Split Incarnation: The Soul of Daw Soe, a Burmese Woman, Begins a New Life as a Man, While Daw is Still Alive: Reincarnation Case of Daw Soe | Maung Tun

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects, by Ian Stevenson, MD, pages 1906-1911

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Friendship of Daw’s Mother with Tint, Who Will Become Daw’s Mother When She Reincarnates

Daw Soe, a girl, was born in Burmese city of Mandalay in about the year 1887. Burma is now known as Myanmar. The Buddhist temples of Mandalay are featured in the image to the right. Click on it to enlarge.

Daw grew up in Mandalay and as a young woman, she married and then had five children. Daw and her husband earned their living through a trading company that they had founded. Daw also enjoyed doing meditation.

Daw had a younger female friend whose name was Khin San Tint, who we will refer to as Tint. Though Tint was not a relative, there was a close connection between her and Daw. In fact, Daw kept a photograph of Tint at her home and conversely, Tint kept a photo of Daw at her home.

When she was in her early 60’s, Daw developed cataracts or opacties of the lenses of both eyes, which led to her becoming blind. When she was 64 years old, she had an operation on one of her eyes to remove the cataract. Surgery was successful, though Daw had to wear eyeglasses with thick lenses for the rest of her life to see well through the eye that was operated on.

Daw’s friend, Tint, married and became pregnant at the end of 1964. Daw died shortly afterwards, on February 22, 1965 at the age of 78.

Daw Reincarnates as a Boy, Tun, with Tint as his Mother

About 6 months later, on August 28, 1965, Tint gave birth to a baby boy, who she named Maung Soe Tun. For simplicity, we will refer to him as Tun.

Tun was born in the Burmese city of Magwe, which is about 60 kilometers or 37 miles west of Mandalay, where Daw Soe had lived.

Tint worked as a schoolteacher.  As she was absent from the family’s home during the day, Tun was raised by Tint’s aunt.

Tun Recognizes His Past Life Photo

As noted, Tint kept a photo of Daw Soe at her home. When Tint’s son, Tun, was 7 months old he would point to the photograph of Daw Soe. While looking at this photo, he would pat himself on the chest.

This behavior stimulated his family to ask him: “Are you mother Soe?” In response, Tun seemed to be pleased by this identification.

When Tun started to speak at 18 months of age, he made more direct references to his previous life as Daw Soe. For example, Tun talked about the relatives of Daw Soe who lived in Nga-Zun, Burma, though Tun had never been there.

Tun Makes Past Life Identifications at Daw’s Home

When Tun was 4 years old, he was taken to Daw Soe’s home and he recognized people that Daw Soe had known, who Tun had never met in his lifetime.  For example, Tun recognized Daw’s brother, U Shwe Gaing, who Tun correctly called by a nick-name that Daw had used for her brother.

Also at Daw’s home, Tun pointed to a room, which, it turned out, was where Daw Soe had always slept.

Daw Soe’s family, as a past life test, mixed up clothing and jewelry that had belonged to Daw with apparel and jewelry that belonged to other family members. Tun then correctly identified clothing and jewelry that had belonged to Daw and rejected items that did not belong to Daw.

At 7 years of age, Tun pointed to a photo of Daw Soe and stated that she was him. Tun also reported that as Daw, his right eye had been operated on. Like Daw, Tun developed an interest in meditation.

Parallel Lives or Split IncarnationSplit Incarnation

Ian Stevenson, MD noted that Tun’s mother, Tint, was 3 months pregnant when Daw had died. As such, Tun was conceived three months before Daw had died.

If the soul is involved in conception, which I do believe it is, then the lives of Daw and Tun overlapped by 3 months. Ian Stevenson, MD documented a number of cases in which lifetimes overlapped. Stevenson termed these: “Cases with Anomalous Dates”

I call these types of cases “Split Incarnation,” as the soul inhabits or animates more than one human body at a time. An older term for this phenomenon is “Parallel Lives.”

A split incarnation case that Stevenson documented involved Ruprecht Schultz. Ruprecht was born 6 weeks before his past life personality. Helmut Kohler, had died. Stevenson considered this reincarnation case as one of strongest he had ever researched. The setting of this story is World War II in Germany. To learn more, please go to:

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceBombingSuicide and Reincarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz

Evidence and Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Planning Lifetimes and Past Life Relationships: Daw Soe had a close relationship with a younger female friend named Tint. Daw reincarnated as Tint’s son, Tun.

Reincarnation and Gender Change: Daw Soe was a woman, but reincarnated as Tun, a male.

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives: Tun was conceived three months before Daw died. If the soul is involved in the process of conception,  then the soul of Daw | Tun was animating two human bodies at a time. Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia called these “Cases with Anomalous Dates,” as lifetimes overlapped.

Reincarnation and Planning Lifetimes: A Couple Who Were Born on the Same Day, Married and Died on the Same Day are Reborn as Twin Boys

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Harold Fielding

From: The Soul of a People, by Harold Fielding

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Nyein and Gywin are Born and Die on the Same Day

In the year 1849, a boy and a girl were born on the same day in neighboring houses in a small rural village in Burma called Oksitgon. Burma is now known as Myanmar. The boy’s name was Maung San Nyein and the girl’s name was Ma Gywin.  For simplicity, we will refer to the boy as Nyein and the girl as Gywin.

Nyein and Gywin played together, grew up together and came to love one another. When they became adults, Nyein and Gywin married and worked as farmers.

Nyein and Gywin, knew a couple in the village of Oksitgon named Maung Kan and his wife.

As they entered life together on the same day, the lovers, Nyein and Gywin, man and wife, died on the same day.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Nyein and Gywin are Reborn as Twin Boys

At the time, Britain was waging a war with Burma in an attempt to reestablish England as a colonial power ruling over Burma.  Britain won this war on November 28, 1885.

While still living in Oksitgon, in 1886, Maung Kan’s wife gave birth to twin boys. The couple named their sons Maung Gye and Maung Nge. For simplicity, we will refer to them as Gye and Nge.

Shortly after their twin sons were born, Maung Kan and his wife left Oksitgon and moved to the village of Kabyu in Burma, which is where their twin boys grew up.

When Gye and Nge developed the ability to speak, their parents heard their sons referring to each other as Nyein and Gywin. Gye was referred to by the twins by the male name Nyein, while Nge was referred to by the female name Gywin.

Their parents recalled that these names matched the names of the couple that they had known in Oksitgon.

Gye and Nge Recognize their Past Life Home and Clothing

Considering the possibility that their twin boys were remembering past lives as the couple Nyein and Gywin, they took their sons from Kabyu to Oksitgon to see if their boys would recognize places from these hypothesized past incarnations.

Indeed, Gye and Nge recognized roads in Oksitgon that lead to houses of people that they had known in their past lives as Nyein and Gywin. They recognized their past life home and inside this house, they recognized clothes that they had worn in their previous lives.

Nge Correctly Recalls a Past Life Debt

When the young twins ran into a woman in Oksitgon named Ma Thet, Nge, who recalled being the past life wife, Gywin, spontaneously remembered borrowing money, specifically 2 rupees, from Ma Thet, that was never paid back.  Ma Thet confirmed that she did loan 2 rupees to Gywin that was never repaid.

Gye and Nge have Physiques Corresponding to their Past Lives

When the twin boys were 6 years of age, Harold Fielding, who documented this case in his book, The Soul of a People, met them. Fielding noticed that the physique of each twin matched who they were in their past lives. Gye, who remembered being the husband, Nyein, was larger than his twin.  In contrast, Nge was smaller, reflecting the build of the wife, Gywin.

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Planning Lifetimes and Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: The married couple, Nyein and Gywin, reincarnated as the twins Gye and Nge. Ian Stevenson, MD of the University of Virginia compiled 31 sets of twins who in childhood, spontaneously remembered their past lives. Stevenson found that in 100 percent of these cases, the twins had significant past life relationships. To learn more, please go to:

Ian Stevenson, MD Twin Study

Change of Gender: Gywin was female, but reincarnated as Nge, a male.

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Though there was no documentation regarding facial features in these cases, it was noted that the physiques of Nyein and Gywin were reflected in builds of Gye and Nge.

Burmese Grandparents Reincarnate as their Daughter’s Fraternal Twin Girls, Demonstrating Planning of Lifetimes and Gender Change Involving the Grandfather. The Past Life Cases of Ma Khin Ma Gyi and Ma Khin Ma Nge: Muslim Reincarnation

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood 

Researcher: Ian Stevenson. MD

From: Reincarnation and Biology, Volume 2, by Ian Stevenson, pages 2000-2017

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Lives and Deaths of U Maung Muang and Daw Aye Hla

The name of the grandfather in this case was U Maung Maung and the grandmother was Daw Aye Hla.  For simplicity, we will refer to the grandfather as Maung and the grandmother as Daw. The couple lived in Burma, which today is known as Myanmar.

Maung was ethnically an Indian, of the subcontinent of India, but he adopted a Burmese name. Burma is just east of the northern region of India. On the map of Burma featured to the right, cities involved in this story involve Mandalay, which a hotel and casino in Las Vegas is named for, Rangoon and the city of Pantanaw, which is on the large Irrawaddy River just west of Rangoon. The Irrawaddy river is marked by the blue line. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Maung Considers Himself a Muslim

Maung’s father was a Buddhist, but he died before Maung’s birth. His mother remarried a man who was Islamic, and she converted to the Muslim faith. As such, Maung was raised as a Muslim. He did not learn that his father was a Buddhist until a year before his own death at the age of 44. As such, throughout his life, Maung identified himself as a Muslim.

Maung was intelligent, obtained an education and became a Burmese governmental official. He also had mechanical skills and enjoyed repairing motor engines, cars and even watches. Maung had a gun, which he would use to hunt birds.

He was observed to be honest and straightforward, but was vulnerable to flattery. As such, he was very kind to those who praised him.

Maung raised chickens. He would tie a string to a leg of young chicks and Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moonhe would tie the other end of the string to a post on his property, so that the chicks would not run away. Once the chicks identified the terrain as their home, he would free them, as they would no longer run off.  He did not eat the chickens, rather, he would employ them to lay eggs, which his family ate as a source of food. As a Muslim, he ate meat.

Daw, Maung’s Wife, Condemns his Treatment of Chickens and his Hunting of Birds

Maung married Daw, who was a devout Buddhist. Daw was uneducated and illiterate, but she was headstrong and bossy.

As a Buddhist, Daw considered Maung’s killing of birds with his gun and the binding of chickens by their legs to a post as misdeeds, which would create bad karma for him. Daw told Maung that these practices would cause him punishment in a future life.

Maung and Daw had a daughter, who they named Daw Mya Tin. For simplicity, we shall refer to their daughter as Tin.

Maung the Muslim and Daw the Buddhist Separate

The religious conflict between Maung and Daw became so severe that that the couple decided to separate. They both hoped to reconcile, but this never happened. They had been apart for two years when Maung died in the Burmese town of Pantanaw in 1950, at the age of 44. Pantanaw, just east of Rangoon, is near the large Irrawaddy River, which supplies locals with fish and shrimp as a source of food.

After her husband’s death, Daw started to cough up blood and it was suspected that she had tuberculosis. It was also thought that she may have contracted malaria. She died in the Burmese city of Mandalay in 1954, four years after her husband died.

