Soul Plan in Past Life Story of Angelina Lopes | Alfonso Lopes Reincarnation Case with Phobia & Gender Change

Angelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953, and died when she was 7 years old in a car accident, then she subsequently reincarnated as her younger brother Alfonso and was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD

Angelina Lopes is Hit by a Car After a Day at the Beach

iisisreincarnationresearchportugalAngelina Lopes was born in Loures, Portugal on July 20, 1953. Her mother was Irma Lopes, who as a devout Roman Catholic. Angelina had a normal childhood, though on one occasion, she stated that she wished that she was a boy.

Angelina was a very affectionate and unusually generous. She had a habit of referring to her mother, Erma, as “Dear Mother.” (1) This was in contrast to Erma’s other two daughters, who did not use this phrase.

On July 9, 1960, when Angelina was 7 years old, Erma took her and her two sisters to a beach on a river, near their home. On the way home, they were crossing a road and a car struck Angelina and killed her.

Soul Plan: Angelina will Be Reincarnated as a Boy

IISISReincarnationResearchSpanishCrossAfter Angelina’s death in 1960, Erma was extremely distraught and she wondered why God would allow such as tragedy to occur. Six months after Angelina’s death, a friend recommended that Erma see a Rosicrucian sage with psychic abilities, who was named Francisco Marques Rodrigues.

Francisco told Erma that Angelina would be reborn to her in 2 years. As a devout Roman Catholic, Erma was confused about Francisco’s prediction, as reincarnation was not part of her faith.

Francisco continued to reassure Erma. He told her to be prepared for Angelina’s return, though she may be a boy in her next incarnation.

Erma became pregnant at the end of 1961. In her seventh month of pregnancy, Erma had a dream in which Angelina communicated to her, indicating that her baby would be a boy.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Events from the Lifetime of Angelina

Alfonso was born on August 23, 1962 in Loures, a little over two years after Angelina’s death. Within a few months of Alfonso’s birth, in 1963, the Lopes family moved to Lisbon, Portugal.

As soon as he could speak, Alfonso made statements which indicated that he was the reincarnation of Angelina. Erma, his mother, vowed that Alfonso had not learned this information about Angelina’s life by normal means. These statements include:

1. At 1½ years of age, Alfonso referred to Erma as “Dear Mother,” which was the phrase that Angelina used for Erma. Recall that Erma’s other daughters did not use this term.

2. Also when Alfonso was 1½, he was watching a television program in which a truck was going down a street with a child running across the street. Alfonso shut his eyes and started shouting, “No, no, no,” an apparent reaction to Angelina’s death by being struck by a car.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories of Hernani’s Wooden Horse & Angelina’s Red Checkered Cloth

3. When Alfonso was 4 years old, neighbors the Lopes family had in Loures came to visit them in Lisbon. These visiting neighbors included a boy named Hernani, who Angelina used to play with. Spontaneously, Alfonso asked Hernani:

ReincarnationResearchWoodenHorse“Have you kept the wooden horse?” (2) When Angelina was alive, she and Hernani would play with Hermani’s toy wooden horse.

Hernani then asked his mother if they still had the wooden horse. His mother replied: “No, I gave it to Ana.” (3)

Alfonso then said: “Oh yes, To Anihas and her little son.” (4)

Erma noted that Ana was the nick name of a servant who worked for both the Lopes family and the Hernani family in Loures. Ana’s full name was Anihas, just as Alfonso had said. Angelina was very fond of Anihas. In spontaneously stating Ana’s full name, Alfonso was having a past life memory from his lifetime as Angelina.

4. When Alfonso was almost 6, before he started going to school, he came into the family’s kitchen where Erma was cooking. Alfonso noticed a red checked napkin. Alfonso then said:

“Look, Mama, the napkin I used to take to school with my snack. I will take it again when I go back to school, won’t I?” (5)

Indeed, Erma would make snacks for Angelina and wrap them in a red checked napkin, which Angelina would take to school. As such, Alfonso again remembered events in the lifetime of Angelina.

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Alfonso tells his Teachers that He is a Girl

5. A few months after Alfonso started school, his teacher requested a meeting with Erma. The teacher said that in school, Alfonso was claiming to be a girl and that when he spoke or wrote, he would refer to himself using feminine word forms. The teacher would try to correct Alfonso’s feminine word forms, pointing out that he was a boy. Alfonso then retorted:

“No, I am a girl.” (6)

Alfonso was apparently remembering the feminine word forms that he used when he was Angelina, which led to his confusion regarding his own gender. He stopped using feminine word forms by the age of seven.

