the persecuted, demonstrating the futility of war.

Reincarnation & Gender Change, Past Life Story of Japanese SoldierHow Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Nathul, Burma during the Japanese Occupation

The setting of this case is in the village of Nathul, in Burma. During World War II, the Japanese army occupied Nathul, starting in 1942.

As there was a railroad station nearby, Allied fighters and bombers regularly bombed the area and used machine guns to strafe the ground to kill any Japanese soldiers that were spotted. Attacks would often happen twice a day.

As the Allied planes ran sorties during the day, the Burmese villagers of Nathul would scatter into the countryside in the mornings. The villagers would then return to their homes in the cover of the night’s darkness. The Allied attacks continued through the spring of 1945. (1)

Daw Aye Tin and the Japanese Army Cook

U Aye Maung and his wife, Daw Aye Tin, were poor members of the community. U Aye Maung worked as a porter at the railway station. They had three daughters.

During the occupation, Daw became acquainted with a Japanese army cook, who was stocky or heavy set man. Due to the heat, this cook typically wore shorts without a shirt. Daw and the Japanese soldier had a common interest in cooking and they shared their respective knowledge regarding Burmese and Japanese cooking methods. After a period of time, Daw lost contact with this soldier. (2)

Reincarnation & Gender Change, Past Life Story of Japanese CookReincarnation & Planning Lifetimes: Daw has an Announcing Dream involving the Japanese Soldier as a Spirit Being

Time passed and Daw became pregnant with a fourth child. During this pregnancy, Daw had a recurrent dream in which “a stocky Japanese soldier wearing short pants and no shirt followed her and said he would come and stay with them” … She recognized him as the Japanese army cook. “In the dream Daw Aye Tin was afraid of the soldier and told him not to follow her. The same dream occurred three times at intervals of five to ten days.” (3)

Reincarnation Birthmark on Ma’s Groin and a Phobia of Aircraft

Daw gave birth to another daughter on December 26, 1953, who was given the name Ma Tin Aung Myo. It was noted that she had a birthmark, described as a dark patch the size of a thumb, on her groin. The birthmark appeared to itch, as Ma would scratch it. (4)

As a child, Ma demonstrated a severe phobia of aircraft flying overhead. When she was 4 years old, as she was walking with her father, a plane flew by and Ma began frightened and began to cry. Her father asked what was wrong, but Ma would only say, “I want to go home, I want to go home.” (5)

Thereafter, whenever a plane flew overhead Ma would cry. In response to her father’s inquiries regarding her fear, Ma explained that she was afraid the planes would shoot them.

Her father explained to Ma that in the past planes shot at people, but that this no longer occurred. Recall that the Japanese occupation of Burma, with the associated Allied aircraft machine gun strafing runs, ended in 1945. Ma was born in 1953 and as such, Ma had never witnessed planes shooting at people. Her father’s attempts to reassure her failed and Ma continued to have a severe phobia of planes for years. (6)

reincarnation-japanese-soldier-gender-identity-issuesA Child’s Past Life Memories: Ma says She misses Japan and her Family

In addition to having this phobia, Ma often appeared depressed and would sit by herself weeping. When she was asked what was wrong, Ma said, “I am pining for Japan.” (7)

She then began telling her family that she had memories of being a Japanese soldier stationed in Nathul, who was shot and killed by machine gun fire that came from an airplane.

Her memories gradually became more detailed. She said that she had been a male Japanese soldier who came from northern Japan, who was married and had 5 children. He was stationed in Nathul as a cook. (8)

Past Life Memory: Ma Remembers being Shot and Killed by an Airplane in a Past Lifetime

Ma remembered that she was near a pile of firewood and was about to start cooking a meal when the noise of an airplane approached. Ma recalled that the pile of firewood was next to an acacia tree, which stood about 75 meters from the house where Ma’s family lived.

She said that during this incident, the soldier, that she was, was wearing short pants and a big belt, but that he had taken off his shirt. Ma recalled that the pilot of the plane saw the Japanese cook and made a strafing run in an effort to kill him. The Japanese soldier ran around the pile of firewood trying to escape but a bullet struck him in the groin, which resulted in his death. (9)

Ma’s Reincarnation Birthmark is in the Location of the Japanese Soldier’s Bullet Wound

Recall that Ma was born with a birthmark in the area of her groin. Ian Stevenson has found that in many cases in which an individual died of a traumatic wound, such as a bullet or stab wound, a birthmark would be found in the same location in the individual’s next incarnation. In other words, a wound can become a birthmark. (10)

Reincarnation Japanese Soldier, Gender Identity Issues, P 38The US War Plane that Killed Ma in a Past Lifetime was a P-38 Lightning

Ma also recalled that the plane that killed her in the lifetime as the Japanese soldier had two tails. The plane Ma was referring had to be a Lockheed P-38 Lightning, which was an US-built fighter that was indeed used by the Allies in the Pacific Theater and in particular, in Burma.

Past Life Phobia of Aircraft

After sharing these memories, when an aircraft flew overhead that would frighten Ma and she was told by her relatives that her fear was unwarranted, Ma would angrily respond, “What do you know? I was shot and killed.”

In 1963, when Ma was 9 years old, a helicopter landed in a field in Nathul. Most villagers had never seen a helicopter and they gathered around to inspect this unusual machine. In contrast, Ma began crying and fled in fear to the family’s home. (11)

reincarnation-japanese-soldier-gender-identity-issuesPast Life Emotions: Ma wants to go Back to Japan

Ma told her family that she wanted to go back to Japan, as she missed her children from her prior lifetime. She said that when she grew up, she would move to Japan. She wanted a big belt, like the Japanese soldier had, to protect her stomach from the cold. Her identification with Japan was very unusual, as the Burmese did not have any fondness for the Japanese, due to their occupation of Burma and the attendant cruelties that the Japanese inflicted on the Burmese. The family demonstrated their annoyance by calling Ma, “the Japanese guy.” (12)

A Possible Case of Xenoglossy

Her family also noticed that Ma would talk to herself and other children using words they didn’t understand. Though the language Ma was speaking was not identified, it is possible that Ma was speaking Japanese. (13) If so, this represents the ability to speak a language learned in a previous lifetime, a phenomenon known as: Xenoglossy

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Ma Dresses like a Man and is Repulsed by her Menstruation

Ma demonstrated definite masculine traits. She insisted on wearing boy’s clothes and refused to wear girls’ apparel. When her mother tried to dress her as girl, she would throw the clothing aside. When Ian Stevenson asked her about this issue, Ma boasted that she didn’t own even one piece of women’s clothing. (14)

She wore her hair cropped short like a man’s and wore mens’ shirts. The clothing issue became a major problem when Ma was in sixth grade. School authorities demanded that she dress like a girl. Ma refused and had to drop out. (15)

When she had her first menstrual period, she hated it, stating that it was “unbecoming for a man.” (16)

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Ma Accepts that She is a Lesbian

In 1972, when Ma was 19, she told Ian Stevenson that she had no desire to be with men and that she wanted a woman to be her wife. She said that she already had a steady girlfriend at that time. (17)

In 1981, when Ma was 28 years old, she had a girlfriend whom she was living with. Ma said that if she married, she would wed a woman. Ma still talked about joining the army, “to live and fight with the men.” (18)

Change of Gender Reincarnation Cases may Explain Homosexuality in Some

This case demonstrates how reincarnation cases that involve gender change can provide an explanation for homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexualism and other gender issues. Ian Stevenson’s reincarnation studies, in aggregate, show that souls change gender in only 10 percent of cases. If a soul is accustomed to incarnating in one gender and then has a lifetime as the opposite gender, that soul may still identify with the previous, usual gender. This may lead to homosexuality, transsexualism, transgender issues and gender identity disorder.

