Reincarnation Case of Walter Miller | Michael Wright: After a Car Crash, A Deceased Boyfriend Reincarnates as his Girlfriend’s Son

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Children Who Remember Previous Lives, by Ian Stevenson

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Walter Miller Dies in a Car Crash After a Dance

Walter Miller was an amateur artist who started dating a girl named Catherine in high school. Walter did drawings for Catherine. They lived in a small town in Texas. After being together for 3 years, they planned to become engaged and then married.

One evening, Walter and his friend Henry Sullivan went to a dance which took place in a neighboring town. Walter was driving home from the dance when he apparently fell asleep at the wheel. His car ran off the road and crashed. Walter Miller died almost instantaneously from a broken neck. Henry  Sullivan escaped without major injury. The accident in which Walter died occurred in the summer of 1967, while his was a junior in high school.

Though Catherine grieved Walter’s death, about a year later, in June 1968, she married another boyfriend, whose name was Frederick Wright.

A Reincarnation Announcing Dream: Walter Indicates that He will Come Back to Catherine

Not long after her marriage, Catherine had a dream about Walter in which he said he was not dead and that he would come back to her and draw pictures for her once again. Catherine interpreted the dream as meaning that Walter would reincarnate around her. She thought that perhaps Walter would reincarnate as a child of Walter’s sister, Carole Miller, who was pregnant at the time. It did not occur to her Catherine that Walter would reincarnate as her own child.

Catherine and her husband, Frederick, first had a daughter. In 1975, the couple had a son who they named Michael.

Boyfriend Past Life Memories: Micheal Wright describes His Death as Walter Miller

When Michael was three years old, he startled his mother by uttering the name of Walter’s sister, Carole Miller.

Michael later gave a detailed account of Walter’s automobile accident. He said: “A friend and I were in a car, and the car went off the side of the road, rolled over and over. The door came open, and I fell out and was killed.”

An Observation from Heaven: Walter’s Body was Transported Over a Bridge

Michael also said the glass in the car had broken and that he had been carried over a bridge after the accident. He also correctly named the town where the dance took place that they were returning from on a highway.

Michael added that he and his friend had stopped at a restroom on their way home prior to his fatal accident. He said that his friend’s name was Sullivan and he correctly reported Henry Sullivan’s nickname. Michael also gave accurate information regarding Walter’s home and the home of Henry Sullivan.

Catherine knew these statements were correct based on a newspaper article regarding Walter’s accident, which included a photograph of the wrecked car. The ambulance that transported Walter’s body had indeed crossed a bridge on its way to the morgue.

Principles of Reincarnation-Understanding Past Lives

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Walter Miller was torn from his beloved girlfriend Catherine by a fatal automobile accident, but returned to her as her son, Michael.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: Michael knew that Walter’s body was transported over a bridge after the accident. As this occurred after Walter’s death, his soul appears to have witnessed this event from the spirit world. In addition, the soul of Walter | Michael sent an announcing dream to Catherine indicating that he would come back to her through reincarnation.

Reincarnation Virginia атындагы Йен БАЛДАРГА изилдөө жана Балдар Past Life Memories

IanStevensonUniversityVirginiaLib2 (1)

Reincarnation изилдөө жетишкендиктер: Ian БАЛДАРГА үчүн алым

Берене Walter Semkiw, Мишка

Dr. Ian Нагал, MD 2007-жылы каза болгон, Virginia атындагы психиатрия бөлүмүнүн төрагасы болуп кызмат кылган, дары мектеби. Ошондой эле ал мекемеде психиатрия Карлсон окутуучу катары болду. кырк жыл бою, доктор Нагал өзүнөн-өзү иш жүзүндө далилдениши мүмкүн өткөн өмүрүн эстеп балдарды изилденген. Ал балдар өткөн өмүр эстеп ойлоп күмөн экенин талкуу гана балдарды изилдөөнү чечтим. Жалпысынан, доктор Нагал өткөн өмүр эстеп билдирди дээрлик 2500 бала окуган. Мындай учурларда болжол менен 1200-жылы, доктор Нагал Калыс баланын өткөн өмүр эстеп тастыктоо үчүн алган.

БАЛДАРГА катталгандарын жалпы санынын көпчүлүк Азия, Индия, же өтөт доктрина кабыл алынган башка райондордон келген. тирилишкен кабыл ишеним системасы эмес, жайгашкан, ал ата-өткөн-эскерүүлөр бир баланын сөздөр токтойт деп эсептелет. Ian БАЛДАРГА тарабынан изилденген балалык учурлар төмөнкүдөй өзгөчөлүктөр менен белгиленген жалпы үлгү бар:

1 . Көп өтпөй эле бала сүйлөшө алышат, ошондой эле, бала өткөн өмүрүн айтып баштайт . Адатта, бала өзүнүн аты-жөнү, анын биологиялык ата-энеси балага берилген аты башкача келгенин жарыя кылат. Бала азыркы учурда үй-бүлөсү менен, анын чыныгы үй-бүлөсү, бирок ал өзүнүн чыныгы үй-бүлө башка айылда же шаарда жашаган эмес экенин айтууда. Бала ар кандай үй-бүлө мүчөлөрү менен өткөн өмүр тартып Geographic жайгашкан аттарын эскерет. Өткөн өмүр үйүндө жашаган дене өзгөчөлүктөрү кайра чакыртып алынышы мүмкүн.

2. Бала чейин жашаган, анын өлүм-чүйдөсүнөн бери эсинде сактайт . Доктор БАЛДАРГА бала кезинен эле тирилишкен учурда болжол менен 50 пайыз эле, зордук-зомбулукка же мезгилсиз өлүм өткөн өмүр болгон. Dr. Stevenson Азыр, мисалы, октон же бычактан жарадар болуп, жаракат алган жараатынан каза болгон адамдардын, көбүнчө менен кийинки Денеде-жылы туулган деп тапкан отпечатогын же өткөн өмүр бою тарткан жаракат чагылдырат кетем . Азыркы жашоодо-жылы бала болушу мүмкүн, баягы эле мурунку жашоосунда өлүмгө себеп менен байланышкан.

келечектеги өмүр пландаштыруу3. биологиялык үй-бүлөсү, бала тарабынан берилген маалыматтардын негизинде, баланын чейин денеде келген үй-бүлөсү, акыры, аныкталган . Бала биринчи жолу үй-бүлө жооп бергенде, баланын аты менен же мамилеси менен үй-бүлө мүчөлөрүн аныктап алат. Баланын чейин үй-бүлөнүн гана мүчөлөрү билип турган үй-бүлө сырларды билет +. Натыйжада, өткөн өмүр чейин үй-бүлө көп учурда каза болгон тууганы түргө катары баланы кабыл алат.

Учурдагы Денеде келген бала биологиялык ата-энелер, адатта, бала бала менен өткөн өмүр үй-бүлөнүн ортосундагы өз ара байланыш ушунчалык күчтүү болот деп, алдын ала денеде келген үй-бүлөсү үчүн, аларды таштап калат деп чочулашат. Бул коркуу баланын жана учурдагы ата-энелердин ортосундагы мамиле оошкон сайын, негизсиз болуп калат. Узак мөөнөттүү мамилелер, бирок, адатта, алдын ала көзү бала жана үй-бүлө арасында мындай бир маек болот.

4. сапаттарды, жеке жана адаттары көп учурда бир денеде башкасына сакталып .

5. гендердик, адатта, ошол эле бойдон калат . Доктор БАЛДАРГА катталгандарын жалпы санынын 90 пайызын түзөт, мында бала өткөн өмүрүндө эле жыныстык киришип жатып, кайра. Ошентип, учурда он пайызга, гендердик бир өмүр чейин калыбына келтирилүүгө тийиш. Тирилишкен учурлардын байкоо гендердик гана 10 пайызга өзгөрсө, гомосексуализм, transsexuallism жана гендердик иденттүүлүк көйгөйлөрү боюнча түшүнүк бере алат.

6. Дене көрүнүшү дагы бир өмүр бою ушу сыяктуу болушу мүмкүн
Нагал учурларда физикалык көрүнүшү бир денеде ошол бойдон кала аларын көрсөтүп турат. Атап айтканда, эки учурлар кескин бетинин бир өмүр чейин туруктуу бойдон кала алабыз болору көрсөтүлсүн. Ian Нагал изилдеп Сюзанн Ганемдин жана Даниел Jurdi кичинекей бала кезде, 1960-жылдын аяк ченинде болгон. Алардын алдын ала катары атагы бул адамдардын сүрөттөрү бар эле. Stevenson Азыр 1998-жылы Сюзанды, Даниелди кайра, бул эки киши, азыр толук улуу өсүп, алардын акыркы катары атагы эле бет түзүлүшү болду. Бул учурлар Том Шредер китебинде жарыяланган Эски Жандардын. Салыштыруу анын бар Сүрөт болгон (жана укук берген) сыяктуу келбеттин далилдейт, башка эки Ian Нагал тирилишкен иши: Бирмалык Twins

Өзүнүн китебинде Reincarnation жана биология, кесилишүү , доктор Нагал изилдөөчүлөр системалуу изилдөө деп насыйкат айткан: “субъекттеринин жана мурунку инсандар ортосундагы бет окшошуусу.”

7. мамилелер десек аркылуу кайрадан жатат

Past Life мамилелер
Бирмалык Sisters жашоонун бөлөк катары Twins

Жогоруда айтылгандай, физикалык кандай окшошпогондугун көрсөткөн Нагал учурлар кирет Бирмалык эгиз , алардын өткөн өмүрүндө эже болгон. Алар бир бөлүгү болгон эгиз 31 комплект тартуу менен изилдөө мурунку жашоосу калыс бааланып, ал. Мындай учурларда 100% болсо, эгиз чокум жан башка түргө өтүшү жакындары менен жолугушат үчүн өмүр пландап жатканын көрсөтүп, маанилүү өткөн өмүр өткөргөн.

Илимий чалгындоо Коом

Ошондой эле, мен доктор кызы Univeristy жыл 2001-жылы Charlottesville боюнча БАЛДАРГА Ал баруу мүмкүнчүлүгүн алышты абдан жылуу кабыл алды эле, ал да Мени менен бир күн кечке экенин айткым келет. Мен аябай сапарынын аягында, ал мүчө болуу үчүн мени демөөрчү айткан болду Илимий чалгындоо коому , анын уюштуруучуларынын академиялык уюм. Мен МБС кылышкан жана жогорку бул уюм сунуштайбыз.

Дүйнө, ал көп жыл кызмат кылган үстүнөн маанилүү иши үчүн доктор БАЛДАРГА үчүн көп карызы. Биздин сайт аркылуу Reincarnation изилдөөлөр, жана биздин уюм, илим, баам-байкоонун жана Рухтун бүтүндүк институту, анын салымы менен сый-урмат жана таануу бир-жырым катары куруу үчүн үмүт, парзы Reincarnation изилдөө Award Бёрч берилди . Нагал. Reincarnation изилдөө Virginia атындагы жетекчилиги астында уланууда Джим Такер, MD .

Ian БАЛДАРГА анын Reincarnation изилдөө Балдар Reincarnation үлгүлөрү катары көрсөтүлдү

Ian Нагал. Анын максаттуу аудитория окумуштуулар эле MD, абдан академиялык стилде жазылган. интернет барагында, анын мурунку жашоосу учур катары берилген балдардын тирилишкен окуяларды өз академиялык иш түшүнүүгө жардам үчүн. Ошол баалабагандар да кызыкдар, анткени , анын изилдөө илимий праграммасын , мисалы, бир нече күбөлөрдүн, анын пайдалануу расталады көрсөтмө түзүү, доктор БАЛДАРГА түзүүчү баштапкы отчетту таба аласыз.

Fianaise agus Prionsabail Lives Past Reincarnation-Tuiscint

Cliceáil ar íomhánna a mhéadú. Tabhair faoi deara go bhfreastalaíonn an leathanach mar theimpléad aistriúcháin a thuairiscítear sa Ráiteas Misin Taighde reincarnation .

Chomh maith leis sin athbhreithniú a: Chun cinn i reincarnation Taighde: A Tribute to Ian Stevenson, MD

Ó chásanna reincarnation taighde go neamhspleách, a san iomlán cruthúnas de reincarnation agus saol tar éis bháis a chur ar fáil, na prionsabail seo a leanas a urramú:

Resemblance fhisiciúil i gCásanna Reincarnation

Reincarnation Fhisiciúil resemblanceailtireacht Facial, an cruth agus comhréireanna an duine is féidir, a bheith ag teacht ó an tsaoil a feadh an tsaoil. I gcás fir, gruaig aghaidhe, ar nós féasóga agus mustaches is féidir, a choinneáil ó incarnation amháin go ceann eile. Is féidir le nósanna fisiceacha, ar nós postures agus gothaí láimhe, comhsheasmhach ó tsaoil a feadh an tsaoil.

Ian Stevenson, MD bhí, a fuair bás i 2007, síciatraí ag Ollscoil Virginia. Thar a shlí bheatha, an Dr Stevenson le chéile agus staidéar thart ar 2500 cás a bhain le leanaí a mheabhrú go spontáineach saol atá caite go mion. Dr Stevenson thaistil chun na radhairc den saol comhaimseartha agus anuas an pháiste le finnéithe chun sonraí a thugtar sna cuntais atá caite-saoil a mheas agallamh. I thart ar 1,200 de na cásanna, d’fhéadfadh an saol atá caite de na leanaí seo a bhailíochtú fíorasach.

Tá dhá chás príomh Ian Stevenson Rinneadh staidéar go thar thréimhse ama faide ná 20 bliain, a thaispeáint gur féidir gnéithe facial mar an gcéanna ó saolré amháin go ceann eile iad siúd de Suzanne Ghanem  agus Daniel Jurdi .

gnéithe facial Ag teacht ar fud na saoil atá faoi deara chomh maith i gcásanna Ian Stevenson eile, chomh maith le i go leor cásanna reincarnation eile taighde go neamhspleách

Mar shampla, an cás reincarnation cumhachtach James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger , chomh maith leis an John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene cás reincarnation, chomh maith a thaispeáint mhór ar an gcaoi is féidir gnéithe facial bhfanfaidh na incarnations fud céanna.

Is féidir le cineálacha comhlacht ag teacht ó an tsaoil thar thréimhse iomlán, cé gur féidir leis an méid a athrú. féidir le duine aonair a bheith gearr in feadh an tsaoil amháin agus ard sa chéad. Is féidir a róthrom i incarnation amháin, ach roghnaigh a choimeád ar bun meáchan níos sláintiúla i gceann eile.

Teimpléad Fuinnimh An Soul nó Hologram

fetus200Conas is féidir cuma fhisiciúil mar an gcéanna ó saolré amháin go ceann eile? Is é an freagra don cheist seo anaithnid, ach tá hypothesize go tionscadail an anam teimpléad fuinnimh nó holagram isteach an fhéatas a fhorbairt, a fíocháin cruth timpeall.

Is é an prionsabal cosúil leis an gcaoi máinlianna ortaipéideacha úsáid faoi láthair leictreach cnámh a mhúnlú i bristeacha dian. An teimpléad fuinnimh Cuidíonn ní hamháin a chruthú cuma fhisiciúil, ach is féidir é a úsáid freisin chun faisnéis agus tallann a íoslódáil isteach sa chorp a fhorbairt agus aigne, is féidir a mhíniú bhfeart Do leanaí.

dhéanann Géineolaíocht páirt a ghlacadh agus gur dealraitheach go bhfuil an idirghníomhaíocht na dtorthaí teimpléad fuinnimh agus oidhreacht ghéiniteach an anam i gceann ar chuma. Beidh Duine a incarnates isteach i rás eile go mbeadh aon ghnéithe fisiciúla atá ag teacht le sin cine, cé go comhréireanna an duine, an struchtúr cnámh a bheidh, a bheith fós ag teacht ó incarnation amháin go ceann eile. resemblances teaghlaigh tarlú freisin mar gheall géineolaíocht. Go hachomair, idirghníomhaíonn teimpléad fuinnimh an anam le fachtóirí ciníoch agus géiniteach a thabhairt ar aird amháin chuma.