IISISReincarnationResearchSteamstressAlfonso’s Past Life Memories of how to Mend Stockings

6. One day, when Alfonso came home from school, he spontaneously took a drinking glass and put it inside a stocking. He then took a needle and pretended that he was repairing the stocking. While doing so, Alfonso said:

“Oh, I have not done this for such a long time.” (7)

Erma then recalled that when they lived in Loures, one of Angelina’s aunts was a seamstress who would place a drinking glass inside a stocking and then mend the stocking. The glass made it easier to see the knitting of the stocking.

Angelina was very fond of this aunt and would visit her at the seamstress shop. At the shop, Angelina would pretend that she was mending stockings in the same way. Again, Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about these stocking mending activities that Angelina participated in.

As such, Alfonso unconsciously replicated a behavior of Angelina.

Past Life Memories: Alfonso Finds the Gypsies’ River

iisisreincarnationresearchstonebridge7. When Alfonso was about seven years old, he repeatedly asked his mother to take him to the stone bridge on the gypsies’ river. Irma did not know what he was talking about. There was no bridge where they lived in Lisbon and she could not remember any bridge with gypsies.

Soon after, Erma took Alfonso on a trip to Loures to visit a relative. Once there, Alfonso and other children left the house to play. When they returned, a playmate said that she was scared because Alfonso had said that he was going to see the bridge and he then crossed the street. Alfonso responded to this concern, telling Erma:

“Yes, I went to see the bridge; but it was quite changed, and there are no gypsies there.” (8)

Erma then asked Alfonso whether this was the bridge that he was talking about before, that he wanted to visit. He replied:

“Yes, Mama. Can you remember the gypsies that used to be there? I wanted to help them wash their clothes.” Alfonso continued, “Now there is big bridge there, completely different from the old one.” (9)

Erma then remembered that when the family lived in Loures, there was no Roman Catholic church in their neighborhood. To attend mass on Sundays, the family had to walk to a church in another community. To get there, they had to cross a river using a crude rock bridge. Erma, Angelina and the family would cross this rock bridge to go to church.

Alfonso had never seen this crude rock bridge in his contemporary lifetime, as by the time he was born, the new bridge had been built, replacing the stone bridge. As such, Alfonso was remembering scenes from Angelina’s lifetime.

8. Alfonso accurately described of the death of a small white dog with black spots that the Lopes family had when Angelina was alive.

Erma confirmed that the family did have a small white dog with black spots, as Alfonso had described. This dog had died 2 months before Angelina’s died. Erma vouched that no one had told Alfonso about this dog. As such, the memory of the dog represents a scene from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

Alfonso’s Past Life Memories: As Vivid as in Contemporary Lifetime

IISISReincarnationResearchCarsIn 1997, when Alfonso was 35 years old, he told Ian Stevenson that his memories of the wooden toy horse, the river with the rock bridge with woman washing clothes in the river, and the death of the white dog with white spots were so vivid that it seemed that these memories were from his own childhood, rather than from a past lifetime.

Alfonso wasn’t born when the events described occurred. As such, these vivid memories were from Alfonso’s past lifetime as Angelina.

This is reminiscent of the reincarnation case of Carroll Beckwith | Robert Snow, in which Snow stated that his past life memories were more real than waking consciousness.

Phobia of Cars from a Past Lifetime

Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles, a reflection of Angelina’s lifetime in which she was struck by a car, which led to her death. For some reason, Alfonso’s phobia did not manifest until Alfonso was 16 years of age.

In the Rashid Khaddege | Daniel Jurdi reincarnation case, Daniel also had a phobia of fast-moving cars resulting from Rashid’s death in an auto accident.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Same Family Reincarnation: Angelina Lopes reincarnated into her the same family.

Change in Gender: As a child, Angelina told her mother that she wished she was a boy. Reincarnation research indicates that gender changes in only 5-10 percent of cases. It appears that the soul has a preferred gender and in this case, it appears that the soul of Angelina prefers male incarnations. When she reincarnated, she did incarnate as a boy in the persona of Alfonso.

Phobia from a Past lifetime: Angelina died when an automobile struck and killed her. Alfonso developed a phobia of vehicles.

Soul Plan & Spirit Being Guidance: When Erma was distraught over Angelina’s death, she visited a Rosicrucian mystic or psychic named Francisco Marques Rodrigues. Francisco predicted that Angelina would be reincarnated as her child. Further, he told her that Angelina may be reborn as a boy. His predictions came true. It appears that from the spirit world, Angelina was communicating to Francisco, indicating her plans for a future incarnation.