Sasha Fleischman: An Agender Teen’s Skirt is Set on Fire

In November 2013, 18 year old Sasha Fleischman was taking the bus home from high school in Oakland, California. Sasha was born a male, but prefers to wear skirts. While riding the bus, Sasha fell asleep. A 16 year old high school student then set Sasha’s skirt on fire. Sasha incurred second and third degree burns and had to be hospitalized at the St. Francis Bothin Burn Center, in San Francisco.

Initial media reports characterized the incident as a hate crime, though the defendant’s attorney has indicated that it actually was intended to be a harmless prank, which went terribly wrong. Regardless, individuals who are gay, lesbian or transsexual have been victims of persecution. Recall the case of Matthew Shepard.

It may be that the soul of Sasha is accustomed to incarnating as a female. Though male in his contemporary lifetime, Sasha appears to have a female mindset, which could account for his preference to wear skirts.

Reincarnation, Gender Change & Gender Identity Issues

Reincarnation, Transgender & Gender Identity IssuesOther reincarnation cases which demonstrate gender identity issues due to change of sex include:

Chuey, a Boy, Drowns & Reincarnates as a Girl, but Retains Male Traits

Jaako Vuorenlehto Reincarnates as his Wife’s Daughter, Taru Jarvi: Gender Confusion in Two Lifetimes

Poldi Holzmuller, a Female, Isn’t Attracted to Boys, Says She Will Reincarnate as a Boy and Does

Reincarnation can help us be more tolerant of individuals with gender identity issues by giving insight that such issues can be a complication of changing gender from one lifetime to another. In the course of our evolution through lifetimes on Earth, any of us can experience gender confusion when we incarnate into a sex that we are not accustomed to. I do believe that we all do change gender in our course of lifetimes on Earth, as the soul seeks a comprehensive understanding of what it is to be human, through both male and female incarnations

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Reincarnation & Change in Gender: The Japanese soldier was male, but reincarnated as Ma, a female. Ian Stevenson’s past life research indicates that in 90 percent of cases, souls reincarnate in the same gender, inferring that souls have a preferred sex or gender. In this case, Ma retained the masculine orientation of the Japanese soldier, including an attraction to women, which led to Ma becoming a lesbian. It appears that this soul was accustomed to incarnating as a man and though a woman in the incarnation of Ma, retained the mindset of a male.

Reincarnation Japanese Soldier, Gender Identity Issues, P 38Phobia from a Past Lifetime: Ma demonstrated a severe phobia of airplanes, apparently due to being shot and killed in an Allied P-38 strafing run in her past lifetime as a Japanese soldier.

Birthmark at the Site of a Past Life Wound: Ian Stevenson, MD, found that when an individual died of a traumatic wound, such as those inflicted by a gun or knife, a birthmark would be found in the same location in the subsequent lifetime. In this case, Ma had a birthmark on her groin, which is in the same location as the bullet wound that killed her in her lifetime as the Japanese cook, according to her past life memories.

Reincarnation and Change in Nationality: The Japanese soldier reincarnated as a Burmese woman. This case demonstrates the futility of war, as the Japanese occupied Burma and persecuted its citizens. In this case, the persecutor reincarnated as the persecuted.

Reincarnation and Planning Lifetimes: Daw, Ma’s mother, during her pregnancy, had a dream of the Japanese soldier in which the soldier indicated that he was coming to stay with them.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: As noted above, from the spirit world, the Japanese soldier sent an announcing dream to Daw indicating he would be born to her.



1. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1983, page 231
2. Ibid, p. 232
3. Ibid, p. 229
4. Ibid, p. 238
5. Ibid, p. 230
6. Ibid, p. 230
7. Ibid, p. 230
8. Ibid, p. 232
9. Ibid, p. 232
10. Ibid, p. 238
11. Ibid, p. 233
12. Ibid, p. 234
13. Ibid, p. 234
14. Ibid, p. 234
15. Ibid, pages 236, 241
16. Ibid, p. 236
17. Ibid, p. 236
18. Ibid, p. 241

Reincarnation with Religion Change: A Christian is Born Again as a Buddhist-Past Life Story of Palitha Senewiratne | Gamini Jayasena

Change of religion reincarnation case.

Researched by: Ian Stevenson, MD and Francis Story

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume II: Ten Cases in Sri Lanka, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

A Christian Boy’s Short Life in Sri Lanka

Palitha Senewiratne was born in 1952 and lived in Nittambuwa, a town 22 miles or 35 kilometers northeast of Colombo. Colombo is the capital of Sri Lanka with a population of about 650,000 people. Sri Lanka is an island country off the west coast of India. (1)

Palitha’s father was named Lionel and his mother Vinnis. Palitha was very close to his mother, who enjoyed sewing. He had a more distant relationship with his father. One activity that Palitha and his father did enjoy doing together was planting in the garden. Palitha had a brother named Nimal, who was 4 years younger than Palitha. The two boys fought frequently and once Nimal even bit Palitha. Despite this animosity, when a dog bit Nimal, Palitha was so angry at the canine that he wanted to kill it. Palitha also had a brother named Ranjith. (2)

Uncle Charlie has Electricity and Car; Palitha’s Toy Elephant

Charles Senewiratne was the great uncle of Lionel Senewirante, Palitha’s father, who lived next door to Palitha’s family. Charles was financially successful and enjoyed many luxuries for the time including electricity in his home and the possession of an automobile. Charles’s son had a motorcycle. (3)

Palitha was fascinated by elephants, which are found in Sri Lanka. Ian Stevenson pointed out that elephants have to live by rivers or streams, as they need to bath themselves. Palitha had a toy elephant, which he would bath in a well on the family’s property. (4)

Palitha Attends a Christian School and has a Death Premonition

The Senewiratne family was Christian and Palitha went to a Christian elementary school, which was part of St. Mary’s College. Though Buddhism has been the predominant religion in Sri Lanka for over 2000 years, the Portuguese, Dutch and English colonized the island country and with their rule, they brought Christianity to the Sri Lanka. Currently, about 7 percent of country’s population is Christian, 70 percent are Buddhists, 13 percent are Hindu and 10 percent Muslim.