Spiorad Being nó Ghost Grianghraif

Ghost PhotoBaineann píosa fianaise a thacaíonn gurb ann d’chomhlacht fuinneamh go resembles an comhlacht fisiciúil grianghraif de chólucht spiorad soiléir ghabhtar thuas gluaisteán páirteach i dtimpiste marfach. Sa ghrianghraf tá an aghaidh an chomhlachta spiorad an gcéanna le aghaidh an dhéagóir éagtha taobh istigh an carr.

Thairis sin, tá an aghaidh an chomhlachta spiorad gafa i údar an-dinimiciúil leis an béal ar fud an oscailt, a bheadh ​​dodhéanta an gcorp a choimeád ar bun, mar go bhfuil an buachaill éagtha taobh istigh an carr slumped ar aghaidh ar an suíochán tosaigh paisinéara. Lena chois sin, is léir go bhfuil an taobh le gluaiseacht taobh an duine gafa sa ghrianghraf. An údar facial dinimiciúil agus taobh le tairiscint taobh Áitíonn aghaidh an grianghraf a bheith mar thoradh ar nochtadh dúbailte nó mífheidhmiú eile den cheamara.

Is é an bhfuil comhlacht fuinnimh nó biotáille a léiríonn ár cuma fhisiciúil tacaíocht chomh maith tuairimí a tugadh ina réimse na Uirlise Trans-Cumarsáid , ina bhfuil dhaoine spiorad in iúl do dhaoine trí gléasanna leictreonacha, a leithéid de teilifíseáin, teileafóin, etc ..

Nuair a bheidh dhaoine spiorad íomhánna díobh féin tharchur ó an domhan spiorad, tá siad faoi deara go bhfuil Ghost Photocomhlachtaí spiorad go resemble a n-chomhlachtaí fisiciúil nuair a bhí siad beo.

Reincarnation, Gnéithe Facial & Beauty

Ar an ábhar na háilleachta, gur dealraitheach gur féidir aon ailtireacht facial áirithe a fheictear mar álainn nó dathúil. An tuiscint atá háilleachta brath go mór ar fhachtóirí cosúil le complexion agus physique. Mar shampla, is féidir le bean i incarnation amháin a bheith ard, tanaí, tá craiceann iontach, aoibh gháire foirfe agus comhlacht toned. Mar gheall ar na fachtóirí seo agus a n-éifeacht ar a chuma, d’fhéadfadh an bhean a bheith ina eiseamláir faisean nó áilleacht banríon. Go incarnation eile, an bhean céanna, leis an ailtireacht facial comhionanna, a rugadh le complexion garbh, comhlacht Stout agus fiacla crooked. Bheadh ​​an bhean a chur san áireamh anois gnáth feiceáil, ag breathnóirí.

Is é an pointe go bhféadfar aon ailtireacht facial a fheictear mar álainn nó unattractive, bunaithe ar na hathróga. Creidim gur féidir linn malartach á tarraingteach agus gnáth, ó feadh an tsaoil thar thréimhse iomlán, bunaithe ar na ceachtanna go bhfuil muid a fhoghlaim i incarnation áirithe.

Athrú Reiligiúin, Náisiúntacht, Cine, Comhcheangail Eitneach agus Inscne i gCásanna Reincarnation

Tá breathnóireacht an-tábhachtach a rinneadh i dtaighde reincarnation gur féidir le daoine aonair reiligiún, náisiúntacht, cleamhnacht eitneach, chine agus na hinscne a athrú ó amháin go ceann eile ar feadh an tsaoil. Chuid is mó cogaí atá bunaithe ar dhifríochtaí sna marcóirí cultúrtha céannachta. Is é ceann de na cásanna reincarnation is cumhachtaí a léiríonn athrú creidimh, náisiúntachta agus cleamhnachta eitneacha ó incarnation go chéile na:  Anne Frank | Barbro Cás Reincarnation Karlen .

Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen Cás Saol PastCuireadh géarleanúint Anne Frank agus a fuair bás i gcampa tiúchan mar Giúdach, agus rugadh Barbro i dteaghlach Críostaí sa tSualainn. Má tá a fhios na Naitsithe go bhféadfadh duine a rugadh Giúdach i feadh an tsaoil amháin agus Críostaí i gceann eile, ansin an Uileloscadh  riamh d’fhéadfadh a tharla.

Mar an gcéanna, nuair a bhaint amach Israelis Giúdach is féidir leo reincarnate mar Palaistínigh Muslim agus vice versa, is féidir Protastúnaigh reincarnate mar Chaitlicigh, agus tá a fhios Shiites féidir leo filleadh mar Sunnis, ansin foréigean agus sceimhlitheoireacht bunaithe ar na cleamhnachtaí éagsúla a mhaolú.

Athrú Inscne i gCásanna Reincarnation le Spléachadh ar Homosexuality, lesbianism, Transsexualism, Transgenderism & Neamhoird Féiniúlachta Inscne

Lena chois sin, léiríonn an taighde reincarnation sin i dtuairim is 10 faoin gcéad de na cásanna, athruithe anam inscne. Tuairiscíodh go raibh sé seo an céatadán ag Ian Stevenson, MD, ina sraith de 1200 cás reincarnation ina raibh ms.Chuimhní saol spontáineach atá caite a bailíochtaíodh hoibiachtúil leanaí.

Is féidir an bhreathnóireacht a thabhairt dúinn léargas ar cén fáth a bhfuil roinnt daoine homaighnéasach nó a bhfuil ceisteanna féiniúlachta inscne. Mar a luadh, Léiríonn staidéir reincarnation Ian Stevenson go athraíonn anamacha inscne i ach 10 faoin gcéad de chásanna. Má tá anam i dtaithí ar incarnating i hinscne amháin agus ansin tá ar feadh an tsaoil mar an ghnéas eile, d’fhéadfadh anam a aithint go fóill leis an mbliain roimhe sin, is gnách inscne. D’fhéadfadh sé seo mar thoradh ar homosexuality, transsexualism , ceisteanna trasinscneacha agus neamhord féiniúlachta inscne .

I measc na gcásanna Ian Stevenson Tábhachtach a léirigh athrú inscne le saincheisteanna homosexuality nó féiniúlacht inscne:

Reincarnates A Soldier Seapáinis Fireann mar Woman agus thiocfaidh chun bheith ina Leispiach

Chuey, tá Boy, drowns & Reincarnates mar Cailín, ach Coinníonn Traits Fireann

semkiw-reincarnation-VANDERBILT-peterson-am atá caite-saoilFiú amháin sna cásanna sin ina n-athruithe inscne, is féidir ailtireacht facial fós mar an gcéanna, mar is léir ón Vanderbilt Louise | Wayne Peterson agus Charles Parkhurst | Penney Peirce chásanna reincarnation.

Go hachomair, a choimeád ar bun daoine is mó an inscne chéanna ó feadh an tsaoil amháin go ceann eile. Dá réir sin, is cosúil go bhfuil ceann amháin ar anam ar chaighdeán firinscneach nó baininscneach dúchasach. Iad siúd a bhfuil innately firinscneach claonadh a reincarnate mar fhir. Iad siúd a bhfuil innately baininscneach fearr a thabhairt ar ais i do chomhlacht baineann. Táimid go léir athrú inscne tréimhsiúil, a fhoghlaim conas mar atá sé a bheith ina inscne difriúil. Cé nach mbaineann sé seo tarlú i gcónaí, má thagann athrú anam inscne, is féidir go homaighnéasacht nó inscne neamhoird, mar shampla transsexualism féidir, tarlú.

Baineann Sna cásanna atá saol atá caite díorthaithe ar bhealach difriúil, trí mo chuid oibre le Kevin Ryerson, a léiríonn conas is féidir athrú inscne mar thoradh ar shaincheisteanna féiniúlacht inscne gcás: Babe Didrikson Zaharias | Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner

Reincarnation & Pearsantacht Traits

traits Pearsantacht feiceáil a bheith ag teacht ó an tsaoil a feadh an tsaoil. Tá One shlí druidim saol agus ar an mbealach a bhrath daoine eile agat ag teacht. Bíonn cuid de na tréithe pearsantachta atá dearfach agus a dhéanaimid iad le linn chun ár leasa. Is féidir le tréithe pearsantachta eile a bheith díobhálach agus is féidir ina chúis fulaingt ó amháin go ceann eile ar feadh an tsaoil. Is cosúil go bhfuil mar chuid dár éabhlóid a rianúil amach na spotaí garbh inár meonta.

Mar shampla, a bhreithniú duine is thar a bheith ionsaitheach ag nádúr. Tá tairbhe a bheith ionsaitheach go gcomhlíonfaidh an duine sin spriocanna. Is gné diúltach gur féidir le daoine eile a bheith gortaithe ag chur chuige ionsaitheach. Ba mhaith leis an sprioc don duine ionsaitheach thar thréimhse saoil amháin nó níos mó a bheith a ghlacadh i gcomaoin na mothúcháin daoine eile.

Reincarnation birthmarks & Scars ó Past Lives

Ian Stevenson chuaigh chun faid mór chun staidéar a dhéanamh birthmarks agus lochtanna breithe a bhí le feiceáil go bhfuil gaol aige le wounds traumatic i incarnation roimhe. Mar shampla, má fuair bás duine de bullet nó créachta scian i incarnation roimhe, thug Stevenson go mbeadh birthmark nó scar le feiceáil ag an suíomh céanna ar an gcomhlacht ar feadh an tsaoil ina dhiaidh sin. Thiomsaigh sé gcásanna den sórt sin ina ollmhór oibre dhá imleabhar, Reincarnation agus Bitheolaíocht: A Cur le Etiology na birthmarks agus Lochtanna Breithe .

Is féidir linn a úsáid ár n-coincheap teimpléad fuinnimh is bun leis an gcomhlacht fisiciúil chun tuiscint a fháil ar an meicníocht ar conas is féidir birthmarks a bhaineann le wounds saol atá caite. Is cosúil gur féidir leis an teimpléad seo fuinnimh tionchar a bheith ag tráma fisiciúil. Is é an rian trámach ar an chomhlacht fuinneamh in iúl as sin i incarnation ina dhiaidh sin ar an gcomhlacht fisiciúil.

Reincarnation Míníonn bhfeart Do Leanaí & Talent innate

gauguinteekampsketch750Go spioradálta agus go hintleachtúil, is cosúil a phiocadh suas áit a bhfuil muid fágtha amach. Bainte amach againn a thuill crua i caitheamh aimsire spioradálta, intleachtúil agus ealaíonta Coinnítear-siad mar chuid de dúinn. Dá réir sin, ní tá iarrachtaí chun cinn dúinn féin amú mar a thógaimid ar ár n-iarrachtaí ó tsaoil a feadh an tsaoil. Is féidir le bhfeart Do Leanaí a mhíniú ag reincarnation, mar is léir an anam a bheith in ann eolas agus tallann a íoslódáil isteach sa chorp fisiciúil a fhorbairt agus aigne.

Baineann sampla de conas is féidir tallainne agus coincheapa a íoslódáil ó anam an Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp cás reincarnation , mar Peter sceitsí unconsciously mhacasamhlú a rinneadh ina incarnation roimhe sin mar Gauguin. An cás reincarnation de John Elliotson | Norm Shealy léiríonn conas is féidir tallainne mar dhochtúir leighis a thabhairt ar aghaidh ó incarnation amháin go ceann eile.

Cé gur féidir buanna a thagann trí ó feadh an tsaoil amháin go ceann eile, os a choinne sin, más gá an anam a ghlacadh cosán éagsúla ar feadh an tsaoil ar leith, buanna a bac.

Cé is cosúil go bhfuil an leibhéal céanna aibíochta spioradálta agus dul chun cinn intleachtúil ar fud saoil, is féidir linn trádáil as a bheith bocht agus saibhir, cáiliúil agus anaithnid. Glacann muid casadh i bheith curtha isteach agus amach as an aire. Dealraíonn Ár stádas i saol atá le cinneadh ag an karma cruthaithe againn san saoil roimhe seo, chomh maith leis na ceachtanna ár n-anam ‘atá leagtha amach dúinn féin. Fós, tá an patrún a thagann anamacha cumhachtach ar ais mar anamacha cumhachtach, teacht ar ealaíontóirí mór ar ais ealaíontóirí mór agus iad siúd a bhfuil tionchar san am atá thart a rinneadh é sin a dhéanamh arís in saoil ina dhiaidh sin.

gordonkeenepastlifereincarnation-semkiw45lReincarnation & Scríbhneoireacht, Stíl Cumarsáid agus Guth

Díreach mar atá fós tréithe pearsantachta ag teacht ó an tsaoil a feadh an tsaoil, is féidir modh duine chun tuairimí a nochtadh a bheith cosúil ó feadh an tsaoil amháin go ceann eile. I gcás John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene , anailís fhoirmiúil teanga a fheidhmiú ag Ollscoil California, Berkeley, léirigh ollamh gur féidir le struchtúr a scríobh mar an gcéanna ó incarnation amháin go ceann eile.

Roinnt éagsúlachta i stíl scríbhneoireachta, ar ndóigh, a thabhairt faoi deara mar gheall ar custaim réanna éagsúla éagsúla. Fós, ar chomhsheasmhachtaí i modhanna chun tuairimí a nochtadh agus ó thaobh ábhair a bhreathnaítear. Díreach mar a cheadaíonn portráidí dúinn a fheiceáil conas is féidir le duine ar chuma a bheith mar an gcéanna ó saolré thar thréimhse iomlán, doiciméid stairiúla, dialanna agus doiciméadú eile atá ar fáil ar ár gcumas chun staidéar a dhéanamh ar stíl scríbhneoireachta ar fud na incarnations.

Beidh sé suimiúil a fheiceáil má fhanann cáilíochtaí gutha ag teacht ó incarnation amháin go ceann eile. I gcás Rosetta Pampanini | Carthanachta Sunshine, bhí amhránaíocht ceoldráma gairm sa dá saoil. Taifeadtaí ann a chuirfeadh ar ár gcumas a chur i gcomparáid gutha agus amhránaíocht stíl ó incarnation amháin go ceann eile.

Xenoglossy: dhearmadú Teanga & Caomhnú na Pearsantacht laistigh den Soul

Sna míreanna roimhe seo, tá sé ráite gur féidir le gnéithe den pearsantacht, cosúil le traits carachtar, ar chúrsaí stíle teanga agus buanna a chur in iúl ó feadh an tsaoil amháin go ceann eile. i gceist samplaí níos mhór cásanna xenoglossy, i gcás ina dtagann an pearsantacht saol atá caite slán i incarnation comhaimseartha.

Lives-Scoilt Parallel incarnationIs Xenoglossy an cumas a fhoghlaim teanga iasachta nach bhfuil foghlamtha i saolré comhaimseartha a thuiscint. Chomh maith leis an ghnóthú teanga ó ar feadh an tsaoil atá caite, i roinnt cásanna xenoglossy, tagann an pearsantacht shaol ar fad atá caite agus go bunúsach Cuirtear an comhlacht ar an pearsantacht comhaimseartha. Léiríonn na cásanna seo gur féidir leis an anam a choinneáil phearsantachtaí saol atá caite slán taobh istigh de sé.