Reincarnation & Change in Religion: Erma was a devout Roman Catholic. She came to believe that her deceased daughter, Angelina, reincarnated as her son, Alfonso. As such, Erma converted from her Roman Catholic beliefs, in which reincarnation is not promoted, to a belief in reincarnation.

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1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 108
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 111
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
8. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112
9. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 112

Past life Story of Eeva-Maija Kaartinen | Maria-Liisa Kaartinen: Soul Plan, Reincarnation & Talent, Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives

A girl Eeva-Maija Kaartinen who died at an early age when her mother is pregnant with another baby reincarnated in the baby that her mother was carrying when she died, and was named Marja-Liisa. A reincarnation story with references clearly indicating a renewed sustained lifetime of a former life that was curtailed at a very young age.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

After Her Mother Promises Her a Toy Carriage, A Young Flapper Dies at the age of Five

Eeva-Maija Kaartinen was born on August 17, 1923 in Oulu, Finland. Eva had three older brothers, who she differed from in several ways. Her brothers and her parents liked to eat meat and drink sour milk. In contrast, Eeva-Maija refused to eat meat or drink sour milk. Rather, she preferred fish and fresh milk.


Eeva-Maija was reluctant to eat in general and times she would hide her food so that she didn’t have to eat it. Salli Kaartinen, her mother, would coach her to take nourishment by saying, “Eat, bite and swallow.” (1)

Eeva-Maija loved to dance and almost danced before she could walk. She learned to do the Charleston, a dance that was popular in the 1920’s.

Just after she was 5 years old, Eeva-Maija came down with a fatal case of influenza. Just before Eeva-Marja died, Salli, her mother, promised to buy her a toy baby carriage. Eeva-Maija passed on November 24, 1928.

Marja-Liisa Says She is the Reincarnation of Eeva-Maija, Won’t Eat,& Repeats Past Life Phrase, “Eat, Bite and Swallow”

Salli was 3 months pregnant when Eeva-Maija died. Six months later, on Mary 22, 1929, Marja-Liisa Kaartinen was born.

When Marja-Liisa learned to speak, she repeatedly asked to be called Eeva-Maija. At the age of 2, when she found photographs of Eeva-Maija, she would take the photos to people and say: “These are of me.” (2)

Marja-Liisa also was resistant to eating and at the age of 2, she said to her mother, Salli: “Why don’t you tell me what you said to Eeva-Jaija: “Eat, bite and swallow.” (3)

No one had told Marja-Lissa about Salli’s coaching of Eeva-Jaija and as such, it was an apparent memory from a past lifetime. Salli testified that family members had purposely decided not to talk about Eeva-Maija, after her death, in an effort to ease their grief.

Past Life Memories: Marja-Liisa Remembers Helim and Picks Out Past Life Toys

IISISReincarnationResearchToyBoxWhen Marja-Liisa was 3 years old, the family went to their summer cabin in Sotkomo, Finland. When they arrived there, Marja-Liisa said: “Where is Helim?” (4)

Helim was the family’s servant who had left their employment over a year before Marja-Liisa was born. Again, no one had told her about Helim and as such, her mother perceived this to be a memory from Marja-Liisa’s past lifetime as Eeva-Maija.

At their Sotkomo summer cabin, there was a trunk that stored the children’s toys. Upon their arrival at Sotkoma, Marja-Liisa spontaneously went to this trunk and then proceeded to pick out all of Eeva-Maija’s toys, leaving the toys of the other children in the trunk.

She picked out Eeva-Maija’s balls and left the balls that belonged to her brothers alone. One of her brothers had a doll in the trunk. She picked out the doll that belonged to Eeva-Maija and left the doll that belonged to her brother in the trunk.

Past Life Memories of Peter Pan, a Coat and the Promise of a Toy Carriage

IISISReincarnationResearchBabyCarriageAt the age of 4, Marja-Liisa asked her mother: “Where were we when Peter Pan flew” (5)

Salli and Eeva-Maija had seen the movie, Peter Pan, but Marja-Liisa had not.

Salli, while in the family’s kitchen, asked a servant to get a coat that had belonged to Eeva-Marija from the attic. Marja-Liisa was in her bedroom at the time and she did not hear this conversation. When the servant came downstairs from the attic, Marja-Liisa ran to him and grabbed the coat, saying: “My coat, my coat.” (6)

At about the age of five, Marja-Liisa asked Salli for the baby carriage that she had promised to her. This promise, of course, was made to Eeva-Maija, not Marja-Liisa.