St. Mary’s College is located in a town called Veyangoda, which is 4.3 miles or 7 kilometers from Nittambuwe. During the school year, Palitha stayed in a boarding house near the school. In July 1960, Palitha came home from school on vacation. Though he had no known medical problems, he seemed irritable and unwell. Though his usual practice was to place his schoolbag, which contained books and his toy elephant, in a cupboard or cabinet, this time he abandoned the schoolbag on a chair and stated: ” I shall not be going to school again.” (5)

Ian Stevenson noted that with this statement, Palitha seemed to have a premonition that he would die soon. This phenomenon was also observed in the Reincarnation Case of Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem. (6)

After returning from school, Palitha soon developed a serious illness marked by vomiting. He was taken to the hospital and passed away within just a few days of the beginning of his illness. Palitha died on July 28, 1960, at eight years of age. (7)

Palitha is Reincarnated into a Buddhist Family as Gamini Jayasena

A little over two years after Pakutha died, Gamini Jayasena was born in a section of Colombo named Nugegoda on November 13, 1962. His father was G. Jayasena and his mother’s name was P. K. Nadawathie. He was the first child of family and was called “baby.” This nickname stuck and the family continued to use “baby” to refer to Gamini. (8)

When he was about 18 months old, he started talking about a previous life. Gamini stated that he had another mother whom he considered his ”real mother.” Gamini said that his past life mother was much bigger than his present mother. This was true as P.K. Nadawathie was a small woman, in contrast to Palitha’s mother. (9)

When he saw his mother using a sewing machine, Gamini said, “There is machine like that at our house.” As mentioned, Vinnis, Palitha’s mother, did have a sewing machine. (10)

Gamini said that there was someone named Nimal, who Gamini said had bitten him. Gamini also stated that Nimal had been bitten by a dog, which was true. Ian Stevenson said that Nimal himself confirmed this event to him and even showed Stevenson the scar from the dog bite. Gamini also said that Nimal was gored by a cow, which later was confirmed when the family met Vinnis, the mother of Palitha and Nimal. (11)

Gamini said that in his past lifetime, he had a schoolbag that was still on the chair at his past life home. In this bag, he said, he kept books and a toy elephant, which he would bath in a well. Ian Stevenson noted that Gamini often made statements as if he was still living the life of Palitha. (12)

Past Life Memories: Gamini Knows about Electric Lights, Switches and Olive Trees, Even though None Exist at his Parent’s Home

The Jayasena family was relatively poor and their modest home did not have electricity. As such, the family was surprised when Gamini, as a toddler, indicated to his parents that electric light could be turned on by a switch, a phenomenon he had never observed or been taught. In addition to the luxury of electricity, Gamini said that his clothes were better at his past life home. (13)

Gamini stated that at his prior home, there was a “Charlie Uncle” who had an automobile and that Charlie Uncle’s family had a red motorcycle, which was true regarding Charles Senewiratne, the great uncle of Palitha’s father. Gamini said that Charlie Uncle would drive him to school in the car. Recall the Charles Senewirtne’s home had electricity. As such, Gamini’s knowledge about electric lights and light switches represents a past life memory. (14)

Gamini also said that at his prior home, his father would break branches from an olive tree and give the branches to him. Gamini’a mother was surprised to hear Gamini use the term “olive,” as the family never used this word as there were no olive trees in the vicinity of their house. (15)

According to his father, Gamini was always talking of his previous home between 2 and 3 years of age. He noted that when Gamini got angry, he wanted to retreat to his prior home. This behavior, of threatening to return to a past life home when upset, was also observed in Reincarnation Cases of Burmese Twins. (16)

Past Life Behaviors: Gamini Prays like a Christian, Covets a Cross and Celebrates Christmas

The Jayasena family, who were Buddhists, was quite surprised to observe Gamini praying in the posture typical of a Christian, kneeling with body erect. This is in contrast to how Buddhists and the Jayasena famly prayed, kneeling but with the buttocks on the heels in a sitting position. (17)

When Gamini found a wooden cross he brought it home and asked his mother to hang it on the wall. The family also noticed that Gamini resisted going to Buddhist temples and he would not bow to Buddhist monks, which was considered rude behavior for a Buddhist child. (18)

Another unusual behavior for a Buddhist is that Gamini liked to celebrate Christmas. He would talk about Santa Claus an expected to receive gifts at Christmas time. (19)

Due to these behaviors, the Jayasena family suspected Gamini had a past lifetime as a Christian.

Gamini recognizes his Past Life Village and finds his Past Life Home

In April 1965, when he was two and a half years of age, his family took a bus trip and when they came to the town of Nittambuwa, Gamini said this was the location of his previous home. (20)

The family was close to Baddegama Wimalawansa, who was a cousin of Gamini’s mother, a Buddhist monk and a well known principal of a school in Colombo. The Jayasena family shared Gamini’s statements regarding an apparent past lifetime with the Venerable (the way Buddhist monks are addressed) Wimalawansa, who decided to research the case. (21)

On May 2, 1965, Ven. Wimalawansa took Gamini, along with his mother, to Nittambuwa in an attempt to research the possible past lifetime that Gamini was referring to. As the car neared the town, they drove past a narrow street or lane. Gamini pointed at the lane and the car was halted. Gamini walked back to the lane and stated, “This is the way to my house.” He then walked down the lane and approached a house, which nobody in the party had been to before. Gamini then said, “That is my house.” He also stated, “My ‘mummy’ lives there.” This indeed was the home of the Senewiratne family and the place where Palitha had lived. (22)

Xenoglossy: Gamini uses Past Life Terms in Referring to his Past Life Parents

Gamini then went up to the gate of the house and said, “Daddy is not there.” The group was surprised to hear Gamini use the words “mummy” and “daddy,” as these terms were not used in their family. Instead they used the Sri Lankan terms for father, “tatha,” and “amma” for mother.

The terms “daddy” and “mummy” were used in Sri Lanka by Christian colonists from England and Gamini’s knowledge of these terms represent past life recollections from Palitha’s schooling at St. Mary’s College. Indeed, Gamini’s parents had never even heard the terms “daddy” and “mummy” until Gamini started using them spontaneously. (23)

Past Life Memories: Gamini finds Charlie Uncle’s Farm

Gamini made a second recognition while on the lane. When walking down the lane towards the Senewiratne family’s home, Gamini found another small road that branched from the lane. Gamini made a left turn onto this small road and walked down it to a farm. He then returned and stated, “Charlie Uncle is not there.” The home of Charles Senewiratne, the great uncle of Lionel Senewirante, Palitha’s father, was indeed at the end of this small road. Ian Stevenson speculated that Gamini surmised that Charles was not home as his automobile was not parked in front of the house. (24)

Christianity & Reincarnation: Christians in Sri Lanka are Especially Closed Minded

At this time, the group did not attempt to introduce themselves to the occupants of the house that Gamini identified as his past life home. Ven. Wimalawansa was reluctant to introduce themselves to the residents of the house as it was assumed that the past life family were Christians, and they did not know how a Christian family would react to being told that their deceased family member, Palitha, had reincarnated as Gamini, who belonged to a Buddhist family. (25)

Ian Stevenson noted that Christians in Sri Lanka were especially resistant to the idea of reincarnation, in contrast to Christians in other countries who are more open, which he attributed to the Sri Lankan Christians being a minority in a country of Buddhists and Hindus who believe in reincarnation. (26)

Past Life Attachments: Gamini’s Family Decides Not to Contact Occupants of Gamini’s Past Life Home, which makes Gamini Weep

In addition, there was some confusion as to whether Gamini had been referring to having had a toy elephant or a real elephant in the past incarnation. Since the property that Gamini indicated was his past life home was not situated by a body of water, which is needed for live elephants, Ven. Wimalawansa was unsure whether this was the correct past life location. Due to this and the Christian issue, Ven. Wimalawansa thought it would be better to first make inquiries about the family living in the house that Gamini indicated was his past life home, rather than just barging in. As such, the party returned to Colombo. (27)

Gamini was very distraught that he was not allowed to go into his past life home and he cried continuously for 10 days after the visit. He kept saying that he wanted to go to his previous mother’s house and kept asking for the school bag that he left at the house. In an attempt to appease him, Gamini’s parents bought him a new school bag, but Gamini said he that did not want the new one, rather, he wanted the one he had before. (28)