An cás xenoglossy na Sharada | Uttara Huddar , taighde déanta ag Ian Stevenson, MD, léiríonn go mór an bhfeiniméan seo. I measc na cásanna den chineál céanna na cásanna xenoglossy na  Jensen Jacoby | TE  agus  Gretchen Gottlieb | Dolores Jay

Bealach amháin chun íomhá gcaoi a bhfuil an pearsantacht a chaomhnú dúinn féin a fheiceáil mar mboilgeog go bhfuil leagan miniature de ár n-anam. Nuair incarnate againn, is é ár mboilgeog in iúl as ár n-anam. Tá ár mboilgeog fuinnimh agus cáilíochtaí ár n-anam ar. Tar éis ár n-incarnation i gcrích, resorbs an anam na mboilgeog a bhfuil dúinn agus coinníonn ár mboilgeog laistigh de féin go deo. Táimid mar chuid de ár n-anam, ach a choinneáil dúinn ár indibhidiúlacht a forbraíodh le linn ár saol ar an Domhan.

Sna cásanna cosúil leis an Sharada | Uttara Huddar cás reincarnation , na mboilgeog Sharada, a raibh cónaí air sa anam ó chríochnaigh a incarnation, tháinig chun cinn ó laistigh den anam chun é féin a chur in iúl trí Uttara, mboilgeog anam go bhfuil incarnated.

Reincarnation & Scoilt Incarnation nó Lives Comhuaineach (aka Souls Twin, Twin Flames)

Scoilt Incarnation nó Lives ComhuaineachNeamhspleách taighde cásanna reincarnation, lena n-áirítear go leor staidéar ag Ian Stevenson, MD in Ollscoil Virginia, léiriú go bhféadfaidh anam bheochan comhlacht fisiciúil níos mó ná amháin ag an am. Patrúin téarma agam an bhfeiniméan “incarnation scoilt.” Tagraím do bheirt as an anam céanna, atá incarnated ag an am céanna, mar “splits.” Sraith drámatúil agus láidre de chásanna a léiríonn gceist incarnation scoilt Penney Peirce . D’fhéadfadh cásanna eile a raibh incarnation scoilt athbhreithniú trí chliceáil ar an gcatagóir cás Reincarnation Taighde dar teideal, “Scoilt Incarnation.”

Conas a oibríonn scoilt incarnation, ar a dtugtar saol comhthreomhar, obair? Cé nach bhfuil a fhios againn do cinnte, is féidir linn a shamhlú incarnation scoilte chomh cosúil leis an gcaoi is féidir le liathróid scáthán scoilt ga solais isteach i beams go leor solais. Mar an gcéanna, is féidir leis an anam tionscadal bhíoma níos mó ná aon solais, nó teimpléad fuinnimh níos mó ná aon, i incarnation fisiciúil ag an am. Is féidir linn a shamhlú freisin dhá splits mar dá bhrainse den bheith ag an duine. Tá gach lámh a bheith ann ar leith, ach an dá arm á rialú ag an inchinn amháin nó intinne. Go incarnation scoilte, is féidir linn a fheiceáil splits mar appendages an anam.

An analaí mboilgeog a úsáidtear thuas chun míniú a thabhairt ar conas is féidir leis an anam a choinneáil phearsantachtaí saol atá caite laistigh féidir é a úsáid freisin chun comprehend níos fearr incarnation scoilt. Is féidir linn a shamhlú incarnation scoilt leis an gcumas an anam a chur in iúl mboilgeog níos mó ná aon féin, ag an am, i incarnation fisiciúil.

Caidrimh Athnuaite trí Reincarnation, Grúpaí Soul agus do cinniúint nó Bheatha Phlean

Caidrimh Saol Past
Burmais Siúracha reincarnate mar Cúpla

Daoine cosúil go teacht i saol i ngrúpaí, bunaithe ar karma roinnte agus ceangaltáin mhothúchánach. Lánúineacha thagann go minic ar ais le chéile agus is féidir aonaid teaghlaigh ar fad arís. Nuair reincarnates duine aonair, beidh baill eile den ghrúpa karmic an duine sin a bheith i láthair. Mar shampla, i Penney Peirce cás reincarnation Eurostat faoi raon feidhme maidir incarnation a roinnt , deirfiúr Penney s in a saoil Alice Cary reincarnated mar a deirfiúr i rith a saoil comhaimseartha. Is baill den ghrúpa karmic an duine a aithint critéar tábhachtach eile a bhunú ar chluiche atá caite-saoil.

Ian Stevenson rinne staidéar an-tábhachtach cúpla ina bhfuil na saol atá caite de 31 Leagann na cúpla (62 duine) bailíochtaíodh fíorasach. In 100 faoin gcéad de na cásanna seo, bhí an cúpla caidreamh suntasach saol atá caite. Ba é an cineál is coitianta de chaidreamh saol atá caite go bhfuil na siblíní, agus ina dhiaidh cairdeas, caidrimh theaghlaigh eile, céilí sin a bheith san am atá thart incarnation.

Caidrimh Past Saol na Twins

Siblíní: 35%

Cairde: 29%

gaoil teaghlaigh eile: 19%

Céilí: 16%

Is ionann staidéir cúpla Stevenson fianaise crua go gcuirfear an plean anamacha saoil a bheidh le chéile arís le muintir trí reincarnation. I gceist dhá chás le feiceáil sa staidéar seo na cásanna reincarnation de shraith cúpla Burmais , a léiríonn chomh maith resemblance fhisiciúil ó incarnation amháin go ceann eile. Image comparáidí de na cúpla Burmais, a bhí deirfiúracha ina incarnations roimhe seo, ar fáil thuas. Phyu reincarnated mar San agus Saipai reincarnated mar a mhacsamhail, Nyunt.

Conas is féidir linn a nascadh lenár ngrúpaí karmic? An freagra, gur dealraitheach go bhfuil, cinniúint. I anailís cásanna atá caite-saoil, tá sé faoi deara go bhfuil againn ar fad a cinniúint nó saoil réamhshocraithe itinerary a thugann dúinn na daoine táimid ceaptha am a chaitheamh le.

Chun tuiscint níos fearr ar conas a oibríonn cinniúint, in iúl dúinn úsáid a bhaint as an analaí turas. Cuimhnigh ar do shaol mar vacation fhadú sin ar intinn agat roimh ré. You decide ar mian leat agus is gá a fheiceáil, nuair is mian leat dul, agus cad iad na gníomhaíochtaí ar mhaith leat a bheith rannpháirteach i.

comhordú tú do chúrsa taistil leis na daoine a bhfuil tú a rendezvous leis. Tá tú, do chairde karmic, agus ngaolta go léir aontú leis an bplean sula bhfuil tú a rugadh. Chomh luath agus a thagann tú ar an saol, cinntíonn cinniúint go gcomhlíonann tú suas le do ghrúpa Soul karmic.

UniversalTravel735finalIs féidir na socruithe d’cleamhnachtaí karmic bheith ar ár dteaghlaigh, saol oibre agus áineasa. Tá na socruithe céimeanna a spraoi againn amach na drámaí karmic ar ár saol. Caitear seo solas nua ar frása Shakespeare, “All den saol is ach céim.”

Buailfimid suas le grúpaí karmic éagsúla ag pointí éagsúla i saol. Nuair a fhaigheann muid ar an áiteamh a ghlacadh i gcomhair poist nua, taisteal go dtí cathair nua, nó glacadh le tóir nua áineasa, mhéad uair tá sé seo mar chuid de ndán dúinn á sheinm amach. ionaid nua a thabhairt dúinn do ghrúpaí karmic is gá dúinn a bheith leis.

Reincarnation Cás Xenoglossy le Taithí Ós feasach an Bháis, As Taithí Comhlacht, féachaint ar cianda, leathnaithe Chonaic Soul, Scoilt Incarnation, a Ghost & Pleanáil Saoil a bheith reincarnated sa Teaghlach same

Baineann Sna cásanna atá reincarnation fíor-iontach taighde déanta ag Ian Stevenson agus Francis Story manach Téalainnis agus feirmeoir, a bhfuil taithí acu go comhfhiosach a bháis agus rebirth agus scríobh dírbheathaisnéis maidir lena scéal reincarnation. Mar a luadh sa teideal thuas, tá an cás saol atá caite taispeántas de phrionsabail na reincarnation, rud a ligeann dúinn a thuiscint saol atá caite go domhain. Chun níos mó a fhoghlaim:

Téigh go : Xenoglossy, Split Incarnation, Taithí an Bháis i gCás Reincarnation Same Teaghlach de Nai Leng | Choate

Reincarnation saor in aisce agus Will

Má tá sé fíor go bhfuil muid plean saoil, ní mór ceann a cheistiú cibé an bhfuil muid ag bheidh saor in aisce. Is cosúil go cé go bhfuil againn ar fad cúrsa taistil réamhshocraithe go bhfuilimid tiomanta chun ómós, ní mór dúinn bheidh saor in aisce sa mhéid a dhéanaimid feadh na slí. Go deimhin, ní raibh fás agus éabhlóid an duine tarlú gan bheidh saor in aisce. D’fhéadfadh roinnt daoine a bhfuil cúrsa taistil níos struchtúrtha go teorainneacha treks atreoraithe, agus d’fhéadfadh daoine eile a bhfuil plean cluiche chomh struchtúrtha. Slí amháin nó slí, ní mór dúinn bheidh saor in aisce chomh maith ár n-cosáin ndán.

Reincarnation & Deja Vu

a chur ar fáil do ghrúpaí karmic léargais maidir le taithí a déjà vu. Má chomhlíonann muid suas le daoine muid a bheith ar eolas i saol atá caite, ní haon ionadh gur féidir linn a bheith Spark an aitheantais nuair a bualadh linn a. Ós rud é go bhfuil daoine chairt comhsheasmhach iompair, is féidir linn a aithint na tréithe agus ar fhrithghníomhartha idiosyncratic nuair arís staideanna. Ar deireadh, d’fhéadfadh déjà VU tarlú má aithnímid imeacht atá mar chuid dár chúrsa taistil. Is féidir linn eolas a chur ar marc bóthair feadh ár gcuid cosán réamhshocraithe.

Reincarnation & Abortion

Má tá reincarnation glacadh, is féidir ginmhilleadh a fheiceáil ar bhealach difriúil, mar a léiríonn taighde go bhfuil reincarnation anamacha roimh gcoimpeart, seachas a bheith a cruthaíodh ag an am a gcoimpeart.

dhéanann Ginmhilleadh bain deis a thabhairt do anam a incarnate i teaghlaigh ar leith, cé gur féidir leis an anam bheidh le chéile arís leis an teaghlach ar leith trí mheáin eile, cosúil le reincarnation isteach teaghlach ag tráth níos déanaí ná incarnation isteach i teaghlaigh gar mhothúchánach ag.

Tá cás an-spéisiúil a bhaineann le ceist na ginmhilleadh an cás reincarnation Ian Stevenson de Pertti Haikio | Samuel Helander . I ndiaidh fuair sé bás in aois a cúig, bhí Pertti in ann dul i dteagmháil lena dheirfiúr a mhaireann, Marja, telepathically ón domhan spiorad. Bhí Marja ag iompar clainne agus bhí smaoineamh a bhfuil ginmhilleadh. Ón an domhan spiorad, dúirt Pertti di gan ginmhilleadh, mar a raibh sé ag iarraidh reincarnate di. Mar thoradh air sin, lean Marja an toirchis agus is cosúil go raibh Pertti go deimhin, reborn mar a mac Samuel.

Ábhar spéise, san Fresnel Felix | Christophe Albrecht cás reincarnation, tugtar faisnéis a thugann le fios go dtiocfaidh an t-anam ceangailte go domhain leis an fhéatas ag thart ar 3 mhí toirchis.

Spirit Being nó Spiorad Guide Rannpháirtíocht i gCásanna Reincarnation

Robert Snow saol atá caite cás aischéimnithí reincarnatoinI gcásanna reincarnation leor a dhíorthaítear go neamhspleách, lena n-áirítear cásanna a taighde déanta ag Ian Stevenson, MD, tá spiorad á baint faoi deara a bhunú nó cásanna reincarnation a réiteach. Na cásanna reincarnation de John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene , John Elliotson | Norm Shealy agus Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow Is samplaí maithe.

Ian Stevenson tuairiscíodh go dtarlaíonn “aisling ag fógairt” go minic i gcásanna reincarnation, i gcás ina Fógraíonn Soul nó predicts a incarnation le teacht i aisling, in iúl dóibh siúd a bheidh cairde nó leis an teaghlach an anam ina incarnation seo chugainn. Go deimhin, chonacthas aisling ag fógairt i 22 faoin gcéad de na cásanna Cuimhne saol atá caite Stevenson thart ar 1200 deimhnithe óige. ionann aisling Ag fógairt fianaise go gcuirfear an plean anamacha saoil.

Baineann Sampla eile de anam ag pleanáil ar a incarnation seo chugainn an cás reincarnation de James Huston, Jr. | James Leininger . Sa chás seo, James Leininger mar leanbh beag tuairisc a thuismitheoirí go raibh sé ag breathnú orthu roimh a rugadh. Little James inis Bruce agus Andrea, a thuismitheoirí, go bhfuil sé faoi deara iad ag an óstán bándearg i Haváí agus a chinneadh go mbeadh siad tuismitheoirí go maith. Bruce agus Andrea gur fhan go deimhin ag an óstán Haváís cúpla mí Ríoga bándearg sular Ceapadh James. D’inis aon duine beag James mar gheall ar a thuismitheoirí fanacht i Haváí roimh a rugadh.

Reincarnation, Imeachtaí Synchronistic agus Comóradh feiniméin

Gné eile atá faoi deara i dtaighde roimhe seo-saoil go imeachtaí synchronistic agus siombailí a breathnaíodh in amanna comhaimseartha a bhfuil cuma a threisiú naisc saol atá caite. Is cosúil gur féidir le neacha spiorad cumarsáid a dhéanamh leis an gcine daonna trí orchestrating imeachtaí siombalach den sórt sin. Cé nach féidir le chonclúidí daingne a bheith bunaithe ar imeachtaí synchronistic den sórt sin, bhfuil siad cosúil le go dtarlóidh i gcásanna reincarnation.

gordon-keene-reincarnation-am atá caite-saoil-semkiw-portráid le clogad íomhá mórAttraction le Suímh Geografach Sonrach & Cuimhne Geografach i gCásanna Reincarnation

Daoine Aonair á mealladh go minic do shuímh geografacha an saol atá caite. In a lán cásanna, tá daoine faoi deara go gravitate chuig áiteanna ina bhfuil siad ina gcónaí roimh. D’fhéadfadh daoine cónaí sna réimsí seo nó tabhair cuairt char d’aois ar laethanta saoire. I gcásanna áirithe, is léir go bhfuil an t-anam ach cumhach do shuímh ar an eolas.

I gcásanna eile, d’fhéadfadh an t-anam a ordú don duine aonair go dtí áit ar leith a chuireann tús le gcuimhne ar thréimhse atá caite nó chun awakening spioradálta a éascú. Na cásanna de Robert Sneachta agus Jeffrey Keene léiriú conas is féidir treoir a suíomhanna geografacha mar thoradh ar revelations maidir le saol atá caite.

Lena chois sin, nuair a thagann daoine ag láithreacha beo atá caite, cuimhní cinn ar an gcaoi a fháil suímh shonracha, cosúil le tithe beo caite is féidir a spreagadh. Mar shampla, san Anne Frank | Cás Barbro Karlen , ag deich mbliana d’aois, bhí Barbro in ann a bheith i gceannas a tuismitheoirí as a n-óstán chuig an Frank Anne House gan treoracha, cé nach raibh sí go Amsterdam roimhe.