Past Life Traits: Eeva-Marija and Marja-Liisa Don’t Eat Meat

IISISReincarnationResearchCharlestonMarja-Liisa resisted eating and she would hide food, like Eeva-Marija. She also refused to eat meat or sour milk. Instead, she preferred fish and fresh milk, like Eeva-Marija. All the other family members ate meat and sour milk; Eeva-Marija and Marja-Liisa were the only exceptions.

Marja-Liisa preferred to wear Eeva-Marija’s clothes and to play with her toys, rather than wear new clothes or play with toys that were bought for her.

Reincarnation & Past Life Talent: Spontaneous Charleston

Marja-Liisa loved music and began dancing almost before she could walk, as did Eeva-Marija. Even more impressive, Marija-Liisa, before the age of 3, spontaneously knew how to dance the Charleston.

Eeva-Marija was taught to do the Charleston, while Marija-Lissa was not. As such, Marija-Lissa was bringing a learned talent from her prior incarnation as Eeva-Marija into contemporary times.

Past Life Death Memories

IISISReincarnationResearchBuriedAliveWhen Marja-Liisa was about 5 years of age, the same age at which Eeva-Marija had died, Marja-Liisa experienced a series of nightmares of being buried or of seeing dead bodies. These experiences may have been due to the anniversary of Eeva-Marija’s death.

Anniversary phenomenon have been observed in reincarnation cases, such as in the case of John B. Gordon | Jeff Keene, who experienced jaw pain on his thirtieth birthday, the same age that John B. Gordon was shot in the jaw during the American Civil War.

Reincarnation & Physical Appearance

According to Salli, the girls’ mother, Marja-Liisa and Eeva-Marija looked the same. Salli stated that the two girls: “resembled each other considerably in physical appearance.” (7) The only difference was that Eeva-Maija was blonde while Maria-Liisa was a brunette.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

Soul Plan & Same Family Reincarnation: Eeva-Marija reincarnated into the same family that she belonged to before, as Marja-Liisa. This is supported by Marja-Liisa’s insistence of being called Eeva-Marija, even though the family purposely decided not to talk about Eeva-Marija to ease their grief.

In addition, Marja-Liisa recognized the clothes and toys of Eeva-Marija and claimed them as hers. She insisted that photos of Eeva-Marija were really images of herself. She demonstrated the same personality trait of being resistant to being fed. She also remembered the past life phrase that Salli used to entice Eeva-Maija into eating, which was: “Eat, bite and swallow.” (8)

Marja-Liisa also remembered the servant, Helim, who was employed by the family when Eeva-Marija was alive, but who had left a year before Marja-Liisa was born.

Reincarnation & Talent from a Past Lifetime: Marja-Lissa spontaneously knew how to dance the Charleston, though she was never taught to do this dance. Eeva-Marija was taught the Charleston, which she enjoyed dancing.

Reincarnation & Physical Resemblance: Salli, the girls’ mother, noted that Eeva-Marija and Marja-Lissa had the same physical appearance, except for hair color. Of course, since this is a same family reincarnation case, similar physical resemblance could be attributed to genetic factors.

Split Incarnation or Parallel Lives: Marja-Lissa was born 6 months after Eeva-Marija died. As such, if it is assumed that the soul is involved in the development of the fetus, then the soul of these two girls inhabited the physical bodies of Eeva-Marija and Marja-Lissa at the same time for a period of 6 months.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 141
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 142
8. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 140

Soul Plan, Spirit Being & Gender Change in Same Family Reincarnation: Past Life Story of Jaako Vuorenlehto | Taru Jarvi

A reincarnation research case that gives proof that a soul can plan future life from the spirit world. The reincarnation of Jaako Vuorenlehto a male as a female Taru Jarvi and she has perfect recall of past life.

How Derived: Memories in Childhood

Researcher: Ian Stevenson, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD

Soul Plan: As Children, Jaako & Iris Know They Will Be Married in the Future

IISISReincarnationResearchChildWeddingJaako Vuorenlehto was born on November 15, 1929 in Helsinki, Finland, to a Lutheran Christian family. His nick name was Jaska. As a child, Jaako seemed to have a destined relationship with a girl named Iris Sundstrum, who was born in 1935. As such, Iris was 6 years younger than Jaako. When they were children, the two only saw each other from a distance. They did not develop a romance until 1970, when Jaako was 40 years old.

Still, when Jaako was 18 years of age, Jaako told a friend, referring to Iris: “One day I will marry that girl.” (1)

At the same time, Iris, at 12 years of age, said to a friend, referring to the house that Jaako lived in: “One day I will live in that house.” (2)

As Jaako and Iris both had premonitions that they would be married in the future, these feelings indicate that they knew of a life destiny or plan. Several other reincarnation cases demonstrate that we do indeed plan future lifetimes from the spirit world.