Reincarnation Case Investigation: The Senewiratne Family Seeks Out the Reincarnation of Palitha

Unknown to them, villagers of Nittambuwa recognized the Buddhist monk and school principal, Ven. Wimalawansa, and related to other villagers that this distinguished party was researching a reincarnation case and that they were interested in the family living in the house at the end of the lane that Gamini had brought them to. These villagers told the occupants of this house, the Senewiratne family, of the Buddhist monk and his party’s interest in their home. (29)

Subsequently, Lionel and Vinnis Senewiratne traveled to Colombo and called on Ven. Wimalawansa at the school where he was the principal. They explained that their son, Palitha, had died a few years before. They asked to see Gamini, but were told they could not do so at that time. They gave a photo of Palitha to Ven. Wimalawansa, who forwarded the image to the Jayasena family. When Gamini saw the photo of Palitha, he said, “That’s my baby.” Since he was called “baby” by the family, they assumed that Gamini was referring to himself. (30)

Gamini is Brought to his Past Life Home & Family and Recognizes his Past Life Mother & Siblings

On May 2, 1965, when he was less than 3 years old, Gamini was brought back to Nittambuwa by Ven. Wimalawansa and taken to the house that Gamini said was his past life home. The Senewiratne family and a large crowd of neighbors gathered in front of the house. Ven. Wimalawansa suggested that Gamini give a gift of sweets, which was brought by the party, to his past life mother. Though Ian Stevenson noted that Gamini may have received clues from glances that neighbors may have made, Gamimi did place the sweets at the feet of Vinnis Senewiratne, Palitha’s mother. (31)

Vinnis then asked Gamini to identify Palitha’s brothers, Nimal and Ranjith, out of the crowd. Gamini correctly pointed them out. (32)

Past Life Memories: Gamini Notes Changes in his Past Life Home and Finds the Toy Elephant Bathing Well and the Olive Tree He Climbed

Gamini then observed that the roof of the Senewiratne home was not “shiny” before. Indeed, when Palitha was alive, a thatched roof covered the house. After he died, a corrugated iron roof was installed, which made it shiny. (33)

Gamini also found the well in which he, as Palitha, bathed his toy elephant. He did so by crossing a weeded area on the property. Vinnis explained that when Palitha was alive, a path led to the well, but after his death, the path was abandoned. Gamini also pointed to rice paddy fields in the town and said, “Those paddy fields are ours.” These fields did indeed belong to the Senewiratne family. (34)

When in the Senewirtne home, Ven. Wimalawansa showed a photo of Palitha to Gamini and inquired, “Do you know how this is?” Gamini replied, “It is myself.” (35)

While inside the Senewiratne home, Gamini stated, “There used to be an olive tree.” When asked to point it out, Gamini, went out on his and walked behind the house, where he found the olive tree. He said that he used to climb this tree. Palitha did indeed climb this olive tree. Recall that Gamini had previously told his parents that his past life father had broken off olive branches and given them to him, and that Gamini’s parents were surprised that he used the word olive, as they never used the term as there were no olive trees in the area that they lived in. (36)

Past Life Memories: At St. Mary’s College, Gamini finds his Past Life School Bench, Church Pew & Boarding Home & Identifies his Favorite Past Life Sweet

After visiting Nittambuwa on May 2, 1965, Gamimi was taken to St Mary’s College, where Palitha went to school. Once there, Gamini spontaneously found the classroom where Palitha was taught and ran to a bench and sat on it. Palitha’s teacher verified that this was the very bench that Palitha sat on. In the church at the school, Gamini recognized the pew that he used to sit on during his lifetime as Palitha. (37)

When taken near the boarding house where Palitha lived during the school year, Gamini found the boarding house unaided and when he found that the front door was locked, he ran around to the back of the house. Not finding anyone, he ran back to their group and stated, “Sister is not there.” This statement may mean that Gamini was expecting to find a Christian nun. Ian Stevenson was impressed at Gamini’s bold eagerness to enter a house that he had never been to in his current lifetime. Recall that Gamini was less than 3 years old at this time. (38)

At the boarding house, as at the Senewiratne home, Gamini stated that there used to be an olive tree on the property. Later, it was learned that this was true and that the olive tree had been cut down after Palitha’s death. (39)

On the way back from the boarding house to the group’s car, Gamini also recognized a candy shop where Palitha had bought sweets. At this shop, Gamini identified Palitha’s favorite sweet, a chocolate called sinibola, out of 5 different chocolate bars on display. Vinnis, Palitha’s mother, confirmed that this was Palitha’s favorite sweet. (40)

Reincarnation & Behavioral Similarities between Palitha and Gamini

Ian Stevenson reported that many similarities in personality and behavior existed between Palitha and Gamini. Both Palitha and Gamini were fascinated with elephants, liked to plant in the garden, liked poultry curry but disliked beef and both were very active, energetic boys. There were also similarities in dress. Most boys in Sri Lanka wore their shirts outside of their pants, but Palitha and Gamini preferred to tuck their shirts inside their pants. Ian Stevenson noted that at St. Mary’s College, boys were expected to have their shirts tucked in, which likely is the place where Palitha and Gamini acquired this habit. (41)

In addition, Gamini’s reactions to Senewiratne family members were consistent with how Palitha felt about these individuals. For example, Palitha was very close to his mother, but distant to his father. Similarly, when Gamini was taken to the Senewiratne home, Gamini was affectionate to Vinnis and appeared to be very happy to be with her. In contrast, Gamini cried when Palitha’s father tried to take his hand and resisted efforts to be brought closer to him. Ian Stevenson also noted that Gamini was aloof with Nimal. Gamini explained that he was still mad at Nimal for biting him. (42)

Christians Accept Reincarnation: Palitha’s Christian Relatives & Schoolteachers believe that Gamini is the Reincarnation of Palitha

Ian Stevenson considered this one of the most extensively researched reincarnation cases, in terms of interview hours, of all the cases he had studied. He also reported that the Senewiratne and Jayasena families had no prior acquaintance or mutual friends. (43)

Though they were Christians, both Palitha’s father and Charles Senewiratne (Charlie Uncle) came to believe that Gamini is the reincarnation of Palitha. Palitha’s father stated:

“As Christians we are not supposed to believe this nonsense, but he [Gamini] has recognized all of us and I think he is definitely our son reborn.” (44)

Reincarnation as the Work of the Devil: A Challenge to Religious Doctrine

Two teachers at St. Mary’s College were also convinced of the validity of the case, but were afraid to say so openly for fear of being censured by a priest at St. Mary’s who said, regarding this reincarnation case, “It was the work of the devil.” (45)

Ian Stevenson noted that this case is challenging as it pits evidence versus religious doctrine. (46)

Religion, Reincarnation, Christianity and the Past life Story of James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger

Another case in which Christian beliefs were challenged by evidence of reincarnation involves James Leininger, a young boy who had spontaneous nightmares and memories of being a US World War II fighter pilot whose plane was shot down. Bruce Leininger, James’s father, became the primary investigator of this reincarnation case. As Bruce methodically validated his son’s specific past life memories through research, he had to reconcile his evangelical Christian belief system with the growing evidence of reincarnation that he was compiling. To learn more, go to: James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger Reincarnation Case

When Chastised, Gamini Threatened to Retreat to his Past Life Home

Visits between the families persisted at least through 1975, oftentimes initiated by Gamini. He appeared happy when with the Senewiratne family at Nittambuwa and became angry when taken away. If he was scolded or chastised at home, Gamini continued to threaten that he would go back to his past life home in Nittambuwa. As previously noted, this behavior was also observed in the Reincarnation Cases of Burmese Twins. (47)

This case demonstrates the following features:

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Change in Religion: Palitha was raised as a Christian and went to St. Mary’s College, a Christian school, but reincarnated as Gamini into a Buddhist family.