Tin Receives an Announcing Dream in Which her Parents Reveal That They Would Be Reborn as Her Children.

The daughter of Maung and Daw, Tin, married a man named Thaw and they lived in the town of Ba Htu Myo.

Tin became pregnant and at 4 months of gestation, she had a dream in which her parents appeared and said that they would be reborn as her children.

Tin went into labor at 7 months of her pregnancy and on February 5, 1961, she had twin girls. The twins had different facial features and laboratory testing confirmed that they were fraternal, not identical twins. After the birth of the twins, the family moved to the Burmese city of Rangoon.

The twin girls were named Ma Khin Ma Gyi and Ma Khin Ma Nge. For simplicity, we will refer to them as Gyi and Nge.

Gyi Attributes Her Birth Defects to Her Cruelty Towards Birds in Her Past Life as Maung

Gyi was born with two birth defects. She had a major defect of her left hand in which her fingers appeared to have been amputated. She had a minor defect of her left lower leg in which there was a circular indentation, as if a rope had been forcefully tied round her lower leg which caused the defect of her leg.

Gyi started to speak when she was three years of age. Between ages four and five she began to talk about a previous life as her mother’s father, Maung. She stated that she had been born with the malformation of her left hand because in her lifetime as Maung, she used a gun to kill birds. She said that the circular indentation on her left lower leg was due to her tying chickens by their legs to a post. There was no history of birth defects in the family.

Gyi’s parents observed that she became sad and took on a ‘faraway” look whenever she talked about her past life. As a result, her father adopted a policy of suppressing her talking of a past lifetime. Though Gyi obeyed her father at home, she still spoke about her previous life with her childhood playmates.

In addition, Gyi expressed a desire to go to Pantanaw for the summer because she said there were a lot of shrimp and fish there. Pantanaw is 70 kilometers or 44 miles from Rangoon, where the family lived.

The twins and their parents had never been to Pantanaw, so Gyi could not have known this fact through normal means. Recall that Maung lived in Pantanaw at the time of his death.

Nge Tells Her Parents that She Had Been Daw, Tin’s Mother, in a Previous Life

The twin’s parents often observed their girls identifying each other from their previous lives. Gyi would tell Nge that Nge was Daw in their past lives. Nge would tell Gyi that she was had been Maung. Further, Nge, when speaking to persons outside of the family, would refer to her mother, Tin, as her daughter.

Nge would particularly talk about her previous life when she was scolded. She would object to the individual who scolded her and say that she had been Daw and that she resented being scolded. Nge continued to do so at least until 1972, when the twins were almost 12 years old.

Gyi’s Masculine Behavior and Traits that Reflected Her Past Lifetime as Maung, Her Maternal Grandfather.

Gyi strongly expressed masculine traits. She chose to wear boy’s clothes and did so whenever she could at least up to age of nine. She even asked to have a boy’s suit specially made for her, which was done. She also had her hair cut in the style of a boy.

Gyi preferred to play with toy cars and trucks, rather than dolls, which seemed to reflect Maung’s fondness for repairing engines and cars. She also preferred to play with boys, rather than other girls.

She also showed zeal in catching insects and then crushing them, reflecting Maung’s practice of shooting birds with his gun. Gyi enjoyed eating poultry and wanted to keep chickens at their home, much like Maung did. Maung was ethnically Indian and he enjoyed Indian foods, such as curries, and so did Gyi. In contrast, no one else in Gyi’s family liked Indian food.

Nge’s Feminine Behavior and Traits that Reflect Her Past Lifetime as Daw, Her Maternal Grandmother

In contrast to Gyi, Nge preferred to play with dolls, enjoyed dancing and singing, and she loved flowers. Nge preferred to play with other girls, wore her hair in the style of a girl and she was very concerned about her appearance. She kept herself cleaner than Gyi and Nge eagerly put on Thanaka paste on her face and arms, which is a cosmetic paste made from ground tree bark used by women in Burma as a beauty aid. Gyi, on the other hand, refused to use Thanaka paste.

Nge was respectful of Buddhist monks and participated in giving food to them. Recall Daw was a devout Buddhist. Gyi did not show respect to monks, which reflected Maung’s Muslim faith.

Nge was bossy, especially towards Gyi, which reflected Daw’s bossy behavior towards her husband, Maung. Gyi, in contrast, was compliant.

When the twins entered school, Nge was found to be less intelligent than Gyi, which reflected Daw’s illiteracy. Gyi, recall, was intelligent, educated and worked as a government employee. Nge would not drink coffee, only tea, which reflected Daw’s preferences. Gyi enjoyed coffee and tea, much like Maung.

The Physiques of the Twins Reflect their Past Life Appearances

At 6 years of age, Gyi was taller and had a had a heavier build than Daw. These features corresponded to Gyi’s past life as Maung, a man, and Nge’s past life as Daw, a female.

When Gyi was 13 years old, she stated that she preferred to have been a boy.

Were Gyi’s Birth Defects Due to Karma Related to Past Life Treatment of Birds?

Gyi, as a child, stated that the deformity of her left hand was a consequence of her shooting birds with a gun and that her left lower leg deformity was due to tying chickens to a post during her past life as Maung.

It is unlikely that Gyi’s deformitis were karmic in nature because if everyone who shot or mistreated birds incurred such birth defects, then there would be a large number of such deformities in the general population.

Ian Stevenson, MD speculated that thoughts in a soul’s mind can influence the development of the body during gestation. In other words, if the soul of Maung believed that he would have deformities related to his treatment of birds based on his wife’s admonitions, then these beliefs or thoughts may have been imprinted on Gyi’s developing body to create her birth defects. I too favor this explanation.

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding of Past Lives

Islam reincarnation past lives cresent moonPhysical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Photographs of Maung and Daw were not provided in Dr. Stevenson’s documentation of these cases, so we do not know if the facial features of Maung | Gyi and Daw | Nge were similar. It was noted, however, that the twins’ physiques mirrored their past life builds.

Change of Gender with Gender Identity Issues: Maung, the grandfather, was a male and reincarnated as one of his daughter’s twin girls, Gyi. Gyi demonstrated masculine traits, including playing with toy cars and wearing boy’s clothing, reflecting het past life as a man. Gyi also remarked that she wished she had been born as a boy.

In the series of over 1500 validated childhood past life memory cases compiled at the University of Virginia, gender change only occurs in 10 percent of cases. When gender change does occur, the individual is often observed to demonstrate behavior typical of the previous gender. Homosexuality can also result, as demonstrated in the:

Reincarnation Case of a Japanese Soldier | Ma

Change of Religion through Reincarnation: Maung was a Muslim, while Daw was Buddhist. Dr. Stevenson did not document what religion the twin’s parents,  Tin and Thaw, belonged to, but either Maung or Daw reincarnated into a different religion. To review other reincarnation cases involving Muslims, please go to:

Reincarnation in Islam and Muslim Reincarnation Cases

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Maung and Daw reincarnated as the fraternal twin girls of their own daughter, Tin.

In Dr. Stevenson’s documentation of the cases involving Maung | Gyi and Daw | Nge, he cited a another set of Burmese cases in which a husband and wife reincarnated as twin boys. This case was documented by Fielding Hall in his book, The Soul of a People, which was published in 1898. Hall noted that the physiques of these twin boys also mirrored their builds in their past lives as husband and spouse.

Stevenson complied 31 sets of twins who had spontaneous past life memories in childhood that were objectively validated. In 100 percent of these cases, the twins had significant past life relationships. To learn more about loved ones who reincarnated as twins, please go to:

Ian Stevenson, MD Twin Study and Twin Cases

Spirit Being Involvement in Reincarnation Cases: Tin received an announcing dream from her parents, Maung and Daw, indicating that they would be reborn as her children, which did occur.

A Man Reincarnates as a Girl Who Loves Beautiful Dresses: The Reincarnation case of Jinadasa Perera| Purnima Ekanayake

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Erlendur Haraldsson, PhD

From: I Saw a Light and Came Here, by Erlendur Haraldsson, PhD and James G. Matlock, PhD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Life and Death of Jinadasa Perera

Jinadasa Perera was a man who lived in Kelaniya, a suburb of Colombo in Sri Lanka. The city is known for its Buddhist Kelaniya Temple, which sits on the bank of the Kelani River. Jinadasa’s mother was named Simona and he had two younger brothers and two sisters. The younger sister was named Violet. He had attended the Rahula school and completed the fifth grade.

His father was a poor farmer and Jinadasa left school to work to help support his family.  He did odd jobs until his sister married a man named Wijisiri, who made his living by manufacturing incense. Jinadasa then joined his brother-in-law in making incense. Their family business was prosperous, employing up to 30 people at a time.  They made incense by blending charcoal ash with a fragrant substance and marketed incense through two brands, Ambiga and Geta Pichcha.

Jinadasa entered into a relationship with Wijisiri’s sister, Kusumi, who he lived with for several years, though they were never officially married. Since they quarreled, Jinadasa left Kusumi and moved to the south of Sri Lanka where he acquired a new girlfriend named Nanda, whom he lived with in the town of Weliggama. There he produced incense with a friend whose name was Somasiri.

After five years in Weliggama, Jinadasa took a trip to Colombo and there he learned that his brother-in-law, Wijisiri, had incurred an injury to his knee which made him bedridden. This induced Jinadasa to move back to Kelaniya to help with Wijisiri’s incense business.

After being there for a few days, in September 1985, Jinadasa went by bicycle to sell incense at the local market. On the way, in the village of Nugegoda, he was run over by a bus and died immediately.

One of Jinadasa’s brothers, Chandradasa, went to the mortuary to identify the body. Chandradasa observed massive injuries on Jinadasa’s body from the left lower ribs up and across the body, which appeared to be caused by the tires of the bus. An autopsy revealed that several ribs had been broken on the left side of the chest, which punctured the lungs. The liver and the spleen were ruptured.

Jinadasa Reincarnates as a Girl

Purnima Ekanayake was born in 1987 in the northern Sri Lankan city of Bakamuna, which is 145 miles away from Kelaniya. Prominent birthmarks were observed on the left side of Purnima’s chest.  Her father was a principle of a secondary school and her mother was a teacher at that school.

As a small child, Purnima repeatedly said: “People who drive over people are bad persons.” She would ask her mother, “Do you not also think that persons who cause accidents are bad people?”

Purnima’s mother became upset by a serious motor vehicle collision that occurred near their home. Purnima responded by telling her mother, “Do not think about this accident. I came to you after such an accident.” Purnima said that after the accident she closed her eyes and came “here.” When her  mother asked if she was treated at a hospital after the accident, Purnima related that she was not taken to a hospital as: “A heap of iron was on my body.” She said she was killed by a “big vehicle.”

Purnima reports Observing her Past Life Funeral and Existence in the Spirit World between Death and Rebirth

Purnima elaborated that after the accident she floated for a few days in a dimly lit setting, where there were many other people floating around her. From the spirit realm she observed her own funeral where she saw people crying. She then saw a light, which she went to and then came “here,” meaning to her parents and home in Bakamuna.

Past Life Memories of Being an Incense Maker

Purnima said that she was a man in her prior lifetime and that her family made incense, specifically two types of incense, Ambiga and Geta Pichcha. (These brands, by the way, did not exist in Bakamuna.)  Further, she said that the family employed outsiders in making incense and that she would supervise these people. She demonstrated her habit of walking with her hands behind her back, observing the progress of workers.