Past Saol Memories & Past Saol aischéimnithí

Is féidir le cuimhní cinn saol atá caite a bheith i bhfeidhm go mór ar an duine a bhfuil taithí acu orthu. Is féidir le cuimhní cinn ann go spontáineach nó trí regressions atá caite-saoil. I aischéimniú saol atá caite, treoracha teiripeoir duine i stát de scíthe domhain. Tá an t-ábhar coached chun dul ar ais in am go dtí go mbeidh iar-saoil taithí acu nó a mheabhrú.

Breathnaíodh ms.Chuimhní Saol is déanaí An aisghabháil trí regressions dealraitheach ina leith gur cruinn sa Beckwith Carroll | Robert Snow cás reincarnation , chomh maith leis na cásanna xenglossy láidir de  Gretchen Gottlieb | Dolores Jay  agus Jenson Jacoby | TE , Rinneadh taighde ag Ian Stevenson, MD.

Conclúidí maidir le Reincarnation & Lives Past Tuiscint

Go hachomair, ó feadh an tsaoil thar thréimhse iomlán, is cosúil daoine a mbeadh na gnéithe facial céanna, tréithe pearsantachta, buanna agus fiú stíl scríbhneoireachta teanga. Is bealach amháin chun smaoineamh ar reincarnation a machnamh a dhéanamh ar an bpróiseas ag dul a chodladh san oíche agus dúiseacht an mhaidin dár gcionn.

Díreach mar atá múscail muid ar maidin ó chodladh mar an duine céanna a bhí againn ar an oíche roimh ré, a cheapann an bháis agus reincarnation ar an gcaoi chéanna. Táimid bás agus dúisigh ar feadh an tsaoil seo chugainn mar an duine céanna. I gcodarsnacht leis dúiseacht ó chodladh, le reincarnation, táimid ag nach bhfuil de ghnáth cuimhin a bhí againn ar an oíche roimh ré. 

Chomh maith leis sin, le reincarnation, ar féidir le duine múscail i dtír eile agus i dteaghlach le eitneachas éagsúla agus reiligiúin ná riamh. Is féidir linn múscail chomh maith i inscne éagsúla agus cine. Na fachtóirí agus deiseanna tá léargas tugtha tionchar an cosán ar ár saol. 

Mar a luadh thuas, léiríonn fianaise ann de reincarnation go gcuirfear an plean anamacha saoil, lena n-áirítear na teaghlaigh a bheirtear iad isteach. Dá réir sin, athrú ar náisiúntacht, reiligiún, cine, inscne nó affliiation eitneach is cinneadh comhfhiosach, a rinneadh chun eispéireas agus fás ar an anam. Ar an iomlán, is léir go bhfuil an fás, éabhlóid an anam tharlaíonn, nuair a bhíonn muid beo mar dhaoine daonna, go dtí go sroicheann againn ar an bpointe nuair a céim a bhaint amach againn as ár scoil Domhan agus is féidir coinneáil leis an bhforbairt ar na plánaí spiorad. 

Is é an tuairim gur féidir le reiligiún, náisiúntacht, cine agus cleamhnú eitneacha athrú ó incarnation amháin go ceann eile an-tábhachtach ó thaobh na sochaí de. De réir mar a chuid is mó cogaí bunaithe ar dhifríochtaí sna marcóirí cultúrtha céannachta, is féidir fianaise de reincarnation a chruthú le saol níos síochánta, mar atá tuigimid go bhfuil muid ar fad anamacha i ndáiríre uilíoch. Nuair a fheiceann muid féin mar anamacha uilíoch, nuair tuigimid go bhfuil muid ar fad deartháireacha agus deirfiúracha atá ag teacht chun cinn le chéile trí saoil ar domhan, ach ansin beidh fírinneach síocháin ar an Domhan.

Reincarnation Research Baile

Reincarnation Cás Taighde Catagóirí


Ian Stevenson, MD Twin Study-Soul Plans & Past Life Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation

The twin study published by Ian Stevenson, MD provides evidence that souls plan lifetimes to be reunited with loved ones.

Ian Stevenson, MD
Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD from Born Again

A study that dramatically demonstrates that we reincarnate with love ones from past incarnations involves a set of 31 twins that Ian Stevenson researched, in which enough information was given by the twins to factually validate their past incarnations.

He found that in all these cases, involving 62 individuals, the twins had some type of intimate relationship in their prior incarnations.

The most common type of past life relationship was that of siblings, which represented 11/31 or 35% of cases. One set of twins were also twins in their prior incarnations.

In 9/31 or 29% of twin cases, the twins were friends, acquaintances or business associates. Other family relationships, such as being cousins, made up 6/31 or 19% of twin cases. In 5/31 or 16% of twin cases, the twins were married in the past incarnation.  This information is summarized in the table provided below: (1)

Past Life Relationships of Twins:



Friends, business associates-29%

Other family relationships-19%



Souls Plan Lifetimes


Past Life Relationships
Burmese Sisters Reincarnate as Twins

These twin studies, as well as other same family reincarnation cases, show that souls can plan incarnations from the spirit world and even choose parents for upcoming incarnations.

One set of twins in this study also shows how facial features can remain consistent from lifetime to lifetime. This involves the reincarnation cases of Daw Aye Phyu | Ma Nyunt Nyunt San and Daw Sapai | Ma San San Nyunt, whose images are provided to the right. Additional twin reincarnation cases with significant past life relationshipa are provided below:


The Power of Souls: The Tripathi Twins are Murdered, then Reincarnate as Twins Again

Sri Lankan Rebels Johnny and Robert are Killed and Reincarnate as Twin Girls

Same Family Reincarnation Cases in which Sisters are Reborn as Identical Twin Girls: The Pollack Reincarnation Cases

Grandparents Reincarnate as their Own Daughter’s Fraternal Twin Girls: Cases that Involve Gender Change, Muslim Reincarnation and Change of Religion

Nyein and Gywin, Born on the Same Day in Burma, Who Married and Died on the Same Day, Reincarnate as Twin Boys

Two Japanese Soldiers in Burma Reincarnated as Burmese Twin Girls, San and Yin, Demonstrating How War is Self Defeating


Soul Planning Results in Destined Relationships


Reincarnation cases also show that souls can plan lifetimes to be brought together even when they are not born into the same family. These are described in the section Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation.

How do we connect with the people we have planned to be with? The answer, I believe, is destiny. In analyzing past life cases, it appears that we all have a predetermined destiny or life plan, which brings us to the people we are supposed to spend time with. To better understand how destiny works, I use the analogy of a journey.

UniversalTravel735finalThink of your life as an extended vacation that you plan in advance. You decide who you want and need to see, where you want to go and what activities you would like to participate in. You coordinate your itinerary with the people you are to rendezvous with. You, your karmic friends and loved ones all agree to the plan before you are born.

Once you come into life, destiny ensures that you meet up with your karmic soul group. The settings for karmic affiliations can be our families, as noted in the twin studies, as well as our work life and recreational pursuits. These settings are stages on which we play out the karmic dramas of our lives. This casts a new light on Shakespeare’s phrase, “All of life is but a stage.”

We meet up with different karmic groups at different points in life. When we get the urge to take a new job, travel to a new city or take up a new recreational pursuit, many times this is a part of our destiny being played out. New venues bring us to karmic or soul groups we need to be with. When we meet up with our past life friends, though we may not be aware of what the past life relationship was, we have a sense of familarity or attraction.

Reincarnation and Love at First Sight: A Likely Past Life Relationship

The phenomenon of “love at first sight” is one example of how emotions can bring together individuals who have made a plan or contract to be together even before they were born.

Reincarnation and Free Will

If it is true that we have a destiny or life plan, one must question whether we have free will. My belief is that though we all have a predetermined itinerary that we are committed to honor; we have free will in what we do along the way. Indeed, growth and human evolution could not occur without free will. Some people may have a more structured itinerary that limits diversionary treks, while others may have a less structured game plan. Either way, we have free will along our destined paths.

Déjà Vu and Reincarnation

Karmic groups provide insights regarding déjà vu experiences. If we meet up with people we have known in past lives, it is not surprising that we may have a spark of recognition when we meet. Since people have consistent patterns of behavior, we may recognize these traits and idiosyncratic reactions when situations recur. Finally, déjà vu may occur if we recognize an event that is part of our itinerary. We may become aware of a road mark along our predetermined path.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation

Reincarnation Research Home Page

Child’s Past Life Story with Phobia, Gender Change and Experience of Heaven: The Reincarnation Case of Chuey Puang Pei | Ampan Petcherat

Chuey, a boy, encounters a snake in a waterway, drowns and is reborn as Ampan, a girl. Ampan has spontaneous memories of her past life as Chuey and retains the midset of a boy. This case can help understand homosexuality and gender identity issues though reincarnation. Ampan also had phobia of snakes and memories of heaven.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood

Researchers: Francis Story and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume IV, Thailand and Burma, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

The Drowning Death of Chuey Puang Pei

klongChuey Puang Pei was born in 1946 in Thailand. His father’s name was Tai Puang Pei and his mother was Tong Bai Puang Pei. Chuey had a brother, Chuan, and a sister, Khao.

The family lived along one of the many canals or waterways that are found in the central plain of Thailand, which are called khlongs. These canals stem from major rivers in the area. Through the use of boats, khlongs serve as routes of transportation, much like the canals of Venice, Italy. Chuey lived in the village of Bang Chan, which was on a waterway of the same name, Khlong Bang Chan.

Ironically and unfortunately, though Chuey lived by a waterway, he never learned to swim. In 1950, when he was 4 years old, Chuey was on the shore of the Khlong Bang Chan with his uncle, Klah Puang Pei, and his older brother, Chuan, who was about 8 years old at the time.

Chuey and Chuan were playing in shallow water by the shore. At one point, Chuan and his uncle lost sight of Chuey. At one moment he was on the bank of the waterway and the next moment he was gone. Shortly thereafter, they found Chuey’s body in the water and as they pulled him out, they discovered that he had drowned. This tragedy was not unusual, as at the time, young children were known to perish in the klongs of Thailand fairly often.

Reincarnation & Gender Change, Ian Stevenson Research, Chuey templeThe uncle, Klah Puang Pei, said that he saw Chuan playfully pulling on Chuey’s legs before the drowning, though when questioned, Chuan denied this. Chuey’s body was taken to the wat or Buddhist temple at Khlong Bang Plee Noi, where it was cremated. As mentioned, Chuey died in 1950 at 4 years of age. His brother Chuan went on to become a Buddhist monk.

Child’s Past Life Memories: Chuey is Reborn as Ampan, a Girl, Who recalls her Past Life Name & Death by Drowning

Ampam Petcherat, a girl, was born in March 1954 in the village of Song Khlong, which is located on the waterway of the same name. Song Khlong is 15 kilometers or 9 miles from Bang Chan, the village where Chuey lived. At the time, Song Khlong could only be reached from Bang Chan by boat. Song Khlong is 37 kilometers or 23 miles from Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand.

Ampan’s father was named Yod and her mother was Kim Saum. When she learned to talk, Ampan said that Yod was not her father and that Kim Saum was not her mother, as she had another mother. Ampan also said she had a previous brother who was going to become a monk.

Ampan’s parents separated when she was a child. Ampan and her mother, Kim Saum, moved 7 kilometers, or a little over 4 miles, north to the village of Khlong Darn. When she was one year old, Ampan told her mother that she had another mother and father at Klong Bang Chan. She said that she was a boy before and described her house. She cried when she talked about her previous home and said that she wanted to be taken there. She said she died by drowning after being bitten by a snake. Ampan repeated this story regarding a previous life from time to time. She said that in her prior lifetime, her name was Chuey.

Past Life Memory: Ampan Recognizes her Past Life Village and Aunt

Each year at harvest time, Kim Saum would paddle by boat to sell produce in the area of Khlong Bang Chan. When Ampan was one and a half years of age, Kim Saum took her on one of these trips. Ampan recognized the area and said that this was where she had lived before as a boy.

When Ampan was 7 years old, she spontaneously recognized a woman who was walking in Khlong Darn, the village where Ampan and her mother lived. Ampan told this woman that she was her aunt. As the woman had never met Ampan and her mother before, she paid no attention to Ampan.

On a second occasion, Ampan saw the same woman and addressed her as “my aunt.” This time the woman stopped and asked Ampan how she knew her. Ampan responded, “You are my mother’s older sister.” Ampan embraced the woman and asked to be taken to her previous family. This woman was Joy Ruang Gun, who was indeed Chuey’s maternal aunt.

Ampan Recalls the Names of her Past Life Parents, Details of her Past Life Home and Place of Cremation

IISIS Reincarnation, Gender Identity Issues, Thai ShoreJoy then asked, “Who are your parents?” Ampan replied that that her father’s name was Tai and that her mother’s name was Bai. Recall that Chuey’s father’s name was Tai Puang Pei and that his mother was Tong Bai Puang Pei.

Ampan went on and said that at her prior home, there was a bamboo tree in front of the house and that there were 2 red jars at the house. She said that there were 2 red dogs and 3 buffaloes at her prior home. Regarding her death in the prior lifetime, Ampan said that she was playing in the water when she fell into the water and drowned. She said that her father took her body to the Wat Bang Plee for cremation (the full name of the temple is Wat Bang Plee Noi).

As all these statements were correct for the lifetime of Cheuy, Joy decided to take Ampan and her mother to meet Cheuy’s family.

At her Past Life Home, Ampan recognizes her Past Life Parents, Sister and Place of Drowning

When Ampan was taken to Khlong Bang Chan and her past life family’s home, she went to Tong Bai, Chuey’s mother, embraced her tightly and said “mother.” Chuey’s father was not at home initially, but Tai returned shortly thereafter in a boat with two other men. While they were still in the vessel at the boat landing, Ampan was asked to identify her previous father. Though attempts were made to mislead her, Ampan correctly identified Tai as her past life father.

When Ampan saw Khoa, she pointed at her and said, “Sister.” Khoa was Chuey’s sister.

In surveying the property where Chuey’s family lived, Ampan noted that there used to be banana and coconut trees. She also said that there used to be two houses, rather than just one. Ampan was right, as when Chuey was alive, the banana and coconut trees were there, but removed after his death. Similarly, one of the structures that had been on the property had been removed, but was present during Chuey’s time. Ian Stevenson was impressed that Ampan made these accurate statements regarding items that were no longer there.

Ampan also correctly pointed out the location near the house where she, as Chuey, had drowned.

Past Life Memories: At the Temple, Ampan Identifies her Past Life Brother, Cousin & Friend

IISIS Reincarnation, Gender Identity Issues, Thai TempleAfter being taken to her past life home, Ampan was taken to the temple, or wat, at Bang Plee Noi where Chuey was cremated and where Chuan, Chuey’s brother, was now living as a monk. At the temple, Ampan recognized, among a group of a dozen or more monks, Chuan. Ampan correctly pointed out Chaun as her brother in her prior lifetime. Both Chuan and Ampan wept at this reunion.

Another monk in the group was one of Chuey’s cousins. Ampan also correctly identified this monk, Sa Ing, as one of her past life cousins. She pointed to another young monk, named Sak, who was seated among the group and said, “This monk is the son of Nang Pad.” Chuey was acquainted with this individual and Ampan’s statement that Sak was the son of Nang Pad was accurate.

Ampan’s Account of Drowning & Past Life Phobia of Snakes

IISIS Reincarnation, Transgender & Gender Identity Issues, Water SnakeThere was a discrepancy between Ampan’s account of how she had drowned in her prior incarnation and the version known by Chuey’s parents. According to Ampan’s memory, Chuey had been playing with Chuan in shallow water near the shore. Ampan said Chuan was pulling on Chuey’s legs, which was observed by Chuey’s uncle, Klah Puang Pei. Ampan said that Chuey was then bitten by a snake on the right leg, fell into the water and drowned. Chuey’s family had no knowledge of Chuey being bitten by a snake prior to drowning.