Geographic Memory: Gamini recognized the his past life village, found his past life home, as well as the home of Charlie Uncle. He also found his past life boarding house at St. Mary’s and a candy shop he frequented in his lifetime as Palitha.

Xenoglossy: Gamini used English terms to refer to his past life parents, which he was not taught in his contempory lifetime as Sri Lankan terms were used in his home. Gamini likely learned the terms “mummy” and “daddy” in his past incarnation as Palitha, who attended a Christian elementary school where English was taught.

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1. Stevenson, Ian, Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Sri Lanka, Volume II, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1977, pages 44-47
2. Ibid, page 66
3. Ibid, page 53
4. Ibid, page 52
5. Ibid, page 47
6. Ibid, page 48
7. Ibid, pages 44, 48
8. Ibid, page 43
9. Ibid, page 50
10. Ibid, page 43
11. Ibid, page 43, 59
12, Ibid, page 43, 49
13. Ibid, page 43
14. Ibid, page 53
15. Ibid, page 55
16. Ibid, page 67
17. Ibid, pages 43, 68
18. Ibid, pages 43, 68
19. Ibid, page 72
20. Ibid, pages 43, 44
21. Ibid, page 44
22. Ibid, page 44, 57, 66
23. Ibid, page 44, 57, 66
24. Ibid, page 57
25. Ibid, page 44
26. Ibid, page 71
27. Ibid, page 56
28. Ibid, page 66
29. Ibid, page 44
30. Ibid, pages 44, 57
31. Ibid, pages 44, 57
30. Ibid, pages 44, 57
31. Ibid, pages 44, 57
32. Ibid, page 59
33. Ibid, page 58
34. Ibid, page 59, 60
35. Ibid, page 61
36. Ibid, page 61
37. Ibid, page 62
38. Ibid, page 62
39. Ibid, pages 62, 63
40. Ibid, page 64
41. Ibid, pages 68-70
42. Ibid, page 66, 67
43. Ibid, page 47
44. Ibid, page 71
45. Ibid, page 72
46. Ibid, page 71
47. Ibid, page 76

A Case of Sudden Past Life Recall: A Boy Finds his Past Life Wife and Treasure

Reincarnation & Preservation of Past Life Personalities Within the Soul case study followed the story of a boy who found his past life wife and led her to a buried chest full of money. A researched and published case by a researcher named Krishanand.

How Derived: Spontaneous Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Krishnanand and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Unlearned Language, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Reincarnation & Preservation of Past Life Personalities Within the Soul

In xenoglossy cases, is it is often found that the past life personality presents completely intact, to the extent that the past life personality doesn’t even know that he or she is dead. These types of cases demonstrate that the soul has the ability to retain past life personalities within it.

Though the following case does not involve xenoglossy, it does demonstrates how a past life personality can emerge intact. The initial researcher who published the case was named Krishanand.

A Boy Finds his Way to his Past Life Home and Wife

IISISReincarnationResearchHiddenTreasureIn this case, a boy suddenly and unexpectedly started to relive the life of a man in a nearby city. The child told his parents where he had lived before. When his parents took him to the city that he named, the child found his way to his former home and he recognized a woman living there as his wife.

After finding his home and wife from his past incarnation, the child then told this woman specific details of their life together, which she verified as true. The boy then told the woman where he had buried some money. She followed the boy’s instructions and indeed found the money.

While the boy and his parents were still in the woman’s home, he suddenly come out of this past life episode and was puzzled to find himself in a completely unfamiliar home. There were no further episodes.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

The Soul Retains Personality: If this case is accepted, it shows how a past life personality can be preserved within the soul, which can emerge spontaneously. These types of cases differ from other reincarnation cases as the past life personality and the current personality appear not to be aware of one another. The preservation of personalities within the soul is discussed in the section, Soul Evolution.

Geographic Memory: In this case, the boy was able to spontaneously find his way to his past life home, as well as the location where he buried money.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: The boy in this case was reunited with his past life wife.


Karma in Xenoglossy Past Life Story of a German Woman

Xenoglossy reincarnation story with bad karma, the story of an 1862, hypnotist in Hamburg, Germany, named Ricne Galitian, who hypnotized a poverty stricken German woman who spoke French. She described the events of a previous lifetime to which she attributed her present day life situation equating it as bad karma for an evil deed.

How Case Derived: Past Life Regression

Researcher: Ricne Galitain

From: Xenoglossy, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

A Poor German Woman Speaks a Past Life Language: French

IISISReincarnationResearchXenoglossyEvidenceCliffThis case dates back to 1862, when a hypnotist in Hamburg, Germany, named Ricne Galitian, hypnotized a poverty stricken German woman who began speaking French. The German woman didn’t know French, yet she described events of a previous life in very good, conversational French. In her usual state of consciousness, she could only speak German.

Karma from a French Past Lifetime: Woman Pushed her Husband off a Cliff

The woman described the events of a previous lifetime in which she got rid of her husband by pushing him over a cliff. She attributed her poverty as karma related to this act.

Though this German woman’s past life memories could not be verified, the report of her xenoglossy is notable, as it is one of the earliest accounts of this phenomenon.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

If this is accepted as a reincarnation case, it demonstrates the following features:

Xenoglossy: The German woman in this case, who was poor and uneducated, could speak French when she was hypnotized, but in her waking consciousness, she would only speak German.

Change of Nationality: This case demonstrates that a person can change nationality from one incarnation to another, from French in a past lifetime to German in a subsequent lifetime.


Reincarnation Xenoglossy Story of Nawal Daw

An Arabic, Muslim girl speaks a past life indian language. Nawal Daw was born in Lebanon on April 25, 1960 to an Arabic, Muslim family but Nawal as a child spoke a language that she never learned by normal means.

Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moonHow Derived: Spontaneous Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Xenoglossy, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

An Arabic, Muslim Girl Speaks a Past Life Indian Language

Nawal Daw was born in Lebanon on April 25, 1960 to an Arabic, Muslim family. As a child, she would speak in a language unknown to her parents and she refused to learn Arabic until the age of five. As a child, she showed a preference for Indian food, music and dress.

When still a young girl, her parents took Nawal to a tourist spot in Lebanon. There, she saw people in Indian dress and she ran to them in an excited state. Nawal started to speak to them in their language and they responded to her in their language.

A person that Nawal spoke to was wearing a turban and beard that was rolled up, consistent with the Sikh culture. As such, the language was likely the Hindi or Punjabi.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

IISISReincarnationCasesEvidencesikhturbanxenoglossyXenoglossy: In this case, Nawal as a child spoke a language that she never learned by normal means. Her Arabic family couldn’t understand what language she was speaking, but Indian tourists in Lebanon could understand her and they responded to her in their language, which was most probably the Indian languages of Hindi or Punjabi. As Nawal was able to converse with the Indian tourists, this represents a case of responsive xenoglossy.