She related that their incense factory was near a brick factory and a pond. Purnima related that the family had two vans and a car. She stated that her mother’s name was Simona. Purnima said she attended Rahula School, though only up to the fifth grade. All these statements were correct for the life of Jinadasa.

Past Life Relationships

Purnima also said that, in her past lifetime, she was married to a sister-in-law whose name was Kusumi. She also said she had two wives. Dr. Harraldsson, in his narrative of this case, explained that in Sri Lanka couples who are not officially wed but who are living together are considered married. As such, these statements were accurate for the life of Jinadasa.

Purnima Recognizes the Kelaniya Temple and the Location of her Past Life Home

When Purnima was four years old, the family was watching a television program on the Kelaniya Temple. Purnima said she recognized the temple. Soon thereafter, her parents organized a trip for their students to tour the Kelaniya Temple, which as noted above, is 145 miles from Bakamuna. Purnima joined her parents on this trip and once on the temple grounds, she told her parents that in her past life, she used to live across the river.

An opportunity to investigate Purnima’s memories arose when in January 1993, her father hired a new teacher who spent weekends in Kelaniya, as he married there. This teacher, WG Sumanasiri, agreed to investigate Purnima’s statements regarding a past life across the river from the Kelaniya Temple. The information that he was given included that Purnima was a man who sold incense sticks on a bicycle who died in a fatal accident involving a large vehicle. In addition, he was given the names of the incense that this man sold, specifically, Ambiga and Geta Pichcha.

Purnima’s Past Life Family is Found

On his return to Kelaniya, Sumanasiri found that there were three incense makers who were located across the river from the temple. One of these manufacturers, LA Wijisiri, made the Ambiga and Geta Pichcha brands. Sumanasiri learned that Wijisiri’s brother-in-law and business partner, Jinadasa Perera, had been killed when he was hit by a bus while taking incense to a market on a bicycle. This accident occurred in 1985, about two years before Purnima was born.

Soon after Sumanasiri conveyed his findings, Purnima, her parents, Sumanasri and his brother-in-law made an unannounced visit to the Wijisiri family. When they approached the residence, Purnima whispered to her mother: “This incense dealer (referring to herself) had two wives. This is a secret. Don’t give them my address. They might trouble me.”

Wijisiri’s daughters were home and they let the visitors into the house. Wijisiri was not home at that time. Shortly thereafter, Wijisiri walked up to the house and Purnima told her party:

“This is Wijisiri, he is coming. He is my brother-in-law.”

Purnima inspected packets of incense that were found at the Wijisiri home. She then told Wijisiri that she herself used to sell these incense sticks. She then asked:

“Have you changed the outer cover of these packets?”

Wijisiri indeed changed the packet colors and design about every two years.

Purnima noted that Wijisiri had an injury to his knee, which resulted in him not being able to bend it. She told Wijisiri that she herself, as Jinadasa, had applied medicine to his knee injury.

Purnima asked Wijisiri about past life friends, including Somasiri, who made incense with Jinadasa in Weliggama, and Padmasiri, the brother of Wijisiri. She also asked about her past life sister, who was married to Wijisiri, and her past life mother. She also noted that the Wijisiri family had their home and factory at a different place when Jinadasa was alive, which was correct. Purnima’s knowledge of these facts convinced Wijisiri that she was indeed the reincarnation of Jinadasa.

Purnima then showed Wijisiri her birthmark and she said: “This is the mark I received when I was hit by a bus.” She also stated that her fatal accident occurred in Nugegoda, which was true.

Purnima Identifies a Past Life Sister and Friend

During this visit a number of people stood outside the Wijisiri house, including Somasiri. Purnima saw him and said, “This is my friend.” When her father asked who this person was, she replied: “This is Somasiri, my friend.” Purnima also pointed to a woman and said: “This is my younger sister.” The woman was Violet, Jinadasa’s younger sister.

Purnima Remembers how to Make Incense

Purnima was asked if she remembered how to make incense. She replied that there are two methods. In one, cow dung is used and the other utilizes charcoal ash from firewood. A paste is made from either the cow dung or charcoal ash, to which is added an ingredient that lends the fragrance. The paste is applied to a bamboo stick and rolled, to create an incense stick. She noted that in her past life, she used the charcoal method of making incense. All these statements were correct.

Dr. Haraldsson noted that Purnima’s father only had heard that cow dung was used to make incense and her mother had no knowledge of the manufacturing process. Haraldsson also affirmed that Purnima’s family and the Wijisiri family had no knowledge of each other prior to their meeting in 1993.

Despite Gender Change, Purnima is Feminine

We have observed in other cases involving gender change that gender identity issues and homosexuality can result. A dramatic case in this regard is:

Reincarnation Case of a Japanese Soldier | Ma Tin Aung Myo

This did not occur with Purnima, as she enjoyed wearing beautiful dresses, indicating that she is very comfortable with her femininity.

Principle of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Change of Gender: Jinadasa, a man, reincarnated as a woman.

Past Life Birthmarks: Purnima had birthmarks on the left side of her chest corresponding to injuries incurred by Jinadasa.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Purnima was reunited with her past life family and friends.

Spirit Being Involvement: Purnima described her experience in the spirit realm. Another case that involves a detailed account of the transition from death to rebirth is: The Reincarnation Case of Nai Leng | Choate

Source: Haraldsson, Erlendur and Matlock, James: I Saw a Light and Came Here, White Crow Books, 2016, pages 3-12

A Boy Reincarnates as a Girl, Who Retains a Male Mindset: The Reincarnation Case of Karunasena | Ruby Silva

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researched by: Ian Stevenson, MD and Francis story

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Life of Karunasena

GG Karunasena was born on March 4, 1952 in the small Sri Lankan town of Aluthwala. His father, who was bald, was GG Punchi Singho and his mother was DW Punchi Nona. In contrast to many natives of Sri Lanka, both parents were fair-skinned. Karunasena had two older brothers, Dhanasiri and Upasena. He had a younger brother named Nandasena, who Karunasena was very fond of. The family’s nickname for Karunasena was Kira.

The family were farmers, who owned a rubber tree plantation and coconut groves. They also grew vegetables in cordoned off plots, which could spark arguments with neighbors regarding whose land it was to cultivate. Karunasena’s father also drove trucks and buses for income. In 1957, GG Punchi Singho suffered a stroke, was bedridden for two years, then recovered to the extent that he could walk, though with a cane and a limp.

Karunasena liked to be clean and well dressed. His hobbies included dancing, drumming and flying kites.  He had a rather avid interest in Buddhism.

phobias in reincarnation casesOne dramatic event that occurred in the family’s life was when two cobras made their way into the Singho home. One snake was killed and the other one was burned.

Karunasena enjoyed gardening and was noted to exert himself vigorously on the family’s agricultural land. When he was seven years old, Karunasena returned from working in the fields, went to the family’s well to wash himself and then fell in and drowned. One of Karunasena’s brothers retrieved his body and held him. The family discussed whether to take Karunesna to the hospital, but it was determined that Karunesena was dead and that there was no point in seeking medical attention. Karunasena’s death occurred on July 18, 1959. He was buried in the grounds of the family’s rubber plantation.

Ruby Silva, the Reincarnation of Kurunasena, is Born

Ruby Kusuma Silva was born on September 12, 1962 in the Sri Lankan city of Galle, about three years after the death of Karunasena. Her father was WK Simon Silva and her mother was Somie Nona Jayasekera. At the time that Ruby was born, her parents had seven children, six boys and one girl. The family lived in the town of Batapola, which lies halfway between the cities of Galle and Colombo. When Ruby was two years old, the family relocated to the village of Pollewa that was 1.5 kilometers or about a mile from Batapola.

Ruby started to speak when she was less than 1 ½ years old and began to talk about a previous life when she was still under two years old. She said that in her previous life she had been a “brother” and not a “sister.”  Rudy stated she wanted to be called a “brother” or “son” and not a “sister” or “daughter.”

IISIS ReincarnationEvidenceYellowBusFrontViewWhen Ruby first spoke about her past life she did not seem to have adequate vocabulary to express herself. At one point, when she was trying to relate that cobras had invaded her past life family’s home and that one snake was burned and another killed, she used childish words. Her father, Simon, related that he had to translate her baby words into adult terms. When she wanted to convey that her past life father was a bus driver, she knew the word for bus but not for driver, so she communicated this by making motions of a person steering a vehicle.

Rudy seemed to perplexed that she was a girl and would say “why did I become a girl?” She also said “I am big” and said that she could do the work of a big person. When her mother asked why she had come to them, Ruby replied, “I was beaten by the other mother.”

Ruby said that her parents were fair-skinned and that her father was bald and lame. Rudy said that she lived in a town called Aluthwala and that she attended religious Sunday school at the temple there. She implied that her current parents were not her real parents, as she stated that her mother and father were in Aluthwala.

Regarding her past life death, Ruby said that she had been working in the paddy fields, went to the well to wash and then slipped into the well and drowned. She also said that she had injured her leg in doing so and had bled, pointing to the right leg just below the knee. She said that one of her brothers said, “Let us take him to the hospital,” while the other brother said “He is dead.” She said that her mother was there and crying when she died. Ruby’s description was true regarding the death of Karunasena.

Ruby would talk as if she was still living her past life, speaking in the present tense. For example, she made the statements:

“there are piles of coconuts at my house”

“buses pass along the road by my house”

“the coconuts are brought by carts and lorries” (lorries are a term used in Sri Lanka for trucks)

“if you do not have coconuts here, we can get them at Aluthwala”

All these statements were correct for the life of Karunasena. Ian Stevenson noted Ruby talked as if she was “on leave” from her past life in Aluthwala.

Stevenson noted that Ruby’s remarks were often stimulated by an activity of a family member which would lead her to say, “I used to do that.” For example, when she saw her mother cutting vegetables, she reported that in her past life neighbors would argue with her family over fences separating their vegetable patches.  Ruby noted that her past life family was much better off financially than her current family.

Ruby Remembers her Past Life Name and Nick Name

Ruby said that at school she was known as Karunasena, but that at home she was called Kira. She said that she had two older brothers and one younger brother. Ruby noted that her older brother and she would go to Sunday school together.  She said that on the way to her past life home one comes to a culvert and then a junction. Her past life home, she related, was tiled and that the walls were color washed. Further, they had many coconuts at her past life home, which was in contrast to her contemporary home, where they had very few coconuts. Ruby related that her older brother would climb trees to bring down coconuts, which they would cut and drink water from. She said that her past life father would bring mangoes from a shop, as they did not have mango trees at their home. Ruby also stated that the family had a rubber plantation, though her past life mother would not allow her to go there. All these statements were correct for the life of Karunasena.

Ruby said that at the temple in Aluthwala, she saw a belly tree. Ruby said that she visited Kataragama, which is a well-known religious center in southern Sri Lanka. She correctly stated that at this center, there were big crowds, a bo tree and a temple. She also said that she had been to Galle and to another Sri Lankan city, Dodanduwa. These remarks were true for the life of Karunasena.

Ruby said that her aunts once washed a burnt part of a machine in a well. In actuality, the Singho family owned looms and one of Karunasena’s aunts had washed a part of a loom machinery that had become blackened with soot from an oil lamp. Karunasena had helped this aunt in cleaning of this machine.