Ian Stevenson noted that there are many water snakes that inhabit Thai waterways or khlongs, and that some inflict fatal bites that do not cause significant swelling. As such, Stevenson reasoned, Chuey could have been bitten by a snake without his brother or uncle noticing the snake or a snake bite.

Stevenson questioned whether there would have been enough time for venom from a snake bite to take effect. Recall that Chuey was present on the shore at one moment, suddenly disappeared and was then found dead in the water. Stevenson hypothesized that Cheuy may have simply been startled by the sight of a snake in the klong and in attempting to flee, slipped into the water, which led to his drowning.

Ampan had a severe phobia of snakes, presumably due to her memories of being bitten or startled by a snake in the water, which led to her drowning death as Chuey.

Ampan Scolds Chuan for Causing Her Past Life Death as Chuey

Ampan also insisted that one of the series of events that had led to his drowning was Chuan pulling at his legs in the water. As noted, Chuey’s uncle, Klah Puang Pei, had reported that Chuan was pulling at Chuey’s legs before he disappeared. Chuan, as an 8 year old, denied this claim, perhaps out of fear that he would be blamed for Chuey’s death. Of interest, when Ampan recognized Chuan at the temple where he was living as a monk, after they embraced and wept together, Ampan chastised Chuan for causing her drowning as Chuey.

Of interest, Ampan had a phobia of snakes, though she did not have a fear of water.

Ampan’s Experience of Heaven

Reincarnation, Transgender & Gender Identity Issues, HeavanWhen Ian Stevenson met with Ampan in 1966, he asked if she remembered what happened in the period between Chuey’s death in 1950 and her birth in 1954. Ampan said that after Chuey drowned and his body was cremated, a man, who we will call the first man, took him to another place where other dead persons were located and introduced him to the “head man.” Then he, Chuey, went with a second man who escorted him to heaven. In heaven, he met a third man of large size and black complexion who was dressed in white and who he remembered was kind. The second man then took him back to the first man. Ampan said she, or he as Chuey, was then given a piece of fruit. When she ate the fruit, she was reborn.

Reincarnation and Change in Gender: Ampan Acts as if She is Still a Boy

Ampan, when young, had definite masculine traits, which seem to reflect her past lifetime as Chuey, a male. Ampan’s mother said that she liked to dress like a boy, including wearing pants instead of a skirt. Ampan also engaged in boy’s sports, such as boxing. In 1968, when Ampan was 14, she told Ian Stevenson that she would prefer to be a boy as men have freer lives. Stevenson noted that Ampan walked with a masculine gait. A year later, in 1969, Ampan still did boxing, still wished she was a boy and had little romantic interest in boys, which is unusual for a teenage girl.

Reincarnation & Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Transsexualism & Gender Identity Issues

Ampan’s wish to be a man, which appears to be related to her past incarnation as a male, has prominent similarities to: The Reincarnation Case of a Japanese Soldier | Ma Tin Aung Myo

In this Ian Stevenson reincarnation study, a male Japanese soldier serving in Burma during World War II died, reincarnated as a Burmese woman named Ma, but maintained masculine traits and was attracted to women. Ma became a lesbian. This case shows how reincarnation can bring insight in understanding homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transsexualism, transgender and gender identity issues.

In Ian Stevenson’s series of approximately 1200 validated reincarnation cases in which young children spontaneously remembered their past lives, in only 10 percent of cases did the soul change gender. It may be that if a soul is accustomed to incarnating into a particular gender and then reincarnates into the opposite sex, gender identity issues may arise.

In contrast to the Japanese Soldier | Ma reincarnation case, Ampan eventually married a US male soldier who was stationed in Thailand. The couple later moved to California.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Phobia from a Past Lifetime: Ampan demonstrated a phobia of snakes, apparently due to her memories of being bitten or startled by a water snake, which led to her drowning.

Gender Change: Chuey, a boy, reincarnated as Ampan, a girl. As a child and teenager, Ampan insisted on wearing boy’s clothing, she participated men’s sports such as boxing and she walked like a boy. Ampan told Ian Stevenson that she wished that she were a boy. Though she demonstrated these gender identity issues when young, she eventually married a man.

Spirit Beings in Reincarnation Cases: Ampan, as a spirit being, described her experience of heaven.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Ampan was reunited with her past life family.



Past Life Story of Louise Vanderbilt | Wayne Peterson-Spirit Being or Soul Guidance in a Reincarnation Case with Psychokenisis

In childhood, Wayne Peterson had vivid memories of a lifetime in which women wore nineteenth century clothing and where parties were held in a large sandstone, mansion-like house. Decades later, while working as a US Diplomat and and Director of the Fulbright Scholarship Program, through guidance from the spirit world and an episode of psychokinesis, Wayne was able to identify his past life as Louis Vanderbilt, wife of Frederick Vanderbilt, a member of the American Vanderbilt dynasty which includes CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

How Case Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood and Spirit Being Guidance

Researcher: Wayne Peterson

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD from Born Again

Little Wayne remembers a Past Lifetime with Women in Billowing Gowns and a Man named Fred: A Past Life Vision of the Vanderbilt Mansion

semkiw peterson louise vanderbilt reincarnation past life skirt IISISWayne Peterson has experienced memories of a past lifetime in which he was Louise Vanderbilt, wife of Frederick Vanderbilt, a member of the American Vanderbilt dynasty. Through marriage, Louise was a relative of Gloria Vanderbilt, who is the mother of CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Click on facial comparison images to enlarge them.

In contrast to the childhood remembrances regarding his Francesco Foscari past lifetime, Wayne’s memories of the Vanderbilt lifetime were more direct and visual. Wayne narrates the turn of events:

“My earliest memories in childhood included detailed images of a time when women wore long billowing gowns and people still used horse drawn carriages. I remembered specifically a large sandstone house, a man named Fred, friends arriving for social gatherings, a large reception area with a high ceiling and floors of white stone.

Central to all this I remembered most a woman that was the center of all related activity. The mystery lady was the center of several scenes that were repeated again and again during my earliest years and continued even to this day. I used to wonder who these people were and wondered why they appeared so real to me.

semkiw peterson vanderbilt reincarnation past life hyde parkAs a young child I believed these people were part of my current life. Why they never visited our home I could never explain. I actually believed they would arrive one day and they would remember me and unexplainably, I would be very happy. I assumed that in my earlier years as an infant I had perhaps experienced these people with my parents and had now forgotten most of those intimate experiences. It was the only way I had as a child to explain the vividness of these people I visited in my dreams. However, these people never did appear in this current life and I remained at a loss to explain their appearance in my mind. I had no knowledge of reincarnation at that early preschool stage of my life.”

Wayne, who was born in 1942, reflects that these memories were especially odd since in the 1940’s, there was no television, nor did he any see motion pictures, that might have fueled his imagination. He reflects that nothing in his real time experience of a small town in central Wisconsin correlated to his visions. Clothing, houses and social manners were entirely different in Wisconsin than what he experienced in his memories.

Yet a man named Fred, women in billowing gowns transported in horse drawn carriages and the large sandstone house, were very real to little Wayne. Perplexed, Wayne asked his mother about these people and the house that he remembered. He asked if he had been ever taken to such a place as an infant. The answer was always no. Though he could not explain the source of his memories, these memories continued to be a source of comfort, and he maintained a nostalgic emotion for a person named Fred.

A Flashback of a Past Lifetime on Fifth Avenue in New York City in Front of the Old Vanderbilt House

IISIS semkiw peterson vanderbilt reincarnation past lfe fifthAs a young adult, Wayne Peterson joined the Peace Corps and was on route to Brazil. His flight to Rio de Janeiro was via New York City. Since Wayne had never been to this big city before, he arranged to have a few days in NYC, to take in the sights of the Big Apple. On his second day in NYC, at about noon, Wayne was walking down Fifth Avenue. He was impressed by the crush of people. Let us now allow Wayne to narrate the scene, as he stood on the sidewalk of Fifth Avenue:

“Suddenly a woman with a hat and white gloves across the wide sidewalk waved her hands in my direction and shouted, ‘Louise, Louise, over here, it’s me.’ She kept shouting Louise and I froze. I instantly believed she was calling me. For whatever reason, I suddenly believed I was Louise.

All my attention focused on this strange woman moving in my direction through the crowd. In my mind I was someone else, someone named Louise. I believed the woman moving toward me was an old friend, but the face did not look familiar.

Nevertheless, there was a great relief within my mind, I thought that finally someone recognized the real me. Not the young man from Wisconsin, but a woman named Louise. It was as if I had been a victim of amnesia and suddenly someone shocked me into reality. Unfortunately, the moment of intense excitement passed when the woman in the hat and gloves brushed past me and grabbed an elderly woman standing directly behind me.

semkiw-reincarnation-vanderbilt-peterson-past-life-Instantly, my mind was on overload and I could not move or think. I was still having a moment as Louise and I looked at these two women and thought, you fools, why don’t you remember me? I am the real Louis. How long I stood and stared at these two women enjoying their renewed acquaintance I do not know, but eventually my logical mind returned and I was forced to question my actions and thinking.

Embarrassed and bewildered, I returned to my hotel room. In the hotel I relaxed on the bed and for some hours pondered what had just happened. Why, I kept wondering, did I think I was Louise? Why was it so real to me and so important that I be Louise? I pondered this strange experience during my entire stay in New York, but found no answer until years later. Nonetheless, I was content that I was Louise in a past life about the turn of the century and that Fred was my husband.”

Wayne feels Past Life Frustration due to Fred’s Shyness

“What I knew of Louise and Fred was not only a few visions from this presumed past life, but I could feel emotions that were from Louise. I intuitively knew she was often frustrated with Frederick at social events. Louise would be in the huge reception area of the house greeting guests. She wore several dresses that I could remember in great detail. I always envisioned Fred in white tie and jacket with tails. He appeared to be perfectly comfortable dressed in that attire. but whenever possible he escaped to the small office/library. I can vividly remember the library door. Inside the library it would be quiet and Fred would be seated in the high backed sofa that hid him from the view of anyone at the doorway exit. Eventually, Louise grew tired of making excuses to the guests about Fred’s absence.”

Wayne Unexpectedly refers to his Vanderbilt Past Life Relatives

Gloria Vanderbilt in Sarabande PantsIn these past life reminiscences experienced when he was a very young man, Wayne Peterson still did not know who Fred and Louise were specifically. Decades later, in the 1990’s, a hint came when Wayne was visiting an upper class friend in New York City, whose name was Mary. This upper class friend insisted that Wayne join her on a vacation at her Irish house on the South coast of Ireland. Mary said that they would have a wonderful time and added that her friend Gloria would be joining them also.

Wayne asked, “Gloria who?” Mary replied, “It’s my friend Gloria Vanderbilt.” Let us allow Wayne describe his reaction to this statement regarding Gloria Vanderbilt, whose photo is provided to the right:

“Instantly my logical mind was again paralyzed just as it had been years before when in New York City that elderly woman shouted the name Louise. Another personality or another identity took over my consciousness and I said, ‘Great, Gloria and I can chat and gossip about our family relatives.’

There was a silence from my friend Mary and I began to realize what I had just said. Mary asked what I meant by common family relatives and I babbled nervously about something while trying to think up any good excuse for my ridiculous statement.

Eventually, I explained that I thought Gloria had an interesting family tree. After terminating that conversation I realized that for a few moments I was transported into another life. It was so total that I really believed I was a relative of Gloria Vanderbilt and we could indeed gossip about family members. Why, I kept wondering again, why did I say such a stupid thing with such conviction?”

Spirit Being, Spiritual or Soul Guidance: A Book Magically Moves and Attaches Itself to Wayne’s Hand-A Case of Psychokinesis 

“In the days that followed my conversation with Mary I began to wonder if there ever could have been a Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt. No, I reasoned the odds against it were simply too remote to even bother to explore. Nevertheless, some weeks later while wandering in my favorite bookstore, my attention was attracted to a book on the wealthy families of the 1800’s and early 1900’s. I noticed the book only because it was on the lowest shelf and protruding into the aisle by some 4 to 5 inches.

semkiw-reincarnation-vanderbilt-peterson-past-life-Although I pushed the book into its proper alignment several times with my foot, the book continued to spring forward multiple times before I finally picked it up and read its cover. I even explored on my hands and knees what was in the shelf which forced the book out into the isle. There was nothing but an empty space behind the book.

Curious, I briefly looked at the price of the book, which was expensive, and I immediately wanted to place it back on the shelf. For whatever reasons, I could not give up the book although my mind wanted to place it back on the shelf. As I could not get my hand to release the book, I reasoned I had to buy it in order to leave the store. When I tried to give the book to the cashier so that he could make the sale, the cashier had to pull with both of his hands to dislodge the book from my grasp, despite my desire to let go of it. After paying for the book, I was angry with myself for having no self-control over purchasing a book I did not want. I took the book home and placed it on my own bookshelf thinking that this is one book that I will probably never read, and therefore it was a total waste of money.”

Wayne identifies his Past Life Home with Women in Billowing Skirts and a Man named Fred Vanderbilt

“However, later that night I had a dream that I must read this new book. Unable to sleep because of this nagging notion, I went downstairs and opened the book. At first nothing captured my imagination but soon I opened a page that totally took me by surprise.

There in full color was a photo of the very room I had always envisioned as a child. The distinctive ceiling, the fireplace and white marble floor and the very same sofas I so clearly remembered. It was all there as if only yesterday I had stepped out of that room.

vanderbilt library peterson reincarnation past life semkiw lThe next page was even more revealing. Again, in a color photo, was the library/office I knew so well. The pale green sofa that Fred would hide in during social events and the two beautiful desks that were part of a his and hers arrangement. Transfixed in wonderment, I thought about the strange attachment I had to this scene and what I might learn from this extraordinary experience.

I began to read the article that went with the photos. The room was part of the Vanderbilt Mansion, which was built by Frederick Vanderbilt in Hyde Park, New York in the late 1800’s. Wouldn’t it be a strange coincidence, I thought, if this Fred Vanderbilt had a wife named Louise? As I read down the page, I was overwhelmed when I read that Frederick was married to Louise H. Anthony. The following pages were most revealing, especially when I saw the color photos that followed…The photos brought to life the rooms that I remembered from my earliest memories as a child. I realized that I had opened a book that revealed all the secrets of a past life.”

Spiritual or Soul Guidance: Reincarnation Geographic Memory on Fifth Avenue

Wayne also read that though their sandstone Hyde Park mansion (pictured near the top of this page) was their favorite, their main home was on Fifth Avenue, in New York City. Though this home in NYC was torn down, the location that Wayne had his “Louise” experience on Park Avenue as a young man indeed the location where the Vanderbilt home had been located on Fifth Avenue. The fact that Louise Vanderbilt lived on Fifth Avenue sheds further light on young Wayne’s experience on Fifth Avenue, when the elderly woman in white gloves called out “Louise,” and Wayne was transported to his past incarnation as Louise.

I term this phenomenon of a geographic setting triggering past life experiences as Geographic Memory, which is also observed in the: Reincarnation Case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene

Wayne Peterson & Louise Vanderbilt have a Common Interest in Metaphysics

Wayne also learned that Louise and Frederick were very interested in metaphysics, including Theosophy, as is Wayne in contemporary times. In his current incarnation, Wayne is a scholar of the work of Alice Bailey. Louise was also a great fan of the grand ladies of 18th century France, especially Marie Antoinette. Louise Vanderbilt had even filled her bedroom with French reproduction furniture.