Change in Nationality, Ethnic Affliation and Religion: Nawal not only could speak an Indian language, she had a preference for Indian food, music and dress. As such, it is likely that Nawal had a past lifetime in India. Nawal was born into a Muslim family, but in her apparent Indian past lifetime, she would have likely been Hindu or Sikh. As such, nationality, ethnic affiliation and religion have changed from one lifetime to another.





Nai Leng Consciously Experiences Death & Rebirth: Past Life Story of Nai Leng | Chaokhun Rajsuthajarn (Choate)

Nai Leng, an avid practitioner of meditation, was able to consciously experience his death and rebirth into the body of an infant, Choate. Choate was destined to become a famous monk in Thailand and towards the end of his life, wrote an autobiography, published when he was 61 years old, 1969 where he explained that he was Nai Leng in prior life and that he was conscious during Nai Leng’s death and rebirth as the infant Choate.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researchers: Francis Story and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

This case is remarkable in that Nai Leng, who was an avid practitioner of meditation, was able to consciously experience his death and rebirth into the body of an infant. If this account is valid, it gives us fascinating insight into what happens with one of the most anxiety provoking of events in life that we face, that is, our own death.

The Lives of Nai Leng and his Sister Nang Rien

Nail Leng was born in 1863 in the small village of Ban Kraton, which is near the city of Surin, in Thailand. This area is near the Cambodian border and there are pockets of Cambodians who live in the area, whose speak the Cambodian language which is called Khmer.

Nai Leng was the eldest of 7 children. His father was Wa Sawa and his mother was Ma Chama, though she was called by her nickname, Ee Mah.

Nai Leng and his Sister Witness a Birth on the Side of a Road

Nai Leng was very close to his sister, Nang Rien, who was a year younger than him. When he was 15 years of age, Nai Leng had an unusual experience. He and Nang Rien finished working in the fields and were walking home when they encountered a woman on the road who had just delivered a baby. The woman’s husband was attempting to bring his wife to her mother’s home for the delivery, but they didn’t make it in time. The woman was resting with her newborn child before they continued on their journey. The sight made a strong impression on Nai Leng.

Nai Leng Enters a Monastary and Learns to Read Cambodian or Khmer

When he was 16 years of age, Nai Leng entered a Buddhist monastery, where they had a set of Buddhist scriptures written in Khmer. Though Nai Leng’s native language was Thai, he learned to read the scriptures written in Khmer. This was not an easy feat, as the Khmer alphabet characters are very different from Thai characters. Choate became so adept that eventually he taught other monks how to read the Khmer scriptures. In addition to studying Buddhist texts, mediation was a central activity of the monks.

Nai Leng Becomes Fluent in Laotian

When he was 25 years old, Nai Leng decided to leave the monastery to become a farmer. In addition to growing crops, Nai Leng made money by trading goods. He would travel by oxcart in this pursuit and frequently visited Laos, so much so that he became fluent in Laotian. He married and eventually had three daughters, whose names were Pa, Poh and Pi. Though he was no longer a monk, Nail Leng continued to be a devout Buddhist and meditated every night. (1)

Nang Rien becomes a Nun while Pregnant

 ReincarnationNang Rien, Nai Leng’s younger sister, eventually married and had 3 children. When she was 45 years old, she became pregnant once again. The year was 1908. During this pregnancy, in contrast to her previous pregnancies, Nang Rien became deeply spiritual and even decided to become a Buddhist nun. She shaved her hair, put on a white robe and moved to the Wat Takien monastery, which was 9 miles or 15 kilometers from Ban Kraton, the village where Nang Rien and Nai Leng lived. (2)

Nai Leng develops an Illness, Dies and Reincarnates as Choate

While Nang Rien was in the monastery, just before she returned home to delivery her baby, her brother Nai Leng developed a fever. Nang Rien traveled back to Ban Kraton during her brother’s illness and arrived home, where she delivered her child on October 12, 1908, who was named Chaokhun Rajsuthajarn, though he would be known in the family by his nickname, which was Choate. Nai Leng was ill for 6 days before he died on October 13, 1908 at the age of 45. As such, Choate was born one day before Nai Leng died. (3)

Choate was destined to become a famous monk in Thailand and towards the end of his life, he wrote an autobiography, which was published when Choate was 61 years of age in the year 1969. In this book, Choate explains that in his prior incarnation, he was Nai Leng and that he was conscious during Nai Leng’s death and rebirth as the infant Choate.

Split Incarnation, Parallel Lives, Twin Souls, Twin Flames or Cases with Anomalous Dates: Overlapping Lifetimes

Parallel Lives or Split ReincarnationThe reader may object that this is not possible, as Chaote was born a day before Nai Leng died, but this phenomenon of a soul inhabiting more than one body at a time is observed in a number of scientifically researched reincarnation cases. Ian Stevenson referred to these as cases with “anomalous dates,” referring to the overlap of lifetimes. I refer to this phenomenon as “split incarnation,” as the soul is able to split its energy into more than one body. Other terms used for this phenomenon include parallel lives, twin souls or twin flames. In this case, the soul of Nai Leng was animating both the body of Nai Leng and the body of the infant Choate at the same time for a period of about a day. To review cases of this type, go to: Split Incarnation

Nai Leng’s Death Experience with Remote Viewing

Let us review Choate’s own account of being aware of events during the death of Nai Leng and his rebirth as Choate. In this narrative, Chaote describes how he was able to telepathically be aware of the activites of his sister, Nang Rien, at the the temple where she was a nun, which was 9 miles away from Nai Leng’s home. This ability to witness events telepathically at a distant location is termed: Remote Viewing

Let us now go back to the time to when Nang Rien was in the 7th month of her pregnancy, at around the time she became a Buddhist nun and moved to the monastery, which is 2 months before she came home to give birth and 2 months before Nai Leng died. The following narration is from Choate’s autobiography, as he recalls the end of his life as Nai Leng. The setting is Nai Leng’s home in August 1908.

Nai Leng Experiences Remote Viewing During his Illness

“In the year of 1908, when I [as Nai Leng] was 45 years old, and had already had 3 children, Nang Rien was in the 7th month of her pregnancy. It was the 8th month of that year. I, Nai Leng, had already been sick on and off for several months. During that period of time, this brother and sister [Nai Leng and Nang Rien] recurrently saw each other in their dreams. On Nang Rien’s part, ever since conception, she had an extraordinarily passionate faith in Buddhism, especially with regard to meditation….Indeed, she even wanted to become a bhikkhuni [a nun]. So, on the eve of Buddhist Lent of that year, still being pregnant of course, she left her mother and husband for a monastery…

While Nang Rien was at the wat praying and meditating, I, Nai Leng was lying sick at home. However, I felt as if I was well aware of Nang Rien’s activities at the wat… All the while that Nang Rien was praying and meditating, I not only knew it, but I saw it.