Ruby’s Past Life Identity is Discovered

IISIS Reincarnation, Gender Identity Issues, Thai TempleRuby’s mother, Somie, traveled to Aluthwala in March 1966 and went to the Nandaramaya Temple inquiring whether there was a boy who fitted Ruby’s description of her past life.

After some investigation, Somie was referred to the Singho family. It became clear that Ruby’s memories matched the life of Karunasena. Due to the inquiries that were made, the Singho family heard about Ruby and her past life memories. They went to visit Ruby in Pollewa in April 1966. Aluthwala, where the Singho family lived, is about 14 kilometers or 8 miles from Pollewa. Ian Stevenson, MD, noted that the two families had no prior contact or knowledge of each other before they met.

Ruby Identifies her Past Life Family Members by Name

In April 1966 multiple family members of the Singho family came to visit Ruby and she recognized them on sight and identified all of them by name. These included:

GG Punchi Singho, the father of Karunasena: Specifically, when Ruby saw a man who was a stranger to the family approaching the house she said, “Here comes my father.” Ruby went to him and sat on his lap.

DW Punchi Nona, Karunasena’s mother

Dhanasiri, Karunasena’s older brother

Nandasena, the younger brother of Karunasena

JG Mary Nona, Karunasena’s aunt: No one in the Silva family knew who she was but when Ruby met her, Ruby was very friendly and even affectionate.  Her father asked, “Who is she?” Ruby replied, “That is my aunt.”

Karunasena’s maternal uncle: When he came to the Silva house, he asked Ruby, “Who am I?” She replied “You are my uncle.”

Ian Stevenson noted that these identifications were especially impressive as Ruby’s family had no idea of who these past life family members were when they arrived at their home.

Past Life Phobia

Ruby had a phobia of wells. At the age of 3 ½ she would go to the well only with an adult. She warned her brothers and other persons about the danger of falling into a well. This phobia continued to at least 1968, at which time Ruby was 6 years old, but had resolved by the time she was 8 years old.

Ruby’s Masculine Behavior

As with other cases that involve gender change, Ruby retained the mindset of her previous incarnation, that of a male. In contrast, her older sister did not demonstrate male traits. These included:

A desire to wear boy’s clothing: She said that she had worn trousers in her prior life and she asked to be given trousers. When she would wear a dress, she would wear boy’s shorts underneath. Ruby would also wear her brothers’ shirts and undershirts.

Playing of boys’ games: Ruby liked to fly kites, play marbles, play cricket, ride her brother’s bicycle and climb trees, once even climbing a coconut tree to fetch the fruit.  Recall that Karunasena liked to fly kites.

Ruby liked to whistle and when she wanted to get someone’s attention, she would make a clucking noise from the back of her throat. Karunasena had made the same clucking sound.

Ruby could be aggressive and during arguments with her brothers, she would punch them with her fists.

Ruby had no interest in cooking.

She asked her family to call her a brother or son, not a sister or daughter. Ruby’s mother was referring to Ruby as her son at least up to 1968.

When Ruby attended the funeral of an elderly woman, she told her mother that when she, Ruby, died, she would like to be reborn as a boy.

Ian Stevenson gave Ruby Draw-a-Person Tests twice, in which Ruby was given free choice regarding the gender of the two people she was instructed to draw. In 1968, Ruby drew two males, which Stevenson interpreted as Ruby having an identification as a male. In 1973, Stevenson gave her another Draw-a-Person Test. At this time, she drew a woman and then a girl, indicating that identification as a female had emerged.

Past Life Traits: Similarities between Karunasena and Ruby

ReincarnationPastLifeResearchDrummingIan Stevenson tabulated common features of Ruby and her past life persona, Karunasena. These include:

Both were interested in gardening and planting. Ian Stevenson noted he witnessed Ruby using a shovel type tool with unusual vigor.

Both liked to dance to drum music. When Ruby heard drum music, she would invite her brothers to sing and dance with her.

Both were interested in religion and in particular, Buddhism.

Both liked high quality clothes, with both preferring clothing worn by boys

Both were aggressive: Karunasena was known to be mischievous and he would get into physical fights with other boys. As noted, Ruby would use her fists to strike her brothers during arguments.

Both were very fond of Karunasena’s younger brother, Nandasena. When he would visit Ruby, she would hide Nandasena’s bicycle so that he would be forced to stay longer. Nandasena would typically stay 1 to 2 days with the Silva family.

Principles of Reincarnation: Understanding Past Lives

Gender Change with Gender Identity Issues: Though a girl, Ruby retained the mindset of a boy. A dramatic case in which gender change through reincarnation resulted in homosexuality can be reviewed at the following page:

A Male Japanese Soldier Reincarnates as a Girl and becomes a Lesbian

Past Life Phobia: Ruby had a fear of wells due to her death caused by falling into a well.

Past Life Talents and Behaviors: Ruby was skillful at playing games typically engaged in by boys. She was able to climb trees. She could wield a shovel type tool with the skill of an adult.

Relationships Renewed though Reincarnation: Ruby was reunited with her past life family.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: Ruby reported events after Karunasena’s death, such as the family’s discussion of whether to take him to the hospital. As such, the soul of Karunasena/Ruby was able to observe events from the spirit world.

Source: Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume II, Ten Cases in Sri Lanka, University of Virginia Press, 1977, pages 163-202

Gender Change in Reincarnation Cases and Homosexuality-Introduction

Gender change occurs in only 10 percent of reincarnation cases, which can help us understand homosexuality and transsexualism. The diagram for gender change in reincarnation cases is the male and female symbols merged, indicating me can be male and female across incarnations.

reincarnation and gender change

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Reincarnation research reveals that gender can change from one lifetime to another, though facial features or facial architecture can remain consistent.

Gender Change in Reincarnation Cases, Homosexuality and Transsexualism

Ian Stevenson MD found that in his series of 1200 validated childhood past memory cases, in only 10% of cases was a gender change observed. In other words, 90% of the time individuals reincarnationed in the same gender. This infers that each soul has a preferred gender.

In some cases of gender change, the individual may still relate to the gender in the prior incarnation, which can lead to homosexuality or lesbianism. Two cases that demonstrate this phenomenon include:

A Male Japanese Soldier Reincarnates as a Woman and becomes a Lesbian: Understanding Homosexuality through Reincarnation

Chuey, a Boy, Drowns & Reincarnates as a Girl, but Retains Male Traits

Though no reincarnation cases have been documented that involve transsexualism, it is likely that some individuals who are transsexual or have gender identity issues represent gender change cases, in which the person still relates to the gender of a prior incarnation.

Reincarnation Cases with Gender Change

Reincarnation Research Home Page

Reincarnation Case of Pablo Picasso | Alexandra Nechita: Past Life Patterns & Innate Talent

The reincarnation case of Pablo Picasso is so self-apparent, that it almost solved itself. Let us briefly review the histories of Pablo Picasso and Alexander Nechita here where every detail is discussed.

Affirmed by: Spirit Guide or Spirit Being Ahtun Re in a Ryerson-Semkiw Reincarnation Research Session, 2005

From: Born Again

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Alexandra Nechita as Pablo Picasso Reborn

Past Life TalentThis case was brought to my attention in a casual way. Indeed, the reincarnation case of Pablo Picasso is so self-apparent, that it almost solved itself.  Let me explain how the Picasso | Nechita case evolved.

In the summer of 2004, I did a reincarnation presentation in Boulder, Colorado. A member of the audience was a friend of Wayne Peterson, a retired US Diplomat and former Director of the Fulbright Scholarship Program in Washington, DC, who has met four US Presidents: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and Clinton. Mr. Peterson’s own reincarnation cases can be reviewed at: Past Lives of Wayne Peterson: A Diplomat, Artist, Socialite and Doge

Wayne’s friend told me that I should investigate a young artist named Alexandra Nechita, as her work is remarkably similar to that of Picasso and it has been speculated that she may be the reincarnation of Picasso. I was advised that Alexandra’s work was being displayed in Denver, at that time, at Gallery M.

The next day, I took a drive to see Alexandra’s work and found myself dumbfounded. Though I had observed how linguistic writing patterns can remain the same across incarnations, such as in the case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene, this was the first time I had the opportunity to see how talent could be recapitulated by a painter in such a dramatic way.   Later, I would observe how artistic talent and even compositions could be replicated in The Reincarnation Case of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp

Though I am no expert in art, Alexandra’s work was so much like Picasso’s, it was simply striking. I asked the director of Gallery M whether there were any photos of Alexandra available, perhaps on a brochure or business card, and whether I could get contact information for Alexandra. The gallery director told me that no photos of Alexandra were on hand and that the artist was a private person and personal contact information could not be given out. In my next session with Kevin Ryerson, though, I asked Ahtun Re whether Alexandra was indeed the reincarnation of Picasso, which he affirmed.

NechitaPicassoReincarnationImageIn January 2006, as I was preparing to publish Born Again, on the Internet, I found that Alexandra now had a web site with images of herself. I quickly compared her facial features with Picasso’s and though not as striking as some reincarnation facial matches, I felt her facial architecture was consistent with that of Picasso. Though Alexandra is a beautiful young woman with fine features and Picasso was a rather rugged looking man, the bone structure, the overall architecture of the face and head, I found to be the similar. Later on, I found images of Picasso and Alexandra when they were both children, where a similarity in facial features can also be seen. At this point, I decided to try to contact Alexandra for her inclusion in this book. Little did I know that the subject of reincarnation had already been entertained in her mind.

Pablo Picasso as a Child Prodigy Artist

Let us briefly review the histories of Pablo Picasso and Alexander Nechita. Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain, on October 25, 1881. Picasso demonstrated artistic gifts early in his boyhood and at the age of 15, he was enrolled in Barcelona’s School of the Fine Arts. His painting, Science and Charity, won a gold medal at an exhibit in Malaga when he was 16 and by this time, Picasso had his own studio in Barcelona.

5YgReincarnationPicassoNechitaIn 1900, Picasso made a brief trip to Paris, where he admired the work of modern artists such as Edgar Degas and Henri Toulouse-Lautrec. Picasso later moved to Paris in 1904 and established friendships with writers, such as Gertrude Stein and Max Jacob. Picasso also witnessed the emerging popularity of Paul Gauguin while he was in Paris and Picasso was influenced by his work.

With Georges Braque, Picasso pioneered the “Cubist” style of painting, in which landscape images were composed of what appeared to be small cubes. Picasso did sculpture in innovative ways, using a variety of common objects to create abstract constructions. Picasso also became involved in set design, working for the Ballets Russes in Rome. Picasso’s illustrious career culminated in an exhibition at the Louvre, in Paris, which occurred in honor of his 90th birthday, in 1971. With this event, Picasso was the first living artist to have works displayed at the Louvre. Picasso died in France on April 8, 1973.

Past Life Talent: Alexandra Nechita as a Child Prodigy Artist and a “Petite Picasso”

Eight years after Picasso died, on August 27, 1985, Alexandra Nechita was born in Romania. Alexandra’s father, Niko, unfortunately was not present for his daughter’s birth. Niko had left Communist Romania to seek a better future for his family in the United States, when his wife, Viorica, was six months pregnant with Alexandra. Niki would not see his wife and new daughter until 1987, when they were reunited in Los Angeles.