Iris, though, initially married another man, with whom she had 3 children. Later in life, Jaako and Iris met, developed a friendship and fell in love. Iris subsequently divorced her first husband and in 1970, when Jaako was 40 and Iris was 34, they married. They enjoyed a very happy relationship.

Reincarnation, Gender Change & Jaako’s Feminine Side

Jaako had an unusual personality in that he enjoyed hobbies typically enjoyed by women. Though he liked male activities such as playing ice hockey, hunting and driving cars, he also enjoyed playing with dolls. Jaako liked to crochet, sew tablecloths and he was attracted to women’s clothing, which he would purchase for Iris.

Though Jaako was tall and thin, Iris noted that he tended to move in a feminine way. Despite these mannerisms and though he believed in reincarnation, Jaako never expressed a desire to be a woman.

Ian Stevenson noted that in 90 percent of his validated children’s reincarnation cases, gender stays the same from one lifetime to another, which infers that a particular soul has a preferred gender. As we see, Jaako will reincarnate as a woman and it may be that his feminine traits reflect his soul’s preference for female incarnations. It may also be that Jaako is soul who prefers to incarnate as male and female in an alternating fashion, thus experiencing the qualities of both sexes.

Jaako’s is Run Over by a Bus and is Killed

IISIS ReincarnationEvidenceYellowBusFrontViewOn September 13, 1973, when Jaako was 43 years old and only 3 years after marrying Iris, he was accidentally run over by a bus, just after he had exited the vehicle. A rear tire of the bus ran over his chest, neck and then his head. A physician examined Jaako just after the accident and declared him dead at the scene.

Soul Plan: From the Spirit Realm, Jaako as a Spirit Being Predicts his Reincarnation & Telepathically Informs Iris He will be Reborn as her Daughter

Just over a year after Jaako’s death, Iris became remarried to a man named Heikki Jarvi, her third husband. A year later, in September 1975, Iris visited Jaako’s grave and received a telepathic message from him.

Iris heard Jaako’s voice, who told her that he would be reborn to her as a daughter on May 27. Iris was 40 years old at the time. She was not pregnant at the time and she did not expect to get pregnant.

Nonetheless, Iris did become pregnant and gave birth to a girl on May 27, 1976, just as Jaako had predicted. The baby girl was named Taru, who was born less than 3 years after Jaako’s death.

Past Life Memory: Taru Tells her Parents her Name is Jaska

When Taru was only 1 year old, she told her parents that she had been run over by a bus. When she was 1 and a half years old, she told her parents: “I am not Taru; my name is Jaska.” (3) Recall that Jaska was Jaako’s nickname.

This incident is reminiscent of the Francesco Foscari | Wayne Peterson reincarnation case, as Wayne as a child also rejected his given name and insisted on being called “Francesco Foscari.”

When Taru was 3 and a half years old, she told her mother, Iris: “You are not my mother. I was left under a car and died. Don’t you know?” (4)

This is reminiscent of the reincarnation case of Anne Frank | Barbro Karlen, as Barbro also told her parents that they were not her real parents, and that her real parents would come get her and take her to her real home.

Reincarnation, Gender Change & Past Life Memories: Taru Recalls being a Man Killed by a Bus

Taru was then asked additional questions, such as whether she was a boy or girl when she died and what kind of vehicle killed her.

Taru replied: “Of course a boy, a big boy.” Regarding the vehicle, she said, “It was big. First died the stomach, then the head.” “I was taken to the hospital, but I was already dead by that time.” (5)

Tara repeatedly would say: “I was a big man.” (6) When she found a large toy car that had belonged to Jaako, she said that it was hers. She claimed that she had played with this toy car many times in the past.

Taru liked to keep a photo of Jaako by her bed, though she did not state specifically that it was a picture of her. Taru did say, though: “You do not have to be afraid of dying because I have died many times.” (7) She stated that in prior incarnation in Germany, she had a mother named Senya.

Reincarnation & Gender Change: Taru Asks for a Gun, Hockey Stick & Insists She is a Boy

As a child, Taru demonstrated a preference for play that is typical for boys. She played with toy soldiers and while doing so, she would wear a helmet and carry a toy gun. She asked her parents to buy her a real gun and a hockey stick, and she would pretend to drive a car. Recall that Jaako enjoyed hunting, playing hockey and driving cars.