As it appeared to me, I was always …approximately 2 meters behind her. I never did talk to her…. My eyes never seemed to blink at all. I was merely staring at her, so constantly that I forgot to take notice of my own state of being, that is, how I was able to move along with her… Even while she was praying before the Buddha’s image, I was still looking at her from behind. Then she lit the main pair of candles and three joss sticks [incense sticks]… After having lit all the candles, she started to pray again…Then she would put her hands down, close her eyes, and continue praying until all the joss sticks and candles were burned away…”

Nai Leng Delivers her Son, Choate-Nai Leng Reincarnated

“All along, I knew and saw her activities. But, on the day of her return [from the wat to Ban Kratom], I felt somewhat confused and could not remember anything…I then were recalled that I was sick. One day, there were 4 persons in the house–3 female relatives and Nai Leng’s wife. I opened my eyes and saw and heard what they were saying to each other: ‘At 9 o’clock last night Nan Rien delivered a cute little boy’…I was thinking that if I were normal, I would have gone to visit her also. But here I was, lying sick. All I could do was merely listen to their conversation.

At the moment I felt anguish, and wanted to change from the lying position to a more comfortable one. Seeing that they [the other persons present] were busy talking to each other, I did not ask for their help. Besides, I could not even make my voice heard. Therefore, I tried to turn toward the side wall by myself. I succeeded, but could not retain my balance in that position. So once again, I was lying on my back. I told myself to be content for a while with that degree of comfort.” (4)

Nai Leng’s Out of Body Experience, Death & Awareness of of Events while Out of his Body

“Thinking that I might be better off if I went to sleep, I then sighed deeply a few times and closed my eyes. At this very moment, I felt as if I was back to normal again. I felt stronger and could move much more rapidly from place to place. My body was light, as if it had no weight. I was so glad that I rushed up to join the conversation of my relatives. But no one noticed me. I grabbed this one’s hand and pulled that one’s arm, to draw their attention. Still, no one did anything.

The time came to prepare another meal of the day. My relatives were getting ready to leave. One of them felt Nai Leng’s feet. I was then behind her, trying to seize her hand and shoulder. I yelled out, ‘I am here. I am no longer sick. I have recovered already. Do not be afraid or frightened. Do not panic, I am alright.’ However, I could not make them understand.

They were crying and moaning. Some of them went to tell other relatives and friends in the neighborhood. The latter were now pouring into the house.” (5)

Nai Leng Experiences the Expanded Consciousness of the Soul

“At that moment, I felt if I were omnipresent: I could simultaneously see people coming in from 2 or 3 different directions. Moreover, I could be there to receive them all at the same time. I could also hear their voices as well as see things quite clearly.

Far distant places appeared to be near, because I could move very rapidly from place to place. I could immediately be there to hear or see. There seemed to be no obstacle [to movement or vision] and all.

At the same time I was thinking: ‘I am an appointed head of the hosts; I am great. I am the master of ceremonies who has the final word on all matters. I have so great an authority that none can possibly obstruct or encroach upon it.’ However, I was satisfied with what my relatives have done so far. I was so deeply grateful that I did not feel hunger or thirsty. I was so carried away in this enchanting state of emotion that I forgot to sleep and to eat. Nor did I ever feel tired.” (6)

After Death Nai Leng Attends his Own Funeral

“During the whole of the funeral ceremony (I learned later that it was 3 days), I felt somewhat elevated–by about the height of an average person–above the others. In other words, if others sat, I felt I was standing; if they were standing or walking, I felt as if I were standing or walking on something the level of which was higher than theirs. While the funeral procession was on its way to the cremation, I was sitting in the cart’s curve, the highest part of the cart. That cart, to be sure, did not have a curve; it was merely my feeling that I was at that level. [This refers to a curved frame that could be attached to the cart to hold in materials, such as sacks of rice that were that were being carried in it, but that would be removed during the transport of a body in a coffin.]

After the cremation, my relatives gathered the remains. They then invited monks for the ‘remains ceremony,’ which was the last phase of the funeral. It was about 8 o’clock in the evening when the monks finished chanting. My preoccupation with the reception of the guests was somewhat reduced by then. The women who came to help went up to sleep in the house, while the men slept in a disorderly group in a building constructed especially for the ceremony.

On the porch of this building, 3 elderly men was sitting around the stove. They were either chewing Thai gum or smoking cigarettes. They might be considered night watchman of a sort. All of a sudden, a thought of Nang Rien flashed into my mind. ‘I heard that she had just given birth to a child. I have not yet paid her a visit, because I was so busy receiving guests. Now I’m free to go.’” (7)

Nai Leng visits Nang Rein, Who Sees Him as a Ghost

“At the time, I was at the place where the monks were sitting in the wat where the cremation was held. With the said in mind, I turned in the direction of Nang Rien’s house, which was of approximately 200 meters away to the west. No sooner had I decided to move than I was there.

The child, as my relatives had said, was really cute and adorable. I thought to myself: How can I possibly have a chance to touch him and to give him my heartfelt kiss? Nang Rien was then sleeping with her right hand over the child. Before long, she opened her eyes, saw me, and said: ‘My dear brother, you have already departed for another world. Please go to that place which will offer you happiness. Please do not make any more appearances to your brothers and sisters, nor feel concerned about them.’

This was the only time that people ever noticed me and talked to me. I felt so awkward that I went and hid. I was leaning on the wall in front of her room, facing north.” (8)

Reincarnation: Nai Leng Enters Choate’s Infant Body

“After a while, thinking that she was again asleep, I came out to get another glimpse of the child. She again opened her eyes and said the same thing to me. I went back to hide. I told myself that the time had come for me to decide once and for all. I was torn between two feelings. Although I would like to stay, yet I should go; indeed I must go. Before leaving, however, I wish to get another good look at the child. This time I dared not approach lest she reproach me once more. Thus, I poked only my head out. After obtaining a good look, I started to go away again.

As soon as I turned, my body began spinning like a top. I could not regain my balance. I tried to cover my head, face and ears with my hands before I fell unconscious. At that point I thought I was dead.

I did not know how long it was before I regained consciousness. I was wondering where I was. Concentration and recollection told me that not long before this I was Nai Leng. I felt myself full of vigor. Recalling all of the past, I wondered why I was in such a helpless condition. I felt somewhat frustrated.” (9)

As an Infant, Choate Recognizes his Past Life Relatives

iisisreincarnationresearchbabywithoutreachedarms“Later on, I was very glad I could turn to lie on my stomach. Even more so when I could recognize everyone who came to see me. I remembered their names. I waved my hands and tried to call them. However, only guttural sounds, normal to babies, came out. Someone noticed my gesturing and held me up. I was very glad and I laughed heartily. During this period, there were more reward joyful moments then sorrowful ones.”

Choate Learns to Talk and Calls his Past Life Relatives by Name

“Then came another period during which I learned to walk and talk. One day when my grandmother came, instead of calling her that, I used the word mother. I was governed by past acquaintance in my own memory.” (11)

The grandmother, Ma Chama, was surprised that Choate called her mother and asked: “Well, what is your name then?”

Choate then responded, “’It is Leng.” In his autobiography, Choate continues: “I wondered why they could not recognize me. I was Nai Leng right then and there.” (12)

“Suddenly, Nang Rien exclaimed: ‘No wonder. I saw brother Leng sometimes during the postpartum period. He must have been reborn.’ She then asked: ‘If so, son, what is your name again? What about your wife’s? Where did you live?’ And so on and so forth. I gave correct answers to all questions. They give all concluded that Nai Leng had been reborn.” (13)

Let us review the passage of these events. Choate was born on October 12, 1908. When he learned to speak, though his mother explained who his aunts and uncles were, he still insisted to refer to his uncles and aunts as his brothers and sisters, as if he was still Nai Leng. Similarly, he called his grandmother, Ma Chama, “mother.” She was actually Nai Leng’s mother.