Like Picasso, Alexandra demonstrated artistic talent as a very young child. In fact, Alexandra began to draw as soon as her developing nervous system would allow her to do so. Alexandra became obsessed with her coloring books, which was a concern for her parents, as she didn’t seem interested in the usual things that little girls do, such as playing and skipping rope. Her first pen and ink drawings were done at age two.

A truly startling observation was made by her parents when Alexandra was four years old. Alexandra was drawing abstract figures with two faces and four eyes, as seen in the art of Picasso.  Alexandra rapidly built up a collection of original works. At eight years of age, Alexandra’s first art exhibit was held at a Los Angeles public library on April 1, 1994. In a symbolic synchronistic event, on the same day that she had her first exhibit, she also saw the art of Picasso for the first time at the Los Angeles County Art Museum.

5PicassoNechitaChicagoMasterpieceAlexandra loved the freedom of expression that she saw in Picasso’s art, unencumbered by rules. Alexandra’s career advanced rapidly from that point on. As cited on her web site:

“She attracted the attention of art critics and the media who began telling the world about this rarest of child prodigies—an artist who had mastered drawing and color, an artist who had created a visual language of her own, in a unique, lyrical, figurative, abstract cubist manner, an artist who had only recently turned nine years old.”

In fact, the press had dubbed her, “The Petite Picasso.”  In 1999, at the age of fourteen, Alexandra was selected to lead the Global Arts Initiative, involving more than one hundred countries, sponsored by the World Federation of United Nations. In her still nascent voyage, Alexandra has been a guest on numerous national television shows in the United States, including CBS Sunday Morning, NBC’s Today, The Rosie O’Donnell Show, NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw and The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Past Life Patterns: Picasso’s Guernica and Alexandra’s Past Life Theory

In early 2006, I tried to contact Alexandra using information provided on her website. She was still only 20 years of age at this point in time. I was put in touch with her mother, Viorica, who was open to reincarnation.

7HandsDovePicassoNechitaReincarnationImageAfter Born Again came out in 2006, I met Viorica and her daughter at an art exhibition that Alexandra was holding in Las Vegas.  Many of the oil paintings were priced close to $100,000. Alexandra also displayed works of art created in glass and other media. The centerpiece of the exhibit was a 20 foot tall metal statue entitled, Hands and Dove, which is presented to the right.  Picasso also worked in multiple media and created enormous statues such as the untitled sculpture in Chicago’s Daley Plaza, the bird like monument featured above Hands and Dove.

Alexandra’s Day of September 11 mirrors Picasso’s Guernica

At this event, Alexandra’s manager, Ben Valenty, who has represented her from childhood, was very excited to receive a copy of Born Again, which included the case of Pablo Picasso | Alexandra Nechita. He shared with me that on his deathbed, Picasso stated that a young child would be born with his talent. I got the impression that Ben himself had wondered whether this child was Alexandra. Then he gave me a copy of her recently released book, entitled Hands and Dove: The Art of Alexandra Nechita.

7911PicassoNechita ReincarnationImage

When I read this book, I had further insight into this theory. Inside, I found an image of her work entitled The Day of September 11, provided above.

This is a huge painting that is the size of a wall. Not only in size, but in content, this painting appeared to be an updated version of Picasso’s Guernica. To appreciate the size of The Day of September 11, look at the left side of the painting and you will see Alexandra herself standing in front of the canvas. This painting is essentially a contemporary version of Guernica which is featured below.


Just as Guernica portrayed the horror of the Spanish city undergoing aerial bombardment, The Day of September 11 captured the horror of the destruction of the World Trade Center. Both paintings feature human beings with arms outstretched skyward. Picasso placed farm animals in his painting and depicted their annihilation, while Alexandra used doves to represent the victims of the towers, who were streaming out towards heaven. Of course, one could suggest that Alexandra simply was inspired by Guernica, but recall that she started doing Picasso like art when she was only four years old, before she had exposure to the art world.

An even more revealing Nechita painting is entitled Past Life Theory, which features the horse head found in Guernica, which is the most famous and recognizable object in Guernica. In her painting, Alexandra gave this horse female breasts and in the right-hand corner of the painting, a red question mark is prominent. By utilizing one of the most famous symbols of Picasso and title of the painting being Past Life Theory, it appears that Alexandra is musing on the question of whether Picasso has been reborn in her.

5PastLifeThPicassoNechitaReincarnationPast Life Patterns

If the reincarnation case of Pablo Picasso | Alexandra Nechita is accepted, reflect on how these souls have demonstrated such characteristic patterns in their development across two lifetimes. Picasso and Alexandra both dove into art as toddlers and demonstrated genius already in their teenage years, becoming world renowned artists early in their lives.

Repetition of patterns is similarly observed in the case of Paul Gaugin | Peter Teekamp. Paul Gauguin and Peter Teekamp, as young men, both became carefree world travelers. They both then embarked on business careers as a way to support themselves. Gauguin and Teekamp both started painting in adulthood as a hobby. Both only decided to pursue art as a full time profession in maturity. Gauguin died poor and unrecognized and Peter, though an accomplished artist,  is at this time relatively unknown.

Let us also reflect on how these two cases illustrate that we do indeed build upon accomplishments of past lifetimes. The Gauguin | Teekamp sketches, with the horses, women in circles, men in berets and Jesus on the cross—drawn from above, demonstrate that Peter Teekamp unconsciously replicated Gauguin’s artist development, but at an earlier age.

Similarly, Alexandra replicated Picasso’s development by drawing abstract figures with two faces and four eyes at the age of four.  Picasso became a pioneer of the Cubist style of painting in 1907, when he was 26 years old. The media has noted that Alexandra Nechita painted in an “abstract cubist manner” when she was nine years old.

Another case that demonstrates how the pattern of being a childhood prodigy is replicated from one lifetime to another involves The Reincarnation Case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen, as Barbro had her first book of prose published at 12.

3BenValentyPicassoNechitaReincarnationPrinciples of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

If this reincarnation case is accepted, it demonstrates the following features:

Physical Resemblance: Alexandra Nechita’s facial bone structure is consistent with that of Picasso.

Past Life Innate Talent: Alexandra Nichita was a child prodigy artist, as was Picasso.  She replicated the style of Picasso in childhood, works in multiple media, as did Picasso, and in The Day of September 11, she did a contemporary version of one Picasso’s most famous paintings, Guernica.  Ben Valenty, who has represented Alexandra and is featured in the picture to the right, told me that Picasso, on his death-bed, predicted that a child would be born with his talent.

Anniversary Phenomenon: Alexandra had her first art exhibit at age eight and on that same day, she first saw an exhibit of Picasso’s art.

Change of Nationality and Ethnic Affiliation from One Incarnation to Another: Picasso was born in Spain and lived in Europe, while Alexandra is a native of Romania, who lives in the United States.

Gender Change: Picasso was male who reincarnated as Alexandra, a female.


Child’s Past Life Story with Phobia, Gender Change and Experience of Heaven: The Reincarnation Case of Chuey Puang Pei | Ampan Petcherat

Chuey, a boy, encounters a snake in a waterway, drowns and is reborn as Ampan, a girl. Ampan has spontaneous memories of her past life as Chuey and retains the midset of a boy. This case can help understand homosexuality and gender identity issues though reincarnation. Ampan also had phobia of snakes and memories of heaven.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researchers: Francis Story and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Drowning Death of Chuey Puang Pei

klongChuey Puang Pei was born in 1946 in Thailand. His father’s name was Tai Puang Pei and his mother was Tong Bai Puang Pei. Chuey had a brother, Chuan, and a sister, Khao.

The family lived along one of the many canals or waterways that are found in the central plain of Thailand, which are called khlongs. These canals stem from major rivers in the area. Through the use of boats, khlongs serve as routes of transportation, much like the canals of Venice, Italy. Chuey lived in the village of Bang Chan, which was on a waterway of the same name, Khlong Bang Chan.

Ironically and unfortunately, though Chuey lived by a waterway, he never learned to swim. In 1950, when he was 4 years old, Chuey was on the shore of the Khlong Bang Chan with his uncle, Klah Puang Pei, and his older brother, Chuan, who was about 8 years old at the time.

Chuey and Chuan were playing in shallow water by the shore. At one point, Chuan and his uncle lost sight of Chuey. At one moment he was on the bank of the waterway and the next moment he was gone. Shortly thereafter, they found Chuey’s body in the water and as they pulled him out, they discovered that he had drowned. This tragedy was not unusual, as at the time, young children were known to perish in the klongs of Thailand fairly often.

Reincarnation & Gender Change, Ian Stevenson Research, Chuey templeThe uncle, Klah Puang Pei, said that he saw Chuan playfully pulling on Chuey’s legs before the drowning, though when questioned, Chuan denied this. Chuey’s body was taken to the wat or Buddhist temple at Khlong Bang Plee Noi, where it was cremated. As mentioned, Chuey died in 1950 at 4 years of age. His brother Chuan went on to become a Buddhist monk.

Child’s Past Life Memories: Chuey is Reborn as Ampan, a Girl, Who recalls her Past Life Name & Death by Drowning

Ampam Petcherat, a girl, was born in March 1954 in the village of Song Khlong, which is located on the waterway of the same name. Song Khlong is 15 kilometers or 9 miles from Bang Chan, the village where Chuey lived. At the time, Song Khlong could only be reached from Bang Chan by boat. Song Khlong is 37 kilometers or 23 miles from Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand.

Ampan’s father was named Yod and her mother was Kim Saum. When she learned to talk, Ampan said that Yod was not her father and that Kim Saum was not her mother, as she had another mother. Ampan also said she had a previous brother who was going to become a monk.

Ampan’s parents separated when she was a child. Ampan and her mother, Kim Saum, moved 7 kilometers, or a little over 4 miles, north to the village of Khlong Darn. When she was one year old, Ampan told her mother that she had another mother and father at Klong Bang Chan. She said that she was a boy before and described her house. She cried when she talked about her previous home and said that she wanted to be taken there. She said she died by drowning after being bitten by a snake. Ampan repeated this story regarding a previous life from time to time. She said that in her prior lifetime, her name was Chuey.

Past Life Memory: Ampan Recognizes her Past Life Village and Aunt

Each year at harvest time, Kim Saum would paddle by boat to sell produce in the area of Khlong Bang Chan. When Ampan was one and a half years of age, Kim Saum took her on one of these trips. Ampan recognized the area and said that this was where she had lived before as a boy.

When Ampan was 7 years old, she spontaneously recognized a woman who was walking in Khlong Darn, the village where Ampan and her mother lived. Ampan told this woman that she was her aunt. As the woman had never met Ampan and her mother before, she paid no attention to Ampan.

On a second occasion, Ampan saw the same woman and addressed her as “my aunt.” This time the woman stopped and asked Ampan how she knew her. Ampan responded, “You are my mother’s older sister.” Ampan embraced the woman and asked to be taken to her previous family. This woman was Joy Ruang Gun, who was indeed Chuey’s maternal aunt.

Ampan Recalls the Names of her Past Life Parents, Details of her Past Life Home and Place of Cremation

IISIS Reincarnation, Gender Identity Issues, Thai ShoreJoy then asked, “Who are your parents?” Ampan replied that that her father’s name was Tai and that her mother’s name was Bai. Recall that Chuey’s father’s name was Tai Puang Pei and that his mother was Tong Bai Puang Pei.