Taru had a strong preference for boy’s clothing, in contrast to her step-sisters, who only liked feminine clothes. In playing with other children, she would never take the role of a girl, rather, she would insist, “I am a boy.” (8)

As an adult, Taru continued to demonstrate masculine dress by always wearing pants and never wearing make up.

Reincarnation & Gender Identity Issues in Two Lifetimes

Taru’s identification with the male gender appears to reflect her prior incarnation as Jaako, who conversely demonstrated feminine traits. This case shows how reincarnation can explain gender identity problems.

Taru’s Jealous Attitude towards her Father

Taru had a marked resentment against Heikki, her father, much like an ex-husband would resent a former wife’s new husband. Once she told Iris, referring to Heikki:

“He can go away and we can live together without him.” (9)

Taru told Heikki directly: “We do not need you. You should go away.” “You are only a visitor here.” (10)

In other words, it appears that Jaako, in the form of Taru, wanted to get rid of Heikki so that Iris could be reclaimed as a wife. Taru’s negative attitude towards Heikki and her possessive manner towards Iris eventually caused Heikki and Iris to live separately for periods of time.

A Past Life Phobia of Buses and of the Date that Jaako Died

IISISReincarnationResearchBusSnowWhen Taru was a year old, she developed a severe fear of buses, tractors and large autos. She would ask Iris to pick her up when a bus approached. In contrast, she was not afraid of small cars. This phobia of buses and large vehicles persisted until she was 19 years old.
Taru also had a superstitious fear of the thirteenth day of the month, which was the day that Jaako was run over by a bus.

Reincarnation & Physical Resemblance

Iris and Jaako’s mother (Taru’s grandmother) both noted a close resemblance in facial features and pigmentation between Jaako and Taru. In addition, Taru grew up to be tall and clumsy, just as Jaako had been. Taru grew to be taller than Heikki, her father.

Principles of Reincarnation & Understanding Past Lives

This very compelling reincarnation case, if accepted, demonstrates the following features:

Physical Resemblance: Iris and Jaako’s mother both noted a prominent facial resemblance between Jaako and Taru, who also had the common features of being tall and clumsy. Since Jaako reincarnated as the daughter of his surviving wife, Iris, and her new husband, Heikki Jarvi, there is no genetic link between Jaako and Taru. This is a same family reincarnation case based on marriage, not a common genetic line.

As such, this is an impressive case which demonstrates physical resemblance from one incarnation to another.

Soul Plan & Spirit Being Involvement in Reincarnation Case: After Jaako’s death, Iris received a telepathic message from him, while she was visiting his grave. Iris heard Jaako’s voice, who told her that he would be reborn to her as a daughter on May 27. Jaako’s prediction came true with Taru’s birth. As such, Jaako was clearly planning his next incarnation while in the spirit world.

In another indication of how lifetimes are planned before we are born, Jaako and Iris both had premonitions, as teenagers, that they would be married in the future. Jaako, at age 18, made the statement that he would marry Iris. Jaako and Iris did marry 22 years later, when Jaako was 40 years old. Prior to their marriage, Iris had married another man, with whom she had 3 children.

The delay in their premonitions coming true suggests that their marriage was not a self-fulfilling prophecy, rather, it appears that they were both aware of a destined relationship. As such, they likely had known each other before, in prior lifetimes.

Reincarnation cases such as this show that we do indeed make plans for our upcoming lifetimes from the spirit world. These plans become our destiny and love a first sight, or premonitions of marriage, are manifestations of our future life plans coming to fruition.

Please note that all same family reincarnation cases involve planning by the soul.

Same Family Reincarnation Case: Jaako reincarnated as his wife’s daughter, Taru. In other words, a spouse in one lifetime became a daughter in another.

Gender Change: Jaako, a male, reincarnated as a Taru, a female. Of interest, in the two lifetimes, traits typical of both genders were demonstrated. Jaako demonstrated feminine hobbies, such as playing with dolls, sewing and a fondness for women’s clothes. On the other hand, Taru behaved like a boy in playing with soldiers, helmets and guns. While Jaako liked women’s clothes, Taru dressed like a man.

Gender confusion based on past life experiences may be the basis of gender disorders, such as transsexualism.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 144
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 144
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 146
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 146
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 146
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 146
7. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 146
8. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 147
9. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 147
10.Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland, 2003, page 147


Child Reincarnation Story of Alessandrina Samona 1 and 2

A child Alessandrina died of meningitis at a very young age of 5, who later reincarnated as her younger sister. A reincarnation research case showing proof of reincarnation within the same family by Dr. Ian Stevenson, MD.