This has significance in relation to another past lifetime that has been identified for Wayne, that of Claude Ledoux, who was an artist and architect associated in the Court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The Claude Ledoux | Wayne Peterson reincarnation case is featured in Born Again. Louise died in 1926, in Paris, which was one of her favorite cities. Frederick lived out his remaining years largely in seclusion, passing away in 1938.

Reincarnated Fredrick Vanderbilt in Contemporary Times

semkiw frederick vanderbilt reincarnation past life wayne peterson image comparisonFrederick, by the way, has also been identified in contemporary times. Fred turns out to be a friend who Wayne Peterson has known for years, who shares with Wayne an interest in metaphysics. Though Wayne had known this person for a period of time, his identity as Frederick Vanderbilt was not determined until the year 2004. At that time, Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt were consciously reunited, 78 years after they were separated by death.

Summary & Reincarnation Case Analysis

Key elements of this case include Wayne’s vivid memories in childhood of a lifetime in which women wore nineteenth century clothing and where parties were held in a large sandstone, mansion-like house. Later, in adulthood, Wayne had memories of being a woman name Louise, which were triggered by standing at the very spot where Louise and Fredrick Vanderbilt lived on Fifth Avenue in NYC. Though this event initially seems coincidental, it is likely that this event was orchestrated by spirit beings, or perhaps Wayne’s own soul.

Guidance to a past life geographic location, which triggered discovery of a past lifetime, also occurred in the case of Reincarnation Case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene.

Guidance by spirit beings was even more evident in the scene at the bookstore, where a book was magically pushed out of a bookshelf repeatedly. When Wayne grasped this book, he was unable to release it, which led to him purchasing this book on nineteenth century homes against his conscious will. In this book, Wayne found the house and rooms that he so vividly saw in his memories as a child. The home was owned by Fred and Louise Vanderbilt, which allowed Wayne to solve the past life puzzle that he had struggled with since childhood.

Of note, this case, if accepted, demonstrates that gender can change from one incarnation to another, though facial features, bone structure of the face, remains consistent.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

If this reincarnation case demonstrates the following features:

Physical Resemblance in Reincarnation Cases: Wayne’s facial features are consistent with those of Louise Vanderbilt, despite the change in gender.

Reincarnation & Change of Gender: Louise was a woman, who reincarnated as Wayne, a male.

Reincarnation & Geographic Memory: Wayne had a past life flashback at the spot on Fifth Avenue where Fred and Louise Vanderbilt had a home.

Spirit Being & Soul Guidance in Reincarnation Cases: The architectural book that featured the Vanderbilt Hyde Park home, which allowed Wayne to solve this reincarnation case, magically moved from a bookshelf and then attached itself to Wayne’s hand, which forced Wayne to purchase it. This represents psychokinesis, where an physical object is moved by psychic means, in this case apparently by a spirit guide. Psychokinesis is prominent in the reincarnation case of Daniel D. Home | Uri Geller, which is featured in Born Again. A dream then prompted Wayne to read the book in the middle of the night.

In addition, the incident on Fifth Avenue where Wayne had a past life flashback was likely orchestrated by a spirit being, or perhaps by Wayne’s own soul.

Reincarnation, Innate Talent & Past Life Behavior: Louise Vanderbilt studied astrology and Theosophical literature. Wayne has continued this interest by becoming a scholar of the Alice Bailey material. In addition, Wayne is a published author on spirit beings with his book, Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Beings.

Renewal of Relationships through Reincarnation: Louise and Frederick Vanderbilt appear to have been reunited through reincarnation. In contemporary times, they are both heterosexual men, who are friends without any romantic involvement.



Soul Plan in Past Life Story of Angelina Lopes | Alfonso Lopes Reincarnation Case with Phobia & Gender Change

Angelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953, and died when she was 7 years old in a car accident, then she subsequently reincarnated as her younger brother Alfonso and was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Angelina Lopes is Hit by a Car After a Day at the Beach

iisisreincarnationresearchportugalAngelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953. Her mother was Irma Lopes, who as a devout Roman Catholic. Angelina had a normal childhood, though on one occasion, she stated that she wished that she was a boy.

Angelina was a very affectionate and unusually generous. She had a habit of referring to her mother, Erma, as “Dear Mother.” (1) This was in contrast to Erma’s other two daughters, who did not use this phrase.

On July 9, 1960, when Angelina was 7 years old, Erma took her and her two sisters to a beach on a river, near their home. On the way home, they were crossing a road and a car struck Angelina and killed her.

Soul Plan: Angelina will Be Reincarnated as a Boy

IISISReincarnationResearchSpanishCrossAfter Angelina’s death in 1960, Erma was extremely distraught and she wondered why God would allow such as tragedy to occur. Six months after Angelina’s death, a friend recommended that Erma see a Rosicrucian sage with psychic abilities, who was named Francisco Marques Rodrigues.

Francisco told Erma that Angelina would be reborn to her in 2 years. As a devout Roman Catholic, Erma was confused about Francisco’s prediction, as reincarnation was not part of her faith.

Francisco continued to reassure Erma. He told her to be prepared for Angelina’s return, though she may be a boy in her next incarnation.

Erma became pregnant at the end of 1961. In her seventh month of pregnancy, Erma had a dream in which Angelina communicated to her, indicating that her baby would be a boy.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Events from the Lifetime of Angelina

Alfonso was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures, a little over two years after Angelina’s death. Within a few months of Alfonso’s birth, in 1963, the Lopes family moved to Lisbon, Portugal.

As soon as he could speak, Alfonso made statements which indicated that he was the reincarnation of Angelina. Erma, his mother, vowed that Alfonso had not learned this information about Angelina’s life by normal means. These statements include:

1. At 1½ years of age, Alfonso referred to Erma as “Dear Mother,” which was the phrase that Angelina used for Erma. Recall that Erma’s other daughters did not use this term.

2. Also when Alfonso was 1½, he was watching a television program in which a truck was going down a street with a child running across the street. Alfonso shut his eyes and started shouting, “No, no, no,” an apparent reaction to Angelina’s death by being struck by a car.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Hernani’s Wooden Horse & Angelina’s Red Checkered Cloth

3. When Alfonso was 4 years old, neighbors the Lopes family had in Loures came to visit them in Lisbon. These visiting neighbors included a boy named Hernani, who Angelina used to play with. Spontaneously, Alfonso asked Hernani:

ReincarnationResearchWoodenHorse“Have you kept the wooden horse?” (2) When Angelina was alive, she and Hernani would play with Hermani’s toy wooden horse.

Hernani then asked his mother if they still had the wooden horse. His mother replied: “No, I gave it to Ana.” (3)

Alfonso then said: “Oh yes, To Anihas and her little son.” (4)

Erma noted that Ana was the nick name of a servant who worked for both the Lopes family and the Hernani family in Loures. Ana’s full name was Anihas, just as Alfonso had said. Angelina was very fond of Anihas. In spontaneously stating Ana’s full name, Alfonso was having a past life memory from his lifetime as Angelina.

4. When Alfonso was almost 6, before he started going to school, he came into the family’s kitchen where Erma was cooking. Alfonso noticed a red checked napkin. Alfonso then said:

“Look, Mama, the napkin I used to take to school with my snack. I will take it again when I go back to school, won’t I?” (5)

Indeed, Erma would make snacks for Angelina and wrap them in a red checked napkin, which Angelina would take to school. As such, Alfonso again remembered events in the lifetime of Angelina.

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Alfonso tells his Teachers that He is a Girl

5. A few months after Alfonso started school, his teacher requested a meeting with Erma. The teacher said that in school, Alfonso was claiming to be a girl and that when he spoke or wrote, he would refer to himself using feminine word forms. The teacher would try to correct Alfonso’s feminine word forms, pointing out that he was a boy. Alfonso then retorted:

“No, I am a girl.” (6)

Alfonso was apparently remembering the feminine word forms that he used when he was Angelina, which led to his confusion regarding his own gender. He stopped using feminine word forms by the age of seven.

IISISReincarnationResearchSteamstressAlfonso’s Past Life Memories of how to Mend Stockings

6. One day, when Alfonso came home from school, he spontaneously took a drinking glass and put it inside a stocking. He then took a needle and pretended that he was repairing the stocking. While doing so, Alfonso said:

“Oh, I have not done this for such a long time.” (7)

Erma then recalled that when they lived in Loures, one of Angelina’s aunts was a seamstress who would place a drinking glass inside a stocking and then mend the stocking. The glass made it easier to see the knitting of the stocking.

Angelina was very fond of this aunt and would visit her at the seamstress shop. At the shop, Angelina would pretend that she was mending stockings in the same way. Again, Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about these stocking mending activities that Angelina participated in.

As such, Alfonso unconsciously replicated a behavior of Angelina.

Past Life Memories: Alfonso Finds the Gypsies’ River

iisisreincarnationresearchstonebridge7. When Alfonso was about seven years old, he repeatedly asked his mother to take him to the stone bridge on the gypsies’ river. Irma did not know what he was talking about. There was no bridge where they lived in Lisbon and she could not remember any bridge with gypsies.

Soon after, Erma took Alfonso on a trip to Loures to visit a relative. Once there, Alfonso and other children left the house to play. When they returned, a playmate said that she was scared because Alfonso had said that he was going to see the bridge and he then crossed the street. Alfonso responded to this concern, telling Erma:

“Yes, I went to see the bridge; but it was quite changed, and there are no gypsies there.” (8)

Erma then asked Alfonso whether this was the bridge that he was talking about before, that he wanted to visit. He replied:

“Yes, Mama. Can you remember the gypsies that used to be there? I wanted to help them wash their clothes.” Alfonso continued, “Now there is big bridge there, completely different from the old one.” (9)

Erma then remembered that when the family lived in Loures, there was no Roman Catholic church in their neighborhood. To attend mass on Sundays, the family had to walk to a church in another community. To get there, they had to cross a river using a crude rock bridge. Erma, Angelina and the family would cross this rock bridge to go to church.

Alfonso had never seen this crude rock bridge in his contemporary lifetime, as by the time he was born, the new bridge had been built, replacing the stone bridge. As such, Alfonso was remembering scenes from Angelina’s lifetime.

8. Alfonso accurately described of the death of a small white dog with black spots that the Lopes family had when Angelina was alive.

Erma confirmed that the family did have a small white dog with black spots, as Alfonso had described. This dog had died 2 months before Angelina’s died. Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about this dog. As such, the memory of the dog represents a scene from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories: As Vivid as in Contemporary Lifetime

IISISReincarnationResearchCarsIn 1997, when Alfonso was 35 years old, he told Ian Stevenson that his memories of the wooden toy horse, the river with the rock bridge with woman washing clothes in the river, and the death of the white dog with white spots were so vivid that it seemed that these memories were from his own childhood, rather than from a past lifetime.

Alfonso wasn’t born when the events described occurred. As such, these vivid memories were from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

This is reminiscent of the reincarnation case of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow, in which Snow stated that his past life memories were more real than waking consciousness.

Phobia of Cars from a Past Lifetime

Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles, a reflection of Angelina’s lifetime in which she was struck by a car, which led to her death. For some reason, Alfonso’s phobia did not manifest until Alfonso was 16 years of age.

In the Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi reincarnation case, Daniel also had a phobia of fast-moving cars resulting from Rashid’s death in an auto accident.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Same Family Reincarnation: Angelina Lopes reincarnated into her the same family.

Change in Gender: As a child, Angelina told her mother that she wished she was a boy. Reincarnation research indicates that gender changes in only 5-10 percent of cases. It appears that the soul has a preferred gender and in this case, it appears that the soul of Angelina prefers male incarnations. When she reincarnated, she did incarnate as a boy in the persona of Alfonso.

Phobia from a Past lifetime: Angelina died when an automobile struck and killed her. Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles.

Soul Plan & Spirit Being Guidance: When Erma was distraught over Angelina’s death, she visited a Rosicrucian mystic or psychic named Francisco Marques Rodrigues. Francisco predicted that Angelina would be reincarnated as her child. Further, he told her that Angelina may be reborn as a boy. His predictions came true. It appears that from the spirit world, Angelina was communicating to Francisco, indicating her plans for a future incarnation.

Reincarnation & Change in Religion: Erma was a devout Roman Catholic. She came to believe that her deceased daughter, Angelina, reincarnated as her son, Alfonso. As such, Erma converted from her Roman Catholic beliefs, in which reincarnation is not promoted, to a belief in reincarnation.

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1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 108
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
8. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
9. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112

Past Life Story with Soul Planning from the Spirit Realm Reincarnation Case of Felix Fresnel | Christophe Albret

Dr. Maurice Delarrey and his wife, Jeanne, whose maiden name was Boileau experimented with an Ouija board and began getting communications that they thought were genuine messages from the spirit world. Felix Fresnel announced his reincarnation into the Delarrey family as Christophe in one of this experimentation.

How Derived: Mediumship, Spirit Being Communication

Researcher: Dr. Maurice Delarrey

From: La Revue Spirite and European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Spiritual Communication through an Ouija Board

IISISReincarnationResearchOuijaBoardThis case occurred in 1924 in France and involves Dr. Maurice Delarrey and his wife, Jeanne, whose maiden name was Boileau. They experimented with an Ouija board and began getting communications that they thought were genuine messages from the spirit world.

It was Jeanne who would use the Ouija board and it seemed as if she was not aware of what messages she was spelling out, as Dr. Delarrey noted that while his wife was using the board, she could carry on conversations with people on any topic at the same time.

We can see use of a Ouija board as a type of mediumship, where spirit beings take over the hands of the medium to spell out messages.

Felix Fresnel Introduces Himself from the Spirit World

iisisreincarnationresearchbatOne day, the name Felix Fresnel was spelled out on the board. Dr. Delarrey couldn’t remember knowing anyone by that name, but his wife remembered that her father had a servant by that name, who was employed by her father in the town of Renage for ten years. Felix had died 20 years before, approximately in 1904. Dr. Delarrey than asked:

“Were you at one time employed by the Boileau family in village of Renage?” (1)

A definite yes came through the Ouija board. Jeanne then recalled Felix Fresnel and remembered that he had the unusual feature of a malformed right ear that stuck out forward and to the front, like the ear of a bat.

As the Ouija board sessions went on, the spirit of Felix Fresnel appeared to become more proficient at this type of communication, as if he was going through a learning process. At the time of the sixth session after Felix had first given his name, a very productive encounter took place.

Soul Planning from the Spirit World: Felix Announces Where & When He Will Be Reborn

In this session with the Ouija board, which occurred in May 1924, Felix told the couple that he would be reincarnating within their family. As the Delarrey’s had a large family that was widely spread geographically, they asked Felix if he could be more specific.

Felix advised them he would be born in Peyron. The Delarreys did have young relatives in Peyron by the name of Albret and they asked if this was the couple that Felix was referring to. Felix spelled out “yes,” and impressively, he gave their first names, their exact ages and noted that the couple already had two daughters, all of which was correct.

When they asked Felix if he knew the date when he would be born, he replied:

“Yes, September 24, in the morning.” (2)

The couple pointed out that Felix may simply be good at predictions. How would they know that the baby would be him and not another being? Felix replied:

IISISReincarnationResearchPregnant“Miss Jeanne will easily recognize me–by my ear.” (3)

The Delarrey’s had no idea of whether the Albrets were expecting a baby. If the due date was September 24, as indicated by Felix, then at the time of this session, Mrs. Albret would have had to have been 4 or 5 months pregnant. They decide to take no action and to wait and see what would happen.

Soul Planning: Felix’s Predictions of his Reincarnation Come True

On September 24, 1924, the day that Felix predicted, the Delarrey’s received a phone call from the Albrets in which they announced the birth of their son, Christophe. The Albrets were very Roman Catholic and Dr. Delarrey had no intention of revealing to them their experiments with the Ouija board or of the predictions made by Felix. Dr. Delarrey did not want to challenge their belief systems.