Ampan went on and said that at her prior home, there was a bamboo tree in front of the house and that there were 2 red jars at the house. She said that there were 2 red dogs and 3 buffaloes at her prior home. Regarding her death in the prior lifetime, Ampan said that she was playing in the water when she fell into the water and drowned. She said that her father took her body to the Wat Bang Plee for cremation (the full name of the temple is Wat Bang Plee Noi).

As all these statements were correct for the lifetime of Cheuy, Joy decided to take Ampan and her mother to meet Cheuy’s family.

At her Past Life Home, Ampan recognizes her Past Life Parents, Sister and Place of Drowning

When Ampan was taken to Khlong Bang Chan and her past life family’s home, she went to Tong Bai, Chuey’s mother, embraced her tightly and said “mother.” Chuey’s father was not at home initially, but Tai returned shortly thereafter in a boat with two other men. While they were still in the vessel at the boat landing, Ampan was asked to identify her previous father. Though attempts were made to mislead her, Ampan correctly identified Tai as her past life father.

When Ampan saw Khoa, she pointed at her and said, “Sister.” Khoa was Chuey’s sister.

In surveying the property where Chuey’s family lived, Ampan noted that there used to be banana and coconut trees. She also said that there used to be two houses, rather than just one. Ampan was right, as when Chuey was alive, the banana and coconut trees were there, but removed after his death. Similarly, one of the structures that had been on the property had been removed, but was present during Chuey’s time. Ian Stevenson was impressed that Ampan made these accurate statements regarding items that were no longer there.

Ampan also correctly pointed out the location near the house where she, as Chuey, had drowned.

Past Life Memories: At the Temple, Ampan Identifies her Past Life Brother, Cousin & Friend

IISIS Reincarnation, Gender Identity Issues, Thai TempleAfter being taken to her past life home, Ampan was taken to the temple, or wat, at Bang Plee Noi where Chuey was cremated and where Chuan, Chuey’s brother, was now living as a monk. At the temple, Ampan recognized, among a group of a dozen or more monks, Chuan. Ampan correctly pointed out Chaun as her brother in her prior lifetime. Both Chuan and Ampan wept at this reunion.

Another monk in the group was one of Chuey’s cousins. Ampan also correctly identified this monk, Sa Ing, as one of her past life cousins. She pointed to another young monk, named Sak, who was seated among the group and said, “This monk is the son of Nang Pad.” Chuey was acquainted with this individual and Ampan’s statement that Sak was the son of Nang Pad was accurate.

Ampan’s Account of Drowning & Past Life Phobia of Snakes

IISIS Reincarnation, Transgender & Gender Identity Issues, Water SnakeThere was a discrepancy between Ampan’s account of how she had drowned in her prior incarnation and the version known by Chuey’s parents. According to Ampan’s memory, Chuey had been playing with Chuan in shallow water near the shore. Ampan said Chuan was pulling on Chuey’s legs, which was observed by Chuey’s uncle, Klah Puang Pei. Ampan said that Chuey was then bitten by a snake on the right leg, fell into the water and drowned. Chuey’s family had no knowledge of Chuey being bitten by a snake prior to drowning.

Ian Stevenson noted that there are many water snakes that inhabit Thai waterways or khlongs, and that some inflict fatal bites that do not cause significant swelling. As such, Stevenson reasoned, Chuey could have been bitten by a snake without his brother or uncle noticing the snake or a snake bite.

Stevenson questioned whether there would have been enough time for venom from a snake bite to take effect. Recall that Chuey was present on the shore at one moment, suddenly disappeared and was then found dead in the water. Stevenson hypothesized that Cheuy may have simply been startled by the sight of a snake in the klong and in attempting to flee, slipped into the water, which led to his drowning.

Ampan had a severe phobia of snakes, presumably due to her memories of being bitten or startled by a snake in the water, which led to her drowning death as Chuey.

Ampan Scolds Chuan for Causing Her Past Life Death as Chuey

Ampan also insisted that one of the series of events that had led to his drowning was Chuan pulling at his legs in the water. As noted, Chuey’s uncle, Klah Puang Pei, had reported that Chuan was pulling at Chuey’s legs before he disappeared. Chuan, as an 8 year old, denied this claim, perhaps out of fear that he would be blamed for Chuey’s death. Of interest, when Ampan recognized Chuan at the temple where he was living as a monk, after they embraced and wept together, Ampan chastised Chuan for causing her drowning as Chuey.

Of interest, Ampan had a phobia of snakes, though she did not have a fear of water.

Ampan’s Experience of Heaven

Reincarnation, Transgender & Gender Identity Issues, HeavanWhen Ian Stevenson met with Ampan in 1966, he asked if she remembered what happened in the period between Chuey’s death in 1950 and her birth in 1954. Ampan said that after Chuey drowned and his body was cremated, a man, who we will call the first man, took him to another place where other dead persons were located and introduced him to the “head man.” Then he, Chuey, went with a second man who escorted him to heaven. In heaven, he met a third man of large size and black complexion who was dressed in white and who he remembered was kind. The second man then took him back to the first man. Ampan said she, or he as Chuey, was then given a piece of fruit. When she ate the fruit, she was reborn.

Reincarnation and Change in Gender: Ampan Acts as if She is Still a Boy

Ampan, when young, had definite masculine traits, which seem to reflect her past lifetime as Chuey, a male. Ampan’s mother said that she liked to dress like a boy, including wearing pants instead of a skirt. Ampan also engaged in boy’s sports, such as boxing. In 1968, when Ampan was 14, she told Ian Stevenson that she would prefer to be a boy as men have freer lives. Stevenson noted that Ampan walked with a masculine gait. A year later, in 1969, Ampan still did boxing, still wished she was a boy and had little romantic interest in boys, which is unusual for a teenage girl.

Reincarnation & Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Transsexualism & Gender Identity Issues

Ampan’s wish to be a man, which appears to be related to her past incarnation as a male, has prominent similarities to: The Reincarnation Case of a Japanese Soldier | Ma Tin Aung Myo

In this Ian Stevenson reincarnation study, a male Japanese soldier serving in Burma during World War II died, reincarnated as a Burmese woman named Ma, but maintained masculine traits and was attracted to women. Ma became a lesbian. This case shows how reincarnation can bring insight in understanding homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transsexualism, transgender and gender identity issues.

In Ian Stevenson’s series of approximately 1200 validated reincarnation cases in which young children spontaneously remembered their past lives, in only 10 percent of cases did the soul change gender. It may be that if a soul is accustomed to incarnating into a particular gender and then reincarnates into the opposite sex, gender identity issues may arise.

In contrast to the Japanese Soldier | Ma reincarnation case, Ampan eventually married a US male soldier who was stationed in Thailand. The couple later moved to California.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Phobia from a Past Lifetime: Ampan demonstrated a phobia of snakes, apparently due to her memories of being bitten or startled by a water snake, which led to her drowning.

Gender Change: Chuey, a boy, reincarnated as Ampan, a girl. As a child and teenager, Ampan insisted on wearing boy’s clothing, she participated men’s sports such as boxing and she walked like a boy. Ampan told Ian Stevenson that she wished that she were a boy. Though she demonstrated these gender identity issues when young, she eventually married a man.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: Ampan, as a spirit being, described her experience of heaven.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Ampan was reunited with her past life family.



Japanese Soldier Reincarnates as a Woman and Becomes a Lesbian, Understanding Homosexuality & Gender Identity Issues through Reincarnation; Sasha Fleishman

The retention of the mindset of the gender of a prior incarnation is demonstrated in this childhood memory reincarnation case researched by Ian Stevenson, MD. A WW II Japanese soldier in occupied Burma was killed in a strafing run and reincarnated as a Burmese woman, showing how a persecutor can return to life as the persecuted, demonstrating the futility of war.

Reincarnation & Gender Change, Past Life Story of Japanese SoldierHow Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Nathul, Burma during the Japanese Occupation

The setting of this case is in the village of Nathul, in Burma. During World War II, the Japanese army occupied Nathul, starting in 1942.

As there was a railroad station nearby, Allied fighters and bombers regularly bombed the area and used machine guns to strafe the ground to kill any Japanese soldiers that were spotted. Attacks would often happen twice a day.

As the Allied planes ran sorties during the day, the Burmese villagers of Nathul would scatter into the countryside in the mornings. The villagers would then return to their homes in the cover of the night’s darkness. The Allied attacks continued through the spring of 1945. (1)

Daw Aye Tin and the Japanese Army Cook

U Aye Maung and his wife, Daw Aye Tin, were poor members of the community. U Aye Maung worked as a porter at the railway station. They had three daughters.

During the occupation, Daw became acquainted with a Japanese army cook, who was stocky or heavy set man. Due to the heat, this cook typically wore shorts without a shirt. Daw and the Japanese soldier had a common interest in cooking and they shared their respective knowledge regarding Burmese and Japanese cooking methods. After a period of time, Daw lost contact with this soldier. (2)

Reincarnation & Gender Change, Past Life Story of Japanese CookReincarnation & Planning Lifetimes: Daw has an Announcing Dream involving the Japanese Soldier as a Spirit Being

Time passed and Daw became pregnant with a fourth child. During this pregnancy, Daw had a recurrent dream in which “a stocky Japanese soldier wearing short pants and no shirt followed her and said he would come and stay with them” … She recognized him as the Japanese army cook. “In the dream Daw Aye Tin was afraid of the soldier and told him not to follow her. The same dream occurred three times at intervals of five to ten days.” (3)

Reincarnation Birthmark on Ma’s Groin and a Phobia of Aircraft

Daw gave birth to another daughter on December 26, 1953, who was given the name Ma Tin Aung Myo. It was noted that she had a birthmark, described as a dark patch the size of a thumb, on her groin. The birthmark appeared to itch, as Ma would scratch it. (4)

As a child, Ma demonstrated a severe phobia of aircraft flying overhead. When she was 4 years old, as she was walking with her father, a plane flew by and Ma began frightened and began to cry. Her father asked what was wrong, but Ma would only say, “I want to go home, I want to go home.” (5)

Thereafter, whenever a plane flew overhead Ma would cry. In response to her father’s inquiries regarding her fear, Ma explained that she was afraid the planes would shoot them.

Her father explained to Ma that in the past planes shot at people, but that this no longer occurred. Recall that the Japanese occupation of Burma, with the associated Allied aircraft machine gun strafing runs, ended in 1945. Ma was born in 1953 and as such, Ma had never witnessed planes shooting at people. Her father’s attempts to reassure her failed and Ma continued to have a severe phobia of planes for years. (6)

reincarnation-japanese-soldier-gender-identity-issuesA Child’s Past Life Memories: Ma says She misses Japan and her Family

In addition to having this phobia, Ma often appeared depressed and would sit by herself weeping. When she was asked what was wrong, Ma said, “I am pining for Japan.” (7)

She then began telling her family that she had memories of being a Japanese soldier stationed in Nathul, who was shot and killed by machine gun fire that came from an airplane.

Her memories gradually became more detailed. She said that she had been a male Japanese soldier who came from northern Japan, who was married and had 5 children. He was stationed in Nathul as a cook. (8)

Past Life Memory: Ma Remembers being Shot and Killed by an Airplane in a Past Lifetime

Ma remembered that she was near a pile of firewood and was about to start cooking a meal when the noise of an airplane approached. Ma recalled that the pile of firewood was next to an acacia tree, which stood about 75 meters from the house where Ma’s family lived.