Nai Leng’s Daughters come to believe that Choate is the Reincarnation of their Father

Nai Leng’s daughter, Pa, was 24 years old when he died. When Choate was 4 years old, he recognized her and said, “I am your father” and he called her by her baby nickname. At first Choate’s statements annoyed Pa, but as time went on, she became convinced that Choate was her father reborn.

Poh, Nai Leng’s second daughter, said that as a boy Choate had referred to incidents in her father’s life that Choate could not have known. She said that Choate as a child recognized persons known by her father on sight and called them by their names.

Pi, Nai Leng’s third daughter, recalled that Choate became angry when Nai Leng’s daughters, that is, Pa, Poh and Pi, would not refer to him as “father.”

Nai Leng’s sister, Nem, said that Choate recognized her by name as soon as he could speak. As a child, Choate also recognized Nai Leng’s wife and called her by name and he also correctly named other people Nai Leng had known. (14)

Like a Dalai Lama, Choate identifies his Past Life Possessions

As a child, Choate could correctly separate items belonging to Nai Leng from items that belonged to others. This ability to identify past life possessions is traditionally used by Buddhist monks to identify the reincarnation of a Dalia Lama. (15)

Choate has a Past Life Memory of a Woman who gave Birth on a Road

As a teenager, Choate spontaneously recalled the event that occurred when Nai Leng was 15 years old, in which Nai Leng encountered the woman who had given birth on a road. Choate’s mother, Nang Rien, who was with Nai Leng when this occurred, confirmed the incident. In Choate’s autobiography, he describes the memory.

“I was Nai Leng at the age of 15. It was an evening at the beginning of the planting season. After finishing the day’s work, my sister, Nang Rien, and I walked home as usual. On our way back, we came across a woman who was resting after having just delivered a child on the road.

The husband was a native of Ban Nua, but his wife came from Ban Tai. His wife had want very much to deliver her child and her mother’s place. As the time for her delivery approached, she insistently asked her husband to take her there. Her husband finally agreed, but not until she was almost due to deliver her baby. By the time the cart reached the place in question, her labor had started. Her husband stopped the cart, untied the oxen and prepared a place for his wife to rest. This was something I’d never seen before. It was strange to me, and as a consequence, it deeply impressed me.” (16)

Though Choate had this memory from his past incarnation as Nai Leng, he did not have comprehension of where this birth occurred. One day, he was tending to cattle that he had taken to feed in pastures. At a particular location, he had a Déjà vu experience. He realized that he was at the spot where the woman gave birth to the child on the road, that he witnessed during his life as Nai Leng. Choate narrates the next scene.

Choate experiences Déjà Vu and Geographic Memory

“As soon as I arrived home that evening, I asked my mother whether any woman had delivered a baby at that place. She said: ‘Yes, but that happened when I was 14 years old and was returning from the field with my 15-year-old brother.’ The brother was I, who had become the youngest son of the sister.” (17)

I term the stimulation of past life memories by a past life location: Geographic Memory

Xenoglossy: Choate Spontaneously is able to Understand Khmer

At age 16, Choate became a Buddhist monk and entered a monastery, repeating the pattern of Nai Leng’s life. This monastery had Buddhist scriptures written in the Khmer, or Cambodian, language. Choate noticed monks reading these Khmer texts and though he was only schooled in the Thai language, he took some of the Khmer manuscripts to his room to see if he could decipher them. Recall that the Khmer alphabet characters are very different from those of the Thai language.

Choate found that he could not read the Khmer manuscripts at first, but on his third attempt, he could understand them without difficulty. In his autobiography, Choate describes this experience.

“The book [written Khmer] had 10 leaves. I went through it within an hour or so. Being afraid that the first reading might not be correct, I began all over again. This reading also took me about an hour. I was not quite satisfied yet, so I read it for the third time. I was very glad as well as surprised that I could read it without having any lessons before. A lot of people have put great effort into it year in and year out, yet only a few succeeded. Later on, I began to write as well as read Khmer… From then on I could read any canonical work, be it in Thai or Khmer. The reason is simple: I was already quite well-versed in it since I had been a monk as Leng. To be sure, part of it was forgotten, but this is only natural.” (18)

This ability to understand a language that has not been learned is called: Xenoglossy

Xenoglossy: Choate Spontaneously is able to Understand Laotian

Another incident that involves xenoglossy occurred. When he was a 19-year-old monk, Choate noticed that villagers around the monastery were speaking Laotian. Choate approached these villagers and found that he could converse with them fluently, even though he was not taught Laotian. For this ability, Choate drew on his past life knowledge of Loatian, which had been learned by Nai Leng. (19)

Choate becomes an Abbot or Head of a Monastery

As Choate grew older, his memories of his life as Nai Leng did not fade, which he attributed to his dedication to the practice of meditation over the course of two lifetimes. Choate died in 1976 at 68 years of age as one of the most respected monks and abbots of Thailand.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Xenoglossy: This case demonstrates what Ian Stevenson, MD termed responsive xenoglossy, where an individual can converse in a language that has not been learned by normal means. In contrast, Stevenson termed the ability to recite or speak an unlearned language without the ability to respond or converse in that language “recitative xenoglossy.”

In this case, Choate, who was only taught the Thai language, was able to converse with individuals from Laos in the Laotian language. In addtion, Choate was able to read Buddhist scriptures written in the Cambodian or Khmer language, even though he never was taught or Khmer. These two languages were learned by Nai Leng and Choate drew upon this past life ability to understand Laotian and Khmer.

Split Incarnation: Choate was born on October 12, 1908, while Nai Leng died the next day on October 13, 1908, which means the soul of Nai Leng animated the bodies of the Nai Leng and the infant Choate at the same time for a period of about a day.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: This case shows that people can reincarnate within the same family, as Nai Leng reincarnated and was born to his own sister, Nai Rien.

 ReincarnationExperience of Death & Spirit Being Involvement: Nai Leng experienced remote viewing in observing Nai Rien while she was at the temple. He also consciously experienced his death and the expanded consciousness of the soul. He attended his own funeral and followed his body as it was being taken to the temple for cremation and he attended the reception after the funeral where he observed his relatives who had gathered for the reception. Nai Leng also was conscious of his rebirth as Choate and what it feels like to be a helpless infant.

Note to Readers: Ian Stevenson. MD was a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia who wrote in a very academic style, as his target audience was fellow scientists. On the IISIS web site, his past life identity cases are presented as children’s past life-reincarnation stories to make his academic work easier to understand. For those interested in appreciating the scientific rigor of his research, such as his use of multiple witnesses to establish corroborated testimony, please refer to the original reports written by Dr. Ian Stevenson.


1. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1983, pages 171-174
2. ibid, pages 174-175
3. ibid, p. 174
4. ibid, pages 174-176
5. ibid, pages 175-176
6. ibid, p. 176
7. ibid, pages 176-177
8. ibid, p. 177
9. ibid, p. 177
10. ibid, pages 177-178
11. ibid, p. 178
12. ibid, p. 178
13. ibid, p. 178
14. ibid, pages 184-185
15. ibid, p. 177
16. ibid, pages 180-181
17. ibid, pages 181-182
18. ibid, pages 183-184
19. ibid, p. 184