How Derived: Past Life Memories in Childhood, Spirit Being Guidance, Similarities in Appearance and Behavior

Researcher: Carmelo Samona, MD

From: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Ian Stevenson, MD

Article by Walter Semkiw, MD from Born Again: Reincarnation Cases Involving Evidence of Past Lives with Xenoglossy Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson

Alessandrina Dies of Meningitis

ReincarnationEviidenceBabyCamelo Samona was a medical physician in Palermo, Italy, who in 1911 published a report regarding a reincarnation case involving his daughter, Alessandrina. Carmelo’s wife’s name was Adele and in addition to their daughter, they had three sons.

Alessandrina contracted meningitis at the age of about 5 and she died on March 15, 1910.

From the Spirit Realm, Alessandrina Communicates through a Dream

Three days after Alessandrina’s death, her mother, Adele, had a dream of her dead daughter who said.

“Mother, do not cry, I have not left you, only withdrawn. Look! I am going to become small like this.” In the dream, Alessandria then made a gesture to indicate the size of a baby. She then said, “You will have to suffer again for me.” (1)

As a Spirit, Alessandrina Knocks on the Door


Three days later, Adele had the same dream. A few days after these dreams, Camelo and Adele both heard three loud knocks at their door. Their three sons also heard the knocks. The family opened the door, but no one was there.

On April 10, 1910, less than a month after Alessandrina had died, Adele realized she was pregnant. Due to the dreams and the knocks on the door, Camelo and Adele decided to participate in séances, hoping to better understand what was going on.

Alessandrina Communicates from the Spirit World

On May 4, 1910, Camelo and Adele participated in a mediumistic seance. In these sessions, a medium would pass on information from deceased individuals, souls in the spirit world, to the human beings who participated in the séance. Often times, deceased relatives of participants would communicate through the medium.

In a seance, Alessandrina came through and said that she had caused the there knocks on the door to draw attention to herself. She told her parents that she was coming back and that she would be born before Christmas. She said she would be very similar to before. She repeatedly said that she wanted all her family and friends to know that she was returning. Alessandrina said this so many times that Carmelo found it annoying.

ReincarnationEviidenceTwinsIn the seances, Adele and Camelo were also told that a second soul was around them and that this soul would be born with Alessandrina. In other words, Adele would have twins.

Through the medium, Alessandrina also told Adele and Camelo that after the third month of pregnancy, Alessandrina would not be able to communicate through the séances as she would be more attached to matter and as a result, would be sleeping.

Prophecies Come True & Reincarnation with Physical Resemblance

In August 1910, an obstetrician determined that Adele was indeed pregnant with twins. On November 22, 1910, twin girls were born. Adele and Camelo immediately realized that one of the girls bore an uncanny resemblance to Alessandrina. Due to the physical resemblance, they also called this girl Alessandrina, who we will refer to as Alessandrina 2. They named the other fraternal twin girl Maria. We will refer to the deceased daughter as Alessandrina 1.


Adele and Camelo noted marked similarities in appearance and behavior between Alessandrina 1 and 2, which contrasted with the appearance and behavior of Maria. When the girls where two and a half years old, Camelo published a report outlining these similarities and differences. They include the following.

Alessandrina 1 & 2 Have the Same Personality Traits & Reincarnation Phobias of Loud Noises & Barbers

At birth, Alessandrina 1 and 2 both had redness in the left eye, a rash called seborrhea behind the right ear and slight facial asymmetry. Maria did not have these features.

As toddlers, Alessandrina 1 and 2 were both quiet and liked to sit quietly in their mother’s lap. They didn’t like to play with toys, but they did like to play with other children. Maria, in contrast, was restless and liked to be on her own, playing with toys.

Alessandrina 1 and 2 had phobias of loud noises and of barbers, and they both disliked any cheese. They liked to fold and smooth clothing and cloth, such as sheets and towels. They both liked to play with shoes and put adult shoes on. Maria didn’t have phobias of noise or barbers and she liked cheese. She didn’t like to fold cloth or play with shoes.

Alessandrina 1 and 2 tended to speak in the third person. When fearful, they would say, “Alessandrina is afraid. (2) They also like to create pet names. For example, Aunt Cateria became Caterana. (3). They were both left handed, became interested in spiritual matters, but avoided housework.

Maria, in contrast, did not speak in the third person, didn’t modify names, was right-handed (like all the other family members) and wasn’t interested in spiritual affairs, but she did like housekeeping.