She said that during this incident, the soldier, that she was, was wearing short pants and a big belt, but that he had taken off his shirt. Ma recalled that the pilot of the plane saw the Japanese cook and made a strafing run in an effort to kill him. The Japanese soldier ran around the pile of firewood trying to escape but a bullet struck him in the groin, which resulted in his death. (9)

Ma’s Reincarnation Birthmark is in the Location of the Japanese Soldier’s Bullet Wound

Recall that Ma was born with a birthmark in the area of her groin. Ian Stevenson has found that in many cases in which an individual died of a traumatic wound, such as a bullet or stab wound, a birthmark would be found in the same location in the individual’s next incarnation. In other words, a wound can become a birthmark. (10)

Reincarnation Japanese Soldier, Gender Identity Issues, P 38The US War Plane that Killed Ma in a Past Lifetime was a P-38 Lightning

Ma also recalled that the plane that killed her in the lifetime as the Japanese soldier had two tails. The plane Ma was referring had to be a Lockheed P-38 Lightning, which was an US-built fighter that was indeed used by the Allies in the Pacific Theater and in particular, in Burma.

Past Life Phobia of Aircraft

After sharing these memories, when an aircraft flew overhead that would frighten Ma and she was told by her relatives that her fear was unwarranted, Ma would angrily respond, “What do you know? I was shot and killed.”

In 1963, when Ma was 9 years old, a helicopter landed in a field in Nathul. Most villagers had never seen a helicopter and they gathered around to inspect this unusual machine. In contrast, Ma began crying and fled in fear to the family’s home. (11)

reincarnation-japanese-soldier-gender-identity-issuesPast Life Emotions: Ma wants to go Back to Japan

Ma told her family that she wanted to go back to Japan, as she missed her children from her prior lifetime. She said that when she grew up, she would move to Japan. She wanted a big belt, like the Japanese soldier had, to protect her stomach from the cold. Her identification with Japan was very unusual, as the Burmese did not have any fondness for the Japanese, due to their occupation of Burma and the attendant cruelties that the Japanese inflicted on the Burmese. The family demonstrated their annoyance by calling Ma, “the Japanese guy.” (12)

A Possible Case of Xenoglossy

Her family also noticed that Ma would talk to herself and other children using words they didn’t understand. Though the language Ma was speaking was not identified, it is possible that Ma was speaking Japanese. (13) If so, this represents the ability to speak a language learned in a previous lifetime, a phenomenon known as: Xenoglossy

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Ma Dresses like a Man and is Repulsed by her Menstruation

Ma demonstrated definite masculine traits. She insisted on wearing boy’s clothes and refused to wear girls’ apparel. When her mother tried to dress her as girl, she would throw the clothing aside. When Ian Stevenson asked her about this issue, Ma boasted that she didn’t own even one piece of women’s clothing. (14)

She wore her hair cropped short like a man’s and wore mens’ shirts. The clothing issue became a major problem when Ma was in sixth grade. School authorities demanded that she dress like a girl. Ma refused and had to drop out. (15)

When she had her first menstrual period, she hated it, stating that it was “unbecoming for a man.” (16)

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Ma Accepts that She is a Lesbian

In 1972, when Ma was 19, she told Ian Stevenson that she had no desire to be with men and that she wanted a woman to be her wife. She said that she already had a steady girlfriend at that time. (17)

In 1981, when Ma was 28 years old, she had a girlfriend whom she was living with. Ma said that if she married, she would wed a woman. Ma still talked about joining the army, “to live and fight with the men.” (18)

Change of Gender Reincarnation Cases may Explain Homosexuality in Some

This case demonstrates how reincarnation cases that involve gender change can provide an explanation for homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexualism and other gender issues. Ian Stevenson’s reincarnation studies, in aggregate, show that souls change gender in only 10 percent of cases. If a soul is accustomed to incarnating in one gender and then has a lifetime as the opposite gender, that soul may still identify with the previous, usual gender. This may lead to homosexuality, transsexualism, transgender issues and gender identity disorder.

Sasha Fleischman: An Agender Teen’s Skirt is Set on Fire

In November 2013, 18 year old Sasha Fleischman was taking the bus home from high school in Oakland, California. Sasha was born a male, but prefers to wear skirts. While riding the bus, Sasha fell asleep. A 16 year old high school student then set Sasha’s skirt on fire. Sasha incurred second and third degree burns and had to be hospitalized at the St. Francis Bothin Burn Center, in San Francisco.

Initial media reports characterized the incident as a hate crime, though the defendant’s attorney has indicated that it actually was intended to be a harmless prank, which went terribly wrong. Regardless, individuals who are gay, lesbian or transsexual have been victims of persecution. Recall the case of Matthew Shepard.

It may be that the soul of Sasha is accustomed to incarnating as a female. Though male in his contemporary lifetime, Sasha appears to have a female mindset, which could account for his preference to wear skirts.

Reincarnation, Gender Change & Gender Identity Issues

Reincarnation, Transgender & Gender Identity IssuesOther reincarnation cases which demonstrate gender identity issues due to change of sex include:

Chuey, a Boy, Drowns & Reincarnates as a Girl, but Retains Male Traits

Jaako Vuorenlehto Reincarnates as his Wife’s Daughter, Taru Jarvi: Gender Confusion in Two Lifetimes

Poldi Holzmuller, a Female, Isn’t Attracted to Boys, Says She Will Reincarnate as a Boy and Does

Reincarnation can help us be more tolerant of individuals with gender identity issues by giving insight that such issues can be a complication of changing gender from one lifetime to another. In the course of our evolution through lifetimes on Earth, any of us can experience gender confusion when we incarnate into a sex that we are not accustomed to. I do believe that we all do change gender in our course of lifetimes on Earth, as the soul seeks a comprehensive understanding of what it is to be human, through both male and female incarnations

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Reincarnation & Change in Gender: The Japanese soldier was male, but reincarnated as Ma, a female. Ian Stevenson’s past life research indicates that in 90 percent of cases, souls reincarnate in the same gender, inferring that souls have a preferred sex or gender. In this case, Ma retained the masculine orientation of the Japanese soldier, including an attraction to women, which led to Ma becoming a lesbian. It appears that this soul was accustomed to incarnating as a man and though a woman in the incarnation of Ma, retained the mindset of a male.

Reincarnation Japanese Soldier, Gender Identity Issues, P 38Phobia from a Past Lifetime: Ma demonstrated a severe phobia of airplanes, apparently due to being shot and killed in an Allied P-38 strafing run in her past lifetime as a Japanese soldier.

Birthmark at the Site of a Past Life Wound: Ian Stevenson, MD, found that when an individual died of a traumatic wound, such as those inflicted by a gun or knife, a birthmark would be found in the same location in the subsequent lifetime. In this case, Ma had a birthmark on her groin, which is in the same location as the bullet wound that killed her in her lifetime as the Japanese cook, according to her past life memories.

Reincarnation and Change in Nationality: The Japanese soldier reincarnated as a Burmese woman. This case demonstrates the futility of war, as the Japanese occupied Burma and persecuted its citizens. In this case, the persecutor reincarnated as the persecuted.

Reincarnation and Planning Lifetimes: Daw, Ma’s mother, during her pregnancy, had a dream of the Japanese soldier in which the soldier indicated that he was coming to stay with them.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: As noted above, from the spirit world, the Japanese soldier sent an announcing dream to Daw indicating he would be born to her.



1. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1983, page 231
2. Ibid, p. 232
3. Ibid, p. 229
4. Ibid, p. 238
5. Ibid, p. 230
6. Ibid, p. 230
7. Ibid, p. 230
8. Ibid, p. 232
9. Ibid, p. 232
10. Ibid, p. 238
11. Ibid, p. 233
12. Ibid, p. 234
13. Ibid, p. 234
14. Ibid, p. 234
15. Ibid, pages 236, 241
16. Ibid, p. 236
17. Ibid, p. 236
18. Ibid, p. 241

Past Life Story of Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson-Spirit Being or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case with Psychokenisis

In childhood, Wayne Peterson had vivid memories of a lifetime in which women wore nineteenth century clothing and where parties were held in a large sandstone, mansion-like house. Decades later, while working as a US Diplomat and and Director of the Fulbright Scholarship Program, through guidance from the spirit world and an episode of psychokinesis, Wayne was able to identify his past life as Louis Vanderbilt, wife of Frederick Vanderbilt, a member of the American Vanderbilt dynasty which includes CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood and Spirit Being Guidance

Researcher: Wayne Peterson

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD from Born Again

Little Wayne remembers a Past Lifetime with Women in Billowing Gowns and a Man named Fred: A Past Life Vision of the Vanderbilt Mansion

semkiw peterson louise vanderbilt reincarnation past life skirt IISISWayne Peterson has experienced memories of a past lifetime in which he was Louise Vanderbilt, wife of Frederick Vanderbilt, a member of the American Vanderbilt dynasty. Through marriage, Louise was a relative of Gloria Vanderbilt, who is the mother of CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Click on facial comparison images to enlarge them.

In contrast to the childhood remembrances regarding his Francesco Foscari past lifetime, Wayne’s memories of the Vanderbilt lifetime were more direct and visual. Wayne narrates the turn of events:

“My earliest memories in childhood included detailed images of a time when women wore long billowing gowns and people still used horse drawn carriages. I remembered specifically a large sandstone house, a man named Fred, friends arriving for social gatherings, a large reception area with a high ceiling and floors of white stone.

Central to all this I remembered most a woman that was the center of all related activity. The mystery lady was the center of several scenes that were repeated again and again during my earliest years and continued even to this day. I used to wonder who these people were and wondered why they appeared so real to me.

semkiw peterson vanderbilt reincarnation past life hyde parkAs a young child I believed these people were part of my current life. Why they never visited our home I could never explain. I actually believed they would arrive one day and they would remember me and unexplainably, I would be very happy. I assumed that in my earlier years as an infant I had perhaps experienced these people with my parents and had now forgotten most of those intimate experiences. It was the only way I had as a child to explain the vividness of these people I visited in my dreams. However, these people never did appear in this current life and I remained at a loss to explain their appearance in my mind. I had no knowledge of reincarnation at that early preschool stage of my life.”

Wayne, who was born in 1942, reflects that these memories were especially odd since in the 1940’s, there was no television, nor did he any see motion pictures, that might have fueled his imagination. He reflects that nothing in his real time experience of a small town in central Wisconsin correlated to his visions. Clothing, houses and social manners were entirely different in Wisconsin than what he experienced in his memories.

Yet a man named Fred, women in billowing gowns transported in horse drawn carriages and the large sandstone house, were very real to little Wayne. Perplexed, Wayne asked his mother about these people and the house that he remembered. He asked if he had been ever taken to such a place as an infant. The answer was always no. Though he could not explain the source of his memories, these memories continued to be a source of comfort, and he maintained a nostalgic emotion for a person named Fred.