Christophe, the Reincarnation of Felix Fresnel, Recognizes Jeanne Delarrey

Three months later, the Delarreys were invited to a family reunion that was taking place at the Albret’s home in Peyron. At this reunion, the new parents noted their new baby was being fussy and crying, apparently disturbed by the number of new people at the event.

iisisreincarnationresearchbabywithoutreachedarmsThe Delarreys were then led into the baby’s room. Let us let Dr. Delarrey narrate the scene:

“We went into the room where the baby was. As soon as my wife came near the crib, the baby began to smile, even while tears were still running down his cheeks; and he stretched out his two little hands to my wife, who took him in her arms.

He stretched out his two little hands to my wife, who took him in her arms. He seemed joyous and trying—as much as a young baby could—to mumble something. Seeing this, the young mother said: ‘Look at that! One might have thought he knew you.’

After the usual compliments I said to the young relative: ‘What is that bandage on his head for? Does he have some type of wound?’

‘Oh no,’ she said, ‘It is nothing. The poor thing must have been in a bad position in my body. He was born with his right ear sticking out.

The doctor tells us that with this covering the ear will develop normally. Within a few months there will be nothing to see.’” (4)

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

This compelling reincarnation case, if accepted, demonstrates the following features:

From the Spirit Realm, Planning of an Incarnation by the Soul: Felix was very involved in planning his future incarnation, choosing his parents and knowing the date and place of his birth. Felix even knew that he would have a deformity of the ear, much like he did in his prior incarnation.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: This case can also be seen as a same family reincarnation case, where a long-term family servant, in this case Felix Fresnel, reincarnated within the same family that they previously served. This makes one aware that it is wise to treat family servants well.

Note that this case occurred in 1924, yet it was not published until 1948. Dr. Delarrey explained that the delay occurred as the Albert family was totally opposed to reporting this reincarnation case, as it conflicted with their Roman Catholic beliefs. When it was published, the name of the family was not revealed. Ian Stevenson, in his narrative of the case, gave the baby the name of Christophe Albret as a pseudonym.

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1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 42
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 43
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 43
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 43-44

Past Life Love Story with Spirit Being & Past LIfe Phobia: Turkish Reincarnation Case of Sehide Suzulmus | Cevriye Bayri

The Reincarnation of Sehide Suzulmus which she announced in a dream. Her clear recall of all past life memories: Cevriye Remembers her Murder and Demonstrates a Phobia of the Dark from a Past Lifetime were thoroughly reviewed in this case.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researchers: R. Bayer and Ian Stevenson, MD

From: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

The Murder of Sehide Suzulmus

4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeykidskissThis case involves a woman, Sehide Suzulmus, who was murdered along with her husband, Abit, on January 31, 1957. It is a dramatic case, as a couple that was murdered together appear to have reincarnated in close proximity of one another. They were then able to meet and embrace one another as children. These cases demonstrate how souls can plan incarnations to ensure that those who loved one another in prior incarnations can be reunited in subsequent lifetimes through reincarnation.

Abit Suzulmus, Sehide’s husband, was murdered after an employee at his farm told him that an animal was lame. It was nighttime and in the dark, Abit went with the employee to the stable to look at the animal. When Abit leaned over to examine the animal, someone struck Abit over the head with a heavy metal bar or hammer, which killed him.

When Abit didn’t return to the house, Sehide, his wife, went to the stable to see what was delaying him. She too was killed by a blow to the head. Similarly, their two children, Zihni and Ismet, were also killed that night.

Two men were later hanged for these crimes, whose names were Ramazan and Mustafa. For a complete description of the lives of Abit and Sehide Suzulmus, please refer to the case of Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altinkilic.

The Reincarnation of Sehide Suzulmus

Cevriye Bayri was born on October 1, 1958, in Adana, Turkey, just shy of two years after the death of Sehide Suzulmus. Her father was Kerim Bayri, who was a tinsmith, and her mother was named Cemile.

Soul Plan: An Announcing Dream

After Cevriye was born, Kerim, her father, had a dream in which Abit Suzulmus appeared to him. Recall that Abit is the one who was murdered along with his wife, Sehide. As the murder of Abit was well publicized in Adana, Kerim knew who Abit was. In the dream, Abit told Kerim that he was sending him a gift that he should look after. When Kerim asked what the gift was, Abit replied:

“The one who has come with you.” (1)

This dream occurred when Abit Suzulmus had already reincarnated as Ismail Altinkilic, who was about a year old at the time Kerim had his dream. As such, this dream indicates that the soul can function independently of its physical incarnations, which is further discussed in the section entitled Soul Evolution.

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeymanwithhammerPast Life Memories: Cevriye Remembers her Murder and Demonstrates a Phobia of the Dark from a Past Lifetime

As soon as Cevriye could speak, she tried to communicate something that was unclear, but as her verbal skills improved, the words she was trying to say evolved into the following statement:

“Ramazan killed.” (2)

As a small child, Cevriye had a pronounced phobia of the dark. This phobia persisted at least to when she was 15 years old. As one example, when the electricity at their home when out, Cevriye began crying and ran to her mother, exclaiming:

“Ramazan is going to kill me.” (3)

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyIslamicPregnantBetween the ages of two and three, she described how she was murdered in a prior incarnation. She said that she had gone in search of her husband, who had been killed by Ramazan. She said that she then too was killed by Ramazan by a hammer. Cevriye said that she had been killed in the dark and that she was pregnant at the time of her death.

Cevriye told her parents that her name had been Sehide and that her husband’s name was Abit Suzulmus.

All of these details were historically correct, as recounted in the case of Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altinkilic. In addition, Cevriye said that as Sehide, she gave birth to her child after her death. Indeed, Sehide Suzulmus was going into labor at the time of her murder, but it was not publicly known that she had delivered after her death. As part of the investigation of the murders, Sehide’s body had been exhumed from her tomb and it was found that indeed, her unborn baby had been partially extruded from Sehide’s body.

A skeptic could claim that Cevriye’s knowledge of the murder of Sehide could have come from coaching by her father, Kerim, as the murders were well publicized and Kerim did have the announcing dream that involved Abit. The recognitions made by Cevriye that are provided below, though, could not have involved coaching, as they were spontaneous events.

Past Life Memories: Cevriye’s Recognition of Past Life Relatives and Friends

IISIS4PastLifeRegressionTherapyTurkeyIceCream (1)At two years of age, Cevriye recognized an ice cream seller that she had known in her lifetime as Sehide. She told him that on the day that she, as Sehide, had been murdered, she had given the ice cream seller, who was poor, some food to eat. The ice cream seller confirmed that Sehide did give him food on the same day that she was murdered.

When Cevriye was less than three years of age, she was introduced to Hatice, the second wife of Abit Suzulmus. Cevriye was told that this person was a friend or partner in her past incarnation, without being given Hatice’s name. Cerviye spontaneously identified Hatice by name.

Cevriye recognized Fehime, her sister from her past incarnation as Sehide Suzulmus. In addition, Cevriye was able to identify Gulserne, who was Sehide’s surviving daughter. When they met, Cevriye named Sehide’s children and when Gulserne asked who she was, Cevriye responded, “Gulserne.” (4)

Cevriye was taken to the Suzulmus home by her mother, Cemile, and was asked if she could identify a young woman who was referred to as “this girl.” Cevriye was given no other clues, but she spontaneously identified the girl as Hikmet, another surviving daughter of Abit and Sehide Suzulmus. Cevriye then ran to Hikmet, hugged her and then related to her how she had been killed as Sehide.

When Cevriye was introduced to Ziki, the surviving son of Abit and Sehide, she embraced him and started to cry. She then stated, “This is my son.” Cevriye asked Ziki if Hattice, the second wife of Abit, was taking good care of him. (5)

Cemile, Ceviye’s mother, obtained a photo from the Suzulmus family of Abit and Sehide. When Ceviye was between two and three years old, Cemile showed the photo to Ceviye and asked who the people were in the picture. Ceviye replied:n“This is my photograph and my husband.” (6)

When Cevriye was five years of age and she and her mother were passing a restaurant, Cevriye recognized her past life friend, Gullu, inside the restaurant. Her mother, Cemile, did not know Gullu. Still, they went inside the restaurant and Cevriye correctly identified the woman as Gullu. Gullu was about 70 years old at the time and she denied any familiarity with Cevriye or her family. As such, this represents an accurate past life memory.

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeymanwithhammerCevriye then asked Gullu, “What happened to Semiha? I was going to get her married to Ramazan. What a way to repay me!” (7)

Semiha Akdi was a girl employed by Abit and Sehide. Sehide wanted Semiha to marry their other employee Ramazan, but Ramazan ruined this plan by murdering Abit and Sehide.

Nadir Mirel was a friend of Sehide Suzulmus. When she heard of Cevriye’s memories of being Sehide, she visited the young girl with two friends. As a test, Nadir asked Cevriye:

“Who was your tailor?” (8)

Cevriye’s mother, Cemile, did not know the answer to this question, yet Cevriye pointed to one of the other women who came with Nadir, whose name was Nadir Midel. While pointing at Nadir, Cevriye stated, “There is my tailor.” (9) Cevriye was correct; Nadir was the tailor of Sehide Suzulmus.

Past Life Emotions: Cevriye’s Attachment to Sehide, her Past Life Name

Cevriye had an attachment to the name, Sehide. She asked her mother many times to change her name to Sehide. This phenomenon, of a person wanting to change their name to that of a past life identity, also occurred in the case of Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altinkilic, as well as the case of Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson.

Past Life Love: Cevriye | Sehide and Abit | Ismail are Reunited through Reincarnation

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeykidskissWhen Cevriye’s memories of being Sehide in a past lifetime were conveyed to the family of Ismail Altinkilic, both families wished to see what would happen if Cevriye and Ismail were brought together. Ismail had memories since childhood of being Abit Suzulmus, the husband of Sehide, who was murdered with her. A meeting between Cevriye and Ismail was arranged when Cevriye was four years of age and Ismail was about five.

According to Ismail’s father, when Cevriye and Ismail first met, they ran to each other, hugged and kissed. Cevirye’s mother also related that Ismail hugged Cevirye.

Cevirye’s account of the meeting, as related to Ian Stevenson, was that Ismail held and caressed her hand, that they exchanged gifts and that they then related to each other the memories of how they were murdered.

Ismail asked Cevirye why she did not come to his aid when he cried out for help at the time of his murder. Cevirye posed the same question to Ismail. Ismail replied that he was “near his ox.” (10)

Up until five or six years of age, Cevirye kept referring to Abit Suzulmus as “my husband.” Ian Stevenson noted that she spoke in the present tense, as if Abit was still her husband in contemporary times. (11)

Ismail consistently stated that he wanted to marry Cevirye, at least through his last meeting with Ian Stevenson, which occurred in 1973. At the time of this meeting with Stevenson, Ismail was 16 year of age when he reported his continuing love for Cevirye.

Past Life Emotions, Past Life Love Story & Past Life Children

iisis4pastliferegressiontherapyturkeycryinggirlWhen she was between one and one and a half years old, her father, Kerim, said that Cevirye made the following statement:

“Who knows whether my children are hungry?” (12)

Cevirye’s brother said that when Cevirye was young, she often asked to be taken to where Sehide’s children were staying. Eventually, Cevirye was taken to the home of Hatice Suzulmus, the first and surviving wife of Abit Suzulmus. Hatice was raising the surviving children of Abit and Sehide Suzulmus.

When Cevirye asked to see Zeki, a son of Abit and Sehide, Hatice was uncooperative. Cevirye was persistent and found Zeki sleeping upstairs, where she caressed him lovingly.

Cevirye continued to show attachment to the children of Abit and Sehide at least until she was 14 years of age. When Ziki, her son from her past incarnation, was married, Cevirye and was very upset that she was not invited.

Cevirye continued to visit Ziki and Hikmet, the surviving children of Abit and Sehide, through 1973, when Cevirye was 15 years of age.

Similarly, when Ismail was young, he was very concerned with Abit’s children and wished to take care of them. Ismail insisted that his father take food to the children of Abit and Sehide. These episodes are detailed in the case of Abit Suzulmus | Ismail Altinkilic.

Ian Stevenson last met with Cevirye on her birthday, on October 1, 1967, when she was 15 years old. Stevenson was surprised by the charming young woman who met him at the door, as he had not seen her for a few years.

Cevirye related to Ian Stevenson that she would sometimes meet Ismail on the street, but that she found it embarrassing to speak to him. She still continued, though, to visit Sehide’s children, Ziki and Hikmet, from time to time.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Spirit Being Involvement: There are two instances in this case which involve spirit beings.

First, there was the dream that Kerim, the father of Cevirye, had just after she was born. In this dream, Abit Suzulmus appeared to him and told Kerim that he was sending him a gift that he should look after. Abit was referring to Cevirye, who was Abit’s wife, Sehide, in their prior incarnations.

Recall that Abit had already reincarnated as Ismail Altinkilic and that Ismail was about a year old when this dream occurred. This demonstrates how the soul can function independently of its physical incarnations, as the soul of Abit | Ismail was able to communicate to Kerim in a dream while Ismail was incarnate. This ability of the soul to function independently of its physical incarnations is further discussed in the section entitled, Soul Evolution.

A second example of spirit beings involves Cevriye’s knowledge that Sehide’s baby was born after she was murdered. As Sehide had been killed, she must have observed from the spirit world what happened after her death. Recall that the criminal investigation of the murder involved opening Sehide’s tomb to see if she was pregnant when she was killed. When the tomb was opened, it was found that she was indeed pregnant and that the child was partially extruded from her womb.

Past Life Phobia: As a small child, Cevriye had a pronounced phobia of the dark, which persisted at least to when she was 15 years old. As one example, when the electricity at their home went out and the house became dark, Cevriye began crying and ran to her mother, exclaiming:

“Ramazan is going to kill me.” (13)

Recall that in her past lifetime as Sehide, she was murdered by Ramazan in the dark when she went to see what was delaying her husband, Abit, when he went to the stable to check on a lame animal.

Family Relationships Reunited through Reincarnation: Abit and Sehide Suzulmuz were murdered together in Adana, Turkey, on January 31, 1957. Shortly thereafter, they reincarnated together in Adana.

Abit reincarnated on September 30, 1957 as Ismail Altinkilic, while Sehide reincarnated as Cevriye Bayri on October 1, 1958. As such, both reincarnated less than two years after their murders.

When Cevriye’s family learned of Ismail’s memories of being Abit, they arranged a meeting for the children, which occurred when Ismail was about five and Cevriye was four years of age. According to Ismail’s father, when Cevriye and Ismail first met, they ran to each other, hugged and kissed. Cevirye’s mother also related that Ismail hugged Cevirye.

Cevirye’s account of the meeting, as related to Ian Stevenson, was that Ismail held and caressed her hand, that they exchanged gifts and that they then related to each other the memories of how they were murdered.

Ismail continued to declare his love and intention to marry Cevirye at least until he was 16 years of age. In contrast, at the same time, when Cevirye was 15 years of age, she related to Ian Stevenson that when they would spontaneously meet on the street, she was embarrassed to speak to Ismail of their past lifetimes together.

Though we don’t know if Cevirye and Ismail were ever able to renew a romance in a story book fashion, we do know that Abit and Sehide were able to meet again and renew relationships though reincarnation, as Ismail and Cevirye.

Please note that the images provided on this page are not of the subjects of this case, but images used to help recreate this case.

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1. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 236
2. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, pages 237
3. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 254
4. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 248
5. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 249-250
6. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 251
7. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 247
8. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, pages 248
9. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 248
10. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 254
11. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cass in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 257
12. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 255
13. Stevenson, Ian: Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III, Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia Press, 1980, page 254

Past Life Story with Split Incarnation, Suicide, Karma & Past Life Ability: Reincarnation Case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz

Helmut died November 23, 1887, Ruprecht was born October 19, 1887, five weeks before Helmut’s death. Many believe that the soul is involved with the development of the fetus from the time of conception, if this is true this reincarnation case demonstrates evidence of split incarnation or parallel lives.