Photographs Confirm Alessandrina 1 & 2 Reincarnation Resemblance

5iisisalessandrinasamonareincarnationIn his report, Camelo published photos comparing Alessandrina 1 when she was almost 4 years old to Alessandrina 2 and Maria when the twins were 2 years old. The images showed that indeed, Alessandrina 1 and 2 both had the same facial asymmetry, in that the left eye was significantly closer to the midline than the right. The folds of the eyelids were similarly asymmetric. Adele thought that in physical appearance, Alessandrina 2 matched Alessandrina 1 “perfectly,” except that 1 was darker in complexion. (4)

Alessandrina 2 Remembers the Past Life Visit of Alessandrina 1 to the Church in Monreale & the Priests Who Wore Red

Camelo also reported a past life memory that Alessandrina 2 had when she was 8 or 9 years old. Camelo and Adele proposed to their children that they take a vacation trip to the city of Monreale, where they would tour the great Norman church in that city. Adele said to their girls:

“When you go to Monreale, you will see some sights you have never seen before.”

Alessandrina 2 then responded:

“But Mama, I know Monreale. I have already seen it.” (5)

Adele then told her daughter that she had never been to Monreale. Alessandriana 2 then protested:

IISISReincarnationEviidenceMonreale“Yes I have. I have been there. Don’t you remember that there is a great church there with a huge man on the roof with his arms spread out? And do you not remember how we went there with a lady who had horns, and we met some small priests who wore red?” (6)

Adele and Camelo were stunned by their daughter’s response. They did not recall ever speaking to her about Monreale and they were puzzled by her reference to a woman who had horns.

Adele then remembered that a few months before Alessandriana 1’s death, they had taken to her to Monreale to see the church there. On this trip, they had taken a female friend who had a skin condition that involved prominent, protruding lesions or bumps on the forehead, which could be interpreted by a child as horns.

Adele also recalled that just as they were entering the church, they met Orthodox priests who were wearing blue robes decorated with red. Adele and Camelo also remembered that Alessandrina 1 took great notice of the woman with the skin condition on her forehead and by the priests they had met at the church.

Is This a Reincarnation Case?

IISISReincarnationEviidenceMonrealeChurchThe similarities in physical appearance and behavior between Alessandrina 1 and 2 could be explained by genetics, as they were born from the same parents.

A factor that supports that the similarities are related to the reincarnation includes observations of spirit being guidance. Adele had dreams in which Alessandrina 1 said she would be reborn to Adele. In addition, Adele participated in seances in which Alessandrina 1 said that she would be reborn with a twin, which came true.

The shared phobias of barbers and of loud noises support Alessandrina 2 being the reincarnation of Alessandrina 1.

Most importantly, Alessandrina 2 had memories of the visit to the church in Monreale, of the woman with horns on her forehead and the monks in robes with red, which all correspond to events that occurred in the life of Alessandrina 1.

Understanding Past Lives & Principles of Reincarnation

Physical appearance remains the same from one incarnation to another.

Personality traits remain consistent. As toddlers, Alessandrina 1 and 2 were both quiet and liked to sit quietly in their mother’s lap. They didn’t like to play with toys, but they did like to play with other children. They both disliked any cheese, liked to fold and smooth clothing and cloth, such as sheets and towels, and they liked to play with shoes and put adult shoes on. Alessandrina 1 and 2 tended to speak in the third person. They also like to create pet names. Maria, the sister of Alessandrina 2, did not share these traits.

Phobia from a Past Lifetime: This case demonstrates that phobias can persist from one incarnation to another, as Alessandrina 1 and 2 both had phobias of loud noises and of barbers.

Relationships Renewed through Reincarnation: This case shows that souls can reincarnate in the same family.

Spirit Being Involvement: Alessandrina 1 was able to predict from the spirit world, through a medium, of her coming birth with a twin sister before Christmas, which did occur.

According to Alessandrina 1, after three months of pregnancy the soul becomes more closely attached to the physical plane, to the extent that communication between the soul and humans, through mediums, becomes more difficult. In short, the soul becomes more attached to the fetus at three months of pregnancy.

Split Incarnation: If it is assumed that the soul is involved with the fetus from the time of conception, this represents a case of split incarnation, as Alessandrina 2 was born only 8 months after the death of Alessandrina 1. In other words, the soul of the Alessandrinas was already involved with the fetus of Alessandrina 2, while Alessandrina 1 was still alive.

This type of split incarnation case, in which a soul is involved with a pregnancy while it animates a living person at the same time, was also observed in the Hanan Monsour | Suzanne Ghanem reincarnation case, which was also researched by Ian Stevenson, MD.


1. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 24
2. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 24
3. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 25
4. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 25
5. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 26
6. Stevenson, Ian: European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, McFarland & Co, 2002, page 26