A Flashback of a Past Lifetime on Fifth Avenue in New York City in Front of the Old Vanderbilt House

IISIS semkiw peterson vanderbilt reincarnation past lfe fifthAs a young adult, Wayne Peterson joined the Peace Corps and was on route to Brazil. His flight to Rio de Janeiro was via New York City. Since Wayne had never been to this big city before, he arranged to have a few days in NYC, to take in the sights of the Big Apple. On his second day in NYC, at about noon, Wayne was walking down Fifth Avenue. He was impressed by the crush of people. Let us now allow Wayne to narrate the scene, as he stood on the sidewalk of Fifth Avenue:

“Suddenly a woman with a hat and white gloves across the wide sidewalk waved her hands in my direction and shouted, ‘Louise, Louise, over here, it’s me.’ She kept shouting Louise and I froze. I instantly believed she was calling me. For whatever reason, I suddenly believed I was Louise.

All my attention focused on this strange woman moving in my direction through the crowd. In my mind I was someone else, someone named Louise. I believed the woman moving toward me was an old friend, but the face did not look familiar.

Nevertheless, there was a great relief within my mind, I thought that finally someone recognized the real me. Not the young man from Wisconsin, but a woman named Louise. It was as if I had been a victim of amnesia and suddenly someone shocked me into reality. Unfortunately, the moment of intense excitement passed when the woman in the hat and gloves brushed past me and grabbed an elderly woman standing directly behind me.

semkiw-reincarnation-vanderbilt-peterson-past-life-Instantly, my mind was on overload and I could not move or think. I was still having a moment as Louise and I looked at these two women and thought, you fools, why don’t you remember me? I am the real Louis. How long I stood and stared at these two women enjoying their renewed acquaintance I do not know, but eventually my logical mind returned and I was forced to question my actions and thinking.

Embarrassed and bewildered, I returned to my hotel room. In the hotel I relaxed on the bed and for some hours pondered what had just happened. Why, I kept wondering, did I think I was Louise? Why was it so real to me and so important that I be Louise? I pondered this strange experience during my entire stay in New York, but found no answer until years later. Nonetheless, I was content that I was Louise in a past life about the turn of the century and that Fred was my husband.”

Wayne feels Past Life Frustration due to Fred’s Shyness

“What I knew of Louise and Fred was not only a few visions from this presumed past life, but I could feel emotions that were from Louise. I intuitively knew she was often frustrated with Frederick at social events. Louise would be in the huge reception area of the house greeting guests. She wore several dresses that I could remember in great detail. I always envisioned Fred in white tie and jacket with tails. He appeared to be perfectly comfortable dressed in that attire. but whenever possible he escaped to the small office/library. I can vividly remember the library door. Inside the library it would be quiet and Fred would be seated in the high backed sofa that hid him from the view of anyone at the doorway exit. Eventually, Louise grew tired of making excuses to the guests about Fred’s absence.”

Wayne Unexpectedly refers to his Vanderbilt Past Life Relatives

Gloria Vanderbilt in Sarabande PantsIn these past life reminiscences experienced when he was a very young man, Wayne Peterson still did not know who Fred and Louise were specifically. Decades later, in the 1990’s, a hint came when Wayne was visiting an upper class friend in New York City, whose name was Mary. This upper class friend insisted that Wayne join her on a vacation at her Irish house on the South coast of Ireland. Mary said that they would have a wonderful time and added that her friend Gloria would be joining them also.

Wayne asked, “Gloria who?” Mary replied, “It’s my friend Gloria Vanderbilt.” Let us allow Wayne describe his reaction to this statement regarding Gloria Vanderbilt, whose photo is provided to the right:

“Instantly my logical mind was again paralyzed just as it had been years before when in New York City that elderly woman shouted the name Louise. Another personality or another identity took over my consciousness and I said, ‘Great, Gloria and I can chat and gossip about our family relatives.’

There was a silence from my friend Mary and I began to realize what I had just said. Mary asked what I meant by common family relatives and I babbled nervously about something while trying to think up any good excuse for my ridiculous statement.

Eventually, I explained that I thought Gloria had an interesting family tree. After terminating that conversation I realized that for a few moments I was transported into another life. It was so total that I really believed I was a relative of Gloria Vanderbilt and we could indeed gossip about family members. Why, I kept wondering again, why did I say such a stupid thing with such conviction?”

Spirit Being, Spiritual or Soul Guidance: A Book Magically Moves and Attaches Itself to Wayne’s Hand-A Case of Psychokinesis 

“In the days that followed my conversation with Mary I began to wonder if there ever could have been a Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt. No, I reasoned the odds against it were simply too remote to even bother to explore. Nevertheless, some weeks later while wandering in my favorite bookstore, my attention was attracted to a book on the wealthy families of the 1800’s and early 1900’s. I noticed the book only because it was on the lowest shelf and protruding into the aisle by some 4 to 5 inches.

semkiw-reincarnation-vanderbilt-peterson-past-life-Although I pushed the book into its proper alignment several times with my foot, the book continued to spring forward multiple times before I finally picked it up and read its cover. I even explored on my hands and knees what was in the shelf which forced the book out into the isle. There was nothing but an empty space behind the book.

Curious, I briefly looked at the price of the book, which was expensive, and I immediately wanted to place it back on the shelf. For whatever reasons, I could not give up the book although my mind wanted to place it back on the shelf. As I could not get my hand to release the book, I reasoned I had to buy it in order to leave the store. When I tried to give the book to the cashier so that he could make the sale, the cashier had to pull with both of his hands to dislodge the book from my grasp, despite my desire to let go of it. After paying for the book, I was angry with myself for having no self-control over purchasing a book I did not want. I took the book home and placed it on my own bookshelf thinking that this is one book that I will probably never read, and therefore it was a total waste of money.”

Wayne identifies his Past Life Home with Women in Billowing Skirts and a Man named Fred Vanderbilt

“However, later that night I had a dream that I must read this new book. Unable to sleep because of this nagging notion, I went downstairs and opened the book. At first nothing captured my imagination but soon I opened a page that totally took me by surprise.

There in full color was a photo of the very room I had always envisioned as a child. The distinctive ceiling, the fireplace and white marble floor and the very same sofas I so clearly remembered. It was all there as if only yesterday I had stepped out of that room.

vanderbilt library peterson reincarnation past life semkiw lThe next page was even more revealing. Again, in a color photo, was the library/office I knew so well. The pale green sofa that Fred would hide in during social events and the two beautiful desks that were part of a his and hers arrangement. Transfixed in wonderment, I thought about the strange attachment I had to this scene and what I might learn from this extraordinary experience.

I began to read the article that went with the photos. The room was part of the Vanderbilt Mansion, which was built by Frederick Vanderbilt in Hyde Park, New York in the late 1800’s. Wouldn’t it be a strange coincidence, I thought, if this Fred Vanderbilt had a wife named Louise? As I read down the page, I was overwhelmed when I read that Frederick was married to Louise H. Anthony. The following pages were most revealing, especially when I saw the color photos that followed…The photos brought to life the rooms that I remembered from my earliest memories as a child. I realized that I had opened a book that revealed all the secrets of a past life.”

Spiritual or Soul Guidance: Reincarnation Geographic Memory on Fifth Avenue

Wayne also read that though their sandstone Hyde Park mansion (pictured near the top of this page) was their favorite, their main home was on Fifth Avenue, in New York City. Though this home in NYC was torn down, the location that Wayne had his “Louise” experience on Park Avenue as a young man indeed the location where the Vanderbilt home had been located on Fifth Avenue. The fact that Louise Vanderbilt lived on Fifth Avenue sheds further light on young Wayne’s experience on Fifth Avenue, when the elderly woman in white gloves called out “Louise,” and Wayne was transported to his past incarnation as Louise.

I term this phenomenon of a geographic setting triggering past life experiences as Geographic Memory, which is also observed in the: Reincarnation Case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene

Wayne Peterson & Louise Vanderbilt have a Common Interest in Metaphysics

Wayne also learned that Louise and Frederick were very interested in metaphysics, including Theosophy, as is Wayne in contemporary times. In his current incarnation, Wayne is a scholar of the work of Alice Bailey. Louise was also a great fan of the grand ladies of 18th century France, especially Marie Antoinette. Louise Vanderbilt had even filled her bedroom with French reproduction furniture.

This has significance in relation to another past lifetime that has been identified for Wayne, that of Claude Ledoux, who was an artist and architect associated in the Court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The Claude Ledoux | Wayne Peterson reincarnation case is featured in Born Again. Louise died in 1926, in Paris, which was one of her favorite cities. Frederick lived out his remaining years largely in seclusion, passing away in 1938.

Reincarnated Fredrick Vanderbilt in Contemporary Times

semkiw frederick vanderbilt reincarnation past life wayne peterson image comparisonFrederick, by the way, has also been identified in contemporary times. Fred turns out to be a friend who Wayne Peterson has known for years, who shares with Wayne an interest in metaphysics. Though Wayne had known this person for a period of time, his identity as Frederick Vanderbilt was not determined until the year 2004. At that time, Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt were consciously reunited, 78 years after they were separated by death.

Summary & Reincarnation Case Analysis

Key elements of this case include Wayne’s vivid memories in childhood of a lifetime in which women wore nineteenth century clothing and where parties were held in a large sandstone, mansion-like house. Later, in adulthood, Wayne had memories of being a woman name Louise, which were triggered by standing at the very spot where Louise and Fredrick Vanderbilt lived on Fifth Avenue in NYC. Though this event initially seems coincidental, it is likely that this event was orchestrated by spirit beings, or perhaps Wayne’s own soul.

Guidance to a past life geographic location, which triggered discovery of a past lifetime, also occurred in the case of Reincarnation Case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene.

Guidance by spirit beings was even more evident in the scene at the bookstore, where a book was magically pushed out of a bookshelf repeatedly. When Wayne grasped this book, he was unable to release it, which led to him purchasing this book on nineteenth century homes against his conscious will. In this book, Wayne found the house and rooms that he so vividly saw in his memories as a child. The home was owned by Fred and Louise Vanderbilt, which allowed Wayne to solve the past life puzzle that he had struggled with since childhood.

Of note, this case, if accepted, demonstrates that gender can change from one incarnation to another, though facial features, bone structure of the face, remains consistent.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

If this reincarnation case demonstrates the following features:

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Wayne’s facial features are consistent with those of Louise Vanderbilt, despite the change in gender.

Reincarnation & Change of Gender: Louise was a woman, who reincarnated as Wayne, a male.

Reincarnation & Geographic Memory: Wayne had a past life flashback at the spot on Fifth Avenue where Fred and Louise Vanderbilt had a home.

Spirit Being & Soul Guidance in Reincarnation Cases: The architectural book that featured the Vanderbilt Hyde Park home, which allowed Wayne to solve this reincarnation case, magically moved from a bookshelf and then attached itself to Wayne’s hand, which forced Wayne to purchase it. This represents psychokinesis, where an physical object is moved by psychic means, in this case apparently by a spirit guide. Psychokinesis is prominent in the reincarnation case of Daniel D. Home | Uri Geller, which is featured in Born Again. A dream then prompted Wayne to read the book in the middle of the night.

In addition, the incident on Fifth Avenue where Wayne had a past life flashback was likely orchestrated by a spirit being, or perhaps by Wayne’s own soul.

Reincarnation, Innate Talent & Past Life Behavior: Louise Vanderbilt studied astrology and Theosophical literature. Wayne has continued this interest by becoming a scholar of the Alice Bailey material. In addition, Wayne is a published author on spirit beings with his book, Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings.

Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation: Louise and Frederick Vanderbilt appear to have been reunited through reincarnation. In contemporary times, they are both heterosexual men, who are friends without any romantic involvement.