How Derived: Memories in Adulthood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD from Born Again

Helmut Kohler’s Successful Business as a Timber Merchant & Broker

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceShip2Helmut Kohler was born on January 7, 1834, to a Christian family in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, a seaport on the North Sea. He married and had several children, including a son named Ludwig, who was born in 1873.

Helmut was a timber merchant, ship-broker and sawmill operator in his home town of Wilhelmshaven. He purchased timber from various countries, including Norway, Sweden, Russia and America, which was transported by ship. He processed the timber in his sawmill and sold it as lumber.

Helmet Speculates on Timber, Loses his Fortune & Commits Suicide

In 1887, Helmut anticipated that the price of imported lumber would go up due to a proposed tax and he paid a premium price on a large amount of timber from overseas. The tax was never enacted and the price of timber actually fell. This miscalculation resulted in the loss of a great deal of money.

iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencesuicide2In an effort to survive financially, he enlisted his accountant in a scheme to falsify the company’s financial records. Unfortunately, the accountant panicked and fled with all the company’s cash.

Helmut was devastated by his financial losses. On November 16, 1887, after attending a celebration for the festival day called the Day of Repentance and Prayer, Helmut went back to his office. He put a revolver to his temple and shot himself in the head. He died on November 23, 1887.

Helmut Reincarnates as Ruprecht Schultz with Suicide Behavior

Ruprecht Schultz was born on October 19, 1887, in Berlin, Germany to Christian parents, five weeks before Helmut Kohler died. As such, if this reincarnation case is accepted, it represents a case of split incarnation, where a soul can inhabit more than one human body at a time. Consider that Ruprecht was in the womb for 8 months while Helmut was still alive.

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceSuicideFingersAs a child, whenever Ruprecht became depressed, he would shape his hand into a gun, with the index finger representing the barrel of the gun. He would put his index finger to his temple and say, “I shoot myself.” (1)

Ruprecht pretended to shoot himself in the temple so often that his mother became concerned and ordered him to stop this behavior.

As a child, Ruprecht was fascinated with revolvers. In addition, he also had a great interest in ships and shipping. He built a collection of model ships and pictures of ships. Ian Stevenson noted this was unusual for a boy who was born and raised in Berlin, which is an inland city without a port.

Past Life Ability: Ruprecht Demonstrates Innate Talent for Business

As he grew up, Ruprecht had little interest in education; rather, he was driven to start a business. He left school at 18 years of age and started a laundry business with a delivery service, which became very popular with young mothers, whose babies created a great deal of dirty laundry. By the age of 20, he had more than twenty employees and his company would grow to employee 200 people.

Ruprecht became rich and enjoyed participating in community affairs. He became a member of his local Chamber of Commerce and a representative in the Berlin municipal council.

iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencebombersLancasteraidReincarnation & Deja Vu in a Dark Hallway

World War II began in 1939, when Ruprecht was 51 years old. The war would significantly affect Ruprecht’s life and financial holdings. It was during Allied bombings of Berlin that past life memories began to surface.

Ruprecht was assigned duty watch by city authorities to observe for fires that could arise from the bombings. Ruprecht took a regular shift from Saturday evening to Monday morning, during which he would stay at his business office to get work done during quiet hours. His iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencesuicidevintagesafeoffice was in an old building that was designated as a historical landmark. He had a safe located in a dimly lit hallway. Ruprecht would to go the safe, get his account books and reflect on how the business was going.

Whenever Ruprecht went to the safe to get the account books, he would have the repetitive thought: “You were in this situation once before.” (2)

Past Life Memory: While Fully Awake, Ruprecht Sees Himself Commit Suicide on a Ceremonial Day

While reviewing his account books and while fully awake, Ruprecht would see himself in a past lifetime. In a tape recorded statement, Ruprecht explained:

“I could see how I looked then. I was wearing a high collar and formal clothing. I had come from a ceremony on a special day. My business was finished. An employee had run off with the money—embezzled it and absconded. So I sat down with the account books and could see that there iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencesuicide2was no future. It was all over. Then I was in a room by myself and put a bullet into my head at the right temple. You would call these images clairvoyance, but for me, they are memories.”(3)

In another statement, Ruprecht noted how similar the settings were in the past lifetime and his current incarnation during World War II, when the memories emerged:

“The setting of the previous time was similar to the one I was in then. The safe was in a similar location and the account books were also similar.” (4)

Ian Stevenson noted that Ruprecht’s memories were vague at first, but over time, they became clearer and clearer. The memories only occurred when Ruprecht was fully awake and they only occurred when he was in his office during his watch duty. The office setting in Berlin replicated the office setting in his previous lifetime. This similarity appears to have triggered his past life memories.

Past Life Memories: Ruprecht Remembers a Lifetime Involving Shipping & Lumbar in Wilhelmshaven

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceSuicideWilhelmshavenIn a written statement, Ruprecht elaborated on his memories:

“Since my earliest years, I have had a distinct impression, with various details that I was in a previous life somehow connected with ship building or shipping and that I shot myself. I was in the prime of life. For the place of this life I knew that it occurred in an old small or middle-sized seaport; and is seemed to me later and more clearly that this seaport was Wilhelmshaven.

Further, the man I was seemed to be in an ancient house. In this there was a small room with a chest or kind of safe or filing cabinet in which important papers, account books and probably also some cash were kept. The person I was wore dark clothes of the style of that period, as if he had come from some important session or unusually important event. As for the date of these events—the suicide of the person I was—it has seemed to me that it would have been around 1885.” (5)

Ruprecht also recalled that in this past lifetime, he was involved in a business dealing with wood. Ruprecht started to keep a diary, writing down memories as they surfaced. He was not able to verify his memories until after World War II had ended.

Validation of Ruprecht’s Past Life Memories

Ruprecht remembered that his past lifetime was spent in a small seaport town in Northern Germany. He felt that Wilhelmshaven was the correct place, but he also considered several other towns in Germany on the North Sea.

Ruprecht wrote to municipal authorities of Wilhelmshaven and nine other seaside towns, inquiring whether they knew of a businessman who was involved with shipping of timber, the lumber business and who had shot himself and died in the 1880’s.

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceSuicideatablesawcuttingTimberOf the ten cities he wrote to, all responded indicating that they knew of no such man, except for Wilhelmshaven. An official from Wilhelmshaven wrote to Ruprecht and stated that a man from that town did fit the description. The man was a ship broker and timber merchant, who had committed suicide.

In the first letter from Wilhelmshaven, the official wrote that the family name of timber merchant was “Kohl.” Ruprecht knew that this name was slightly off. In a second letter from the official, the family name was corrected to “Kohler” and Ruprecht was provided with the address of the man’s surviving son, Ludwig Kohler. (6)

Relationship Renewed through Reincarnation: Ruprecht Gets a Letter from his Past Life Son, Who Confirms Helmut’s Past Life Memories

On September 17, 1952, Ruprecht wrote to Ludwig Kohler who responded and confirmed that Ruprecht’s past life memories corresponded closely to the life of his father, Helmut Kohler. Ludwig, in a letter to Ruprecht, gave the following testimony:

iisisreincarnationpastlifeevidencesuicidevintagesafe“My father, Helmut Kohler, had a substantial business in Willhelmshaven that included trading in timber and also a sawmill. Our residence was in 25 Friedrichstrasse, and right next to it was a one-story building that was used for the offices. This building faced north, and it had only small windows, so that it was always dark in there. In a corner of one of the rooms there was a somewhat antiquated safe, which you have mentioned. In it money, account books, and also a cash box and important papers were kept. My father ordinarily wore dark clothing, and when ever he went out he wore a top hat on his head.

He imported wood by ship from Danzing, Konisberg, and Mermel, but in particularly from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and America. In 1888 he mistakenly believed that a customs duty would increase, and he purchased from abroad an unusually large amount of timber. Unfortunately, this was a faulty speculation, because the price of timber fell and much more than the customs duty rose. He then had difficulty in paying the invoices.

In order to get through the crisis he had arranged for his accountant, who had been his ‘right hand’ and enjoyed his complete trust, to falsify the records of their foreign exchange transactions. The two of them thought that they would extricate themselves when the exchange rate fell. This did not happen. The accountant became afraid that he would be arrested, and he fled to America taking with him a substantial amount of the company’s available funds.

My father now got into a complete panic and shot himself on the Day of Prayer and Repentance. The company had to declare bankruptcy, although this was in fact unnecessary. Even though the buildings, the sawmill, and the lumber on hand were all sold in a forced auction, all the creditors were paid off.” (7)

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: Ruprecht Meets Ludwig and Recognizes Other Past Life Sons in Photographs

In October 1956, Ruprecht traveled to Wilhelmshaven for the first time, where he met Ludwig Kohler. Wilhemshaven is 370 kilometer or 230 miles from Berlin. As noted, Ruprecht had never been to Wilhemshaven before. Ludwig was 12 years old when his father, Helmut, committed suicide. Now, as an adult, Ludwig would meet the proposed reincarnation of his father.

Ruprecht said that he recognized certain buildings, such as the Town Hall, in Wilhelmshaven. He stated that when Ludwig showed him photos of the Kohler children, who were pictured among a large group of schoolchildren, he was able to recognize Helmut’s other sons from the crowd, though he was not able to recognize his past life daughters.

Ian Stevenson, MD on the Strength of the Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz Reincarnation Case

In sum, Ruprecht was able to validate his past life memories by contacting his past life son, Ludwig Kohler. Ian Stevenson considered the case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz as one of the strongest reincarnation cases he had studied. Stevenson was particularly impressed with Ruprecht’s validated memories involving a past life involving a shipping and timber business in the remote town of Wilhelmshaven, which ended in suicide. Stevenson felt this combination of memories was far too unusual to occur by chance or coincidence.

The Karma of Suicide

Is there a penalty for committing suicide? I asked this question in a session with Kevin Ryerson, who channels a spirit being named Ahtun Re who I have worked with since 2001. Ahtun Re is the most intelligent being I have ever interacted with. In sum, the consequence of suicide is that one will have to reincarnate and face the same type of situation that led to the suicide. In other words, one cannot escape a difficult situation through suicide, for one will have to face the same situation in a future lifetime.

Past Life Karma: Rupecht Loses his Fortune, Replicating the Circumstances of Helmut’s Suicide

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceBombingThe case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz provides a dramatic example of this principle. Reflect that Helmut became wealthy in dealing with timber imports and the processing of lumber. When his financial situation took a downturn and he faced bankruptcy, he committed suicide to escape the consequences of his loss of fortune.

Helmut then reincarnated as Ruprecht Schultz, who as a youth demonstrated natural skill as an entrepreneur. As such, Ruprecht appears to have retained business talent from his past lifetime as Helmut. Ruprecht, like Helmut, became very wealthy. He also became involved in civic duties. Helmet appears to have been a city official who dressed in formal attire for the Day of Repentance and Prayer. Ruprecht became a member of his local Chamber of Commerce and a representative to the Berlin municipal council. Life patterns are observed to repeat.

Like Helmut, Ruprecht also lost all his wealth, though for Ruprecht, it was not due to bad business decisions. Quite the opposite, Ruprecht noted that in his contemporary lifetime, he had been a very conservative investor who avoided risk, which he attributed to the losses incurred in his lifetime as Helmut. Instead, the cause of Ruprecht’s lost fortune was the destruction of Berlin during World War II. The division of Berlin into East and West sides after the war caused him further financial loss.

Ruprecht retired from business when he was 68 years old and moved with his wife from Berlin to Frankfurt, where he died at the age of 80 in 1967.

If Evidence Indicates Reincarnation is Real, is Suicide a Viable Option?

IISISReincarnationPastLifeEvidenceSuicideCloudsThough everyone has to make their own decisions, it is recommended that suicide not be considered an option for those in difficult circumstances for several reasons:

1. First of all, one never knows when life circumstances will change. Recall that Ludwig, Helmut’s son, noted that his father’s suicide was unnecessary, as when Helmut’s business assets were sold in the forced auction, all creditors were paid. Helmut, it appears, underestimated the worth of his assets. Helmut could have lived out his life and enjoyed seeing his children grow, though his lifestyle would have been less luxurious.

In my medical career, I have witnessed several cases in which people were acutely suicidal due to adverse life events. Within a few years, though, their situations had changed considerably and they found themselves living very happy lives. Anyone with suicidal thoughts should seek psychiatric help. Psychotherapy and antidepressant medication can be very effective and help people make it through periods of depression.

2. Suicide is not an escape, as one will need to return to deal with the same situation, as demonstrated in the reincarnation case of Helmut Kohler | Ruprecht Schultz. Suicide does not lead to eternal damnation, as some religions teach. Rather, suicide will make the soul face the same lesson so that a more adaptive and positive decisions can be made.

3. Suicide causes emotional trauma to loved ones who are left behind. In addition to experiencing grief due to the loss of their loved one, other emotions that can be felt are guilt and confusion, as the surviving loved ones wonder if they could have done more to prevent the suicide. There are karmic consequences to causing emotional pain to others. Pain caused in others may need to be experienced by the suicide victim in a future incarnation.

In the United States, people struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts can be access help through the:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Phone Number: 1 800 273-8255

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

This reincarnation case has several interesting features:

Geographic Past Life Memory: We have defined geographic memory as past life memories or emotions that are stimulated by visiting a past life location. In this case, it was not a visit to a past life physical location, rather, the replication of a past life scenario which stimulated memories.

Recall that when Ruprecht would go to his safe in the dark hallway to look at his account books, he had the thought that he had been in this situation before. Later, as he returned to the hallway and retrieved the account books from the safe, memories started to surface, which became clearer and clearer.

The stimulus for Ruprecht’s memories was being in the same setting, a dark office with an old safe and reviewing business account books, which replicated the setting of Helmut’s suicide.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: After committing suicide, Helmut reincarnated as Ruprecht and was reunited with Ludwig Kohler, Helmut’s surviving son. Indeed, it was through Ludwig that Ruprecht was able to validate his past life memories.

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives: Helmut died on November 23, 1887, while Ruprecht was born on October 19, 1887, five weeks before Helmut died. As such, this represents a case of split incarnation, where a soul animates more than one human body at a time. Consider that Ruprecht was in the womb for 8 months while Helmut was still alive.

As will be discussed in the section entitled, Soul Evolution, it is believed that the soul is involved with the development of the fetus from the time of conception. If this is true, the soul of Helmut Kohler was involved in developing a new incarnation as Ruprecht Schultz while it was still animating the body of Helmut. Why would it do so?

In general, the soul uses split incarnation to more effectively develop or accomplish goals. For example, if a soul is involved in a project to help the world evolve, the soul may plant several incarnations of itself in different parts of the world.

The soul can also be aware of patterns of behavior, including suicide, and anticipate that an incarnation may be cut short. Consider that in the reincarnation case of Paul Gauguin | Peter Teekamp, Paul had an unsuccessful suicide attempt, as did Peter in contemporary times.

Though we cannot know for sure, in the case of Helmut, his soul may have foreseen that a suicide might occur. His soul then started the process of another incarnation as Ruprecht, prior to Helmut’s death, to continue its evolution.

Reincarnation & Innate Talent-Past Life Ability: Ruprecht demonstrated natural talent as an entrepreneur and businessman at the age of 18, becoming wealthy in a short period of time. It appears that Ruprecht was drawing upon business abilities developed in his prior incarnation as Helmut.

1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 221
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 213
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 213
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 213
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 214-215
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 211
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 216